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December 02, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-12-02

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

a t1

Warmer in the afternoon
and evening.

VOL. LXXI, No. 60





Kennedy Names


illiams, Ribicoff to Key Pos
* * * * * * * *

-AP Wirephoto
NEWLY-APPOINTED-Outgoing Myichigan Governor G. Mennen
Williams was yesterday named assistant secretary of state for
African affairs. He is shown with GOP incumbent Joseph C.
GIves Cabinet Job
To Eastern Leader
WASHINGTON (A-John F. Kennedy started forming his cabinet
yesterday by tapping Gov. Abraham Ribicoff, an old friend and
early Kennedy-for-President rooter, as his Secretary of Health, Edu-
cation and Welfare.
In this job, the 50-year-old Ribicoff would play a key role in
some of the programs Kennedy has labeled for priority consideration
by the new Congress-aid to education, medical care far the aged
and the like.
Standing at Kennedy's side as the announcement was made,
Ribicoff declared his philosophy in this general field "is on all
' fours with the philosophy of

To Work
On Africa
Cites Challenges
To U.S. in Area
President-elect John F. Ken-
nedy today appointed Gov. G.
Mennen Williams as an assistant
secretary-of state.
The selection of Williams was
the first announced choice of any-
one for either a cabinet or sub-.
cabinet post. He will be in charge
of African affairs, a post which
Kennedy called a position of re-
sponsibility second to none.
States Goal
Williams declined to spell out
his ideas on what the United
States should do in Africa. "What
we have to do is to bring the
American people to understand,
appreciate and finally support the
great many challenges Africa;
offers," he said.
State Democratic chairman Neil,
Staebler said that the party was3
"delighted" that Williams was ap-
pointed to the post. "It is a further
source of pride to Michigan Demo-
crats that Williams is the first
appointment made by Kennedy,"
he said,
Williams plans a brief tour of
Africa between New Year's Day
and Jan. 20, Kennedy's inaugu-
ration date. He is known to be
informed on Africa through many
sources, including discussions with
members of the University faculty.
'Grasp' Praised
"I have had occasion to acquaint
myself with the views of Gov
Williams on Africa," Prof. Henry
L. Bretton of the political science
department commented. "I have
been greatly impressed by his
grasp of fundamental problems
and especially by a keen awareness
of where countries can be im-
The appointment of a non-
career man to the State Depart-
ment strengthens the nation's
foreign relations, provided the man
has the interest and the ability, he
The appointment of Williams
"provides clear evidence to the
the African leaders that the Ken-
nedy administration will be cog-
nizant of the real problems of
Africa. "He has demonstrated in
recent years a personal commit-
ment to the advancement of racial
minorities in the United States."
Cook County
Board Speeds
Vote Recount
CHICAGO (P)-Reacting to a
storm of Republican protest, Cook
County's two Democratic - con-
trolled election boards agreed yes-
etrday to speed up a recheck of
ballots and to expand its scope.
Twenty-five checking teams were
added to assist the Chicago Board
of Election Commissioners which
earlier had reviewed only five of
863 Chicago precincts in two days'










'U' Officials
At Stalemate
With Soviets

ICites Intent
TO Increase
Work Load
Would Accept Jobs
As Needed, Employ
Federal, Other Aid

Citizens Arm
To Support
CARACAS (AP) - Armed civilians
rallied to President Romulo Betan-
court's h a r a s s e d democratic
government last night and fired
on rioting leftist arsonists.
The shooting was touched off by
attempts of young student rebels
to burn a bus. Scattered gunfire
between the opposing factions con-
tinued for 20 minutes until na-
tional guardsmen took over against
the demonstrators. There were no
reports of injuries.
It was the first time civilian
government supporters turned on
the leftists who have staged a
bloody week-long rebellion for a
Castro-type government to re-
place the Betancourt regime.
The support of the civilians was
reflected in rank-and-file labor
union members who have generally
backed Betancourt in attacks from
both the right and left.
The fight between the civilians
and the leftists was in the Plaza
Venezuela near the students' self-
styled "Stalingrad" dormitory in
the University of Caracas where
some 250 young hard-core Marx-
ists are barricaded.
The entrenched students opened
fire from their fortress to cover
the advance of a band that had
sallied out to burn the bus.
Police are barred by law from
entering the university, which is
supposed to be responsible for its
own disipline. The government
also has been cautious to avoid
bloodshed when possible, fearing
a deterioration of the situation.
Also, the university, as is tra-
ditional in Latin American coun-
tries, has the status of a sanc-
tuary the government is reluctant
to violate.
IQC Approves
Study in Quads

