"Okay, Boy-We'll Let You Co-exist With Us A While Longer" 4r Allrigan, 344,111 Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD mq CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUmucAroNs BLDG. * ANN ARDoR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241 Will Prevail" 1nio2 Are Free LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Colloquium Lacks Real Challenge To the Editor: NOW THAT THE Challenge Colloquium weekend is past perhaps we can engage in a llttlt evaluation. As a listener and minor participant I was somewhat disappointed. Challenge tid not live up to its name or its published proposals. This may or may not be the fault of the planners. I don't know what problems they may have had. But the Challenge brochure prom- ised us "a program of critical discussion and debate." And the topicwas fitorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers er the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. 0 NOVEMBER 23, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: ANDREW HAWLEY Personal Commitments Add Up To National Policy STATEMENT "You can't legislate moral- ;y" became a catch-phrase in 1954 with ipreme Court's action on segregation in schools. i democratic government the motivation gislation comes from the populace and upward to the government, not vice When law comes down from high gov- ntal levels without corresponding gen- upport, the people soon become masters mmvention. le Rock and New Orleans show clearly people will not respect moral legislation does not agree with their personal atti- The resulting disrespect for authority nines the entire leg system. PROBLEM is that nations do not have ral commitments: individuals do. Gov- nts, although they may claim to do so, do t on the basis of such commitments.. thermore, only in rare instances do indi- commitments generalize to national or commitments. What usually happens tindividual moral attitudes, if widespread h, may turn into profitable political ar- its. The originally idealistic aims can take as practical national policies. southern sit-in demonstrations are cur- reshaping personal convictions in the of race relations. When and if enough equalitarian attitudes are developed, the issue becomes political. Evidence of this can be found in the work of both major party plat- form committees last summer. THE INDIVIDUAL moral commitment is still primary. Alone, it cannot produce national policy or action. Yet without it probably no change can occur. Personal conviction, borne out by personal action, is the agitator and in- stigator for group progress. Even when the issue is partially political from the start, the moral element can only be pressed, by individuals. Pressure for the abolition or modification of the House Un- American Activities Committee represents per- sonal interest in civil liberties rather than in- terest in a particular political faction. ; The question of disarmament, perhaps more than any other, must be handled as a moral issue if legislation or policy in the field is ever to be effective. The individuals who work ac- tively for disarmament are quite aware of the general mistrust of their proposals. Still they speak out; still they work. DO A THOUSAND Quakers stand quiet- ly in front of the Pentagon to demonstrate their convictions? Why do scientists like Linus Pauling sign petitions to protest nuclear weap- ons? The committed individual acts for two rea- sons: First, because he holds a belief so strongly that he can't keep still; and second, because he hopes that if he just keeps crying in the wilderness maybe one or two others will hear and understand. He knows that most Americans don't really think about civil liberties, equality and peace seriously; he knows they aren't going to no matter what he says. At the same time, he knows that once in a while somebody hears; he knows that some- times a few strong voices are enough to bring about political interest in his moral question; and he knows that time is passing. -PAT GOLDEN Welfare State Charges False Dead Issue T WEEK the Regents of the New York 1001 system decided to change the title of rea of studies back from "citizenship ed- mi" to "social studies." original change from social studies to wship had been made several years ago members of the board had expressed that the original title might be interpret- mean that socialism was being advocated. eph McCarthy is dead. --R. FARRELL HERS SEE IT:_ The Gods Are Angry INTERESTING CASE will soon come be- ore the Supreme Court which will pit the Commandment against the First Amend- issue is the refusal of Maryand authori- to commission Roy R. Turcaso as a notary is because he would not sign a declara- that he believed in the existence of God. e would be notary took his case to the appeals court, but the court ruled in r of the Almighty. Disbelief in a supreme r "not only renders a person incompetent od public office but to give testimony or as a juror," the court said. The ruling that "religious toleration . . . was never ght to encompass the ungodly." W ADMITTEDLY the appeals court made liberal extention on the Maryand Tolera- Act of 1649, which guaranteed religious toleration but which provided penalties for non-Trinitarians. Turcaso could have merely proclaimed belief in Belial, Baal or some other off-beat deity and have