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September 13, 1960 - Image 63

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-09-13

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Tb~ItY~daY C ~ GrQ~ ~j 639~O~, ~jis. IIII

'gents Govern
Isals Polic

Flint DearornMfer Unique Services
F lnt , 4fr m ar 1) Baki 98we h Ollf erSua~f rga edn

-two at
to elec-
In the
ath of

w the re-]

Regents currently include
Ec~kert of Lansing, Charles
mnedy fo Detroit, Carl F.
ai of Ann Arbor, William
1naly 0of Jackson, Eugene B.
of Ann Arbor, Carl Brablec'
ville, Irene E. Murphy of
ngham and Donald Thurber
osse Pointe..
New Regents
vents Matthaei and Mclnally
Lthe group last January,
g been elected to the board
-evious April.
officio members of the board
rnlverslty President Harlan
er and Lynn B. Bartlett,4
Superintendent of Public In-
authority of the Regents is
Ted on them by the State
tuton. The Regents also
he power to elect a president
University, which they have
eight times to date.
day-to-day activities of the
rsity are conducted by Presi-
Eatcher and his executive of-"
,although final approval on
Aters rests with the Regents.
Vlake Recommuendations
recommendations in the aca-
area originate within the
is schools and colleges and
ferred to the president and
egents by the dean of each
e- President and Dean of
ties Marvin L. Niehuss is re-
ible for all instructional and
rh programs and is the Uni-
's chief officer in the ab-
of the president.
nitrative D e an R ob e rt
*ns works closely with Nie-
in the area of budget ad-
traton of teaching and re-
h units.
Directs Finance
e-President in charge of
Bess and Finance Wilbur K.
ont directs all the business

and financial affairs of the Uni-
versity, including plant expansion
and maintenance. Problems of
non-academic personnel also are
his responsibility. John McKevtt,
assistant to Pierpont, aids in plan-
ning the University's building pro-
Coordination of all student af-
fairs outside the academic area is
the responsibility of Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis. Offices of Dean of Men
Walter B. Rea and Dean of Wom-
area, also under Lewis' office
en Deborah Bacon come within
this area. Also under Lewis' office
are the International Center,
Health Service, the admissions of-
fice and the Bureau of Appoint-
Deals with Legislature
Vice-President William E. Stirton
directs University relations with
the state legislature, state execu-
tive officers and industrial and
professional organizations. Assist-
ing him in these areas is Robert
Cross, administrative assistant in
the office of the vice-president.
Stirton is also Director of the
Dearborn Center which opened
this year for the first time..
University relations are directed
by Vice-President Lyle Nelson, He
is administratively responsible for
the University Relations Service,
radio and television broadcasting
and alumni relations. He works'
with the Development Council and
the Board in Control of Intercol-
legiate Athletics. He also serves on
the Board in Control of Student
Erich Walter serves as assistant
to the president of the University
and is secretary to the University.
1s!' All-Campus Dance
September 24 ... 9-12
League Ballroom

attract between 700 and 1,000
part-time students this fall.
Flint College works on much the
same plan, being a "senior" col-
lege that also off ers credit
courses for part-time students,
It has no work-study program,
but like Dearborn, is a relatively
small college, with an estimated
enrollment of around 500 this fall.I
The Flint College differs from,
any unit found on the Ann Arbor,
campus in that it is "more like a!
small literary college with two ad-
ded programs" in education and,
~business administration" David
M. French, dean of the college, re-
It also differs in the basic phi-
losophy which prompted the Uni-
versity to open the off-campus

upend, it was hailed as a pioneer-I to a bachelor of arts degree,
ing project, Fbr the first time a The Flint College and Flint Jun-
large university has collaborated for College cooperate in the use of
with a chy-supporeJunior coI campus buildings, the scheduling
of vacations and examination
lege in an effort to provide a four- periods, and the coordination of

music mops

*aaa - a a a a a
- - - - w W W W W - - w - - - - - w w - - -

Deluxe meals included 99-passenger planes
Ann Arbor to Chicago $10 . ... round trip $19
Ann Arbor to New York City $20 round trip $38
Ann Arbor to West Coast: $8 . round trip $160
San Francisco ..,. Los Angeles ... San DiegoM
FLIGHTS ALSO to: Washington, D.C., Miami, Boston,
Honolulu, Philadelphia, and other cities.4
Regular low cost flights to Europe, Latin America, South Amen-4
co, Africa, Middle East, Far East and most of the Pacific Islands. 4


A Message to All Students:, -
1,~4M ~lg Clotbes f yrMn
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jjot college w eatatpce guaran n uaate
t RE1w uatantee Of d ate
guaantee 0seein ' oer tCan II
10llege style. ,d~ 1'you il en) olvlee
1 uitee 'idIt1
I1O~ in and get acCI 1il
ecan. be of any eSneIY
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