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November 22, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-22

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Turning cloudy,
cooIer tonight.

See Page 4

VOL. LXXI, No. 55





Barbour Endorsed SEainson or
As Upperelass Hal May Back
ADC Recommends Dormitory New Tax Rei
Conversion by Unanimous Vote
Prof. William Haber of the eco-
By JUDITH BLEIER nomic department, financial ad-
viser to Governor-elect John B.
A recommendation proposing that Betsy Barbour House be con- Swainson, revealed Sunday that
verted into an upperclass dorm was' passed unanimously yesterday the new governor may include a
by the Assembly Dormitory Council, representing all independent personal or corporate income tax,
women's housing units on campus. along with the voter - approvedIH o b u
"In principle the Dean of Women's office as well as the Board sales tax, in his revision program.
of Governors, approved the recommendation two years ago," Deborah Swainson, who rejected the sales
Bacon, Dean of Women, said. tax increase from three to four LEOPOLDVILLE ()-'
The Assembly Housing Committee recommended "that Betsy per cent, Saturday articulated for army of Col. Joseph 1N
Barbour House be converted into an uppercass:hose in the fall the first time his idea of the "tax tacked the United Na
of 1961, retaining Barbara Ann revision" program advocated in fended Ghana Embassy
retanin BararaAnnhis campaign.wihmcnegnan
Little House as an additional Prof. Haber, who earlier this cash machine guns an
upperclass house." month had seen his recommenda- seis ast iplomat a
It was further proposed that at tions for economic improvement in sir agadint he
least a two-year continual evalua- Michigan partially rejected by conspiracy against the
tion be conducted to determine the Swainson, announced he would There were uncounte
demand for upperclass housing meet later this week to confer on tes, icun Mout'
and the success of both Barbour specific proposals with the gover- who was reported killedt
and Little houses in fulfilling the nor-elect's aides. sided
needs. In the event that Barbour To Alleviate Deficit side
House proves more adequate than In the midst of a t
Litte HoseHaber's previous report beforeModyngtbtlth
su, Mht Little House in accomplishing the h lcinsae hta oe Monday night battle the
goal of in ccomlisingthethe election stated that an income mand ielded and agree
goals of upperclass housing, andtxnduyedsdnddntgoverro
a if the demand greatly exceeds the txsol epse n et-oe the diplomat, Nath:
mdatn grealeeeds the B tively approved a sales tax to al- beck, for expulsion from
Saccommodations available in Bar- eit h eicti h tt
bour House, the Housing Com- leviate the deficit in the state go. But first efforts to re
mittee recommends that Helen coffers- the UN command said,
Helen Newberry Residence be con- Swainson at that time did not with Congolese gunfire
sidered as an additional upper- accept the report and stressed the shooting was resumed e
class unit or as a replacement for need for "total tax revision."
Little House. The five-point program outlined Battle Area
Requires Action by Swainson includes the increased The whole battle :
According to Sally Jo Sawyer, sales tax levy, repeal of the fixed- blacked out and the U
'62, chairman of the Housing Cm- cost Business Activities tax in other effort would be m
DEAN DEBORAH BACON mittee, the recommendation now favor of onebased on the ability the diplomat out in day
upperlass housing requires action by the Dean of t py" state tax, and legislation yesterday.
Women's office before going into to help local governments, prob- The UN command ac
effect. Elsie Fuller, Ass't Dean of ably in the form of optional local Congolese army of via
Women in charge of housing, income taxes. earlier truce agreement
I .S. A sk s worked with the committee on Propose Tax Cuts the Congo soldiers cont
the recommendation. The new governor also proposed ing past midnight at tl-
+ "The only thing which remains cutting local personal property fending troops.