avoided the squabble. But not satisfied with some "graven image," Turcaso wants to go all the way in his viola- tion of the First Commandment. So he is tak-, ing his case to the Supreme Court to prove that he can be notary public and an atheist at the same time. W THINK that the Supreme Court will agree with Turcaso that the oath discriminates agaist him as a non-believer and violates the constitutional safeguards of religious freedom. But isn't there another consideration? Do notary publics rule the Divine Right? If so, it's no wonder that the gods and Maryland offi- cials are angry. -JOHN FARRELL -The Colorado Daily Student MICHIGAN'S ultra-conservative legislators have made much political hay in the past year by alleging that the state's executive branch is trying to construct a welfare state. They have also said the state's "over-spending" has led to an op- pressive tax load that is driving business out of the state and creating fiscal choas. * * * A STUDY conducted in 1959 by. William Haber of the University of Michigan, sponsored by the Up- john Institute for Employment Re- search, has turned up information that not only belies some of these fiscal falsehoods, but also points up the need, we think, for overall tax revision. If, to determine the degree of the asserted tax overburdening we measurethe level of state-local tax receipts as a percentage of personal income received in the state-one of the more meaning- ful measures of gross tax "burden" --we find that Michigan ranked thirty-first among the states ac- cording to 1957 tax figures. * * * HOWEVER, Michigan ranked twelfth among the states in per capita tax receipts. From where does the difference come? From business, obviously. This, however, should not necessarily be con- sidered bad. There is good reason to believe that taxes paid by business firms in Michigan are somewhat higher than they are in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, states in which there is no major business tax comparable to Michigan's business activities tax or annual corporate privilege fee. Michigan's taxes are higher than the income taxes of New York, or Wisconsin, or the income and franchise taxes of Pennsyl- vania. TAXES MUST be payed either by individuals or business and in- dustry. The question becomes one, then, of whether we, in Michigan, are saddling industry with an un- due proportion of the tax load and thus driving business out of the state. The weight of evidence suggests that in most cases taxes are not the major consideration in the location of industry, but that they are an important consideration, all other things being equal. * * * THUS TODAY, as we look at Michigan, we find taxes on busi- ness substantially higher than they are, for example, in Ohio. However, when we consider out state as a place ~to live. we may note with pride the outstanding attention we have given to our needs for higher education, local schools, and health and hospitals. The question of whether this thinking is correct or not depends upon one's viewpoint. We must also remember that sooner or later the population in our neighboring states is going to demand services on a par with those in Michigan. The longer their consideration is delayed, the, more they will cost and the greater will be their tax impact. * * * IN MICHIGAN, In the future, if we want a fair distribution of the tax load, then it would seem that the only answer to the need for increased state revenue would be a graduated income tax, thus in- suring taxing of those with the greatest ability to pay. Some will say, though, that taxes in this state are too high already. Where, then, shall we reduce expenditures? The ultra- conservatives will immediately point to public welfare expendi-' tures, and it is a mistake. Welfare expenditures in Michi- gan account for only six per cent of the budget. Per capita expendi- tures for welfare rank the state thirty-fourth in the nation. This hardly places Michigan in the. welfare state category. In fact, it may point out the need for greater rather than less expenditures in this area. -Michigan State News Civil Liberties, an- area which has in the past decade been subject of repeated and vigorous litiga- tion going all the Way to the Su- preme Court. It has figured in armed troops patrolling a school, in riots and bombings, in almost every recent election from the presidential on down. It looks like a subject on which there could be some critical discussion and debate. BUT THAT DISCUSSION and debate never materialized. Be- neath the personalities of the men and their skill as public speakers the major addresses were boring- ly similar. (Even the jokes had a surprising similarity.) It is hard to think of a single substantial point on which any two of the major speakers differed. Paul Blanshard presented his well-known views on religion and civil liberties. But no representa- tive of any other view on this sub- ject appeared on the program. So we got Blanshard's view' only. Michael Harrington talked about racial problems. Again, no alter- native point of view appeared. .