President-elect Kennedy."
Kennedy hinted that he had
tried and failed to get Republican
Robert A. Lovett, former defense
secretary and under secretary of
state, into his administration. He
has been mentioned prominently
for a position in the Kennedy ad-
ministration in either depart-
ment, partly as one who would
bring a measure of bipartisanship
to the new regime.
Foreshadowing the possible ap-
pointment of a budget director,
Kennedy told newsmen his first
maller today will be Prof. David'
Bell of Harvard University.
Another Kennedy news confer-
ence on the steps of his home has
been set for 10:30 a.m. today for
announcement of an appointment
to the administration; Kennedy
has said he intends to disclose his
selection for budget director or
someone to stand in until he
makes the choice.
Prof. Bell is an expert on pub-
lic administration and an old hand'
in Washington.
Asked about other cabinet ap-
pointments-there are nine to go
-Kennedy said, "All these ap-
pointments wil be coming along
in the next few days."

'U' Rol

Russians Frustrate
Faculty Exchange
University officials reached a
stalemate in their negotiations
with the Soviet government to
organize a faculty exchange pro-
A delegation of University offi-
cials suggested the exchange of
college faculty and Russian edu-,
cators during their visit to Russia
in May, 1959. "The people we
spoke to seemed very receptive at
the time, and we think that they
sincerely want to cooperate," Vice-
President for University Relations
Lyle Nelson, who was in the visit-
ing delegation said. "It is simply
the problem of political feelings
which are holding us back."
As one of the stipulations of the
faculty exchange, the University
wants the right to select the pro-
fessors of their choice in specific
areas of need at the University.
These areas would be Slavic lan-
guages and literature, engineering,
mathematics, and the sciences,
Nelson commented.
The University is negotiating
through the State Department's
program for visiting professors of
foreign countries, an agreement
made with Russia in 1958 and
since renewed, providing for an
exchange of faculty, students, and
educational materials with the+
United States. This is the pro-
cedure followed in selecting all
visiting foreign professors.1
Columbia and Harvard Univer-
sities are two institutions which
have exchange agreements with
Moscow and Leningrad universities
respectively, Nelson said.
Although these programs have
only been in effect for one year at
these colleges, they have already
met with disappointment. Both
universities report that they have
not been able to obtain the teach-
ers they wanted for the necessary
length of time. The University of
California at Berkeley has also
initiated this program.
"McGill University has also
shown interest in this area," Nel-
son said. "They secured a grant
from the Ford Foundation hoping
to obtain a Russian economics
professor in exchange for a lec-
turer on the free enterprise sys-
tem. We were hoping that his
program would work out, so we
could follow suit, but it has been
unsuccessful so far."

University President HaI
Hatcher yesterday staked out
the University a primary role
"higher higher education" -
vanced doctoral and post-docto
research and training.
The University, he said, alre
provides for work of this I
with such facilities as the
stitute of Science and Technolc
the Mental Health Research
stitute, the Children's Psychia
Unit and various medical and i
lic health research projects.
is prepared to do more, as
need arises.
A big portion of the costs of
advanced work are an will
borne by the federal governm(
with additional aid coming i
industry, private individuals
the state.
Dedication Speech
The President sketched out
University's intent in a speedb
the dedication of the new Pb
macy Research Bldg.-itself
example of University worlk
higher higher education -
later amplified on his stateme

-Daily-Len Lofstrom
PHARMACY RESEARCH--The University yesterday dedicated its newest building, the pharmacy
research laboratory qA Church St. It represents partial fulfillment of what University President
Harlan Hatcher characterizes as the University's responsibility in "higher higher education," ad-
vanced doctoral and post-doctoraj training and research.
Daily Ca0ToGet NwBoard

Plans for the organization of a
consultative board for the Daily'
Californian should be completed
by next week, George Link, student
body president at the University
of California at Berkeley, said
Applications will be open to any
students, Link added, and inter-
views will be held as soon. as pos-
sible. The board will also include
faculty and administrators.
The board is being created as a
result of the campus election last
week. Although no definite legis-
lation on Daily Caleditorial con-
trol was passed, the student body
expressed dissatisfaction with the
present Executive Committee -
Daily Cal relationship.
"The obvious result was that
Ex Com should try to provide a
free yet responsible press," Link
said, explaining the establishment
of the board.
One proposal on the ballot would
have released Daily Cal control
from the Ex Com and created a
separate consultative board with
final authority over staff appoint-
ments, finances and bylaws of the
paper. This amendment was put

on the ballot - through petitions
gathered by the ad hoc Committee
for an Independent>Press.
It received a majority vote, but
two-thirds of the ballots cast were
needed for a constitutional revi-
The other amendment, proposed
by Ex Coin, provided for an ap-
pointed consultative board with
final authority over staff appoint-
ments. Finances of the paper and
regular bylaws would continue "as
under the present constitutional
provisions," the ballot read. The
proposal was defeated.