G ermiian A id to be done is the step-by-step taxes or businesses and substitut- The UN officials said V
implementation of the recom- ing a "sound and equitable" state lese soldiers were out o
mendation," Dean Bacon said. tax for the local governments, and refused to obey a
This will require further work on Swainson left on the weekend arranged with Mobutu,
I Spending the part of the housing c'ommittee for a vacation in Hawaii. g'rng Mon.
and the Dean of Women's office.s
BONN, Germany (P)-The Unit- Among the problems they will Tunisians Defen
ed States told West Germany yes- attend to include deciding how T Pu ks b:
terday it needs immediate relief to women will be chosen for the L 1 J ~ ~ ~ . 1 around W elbecks beske a h ufo fisdla n p ecasuis e s .I a ee d di i ngl e evs lp rlusD r f G if nr m n at
gold reerves.Upperclass Dorm I LTnisian Infantrymen and
A 24-man delegation led b "We expect the turnover in a R es L eave of Ghana riot police.
Treasury Secretary Robert B. An-Barbour House to be between 50 Bullets whizzed throi
Trersn and Undersecretary of and 60 women," Miss Sawyer said. night and early mornn
e .o u n D n epyofWith the additional acconoda- Prof. Henry J. Gomberg, chair- vicinity of the UN hel
tate C. Douglas Dillon explained tions available in Little House man of the University Phoenix building.
United States' needs to a German approximately 120 women will be Project and the nuclear engineer- Defends Action,
team headed by Economics Minis- able to move into upperclass units. ing department, has been relieved President Joseph Kasi
ter Ludwig Erhard, who is credited Barbour House will not actually of his duties at the University to fended the action of the
with enriching this nation through become an upperclass (junior- be a Carnegie Visiting Professor army in using force to c
wise investment of nearly $5 bil- senior only) dorm until 1962, Dean at the University of Hawaii next UN command in the Co
lion in United States gifts. The Bacon noted. Although incoming semester. pel Welbeck.
atmosphere was reported friendly freshmen will not be given the Prof. William Kerr of the elec- He made his views kno
but subdued. opportunity to apply for this unit, trical and nuclear engineering de- United Nations General
Details of the talks were not re- the present freshmen will be able partments will be acting director plunged into a debate I
vealed. However, informants said to remain in the house as long as of the Phoenix Project in Prof. on whether to accept t
Erhard and his team sought to they wish. Gomberg's absence. mendation of a credent
make United States appeals for mittee that a delegation:
greater West German contribu- Kasavubu be given the lo
tons to foreign aid the center ofNrs aces s N A T O Congo Assembly seat
attenion.Meanwhile the Soviet'
Report on Proposals used the UN comman
The United States negotiators clear W ea ons Pool h borating with the
were reported wanting to conen- Js Immediate report from
trate on proposals to get the Ger- ,G!i e reportgfrmrS
mans to share in the $700 million PARIS () - Gen. Lauris Norstad, proposed in effect yesterday General Dag Hammarskj
annual costs of maintainng that the Atlantic Alliance become a nuclear power, with member The Soviet Union as
United States troops in Germany. nations sharing equal control of the weapons. UN command was fr:
Bonn has stated its unwilling- The 15-member North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) with Mobutu's armed fc
ness to contribute to these costs, already has nuclear missile warheads at its disposal, but they are move that coincided with
cotnigi ol rmnsc lent a ncermsiewreasaisdsoabtteyaemv htcicddwt
contf ending its woud be reminiscentfor under tight control of the United States and in some cases Britain. by the United States
the support of United States occu- Norstad As supreme commander of NATO forces in Europe. through recognition of1
pations troops from the end of Speaking to the annual NATO parliamentarians' conference, he said by the Assembly.
World War II until 1957. It would "there should be a basic pool of (




