Season Sees Many Odd Gifts'
Mhen you're down and out, lift
our head and shout-HELP."
As is an excerpt from one of
best of beat Christmas buys
e found this year, a paperback
d volume of contemporary
s in 194 pages, featuring com-
lilustrations and a highly
mable cover.
r the drinker who likes quiet
rtainment as he imbibes, pack-
of cocktail napkins are avail-
with various colors (black and
e) and mottos such as "Fa-
rity Breeds Families."
so for the casual drinker in
"19th hole caddy." The mini-
e golf club is actually a one or
ounce jigger, complete with
hidden bottle opener and cork-
screw. Jutting from the bag are
eight golf-club shaped swizzle
For the not-too-casual drinker,
a handy-dandy compact hangover
pack is now on sale in many stores.
A neat, easy to carhry plastic bag
contains a can of tomato juice, an
ice bag, aspirin, chewing gum and
For the cosmopolitan drinker, an
inexpensive gift is a large metal
bottle opener with toasts and ex-
pressions of best wishes printed on
it in 16 languages. Also, when it is
wrapped and padded, it feels quite
luxurious and mysterious because
of its weight and strange shape.
If a friend really' appreciates
I i
r .r
liquor, any time, any place, an ap-
propriate gift Is a small tube of
rye flavored toothpaste,
One of the best presents for'
anybody, not only the lonely, is a
sculptured white blob called the
"nebbish." It makes no pretense to
fame as its box clearly states: "I
don't honk, I don't squeak, I don't
even jingle. I just listen . . "
This pale devoted friend comes
in many sizes and forms. It is
available in a decorative desk size
and also in a small version, with a
suction cupped bottom so that it
can be lovingly attached to its
master's car dashboard or bicycle
Two dimensional nebbishes (neb-
bi?) also come on stationery, gum-
med labels and even iron-on pat-
ches (for the boy who goes to
Every year the market offers
gifts for "the person who has
everything" Currently in this cate-
gory are a mink fishhook and a
mink ladies' razor. (Which is a
waste of darned good mink. Think
what could be made with all those
thousands of little pieces. A mink
patchwork quilt . .
Fbr the sports minded ac-
quaintance who isn't very well
liked, a set of three trick golf balls
could easily and successfully break
off the friendship. They explode
during a drive and roll crazily dur-
ing a putt.
A new low was reached in the
traditional Christmas stocking fill-
ers. Now available is a smooth
stone with a red stocking painted
on it and the inscription, "Here's
a rock for your sock."
Make Presents
For Beatniks
Christmas gifts for beat friends
are often hard to find, but this
year a whole new group has come
to light.
For the beat chick, a new item
in pre-dirtied blue jeans which
can be worn in ensemble with
black sweaters and sweat-shirts
which have that stylish hole-in-
elbow look.
For the beat female who is un-
fortunately blessed with blond
curly hair a hair straightener-
darkener kit is on the market to-
gether with a year's supply of
mascara as a bonus.
To Decorate
For Holiday
Deck the halls with house coun-
cil announcements and exchange
dinner sign-up sheets
This is the theme throughout
the year in the women's residence
halls and cooperative houses which
bear a minimum of seasonal dec-
Comes Christmas, however and
the lounges and corridors are or-
namented with tinsel, spangles,
and boughs of holly befitting the
holiday season.
Betsy Barbour ;
"Wintergreen" is this year's
theme for Besty Barbour House's
will be decorated with wreathes
annual Christmas dance. The
house will be decorated with
wreathes and shiny red ribbon.
Women will welcome their hates
entering the living room through
a large wreath encircling the en-
tire doorway.,
At Stockwell Hail a "Hanging
of the Greens" party will usher
in the Christmas spirit. There
the women will participate in dec-
oratiing the dorm and trimming
the traditional tree with holly and
Unlike the larger residence halls,
Adelia Cheever House will take on
the appearance of home at Christ-
mas time.
Mary Markley
Mary Markley Hall participates
in the holiday spirit as well. This
dorm will have not one, but elev-
en Christmas trees this year dec-
orating the lobby, the main
lounges, the dining rooms, and the
snack bar Each house will be re-
sponsible for trimming one of
the trees
Helen Newberry Residence will
be turned into a Swiss Chalet for
their annual Christmas dance.
This European Christmas theme
will take over the whole house.
"And you can be sure we'll have
lots of mistletoe around," one of
the women in charge of the festi-
vities commented.
Undoubtedly the most tradition-
al Christmas decoration on cam-
pus is the annual door decorating
contest. Fach year the women try
to outdo their neighbors in reli-
gious or novelty type decorations.
Corridor Decor
Parodies on Christmas poems as
well as artistically drawn nativity
scenes brighten up the residence
hall corridors.
The more sophisticated women
turn to the contemporary greeting
cards for ideas with which to dec-
orate their doors. A Committee
composed of housemothers is se-
lected to judge the decorations
and distribute the awards to the
But the decorations remain up
for but a short time. During vaca-
tion the dorms are cleaned and
all ornamentation must be re-
And so women come back again
after New Years to find house
council announcements and ex-
change dinner sign-up sheets
again decorating the corridor
walls and bulletin boards.
Other Nations
Mark Holiday
Christmas is a season for gifts
and joy in Belgium. The children
leave tidbits in their wooden shoes
for Santa Claus' reindeer, much
the same as in Holland, and then
they hang up their stockings. In
the morning the oats and tidbits
have disappeared - replaced by
The chimes in the five-hundred-
year-old cathedral in Antwerp
chime 99 bells on Christmas day
to summon the worshippers to
Hundreds of gaily dressed, sing-
ing children precede the services
in a colorful procession - carrying
emblems and streamers. Priests
and church dignataries in gold-
embroidered, jeweled robes follow
- chanting religious songs.
The Finnish house, following
weeks of Christmas preparation,
is ready for holiday celebrations
by noon of Christmas day.
Suspended from the ceiling is
a straw framework which is de-
corated with paper stars, sugges-
tive of heaven.
When lighted from below by the
firelight and the Christmas tree
candles, it produces a mysterious
effect in the room.
Each year winter and Christ-
mas come around, strictly for the
amusement of little boys and girls.
Children are the ones who go
outdoors in the snow and enjoy
it, rather than complaining about
They build snowmen and snow
forts with great effort, even
though they know that it is only
a matter of time until their pre-
cious constructions are melted
down to form a soggy mud be-
neath their feet.
They go sledding on any near-
by hill, and for each downhill
slide, they trudge the long slope
back to the top, pulling their sleds
behind them.
They make snow angels and
have snowball fights, and they pick
up the cold white flakes in their
mittens and look at it-and some-
times eat it.
They visit department stores and
huddle around the great displays
of toys, bicycles, d6lls and such,
exclaiming in wonder at the iin-
mense profusion and wondering
what Santa will bring them.
They sit on Santa's knee and
prod his huge tummy while they
tell him what they want for
But most of all, they just have
What goes down, must come up - but it's fun!
A lot of effort, but it was worth it.
Fine Salads & Sandwiches
serving WINES and BEERS from all over the world
Recommended by DUNCAN HINES and GOURMET
2045 Packard
Catering at Your Home or Hall
NO 2-1661
- Picnics Henry Turner, Prop.
Will Santa bring this ?.
One snow, one slope, and whee . . .
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