Also rejected was a referendum,
proposed by the ad hoc committee,
asking if Ex Com should accept
the resignations of the Senior
Editorial Board. The board, led
by editor Dan Silver, resigned en
masse a month ago, in protest to
censure by Ex Com for its en-
dorsemeit of a student govern-
ment candidate.
The election results implied that
"voters were dissatisfied with what
Ex Com had done," Silver said.
Since the ad hoc committee
amendment had failed, however,
"things are right back where they
were a month ago."

Second Soviet Space Ship
Orbits Carrying Two Dogs
MOSCOW (MP)-Another big Soviet space ship carrying two dogs
was rocketed into orbit yesterday.
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev hailed the feat as "a great victory
and a step to man's flight into space."
The Russians may try to return the five-ton vehicle today if
htey follow the pattern of last August, when they put two other dogs
into space and brought them back alive after 24 hours aloft. A late

American education, he
faces the problem of huge inc:
in the corpus of knowledge v
individual mental capacity rem
stable. Consequently, a
ordering of knowledge is ne
and at the same time, sch
and researchers must go
speed ahead in creating and
corporating" new ideas.
The "superstructure of rese
and training," higher higher
cation, for which few institu
are prepared, will provide n
of the solution to these prob
Present Strength
Using its present strengt
advanced study, the Univers:
ready to further enlarge and
pand the scope of its operatic
the area.
It is perhaps pre-enine
advanced social science
President Hatcher said, an
natural science and medica
search facilities are also im
Outside support is most liki
come in areas where the Un
sity is already strong.
(This tends to have a
multiplying effect, he addec
caus, the , experience Univ
faculty and students gain in
advanced projects is likely t
tract even more work.)
Federal Support
Advanced work is not en,
a state responsibility so the fe
government already has sub;
tially aided the University,
manily in the, areas of p
health and natural scienci
search and in atomic energy
dies. Defense research is als
important University task,
(Federal support tends to c
a national "division of i
among universities specializi
different research areas, Pres
Hatcher added. For inst
funds for research concernec
defense tend to go to four ui
sities-Massachusetts Institi
Technology, The Universiti
Chicago and California and
The new pharmacy labor
cost $1.25 million with $34
coming from federal funds,
industry and individuals prov
the rest.

Gottlieb Sees Tigorous' Work by President-elect

President-elect John F. Kennedy
will work "vigorously" to further
the cause of world disarmament,
Sanford Gottlieb, national politi-
cal-action director of the Com-
mittee for Sane Nuclear Policy
said yesterday.
Gottlieb came to Ann Arbor for
a short visit with local SANE
officials while en route to a two-
day Lansing conference on "Sur-
vival, Disarmament and Your Job"
with labor union personnel.
Position Paradox
"Kennedy is pledged to a seem-
ingly paradoxical position of more
arms and more disarmament," he
"He wants to negotiate from a
nositinn nf strength by building a

Before 1958 the Eisenhower Ad-
ministration refused to negotiate
with the Russians on any pro-
posals other than their own "pack-
age program," Gottlieb said.
Finally relenting to public pres-
sure, the administration agreed to
confer only on technological mat-
Too Few People
But 100 people working under
nine agencies were not enough to
provide adequate background for
the negotiators, he added.
The Atomic Enery Commission
is the strongest governmental op-
ponent of disarmament, Gottlieb
"They're people who believe that
our security is based on having the
greatest stockpile possible. This is

"don't believe in destroying the
world for the sake of settling dif-
"Kennedy is going to be the kind
of president who will allow no
inter-agency rivalry to undermine
his policies."
The United States should not
have ignored the Repacki Plan of
Poland which provided for the re-
moval of all foreign troops from
Europe, Gottlieb said.
"The first step towards liber-
ating the eastern European coun-
tries is to get the Reds off their
backs," he explained.
Asks Tax Cut
Furthermore conservative and
liberal economists agree that a
tax cut could be used to take up

"bulletin said the dogs were bear-
ing up under the stresses of the
Return Undecided
Khrushchev said he did not
know if his scientists will try
to return the space ship and its
dog-carrying capsule intact, as
the scientists said they did on
Aug. 20.
"Probablythey will," he told re-
porters at a reception he gave in
the Kremlin for Prince Norodom
Sihanouk, visiting Cambodian
chief of state. "But scientists
know better than I do. I haven't
talked to anyone about it."
The launching drew praise from
scientists of East and West as-
sembled at the Pugwash Confer-
ence to discuss disarmament in
the nuclear age. But two promi-
nent Britons at the meeting ex-
pressed strong disapproval be-
cause so much money is being
spent on space research.

Briton Disapproves
Philip Noel-Baker, winner of
the 1959 Nobel Peace Prize, said

r tEl


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