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November 30, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-30

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Russia Delivers Attack
Against Hammarskjold'
OverCongo Financing

Segregation Fight Continu

I ,

4 ,.

Rockefeller Announces.
Plans to Seek Re-election

,ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)-Nelson A,
Rockefeller said yesterday he
would run for re-election in 1962
as governor and thus indicated
continued interest in moving into
the White House.
The Republican governor, who
competed for the GOP presiden-
tial nomination this year, dis-
missed the possibility of the 1964
nomination as of no concern at
this time.
But he declined to recognize
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon
as the party's national leader, and
the fact that he hopes to remain
as governor was interpreted as a
sign he would be a presidential
contender if re-elected in New
First News Conference
Rockefeller commented at a
packed news conference, his first
since Nixon lo'st to Democrat John
F. Kennedy in the Nov. 8 presi-
dential election.
Rockefeller had competed with
Nixon for the nomination and
later criticized Nixon's stands on
several issues. But, after Nixon
won the nomination, he and
Rockefeller reached an agreement
and Rockefeller campaigned for
Nixon 'Important'
Today, the governor said a par-
ty without a president in office
lacked an actual head, except
possibly the party's national
Tabulations Show
Kennedy In Front
181 precincts unaccounted for
out of 166,064, tabulations of the
presidential vote yesterday show-
ed Sen. John F. Kennedy's plur-
ality is now 180,180 over Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon.
The popular vote, including of-
ficial returns in 31 states and
unofficial in 19, stood: Kennedy
34,120,496, Nixon 33,940,316. Total
major party vote: 68,060,812.

He did say that Nixon had a
"tremendously important part to
play in uniting and strengthen-
ing" the party, which Rockefeller
said "must get closer to the peo-
For himself, Rockefeller said
his national role would be that of
a party leader.
The office of New York state
governor, Rockefeller said, is sec-
ond in its opportunity for leader-
ship only to the office of Presi-
He refused to speculate on the
ice-President's political future
and, despite persistent question-
ing, would not be drawn into what
he termed a "post-mortem" of the
Republican electoral defeat.
FBI Arrests
Spy's Brother
For Espionage
NEW YORK i) - Dr. Roberti
Soble, a supervising psychiatrist
at a big state mental hospital, was
arrested yesterday on Federal
charges of wartime spying for
Soviet Russia.
The government called him a!
member of an espionage ring
headed by his brother, now im-!
Dr. Soble, 60, whose legal name
is "Soblen," is a brother of Jack
Sable, 57, serving a seven year
prison sentence since 1957 for es-
pionage,. Dr. Soble faces a possi-1
be"death penalty,
The government said the doc-
tor's particular espionage target
was America's World War II intel-
ligence agencies, including the
hush-hush Office of Strategic
Dr. Soble was arrested yester-
day as he left Rockland State
Hospital at Orangeburg, New
York, on his way to lunch.
FBI agents brought him to New
York, where he maintains a med-
ical office.

