THE MICHIGAN DAILY Smith Says Fair Trials Key Libert By RUTH EVENHUIS Michigan Supreme Court Justice Talbot Smith emphasized the im- portance of "due process of law" in maintaining the constitutionally guaranteed civil liberties in the second lecture of the Challenge Colloquium weekend. "Constitutional guarantees are not self-executing," he said. "And freedom of speech is of no value to the person who is behind bars as the result of an unfair trial." Smith said the "due process of law" clahse embodies a great deal of American philosophy. It is the provision responsible for a govern- ment of laws rather than men as it is the rule under which we submit to our rulers. Checks Malignancy "This clause draws the line be- tween efficient, good government and its more tyrannical form," he explained. "It checks malignant growths." Smith saw the application of the "due process" clause as a weighing of competing interests. The clause is not a yardstick, not mechani- cal, but a delicate process by which the individual even when balanced against national security, is entitled to a fair hearing, he said, mentioning the recent ex- cesses of the McCarthy era. Smith cited the controversy over the use of illegally extorted evi- dence for conviction as an in- stance in which the clause is subject to differing interpreta- tions. He described the argument for the use of confessions ob- tained by force or pressure as "emotional, based on a wish for vengeance," and said that such use is "repugnant to our concept of human dignity." Escape Preferable "Although some guilty people escape by this interpretation," he continued, "this is preferable to the use of inquisition or Russian tactics." He referred to the clause as an index of the American's maturity, of his tolerance and devotion to independence as determined by the values assigned to people who are not liked or trusted in the process of weighing interests. "Due process of law is going to be meaningful only to the de- gree that its worth is a matter of deep pride and profound con- viction to the people of the nation. It cannot be imposed on an un- willing people by the courts; it has to be a part of their way of life," he said. Defies Definition "The precise limits of due pro- cess of law defy definition because the clause involves a moral con- cept rather than a legal term," he explained. "Considerations of hu- man dignity, value and place in society revolve around the con- cept." Smith described the clause as the embodiment of a "tremen- dous, majestic and basic concept" essential to the functioning of the American system of government. 'U' Physician Sees Need for, (Continued from Page 1) 'ener ,: 0 says, it needs additional funds to provide more scholarships than it does now. The most equitable way, in his opinion, would be appropriations to the medical schools, to be dis- tributed in accordance A0th the particular needs of each student on an individual basis at the dis- cretion of a duly constituted body of the school. This appropriation would be based on a formula which would take into consideration factors such as enrollment, special needs of the students, the curricular ob- jectives, and -the educational costs of the institution. of the 85 medical schools in the country, only the University and two others handle classes as large as 200. The average is 95. Besides expansion and construe- tion of other four-year institu- tions, Dr. Bird suggests that, schools offering the first two years of medical study also be built a'nd strengthened, to carry a larger load of freshmen and sophomores. "For example," he says, "with our ten per cent drop-out rate we usually have a total of approxi- mately 40 vacancies in the Junior and senior classes. If two-year, schools in Michigan produced a substantial number of qualified students, we could take a signifi- cant portion of them. Other four- year schools could do the same thing" tions in American medical schools today. Both the general dearth of doc- tors and the financial attractive- ness of private practice are re- sponsible for this shortage. In- fact, professors are often obliged: to supplement -their teaching in- come through practice and/or consultative work on the side. For this reason, he continues, the University and other schools could not expand their operations without sacrificing the present student/teacher ratio, and insti- tutions with lower ratios might be looked to first enlarge their' classes. "The doctor shortage is not a simple problem," Dr. Bird admits. "If'the number of qualified physi- cians is to increase as it should, we will in the long run need more teachers than we are getting. And, of course, the number of teachers available depends on how many doctors are turned out by the medical colleges. "The logical approach is to in- terest more well qualified appli- cants in the study of medicine; we hope more capable students will be attracted to a mediical ca- reer if the cost of their studies can be defrayed by increased pri- vate and public donors." I m I "I~w GOTHIC FILM SOCIETY Sergei Eisenstein's STRIKE (Russia, 1924) and KINO PRAVDA (Soviet propaganda newsreel, 1922) Monday, November 21, at 8 p.m. in Rockham Amphitheatre. Admission is solely by subscrip- tion to the remaining 8 programs of the 1960-61 series. Subscrip- tions cost $4.00 each; they con be obtained before the showing. For further information, call NO 2-9459 or NO 2-6685. Lederle. _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ S.G.C. TONIGHT at 7 and 9:35 RI CHARD I (color) with LAWRENCE OLIVI ER 1 1r1i ri -1I rr lI A mEDIA riruA I U Ii I I IUJam[~F 9 It Uf-U tU '1 O[