WSU Positioi


Threat To Cut Suppor








tu Strikes Ghana Embassy]

Wil Cmail
Over Plie
Legislator Opposes
Open Speaking Ru
State Senator Elmer R.. i
(R-Blissfield) reversed his
tion for the second time on W
State University's outside sp
er policy yesterday and rer
his threat to curtail the ur
sity's state appropriations.
"I understand that I have
misinterpreted in the new
pers," he said. "If a board of
ernors wants to revoke the
that has existed for 10 yes
certainly am opposed to their
"I believe that if they dc
reinstate the ban they will'
trouble, not only from me
from others as well, in approp
ing money."
Express Puzzlement
WSU administrators expr
puzzlement over Porter's i
switch. "It's impossible for u
know on what he disagrees
us," WSU public relations
Frank X. Tuohey said last ni
Porter's initial threat to cu
further funds to WSU came
week when his letter to Ann ]
lein was read at the WSU I
of Governors meeting. Miss]B
lein heads a group of petitio
demanding that the universit
instate the ban forbidding (
munist speakers on the camps
Talks to Hilberry
WSU President Clarence B.
berry said that Porter had to
to him after the governors' m
ing. He reported that the sei
said he was "on Wayne's
when Hilberry explained
school's new lecture policy.
ruling is "designed to serve
educational needs of our con
nity, not to open channels
propaganda," a university spo
man said.
Tuohey said he was not
prised that Miss Byerlein was


-AP Wirephoto
DEMONSTRATIONS-New violence erupted in the Congo yesterday. The demonstrators above who.
are attacking an ideological opponent heralded Col. Mobutu's attack on the UN defended Ghana
embassy yesterday in an effort to seize top diplomat Nathaniel Walbeck.

Ikeda Sees End of Socialis

TOKYO W)-Elated by the na-
tional election victory of his con-
servatives, Prime Minister Hay-
ato Ikeda took the position yes-
terday that Japanese voters have
buried Socialist neutralism.
The leader of the liberal Dem-
ocrats told reporters he hopes to
meet in Washington with Presi-
dent-elect John F. Kennedy. But
that probably will be next year.
Ikeda and his party pitched
their campaign squarely on the
new security treaty with the Unit-
ed States-violently opposed by
the Socialists-and prosperity at
Official Returns
Official returns from Sunday's
parliamentary elections gave the
Liberal Democrats 296 seats in
the 467-seat House of Represen-
tatives, a gain of 13; the Social-
ists 145, a gain of 23; the middle
road Democratic Socialists 17, a
loss of 23, and the Communists 3,
a gain of two. Independent got 5
and the Agrarian Party 1.
Cheerful and relaxed, Ikeda
told a news conference that the
vote proves the Japanese people

support the new security treaty
with the United States.
Violent leftist demonstrations
against the pact forced cancella-
tion of President Dwight D. Ei-
senhower's goodwill visit last
Issue Settled
"As far as the security treaty
is concerned," the Prime Minister

' To


Vagrant Bikes
The Office of Student Affairs
announced yesterday that accord-
ing to University Bicycle Regula-
tions all bicycles must be stored
at the owner's place of residence
during the Thanksgiving vacation.
Bicycles which are left in Uni-
versity racks will be impounded.
Any bicycles left on University
property (including classroom
areas, residence halls, Medical
Center, and University apart-
ments) which do not bear a license
plate will be taken away.

t Neutralism
added, "the issue has been settled
and is now closed."
The Diet, or Parliament, was
dissolved and the general election
was called to ask for a mandate
on the pact, which provides Unit-
ed States forces baees in Japan
for atleast 10 more years.
Of a possible meeting with
Kennedy, Ikeda had this to say:
"I have many friends in the
Vnited States, many of them
members of the Democratic Par-
ty. I would like to visit the new
President. Because of the coming
Diet session and other business I
have no way to pinpoint when
that will be. But I will do so when
the time and circumstances per-
Members Returned
All members of Ikeda's cabinet
were returned, including Foreign
Minister Zentaro Kosaka and the
welfare minister, Mrs. Masa Nak-
ayama. Mrs. Nakayama is Ja-
pan's first woman minister.
The Socialists made bigger
gains than expected. Most of their
votes came from the cities and
from strong support by the leftist
dominated 3.5 - million - member
Sohyo Labor Confederation.
The Socialists claimed their
gain of 23 seats meant that more
Japanese were swinging toward
neutralism. But 'it appeared they
actually had made most of their
gains at the expense of the Dem-
ocratic Socialists, who once were
the Socialist Party's right wing.

