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November 23, 1960 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-23

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ans Elected '61

'M' Football Captain


leorge Mans was named Cap-
a of Michigan's 1981 football
mn, Coach Bump Elliott reveal-
yesterday following the annual
tad election.
3e succeeds center Jerry Smith.
!onsidered a fine blocker and
ine defensive end, as well as
ng placed in the select class
hustlers and hard workers by
Michigan coaching staff, his
ction was well received by El-
I'm very happy with the
ice," said Elliott." "He'll make
ine leader."
3eorge was overwhelmed by the
vs. "I realize the honor, but I
o realize the obligations to the
m and the work that goes along
h it," he said. "I only hope,
t I can do as well as Smitty
this year."
Wans, however, isn't, a new-
ner to the honored list, as he
s named Lineman of the Week
his performance in the Oregon
ne by United Press Interna-
3ef ore that he had been co-
ptain of his high school team
Trenton, and as a senior was
med to the All-League and All-
burban teams, besides 'picking
a second team All-State berth.
['his year he hauled down nine
ses for 138 yards and one
ch dwn, as heandssenior Bob
inson alternated at the right
d position. The letter he was
carded Monday was his second.
a sophomore he was a member
the popular defensive unit "the
George is a member of Theta
fraternity, is 20 years old, and
enrolled in the Literary Col-

Minnesota Wins Myth
In Crazy, Unpredicta
.Gophers, and it climaxed one of
. and then there were none. the most spectacular rags to
The smoke has cleared, the
battle has ended, and Minnesota riches stories ever seen on the
has grabbed the 1960 mythical na- American sports scene. Last sea-
tional championship. This is the son Minnesota won only one con-
picture at the moment in regard ference game and finished in the
to the college football season, Big Ten cellar.
which for the most part has been But whichever team was ac-
completed. corded the honor, two things'were

There are still a number of
isolated skirmishes scheduled for
the next two weeks, but these are
strictly mop up campaigns to a
season that has sent the pre-fall
prognosticators into a red faced
incognito existence with instruc-
tions to have their crystal balls
repaired before 1961.
Mythical Honor
Yesterday the 48-member As-
sociated Press Board voted the
mythical honor to the Golden

certain: the team would not be
unbeaten and untied, and Las Ve-
gas'would offer no more than 6-5
and take your choice as to which
team it would be. That's the kind
of football season it -was.
Tigers Turn Tail
Missouri's Tigers, in typical
1960 style, turned into pussycats
in their final game with Kansas
and relinquished their lofty status
as the country's only major un-
beaten and untied team, as well as

... Captain Elect

Stamos Sparks Powerful Defensive Team

As Wolverines Complete Wi

eks Meet
in State

id Penn State will meet in the
cond annual Liberty Bowl foot-
all game here Dec. 17.
Oregon's acceptance today to
ay in the 100,000-seat Philadel-
hia stadium followed Penn State's
'cision last night to host the
owl for the second straight year.
tate defeated Alabama 7-0 In,
zt year's Liberty inaugural.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon defeated
N'u Sigma Nu last night at
Wines Field, 12-6, for the un-
official campus touch football
championship. Jack Mogk led
SAE with two TD passes to end
doe Jones. Dave Dingman ran
back the opening kickoff for
loser's only tally.

Michigan quarterback and de-
fensive linebacker John Stamos
has been termed a "self-made
ball player whose intense prepara-
tion and determination make him
the capable man he is," by his
Whatever it is that makes him
able to diagnose the other team's
plays so well, he turned in what
line coach Bob Hollway called
"his finest game of the season
against Ohio State, and he played
some good ones before that."
Great Against Buckeyes
Against the powerful Buckeyes,
Stamos was everywhere, making
more than his share of tackles all
over the field, in addition to
breaking up two pass plays that
looked like sure completions.
Included in his defensive gems
were two tackles on All-Big Ten
quarterback Tom Matte when the
latter was running the option play
to perfection. Stamos refused to
be fooled, waded in through the
blockers, and let Matte commit
himself. Only then did he move
in for the stop.
Analyzes Movies
"Experience and preparation" as
backfield coach Hank Fonde put
it, are probably two good reasons
for Stamos' success as a corner
linebacker. During his preparation
for a game he analyzes movies

critically, wanting to learn all
about the other team.
As an all-state quarterback dur-
ing high school at Chicago's Lane
Tech, and at Michigan, Stamos
acquired the knack of "signal
calling" which he appears to re-,
lease to his teammates. Many fans
last year, and this one, too, viewed
Stamos as a type of leader of the
defensive unit, despite the fact
that the center linebacker called
the signals.
Transmits Intangibles
These are the sort of intangibles
that transmit from one player to
another, which prompted Hollway
to mention that when the desire
and effort from one player affects
another, and then still more,
"that's when you have an in-
spired team, getting more out of
their ability than is really there."
By implying that one player's
efforts have to be backed up by
ten others all the time, Hollway
led into the fact that the entire

nning Season
Michigan defense this year was
the strong point of the season.
"They came up with the big play
time after time to stop the oppo-
sition, with Stamos doing his
share. The offense just didn't come
up with the big punch often
enough to reverse the scoreboard
in four games."
Even then Hollway pointed out
a few times where the defense
failed to hold, allowing opponents
to get out of a hole and put the
pressure on Michigan.
With all this desire and effort
put forth in preparation, its no
wonder that John &tamos does the
job on Saturday, and Wolverine
fans are looking forward to more
of the same next year.
"John did a real fine defensive
Job for us all year, said Coach
Bump Elliott, "maybe doing even
a little more than his share."
Michigan fans would probably
agree this is the major under-
statement of the year.

