See Page 4
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXI, No. 58
'U' To Give Plans to Regents
The University's expansion pro-
gram is progressing with the com-
pletion of plans for a Thompson
St. Parking lot to be presented at
the Dec. 16f=Regents meeting, Uni-
versity Vice-President Wilbur Pier-
Pont said yesterday.
The vice-president for construc-
tion and finance said that plans
and drawings of the lot are being
prepared now that the University
has purchased several lots on the
street between East William and
Madison Streets. It will be used
by staff and by those attending
conferences at the Michigan
The building of this structure
will probably entail widening of
Jefferson St., Pierpont explained,
but plans for this will be discuss-
ed with city officials before any
decisions can be made on this
The Institute for Social Research
building is in the planning stage,
he reported. No definite size or
cost will be known until spring,
but the fund drive for the project
will be underway in a few weeks
and architects are drawing up pro-
spective designs.
Pierpont denied reports that the
University is anticipating re-
modeling or destruction of the
Kelsey archaeological museum. He
also said he had no knowledge of
plans to close off parts of Maynard
or State Streets to more fully
integrate buildings on the west
side of State St. into the general
campus area.
The University is investigating
and consulting with city officials
on the development of an east
section of the North Campus area.
Surveys of roads and utilities are
now underway. Meanwhile, Pier-
Pont said, Zeta Beta Tau frater-
nity is still planning to build on
North Campus, having purchased
the land and architect designs. The
University earlier this year urged
a 11 fraternities contemplating
building new houses to consider
the North Campus area. Only ZBT
has expressed an interest in this
UppermA ir Experiment
pBy ' U'Called Successful
The high altitude research balloon experiment conducted by a
team of University engineers and technicians last Wednesday in
conjunction with the launching of the Tiros II weather satellite
was "80 to 90 per cent successful."
This is the assessment by Frederick L. Bartman, research en-
gineer who supervised the beginning of an exhaustive six to nine-
month analysis of the balloon's instrument package yesterday.
"The readings looked fine, although some of the instruments
could have worked better," Bartman said. He added that the ap-
paratus' antenna and power sup-'
ply had failed to work for one-
half hours of the 11-hour flight.
RleAfter the data on high-altitude
radiation is analyzed by four or
n five engineers and technicians of
the aeronautical and astronauti-
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (,P) A cal engineering department, the
group of Harvard students an- results will be relayed to the Na-
nounced yesterday they are send- tional Aeronautics and Space Ad-
ing Sen. Barry Goldwater (R- ministration in Washington.
Ariz) a fraternity paddle and a The 16-story-tall balloon and
letter chiding him for saying its 250-pound instrument package
Communism and Socialism flour- were set aloft early last Wednes-
ish when fraternities are not al- day morning from near Sioux
lowed. Falls, S.D., within hours of the
The students also announced launching of Tiros II. The balloon
they have formed a mock frater- deposited its instruments outside
nity, the Iota Beta Phi (inexper- Freesoil, near Ludington.
ienced but faithful) and named It carried equipment designed
Goldwater its Honorable Grand for use in future Tiros weather
Wizard. satellites. Cameras in the balloon
They said the 18-inch crimson were designed to take pictures
paddle will be mailed at 3 p.m. covering about the same area as
today and that they expect oppo- the satellites two television cam-
sition from a Goldwater faction eras.
among the Harvard Young Re- The data gathered will be used
publicans Club. by NASA to test the performance
The students made public the of Tiros II and to suggest possi-
following letter: ble new ways of equipping future
"Dear Senator Goldwater: weather satellites. The balloon's
"Inspired by your excellent instruments were designed to
comments on the lack of frater- measure the effects of infra-red
nimes at Harvard, we have form- radiation at heights up to 112,000,
nitis atHarvrdwe hve frm.feet.
ed a fraternity dedicated to the The chief job in analyzing the
spirit of your remarks. We decid- datacI to crate 1,300
ed upon the name Iota Beta Phi, balloon's data is to correlate 1,300
(which stands for inexperienced of 1,400 feet of tae on which in-
but faithful) as having special strument read;ngs are recorded
relevance where y-with enlarged photographs from
cerned. the balloon's two 70-millimeter
" ... . cameras.