Reds Demand
End To Chaos;
Refuse To Pay
Soviet Union yesterday demanded
an end to the vast United Nations
operation in the Congo on the
grounds Secretary-General Dag
Hammarskold had bankrupted
the UN in order to pay for it.
The demand came in the UN
kssembly's budgetary committee
ifter the United States announced
it will contribute about $14 mil-
lion more than its normal share
of the Congo operation, and ap-
pealed to all UN members to help
shoulder the financial burden in-
Collective Responsibility
Sen. George D. Aiken (R-Vt.),
a member of the United States
delegation, said the UN Congo
operation "is the collective re-
sponsibility of all members of
this organization and we must all
contribute-and make our contri-
butions commensurate with our
ability to pay."
But Soviet delegate A. A. Ros-
chin replied that his country
would not pay any part of an
operation he asserted was dictat-
ed by the United States and oth-
er Western powers.
He unleashed a blistering at-
tack on Hammarskjold, accusing
him of illegally bringing the UN
into bankruptcy by carrying out
the Congo operation on behalf of
the United States and its allies.
Treasury Empty
Hammarskjold has warned the
UN its treasury will be empty by
the end of the year unless mem-
bers pay up their regular assess-
ments and an estimated $66 mil-
lion to carry the Congo operation
through the end of this year. 11e
has said that unless this is done
the UN will have to withdraw the
20,000-man force now in the Con-
Roschin charged Hammarskjold
with pursuing a financial policy
that will jeopardiz, all UN oper-
"Urgent measures must be un-
dertaken to stop the unconstitu-
tional Congo expenses which have
brought about the financial crisis
of the UN," he declared.
Demands Proposals
He demanded that Hammarsk-
jold submit concrete proposals at
once outlining such measures and
also providing for an end to the
entire UN Congo operation.
Rosehin objected vigorously to
Hammarskjold's proposal, endors-
ed by the United States, that the
Congo operation be made a part
of the regular UN budget for 1960.
U.S. Suspends
Aid to Israel
ed States and Israel have agreed
to discontinue the United States
technical aid program in Israel,
the State Department announced
The program, employing 37
American technical experts in Is-
rael, will end in June, 1962.
The decision, press officer Lin-
coln White said, was based on
"the remarkable advance" in
technological skill made by Israel.
The discontinuance of techni-
cal assistance to Israel will enable
the United States to redirect its
technical aid resources to the
newly - developing countries of
Africa and Asia, White explained.
The discontinuance of this pro-
gram does not affect other forms
of United States economic assist-
ance to Israel, he said.

-AP Wirephoto
ARMY QUELLS RIOTS-Venezuelan National Guardsmen, under
orders to shoot troublemakers on sight, hunt down leftist rioters
in an effort to halt a five-day uprising in Caracas which has
brought a death toll of six. Troops were also sent to guard the
big oil fields from sabotage.
Army QuietsVenezula
A fter Intermittent Riots

NEW ORLEANS (M---Segrega-
tionist legislators and mothers of
white New Orleans school children
yesterday continued their fight to
keep the city's school-"segregated.
Angry white mothers-vowing a
boycott blockade of integrated
schools to the finish-jousted with
New Orleans police.
Reluctantly, amid yells and
screams, the mothers broke their
mass picket line under pressure
from shoving police. A young
white Protestant minister escort-
ed his five-year-old daughter in-
to William Frantz school.
White Girl Attends
The little daughter of the Rev.
Lloyd Foreman was one of four
white children to attend the
school along with one Negro girl.
A Catholic priest, the Rev.
Father Jerome Drolet of suburban
Kenner, walked through the
crowd. Father Drolet had accom-
panied Mr. Foreman into the
school Monday.
A mother yelled: "Communist!"
Another shouted: "The Bible
doesn't say we have to integrate."
Language became heated. The
besieged mothers shouted that
they had the right to take their
children into any school they
wished. As they drove off, pickets
beat and kicked the car in frustra-
Boycott Holds
Mainly, the boycott of the two
integrated schools - William
Frantz and McDonogh No. 19--
held firm. Two more white chil-
dren entered William Frantz-a
total of four-against Monday's
two. But, at McDonogh No. 19,
for the second day no white chil-
dren entered.
In Baton Rouge, a leader in the

administration of Gov. Jimmie H.-
Davis, said a 21-member liaison
group of the Louisiana Legislature
had been formed to unify strategy
in the fight against integration,
One of the strategic lines may
be the boycott. A 1922 Louisiana
law says no school may be kept
open with an average attendance
of 10 or fewer.
Approval Needed
The school board may decide
such a school may be kept open
but this decision must be approv-
ed by state school officials. The
state superintendent of educa-
tion, Shelby Jackson, is an ardent
and militant segregationist.
f .
U.S. Official
Resigns Post
WASHINGTON (P)--Lawrence
G. Derthick, Commissioner of Ed-
ucation since 1956. is resigning
to become Assistant Executive
Secretary of the National' Educa-
tion Association, it was learned
An announcement of the shift
is expected as soon as Derthick's
resignation is accepted by Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Neither Derthick nor NEA of-
ficials would comment. But it was
learned the NEA hopes Derthick
will be able to take up his new
duties by Jan. 1.
The NEA is the world's largest
professional organization, with a
membership of more than 700,000
ranging from kindergarten teach-
ers to university presidents.