ical Title
ble Season
falling from the number one spot
in the national rankings.
But Missouri's performance,
after reaching the top, was noth-
ing startling in a year that saw
five different teams at one time
or another stake a claim to the
top spot, only to be promptly
belted by an unawed opponent.
Mr. Upset put himself in busi-
ness in a big way in one of the
very first games of the season. On
Sept. 16th Tommy Prothro's Ore-
gon State Beavers, who hadn't
won a game from Southern Cali-
fornia in Los Angeles since pro-
hibitin put'-the bootleggers in
business, rose up and smashed the
heavily favored Trojans, 14-0.
Unpredictable Season
A week by week glance at the
Associated Press Poll reveals just
how unpredictable the rest of the
season was also.
The first AP poll on Sept. 21st
showed Mississippi as the top
team, Syracuse second, Washing-
ton third, and Illinois fourth.
Where were Missouri, Iowa, and
The Tigers were number 16,
and Iowa was well down in the
19th spot, and Minnesota was
nowhere in sight. The Rebels held
the top spot the second week,
and Iowa had moved to number
eight. Syracuse took the lead in
the third week and Missouri and
Minnesota were still unranked in
the top ten.
Rebels Again
It was Mississippi again in the
fourth week with Missouri 'now
number six and Minnesota num-
ber ten. The next three weeks saw
Iowa hold the top rung, for the
,longest stint of the season.
The following three weeks, how-
ever, saw the lead change hands
faster than a bottle of Smirnoff
at a fraternity party. Minnesota's
tank-like line helped the Gophers
smother Iowa 27-10; but then
Purdue uncovered a secret weap-
on the lads from Minneapolis
had never encountered before, the
forward pass, and, toppled the
Gophers 23-14.
Chaotic Year
Missouri then made the chaotic
year complete by bowing to Kan-
sas, 23-7, and throwing the selec-
tion of the nation's best team back
into the lap of the AP board, who
will undoubtedly now be criticized
for their temerity by Mississippi
cotton growers, Iowa corn farm-
ers, and Washington potato peel-
Now I understand why Dr. Gal-
lup sticks to politics.
Gophers Get
Bowl Berth
versity of Minnesota last night ac-
cepted an invitation to play Wash-
ington in the annual Rose Bowl
game Jan. 2, 1961.
The offer was extended to Min-
nesdta's No. 1 ranked Gophers at
7:30 p.m. by Tom Hamilton, Com-
missioner of the Western Associa-
tion of Universities, and accepted
in short order by Minnesota au-
It sends Minnesota to the Rose
Bowie for the first time and cli-
maxes an amazing rise from foot-
ball oblivion for the Gophers.

AL to.Slow Expansion
If NL Will Add A Team

' ;

Nice sele


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NEW YORK (-)-The American
League last night agreed to post-
pone moving into Los Angeles un-
til 1962 if the National League
would expand immediately to nine
clubs and consent to start un-
All Big Ten
Team Named
CHICAGO (M) - Guard Tom
Brown of Minnesota and tackle
Jerry Beabout of Purdue, both
seniors, are the only unanimous
choices on the 1960 all-Big Ten
football team named today by the
Associated Press.
Co-champions Iowa and Minne-
sota landed three and two places,
respectively. Ohio State also took
two berths.
In addition to the 240-pound
Brown, Minnesota's other all-con-
ference representative is Greg
Larson, 230-pound senior, center.
Iowa's three places went to
backs Wilburn Hollis and Larry
Ferguson and guard Mark Man-
ders. The two from Ohio State
are backs Tom Matte and Bob
Completing the first team are
ends Earl Faison, Indiana, and El
Kimbrough, Northwestern.,

precedented inter-league play in
Washington would be the ninth
club in the American League, with
the new club filling the vacancy
created by the transfer of Calvin
Griffith's Senators to Minneapolis-
St. Paul.
Houston appeared to be out
front as a possibility for a ninth
team in the National. Both Hou-
ston and' New York had beer ac-
cepted for expansion to 10 clubs
in 1962. However, it was believed
the Houston club which has been
most aggressive would be the more
logical choice if it can iron out
its problems with the owners of
the American Association fran-
chise in that city.
The American League asked the
National for a decision by Dec. 5.
NBA Standings


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