* * FINALLY, THE HOUSE Un- American Activities Committee did appear on stage in the guise of a villain (complete with hisses from the audience). The villain was promptly vanquished by Harring- ton and Thomas. But this is rather. an easy task when the villain is confined to a tape recorder. I'd like to have heard Harring- ton and Thomas debate this ques- tion with an equally skilled and competent defender of HUAC, per- haps its chief counsel. That might have been. a critical discussion worth listening to. Is it too much to expect that in a campus-wide program of this sort in a university of this size and standing that we could have something more than a spoon feeding of a carefully selected and approved line of thought? Would a real challenge be too danger- ous? * * * JUDGING FROM audience reac- tion my guess is that the views of the speakers were quite popu- lar with a large majority of the listeners. They heard just what could rather easily have expect- they came to hear, what they ed to hear. This was evident especially in the singular lack of critical questions or comments in the ses- sions after the addresses (with the exception of some questions posed by a small minority after Blan- shard's talk.) They were all good, safe speech- es-safe for the audience and safe for the speakers, who knew, I suppose, what kind of audience they would have. Well, maybe a student program does have to have safety rather than challenge after all. But I was sort of disappoint- ed. -George I. Mavrodes, Grad. Powers That Be.. . To. The Editor: R EGARDING the article on the twenty-four hour living at the University in the Sunday magazine -I sat up all night wishing the powers that be would see fit to try it. -Carolyn Berryman '64 Letters to the editor must be signed and should be limited to 300 words in length..The Daly reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter. INTERPRETING: Kennedy's UNAPlc By WILLIAM N. OATIS lAssociated Press. News Analyst J OHN F. Kennedy's election as President of the United States has awakened echoes in the United Nations General Assembly, even though he will not be inaugurated until. Jan. 20. The Soviet Union, discussing disarmament. in the assembly's political'committee, has offered'to enter into negotiations with his government on that subject. When Democrat Kennedy was elected to succeed Republican Eisenhower, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev cabled congratula- tions aldsaid he saw "no In- preservation and consolidation of peace." READING Khushchev's cable- gram to the committee afew days later, Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian A. Zorin said his government was ready for "contructive negotiations on gen- eral" and complete disarmament with the new United States goyern- ment." Blaming the .current disarma- ment deadlock on the Eiser- hower administration, he express- ed hope "the new United States government will seriously poder the. situation which "has "been brought about through the fault of its predecessor and that it will draw the necessary conclusions." xe said if that happened, a special summit session of ' the General Assembly on disarma- ment next March or 'April-as proposed by- Khrushchev-should be able to achieve positive results. UNITED STATES chief delegate James J. Wadsworth, an Eisen- hower appointee, denied the United States was against general dis- armament. He expressed regret Zorin had made remarks "about what t he next government of the United States might possibly think." Despite what' Wadsworthsaid, Zorin was only doing publicly what other delegates had been doing privately. Nearly all have been speculating on what Kennedy's foreign policy will be. But experienced diplomats ex- pect that until he is inaugurated, United States policy at the'United Nations will be frozen. Delegates from all parts of the world showed a keen interest in the election returns. A number were clearly pleased that Kennedy won. THIS WAS particularly true, of Asians, who seem to have some expectation that the new Secre- tary of State may be Chester A. Bowles, with his thesis that the United States must help countries like India win an economic con- test with Communist China. It was true, also, of Latin A m e r i e a n s, who remembered Franklin D. Roosevelt's good- neighbor policy and hoped that Kennedy would revive it As one said, "The Democrats were nice to Latin America." Africans were encouraged by Kennedy's victory since he had spoken of the importance of their continent in' world affairs and had sent Averell Harriman there to survey the situation for him. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY: A Iter Questionnaires ntici pates Creeping Socialism (EDITOR'S NOTE: This article ap- peared In the Spokesman, a new magazine at Ohio State University.) HE STATE of the Ohio State University program to remove the race and religious questions, and the photograph requirement, from various student application forms was spelled out to The Spokesman by Dean of Student Affairs William S. Guthrie. Dean Guthrie said that "as of now, these questions and the photograph requirement have been removed from all admission forms, dormitory application, placement office forms and College of Medi- cine forms.", A revised statistical card will, according to Dean Guthrie, ask the race and the religious preference of the registering student. There will be no requirement that stu- dents fill out this statistical card, Dean Guthrie said. On the other hand, like the old card, the new one will not indicate that answer- ing questions is