The Legislature -app
marking time until they se
the federal court is going
with the most recent leg
neuvers-went into a cont
of its marathon spegial sess
A three-judge federal cc
before it pleas to susper
porarily its school integra
der and to abandon it all
er. A decision is expected
Even counting the boy
the two integrated schoo
senteeism in New Orleani
schools yesterday shrunk
a little above normal. Disc
the boycott, absences wen
age yesterday-4,01$ of
white students, elementa
The New Orleans commui
almost totally involved in
tegration struggle, even ti
massive Catholic parochial
system. No date has been
integration of parochial
reports the Rev. Fr. Henry
but it is in the apparent o
See the .mast tal

CARACAS (MP)-The army re-
stored relative calm to shaken
Caracas yesterday after a night
of bloody rioting by leftists ac-
cused of trying to impose a Cub-
an-style revolution intVenezuela.
But as the death toll rose to
six from five days of disorders,
the government sent national
World News
By The Associated Press
--A United Nations company of,
100 Nigerian soldiers, in Katanga
Province for three days, opened up
with deadly sten guns when tribes-
men tried to ambush them Mon-
A Katanga government spokes-
man said 30 tribesmen were killed.
The scene of the battle, with
warrior bows and arrows against
high powered weapons, was 300
miles north of here in central
* * *
independent Republic of Mauri-
tania applied yesterday for mem-
bership in the United Nations. The
Security Council probably will
meet later in the week to consider
the application. If admitted, the
former French territory in Africa:
would be the 100th member of the
world organization,
PARIS--West Germany, through
its envoy to Paris, came out yes-
terday in support of the Norstad
Plan for making the North Atlan-
tic Treaty Organization an atomic
Ambassador Herbert Blanken-
horn made clear at a luncheon
meeting of the French Diplomatic
Press Association that he was re-
flecting the views of Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer.

guardsmen into the big oil fields
to guard the vital industry from
President Romulo Betancourt
ordered the guardsmen to pro-
tect pumping installations and re-
fineries in both Eastern and
Western Venezuela after a morn-
ing conference with the military
Leftists Active
Leftists still were active in Car-
acas' outlying districts despite
strict bans on demonstrations, the
vigilance of the army and a heavy
rain that discouraged trouble
makers in the heart of this capi-
Demonstrators tried to burn a
bus on Roosevelt Ave, in the
southern suburb of Chaguaramos
despite orders to the army to shoot
such firebrands on sight. Fire-
men saved the bus.
Social Christian Party students
supporting Betancourt fought
their way into classrooms at Car-
acas University past Communists
trying to force a student strike.
Police and soldiers did not try to
enter the grounds, respecting the
university's autonomy.
Demonstration Reported
A leftist demonstration at Mi-
guel Caro High School in the
western part of the city also was
After the guns fell silent early
yesterday, police announced two
more rioters had been killed,
bringing the toll to six dead in'
the disorders thatbegan Friday
night. Another 102 persons have
been wounded by bullets or in-
jured by flying rocks, police said.
Troops used automatic weapons
at some points as the night riot-
ing spread from the densely pop-
ulated working class districts of
Western Caracas to the fashion-
able eastern end, where most for-
eigners live,
Shots rang through the night
as mobs burned buses, hurled gas-
oline bombs at business houses
and attacked the United States
owned General Tire factory.

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