prefer that any added contribu-
tions go to the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization.
Global aspects of UnitedbStates
foreign aid proposals will be dis-
cussed today and tomorrow.
Balk on Request
Although Bonn has expressed a
willingness to help Washington out
of its balance of payments trou-
bles," it is said to be balking at a
reported request for an immediate
outlay of nearly $1.5 billion for
foreign aid and NATO defense
Bonn wants to pour between
$852 million and $909 million into
underdeveloped nations over four
The United States has indicated
a belief the West Germans are
trying to operate an export-sub-
sidiary rather than an aid pro-
gram in planning to get back from
underdeveloped nations between 20
and 25 per cent of disbursed funds
through the sale of German goods
in 1961. However, the Germans say
a large percentage of their planned
outlays next year are expected to
be spent by underdeveloped na-
tions in the United States.
Cinei, IVont

atomic weapons with an equal
voice in control of these weapons."
United States Vice-President-
elect Lyndon B. Johnson was in
the audience.
Assures Support
Johnson had assured the some
200 parliamentarians that the
recent United States election was
in no way "a repudiation of
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's,
support for the instruments of
mutua1 strength in Western
Norstad's views on the future
of the alliance were presented
against a background of much
recent discussion of what role
NATO should take as nuclear
weapons are being developed by
the three major atomic powers-y
the United States, the Soviet
Union and Britain.
France has tested two small
atomic bombs and is moving ahead
to create her own independent
nuclear striking force. This has
brought some fears that an in-
creasing number of other nations
will be making their own atomic
weapons, creating a nuclear arms
race which would, defy inter-
national control.
Id a6 ._ nw~n-a

No Comment on Louisiana Court Action

PALM BEACH M-An adviser
to President-elect John F. Ken-
nedy informed the Louisiana state
government yesterday that Ken-
nedy considers it inappropriate to
comment on action of a federal
court restraining the legislature on
integration affairs.
This word was given by Clark
Clifford on behalf of Kennedy, to
Christian Faser, executive secre-
tary to Gov. Jimmy H. Davis of
Louisiana. Clifford told a news
conference he telephoned Faser in
Baton Rouge yesterday morning.
Faser and four members of the
legislature flew here Sunday with.
a resolution asking Kennedy's
stand on fedei-al court action for-
bidding a legislature to interfere
with school integration in New
The Washington lawyer, who is
Kennedy's chief liaison man with
the outgoing Eisenhower Adminis-
tration, said he told the Louisi-
anans that if Kennedy asked his
advice, he would tell him it would
ho hirhl inanrnonrn'ito. o the

Women Elected
Among seven women elected
was Mrs. Kyoko Asanuma, widow
of Socialist Leader Inejiro Asanu-
ma, who was stabbed to death by
a young rightist at a political
rally Oct. 12.
Unofficial figures showed the
Conservatives got 22,647,154 votes,
or 57.6 per cent of the 39,340,000
cast, compared with 57.8 per cent
in the 1958 elections.
The government announced that
a postelection special session of
parliament will be convened Dec.
7 to elect a new prime minister.
It will be a mere formality since
Ikeda's re-election is assured. The
representatives are elected for
four-year terms.
Wilson Denies.
Probe Request,

... explains position
to raise the 62,000 signatures
protested the new policy.
president of Wayne would pro
ly sign the kind of petition
passed around.
"It is merely a request fi
statement saying you oppose (
munism. Obviously we all o:
Communism, but that is not
issue at stake in our ruling.
"A Roman Catholic priest w
have as much trouble gettin
speak propaganda at Wayne
Communist would get, and ni
er one of them would be all(
to speak."
SAC Studies
In Education
The University Senate Adv:
Committee yesterday diset
"the broad question of educati
climate in the state with regar
freedom of expression," Prof.3
ley Maurer, SAC chairman,
nounced last night.
Prof. Maurer, also chairma
the journalism department,
the aS A d migin cian1+

.. '. ' ... :r ....

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