optional. * * * "SO FEW STUDENTS would- fill out the card if they knew it was optional," Guthrie said, "that the resulting statistics would bie of little value." The old statistical card stated that "registration is not complete" until the student answered all questions. The Student Placement Office will not have access to the statis- tical card, Guthrie. said. There are no plans, however, to specify on the card the uses to which the, answers will be put. According to Dean Guthrie they will have "only positive uses." That is, if groups such as churches request such in- formation, it will be given to them. The whole issue of race and religious questions on university forms was brought to a head last spring quarter, when Norman' Clary, representing Students for Liberal Action, exposed Form 2A, a statistical questionnaire issued by the Entrance Board. SLA passed a resolution con- demning Form lA. The from has since been eliminated completely, according to Guthrie. hough the winds of the coming hurri- ould already be felt, the warning flags w fluttering freely over America. i before the socialistically inclined Dem- party has been tested, a rising yelp of t is being heard. w America," the official publication of cialist Party-Social Democratic Federa- s quoted by the Daily Iowan as saying, are unmistakable signs that we are at wn of a new day for the Socialist youth aent in America." Daily Iowan goes on to cite that cam- Socialist Discussion Club, and a brag- tatement by James T. Burnett, national ry of the Young People's Socialist League iming "Student Radicalism Returns to us." ;ontinuing, Burnett commends students Editorial Staff THOMAS HAYDEN, Editor NAN MARKEL JEAN SPENCER City Editor Editorial Director 'TH McELDOWNEY ...., Associate City Editor EEN MOORE ..... Associate Editorial Director .S WITECKI . . ............Sports Editor D APPLEBAUM ,...... Associate Sport. Editor EL GILLMAN ......... Associate Sports Editor i DONER ............. Personnel Director for activities in the San Francisco demonstra- tion against the House tVn-American Activities Committee; the New York City Civil Defense protests; the Youth Marches for Integrated Schools; the sit-ins; and the sympathy picket- ing. He further declares that the signs that we are at the dawn of a new day for the Socialist youth movement are tremendously important, not only for youth, but for the whole nation. "For if the students will not challenge the status quo," he asks, "who will?" It's a pretty sad day when social misfits have to interfere with the function of a prop- erly run government and invade private busi- ness establishments in order to receive atten- tion and publicity for their aching egos. Nobody is knocking the right of assembly or the right of protest, but the ballot is the ac- cepted form of expression and not demonstra- tions which border on the ridiculous childish tantrum. Certainly our country is long over due for a radical change. Just think, we haven't had a real rousing depression, or a world war or any- thing exciting lately. Shucks, every student ought to jump on the bandwagon so he won't have to walk down the stony road to ruin. -MAC DALE The Mississippian Mi eroenoi'n DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN What Have You Done With Our Colonel? a r\~ ~ r. + ..' j max,., t *+ .51 ..}i t : >i , ,(, z~' E° i i '- "_ . . 1 f E 'I ? I .... i i ' ' "> i :' \1 l t { +' ' 1 R "' f . ,' t , , C' k/ 7 .i tf }'. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p~m. two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 General Notices Regents' Meeting: Fri., Dec. 16. Com-' munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than December 6. University libraries will be closed Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24. Libraries will also be. closed Sat. and Sun., Nov. 26 and 27. The General Library and the Under- graduate Library: will close Wed., Nov. 23 at 5 p,m., as will many of the divisional libraries. The GeneralrLi- brary will be open on Fri., Nov,. 25 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and the Undergraduate Library will be open from 9 a,in. to 5 p.m. All units within :the General Library Bldg., excluding the Map Room, will be open on regular Friday sched- ules, except for theclosing hour, which which is ready in all respects for publication, not later than Mon., Jan. 9. Vacation Reminder for Bicycle Own- ers: University Bicycle Regulations state that bicycles will be impounded by the University for the following violations: 1. Bicycles stored (left over 48. hours in classroom areas will be impounded. May we at this time remind owners that over the Thanksgiving vacation bicycles must be stored at their place of residence. 2. Bicycles on University property (including classroom areas, regi- dence halls, Medical Center, Uni- versity apartments, etc.) which do not bear a current license (Exp. 9-30-61) will be impounded. 3. Bicycles parked illegally will be impounded. Also, we might point out that effective immediately the Ann Arbor \City Police Department will impound bicycles to enforce the licensing regulations on city streets and lawn extensions throughout Ann Arbor. Be sure your bicycle is properly licensed and stored at your place of residence when you leave for Thanksgiving vacation. '3 . - F. w t f. A 'I, I,