To Convene
On Tax Bill
LANSING (P)-A special leg-
islative session will be called be-
fore the end of the year to put
through the one cent sales tax in-
crease approved by the voters,
Gov. G. Mennen Williams said
Williams said a date has not
yet been set for the session.
He said he and Gov.-elect John
B. Swainson want to check sig-
nals first with legislative leaders
of both parties before issuance of
the formal call.
"We want to make sure that a
bill agreeable to all will be ready
to implement the increase," Wil-
liams said. "We also want to be
sure this will not be a debating
match-we don't have time for
"My own time is running out,"
added the Democratic governor
who goes out of office at the end
of the year.
Swainson said he did not favor
the sales tax increase during the
campaign but would accept the
decision of the voters.
'Both Williams and Swainson
agreed the session should be re-
stricted only to considering the
sales tax increase. Republican
spokesman had suggested the .ses-
sion also be opened to cancella-
tion of the emergency tax pro-
gram of nuisance taxes now not
due to expire until the July 1 end
of the fiscal year.
But state regulations allow the
governor to restrict business in
an emergency session to what-
ever measures he might favor.
Land Blas ts
A rms Plants
BOSTON ()-One of the na-
tion's top scientists blasted what
he called "mismanagement andd
fumbling" in the defense depart-
ment yesterday,
Dr. Edwin H. Land, president of,
a large camera company, said a
"vacuum exists in the most ob-
vious fields in the defense depart-
Dr. Land spoke to an audience
of 450 of the nation's top military
and civilian scientists attending,
the Air Force's 7th annual science1
and engineering symposium here.i
The speaker, for six years a
member of the President's scien-s
tific advisory committee, said "we'
need in Washington an organiza-1
tion that can change its field when9
necessary, not simply take random
bright ideas and developing them.
And I think we are going to get
that in Washington now."
After lauding the nation's civil-
ian and military scientists for
catching up and passing the Rus-
sian space program, he said that
we still have a big arsenal of "un-
finished" programs. He listed the
Atlas, Polaris, Minuteman, sub-
marine defense and reconnaisance
systems as in reality "unfinished
programs although we are told
some of them are operational."
He said the United States must,
have people in the administration
and in the military who know
where the nation is headed, what1
is going on and who can work out
a close liaison between them-
selves and the men actually at
work on the projects.
FESTIVAL STARS-Swedish soprano Birgit Nilsson, basso William Warfield, and narrator Vera
Zorina (left to right) will star in the 68th annual Ann Arbor May Festival under the auspices of
the University Musical Society. Eugene Ormandy will return to direct the Philadelphia Orchestra.
Pianists John Browning and Eugene Istomin will also play.
Leading Artists o Perform
SGC To Consider Moth
Birgit Nilsson, Vera Zorina, Wil-
liam Warfield, John Browning, and
Eugene Istomin are among the
artists scheduled to perform in the
68th annual Ann Arbor May Fes-
tival, scheduled for May 4-7 in
Hill Auditorium under the auspices
of the University Musical Society.
Eugene Ormandy, musical direc-
tor of the Philadelphia Orchestra,
is celebrating his twenty-fifth an-
niversary year conducting the or-
chestra which has been the nu-
cleus of the May Festival since
Birgit Nilsson, the Swedish so-
prano who made a spectacular
debut at the Metropolitan Opera
a year ago, will star at the opening
night all-Wagner concert.
French Oratorio
Friday, Vera Zorina will narrate
the title role of "Jeanne d'Arc au
bucher," a dramatic oratorio with
music by Arthur Honegger and
text by Paul Claudel. The Univer-
sity Choral Union, conducted by
Thor Johnson, will participate in
this performance. Again Sunday
afternoon it will sing Mendels-
sohn's "Elijah," starring William
Other soloists in these choral
works will include soprano Janice
Harsanyi, a Philadelphia artist
who has sung with the Philadel-
phia Orchestra in concert and in
recordings; mezzo - soprano Mary
MacKenzie, last year's winner of
the Metropolitan Auditions of the
Air; well-known tenor David Lloyd
and basso Ara Berberian, a former
student at the University who has
successfully launched a singing
career in opera and on the con-
cert stage.
The Saturday afternoon concert
will present Aaron Copland as
guest composer-conductor, leading
the Philadelphia Orchestra in his
own works. William Smith, as-
sistant conductor of the Philadel-
phia Orchestra, will conduct the
Brahms Double Concerto featuring
violinist Anshel Brusilow and cell-
ist Lorne Munroe.
American Works
Saturday night Eugene Ormandy
will present an all-American group
of works featuring American pian-
ist John Browning as soloist. Rob-
ert Noehren, head of the organ
department of the University's
School of Music, will make his
first May Festival appearance in
a work by Samuel Barber for or-
gan and orchestra-"Toccata Fes-
. . cabinet post unlikely
Cabinet Post
Not Expected
For Williams
At the risk of disappointing
Michigan Democrats, President-
elect John F. Kennedy is no longer
considering Governor G. Mennen
Williams for a cabinet post in the
new administration, a Detroit
newspaper said yesterday.
Williams, who has long spoken
of his interest in foreign relations,
will probably be offered the job
of assistant secretary of state, re-
sponsible for African and Asian
affairs, a Detroit News report,
based on "good authority" indi-
Williams had been mentioned
earlier as a strong possibility for
Secretary of Health, Education
and Welfare,
AFL-CIO leaders had hoped that
Williams might become Kennedy's
secretary of labor.
Kennedy strategists reportly
think Williams would be a liability
rather than an asset if he were
given a cabinet post. They con-
sider his national reputation dim-
med by Michigan's financial trou-
bles and his close association with
UAW President Walter P. Reu-
At an informal press conference
yesterday, the president - elect
boosted speculation that, Chester
Bowles, a retiring member of Con-
gress from Connecticut, and Lu-
ther H. Hodges, retiring governor
of North Carolina, will receive
posts in the Kennedy cabinet.
Bowles has been considered a
possible choice for secretary of
state; Hodges for secretary of
But "the President-elect has not
talked to any person and asked
him to be a member of his cabi-
net," Kennedy press secretary
Pierre Salinger said.
Earlier, Kennedy and Bowles
had breakfast together at the
President-elect's Georgetown resi-
dence. Kennedy told newsmen that
they didn't discuss Bowles' future
but added, "We will be discussing
T a t~r Tnrf1, CAnina ..rd v "rn,.
We sent you this paddle to
symbolize your election to the
post of Honorable Grand Wizard
of the IBP and because we regard
it as the best means for your end.
"Sincerely, your loyal fraternity
Bomb Interrupts
Integration Talks
AUSTIN, Tex. (P) -- A bomb
exploded last night outside a win-
dow of the University of Texas
YMCA building where the univer-
sity religious council was discuss-
ing racial integration of campus
The blast Qccurred only a few'
feet from the room in which the
council was meeting. There were
no injuries.
To Examine
Union Policy
On Speakers
The Michigan Union will exa-
mine its speaker policy in the wake
of the recent political campaign,
Union President Perry Morton, '61,
said last night.
"Our present ruling doesn't
allow any political speeches at the
Union, Morton said, pointing out
the difficulties that were incurred
when Rep. Chester Bowels (D-
Conn) appeared there last month,
"Perhaps it's about time that the
University and the Union both
examine their bylaws on speakers."
Literary College Students
To Give Course Evaluations
Every student enrolled in a literary college course will have a
chance to evaluate the course and instructor next week, Prof. Wilbert
J. McKeachie of the psychology department, chairman of the com-
mittee on student opinion of courses and teaching, announced yes-
The evaluation program, which has been conducted about every
third semester for roughly ten years, will take place in most classes
on Tuesday and Wednesday, although there may be some teachers
- who will administer it later, if they
find it more convenient, Prof. Mc-
unsh loleKeachie explained,
r nshine 'Theindividual instructor will
distribute a form to be filled out
by all students in the class, which
will ask the student to comment
on the course and teacher and
express opinions on ways in which
he thinks the instruction or some
other aspects of course work may
be improved.
"We hope this will give the stu-
dent an opportunity to think abou"
his purposes in college, as well
Winter's Snow Follows Late Si
as give the instructor some no-
tion of what he is getting across,
and help him in setting up the
course in the future and improv-
ing his teaching techniques."
"The material collected is pri-
marily for the use of the instruc-
tors, although individual depart-
ments may vote to review it if
they wish," he continued.
"When the program was first
implemented following a faculty
committee recommendation, stu-
dents were enthusiastic and eager
to have it," he said. "Now, how-
ever, the faculty feels that stu-
dents don't like it seriously
enough. The usefulness of the
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