1 hriftrigan, atly Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BYS TUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Den Opinions Are res UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS rruth Will Prevai" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241 ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SIDELINE ON SGC: Need for Responsibility Should' be Ariculated By PHILIP SHERMAN .Daily staff Writer THE MOTION in Student Government Council to establish a com- mittee on Student Rights and Academic Freedom provides an op- portunity students do not often have, and that is to also acknowledge their responsibilities Such acknowledgement would make little operative difference in the committee's work itself, but it would, to this writer, make the big- gest philosophic difference Surely, in establishment of a committee, RDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL BURNS Foreign Study Program Justifies Investment and in the very idea of SGC itself, be good if this were predicated every once and a while, and the committee motion offers an op- portunity to provide for this im- perative, responsibility is implied. But it DAILY OFFICIAL SJULLETIN VERYBODY LIKES THE IDEA of a foreign study program. The student-run literary liege steering committee, the literary college elf and the administration all have voiced proval of a University study abroad plan. Yet after three years of investigation, re- nmendation, proposals, suggestion and de- led planning, the program has bogged down still another rash of delays. ds wasinevitable, the administrationbnow ;ards finances as the key stumbling block the way of final implementation of this ich-needed as well as popular proposal. The T ainRites 0TH THE EXECUTIVE committee of the Inter-Fraternity Council and the Ann Arbor lice took action this week to restrain pledge anks. The IFC proposal says that pledge tivity which would discredit the fraternity tem or would harm fraternity houses or the embers would be in violation of Inter-Fra- -nity Council by-laws. This cannot help but bring to mind recent cussions of tapping proceedures employed men's honoraries. Both University and city gulations are consistently violated by these oup during Spring tapping. It' is generally knowledged that as a matter of course, noraries violate the state law with regard to rsons who are not 21 years old drinking, d a University rule and state law concerning decent exposure. In addition, many students d administrators along with a great per- itage of the faculty feel the students' be- vior during tapping is juvenile, senseless d generally unbecoming student leaders at well-respected school. INCE THE ANN Arbor police are now en- forcing city ordinances with regard to pledge anks, there should be a new pressure on ese honoraries to close the gap between e tone of the University of the 1960's and eir now somewhat archaic practices. Though would be difficult to force such reforms upon em, it is to be hoped they will take it upon emselves to modify tapping. -THOMAS KABAKER self-supporting program anticipates a net loss of $900 during its initial year of operation. Another, $30 thousand will go through the University's, hands, but will be made up of tuition paid by participating students. Ap- parently, these figures are too staggering for an institution which spends $100 million an- nually and which reportedly has. other con- siderations which must come first. ONE OF THE FAVORED "considerations" includes an extra $700 thousand for an im- provement in plant maintenance and instruc- tional supplies.k Thus the administration has asked the literary college to seek other methods of financ- ing the venture. Somehow, this is linked with joining the University of Wisconsin which already has scouts in Europe, in a single pro- gram. But the approved report of the literary col- lege executive committee has shown clearly that the University can easily support its own foreign study plan and has no need of joining another institution. Comparatively tiny, pri- vately supported, Smith, Sweetbrier and Hamil- ton have instituted independent, successful programs, yet mammoth Michigan allegedly needs aid. UNIVERSITY-SPONSORED year abroad A plan was intended to facilitate European study by easing credit transfer, eliminate ad- mission and re-admission red tape, and most importantly, guarantee the travelling student a level and method of instruction consistent with practice in Ann Arbor. In joining Wis- consin, the University will be forced to com- promise in course planning, financial arrange- ments, and educational goals. The University of Wisconsin may be a "good" school but its admission standards, national reputation, and level of intellectual -activity are plainly distinct and inferior to the Uni- versity's. Picayune considerations are blocking the realization of a necessary branch of the Uni- versity. The incessant delays indicate that this "world institution" is losing its grip on pro- gress. -HARVEY MOLOTCH -David Newman Excitement Without Experiment MAX L E R N E R ce o fea ThePrincipe o f Relt S ff.f.e l.f .'. .ft fl . . r.. "a'O T .ff* sn A.V . . T HAS BEEN A HARD RACE and close dragged-out finish. But some things are ear about it. One big fact about the Kennedy victory is hat neither religion nor economic power, either fear of inflation nor the magic of resident Eisenhower's name could stop it. Americans can be proud about having fought it, on a major battlefront, one of the great attles of their history - the battle against ze bitterness of religious bigotry within the eart. The political landscape will never be ie same again. The fight was tough but the akes were high. Never again will an able and omising candidate be ruled out completely ecause of his faith, even for the highest ffice in the nation. I might add that what has happened about Catholic candidate will happen. in time, bout a Jewish candidate, and in the fullness time, about a Negro candidate. 'HE WORLD THINKS it knows America as a plutocracy. It is good for the world to .scover that there are things in the gift of ie American people that cannot be bought, nd that the people cannot be maneuvered ito believing what is against the evidence of ieir experience. They were told that America had prosperity id economic health, yet they knew that there ere pockets of suffering in the economy, nd they had rarning signals of a hard road head. They were told that for individuals to end was virtue, but for the people as a whole- y spend in the public sector was some kind crime, yet they sensed that these fears were chaic. They were told that America's world osition was highly satisfactory, yet they knew fferently. They were told that the position of the Russians in the satellite areas could be undercut by sending high American emis- saries on peace trips, and again they knew differently. It was Kennedy's task to keep before the people constantly the crucial aspects of the reality principle. He was able to do it, where Stevenson before him had failed. This was partly because, as a Catholic, he was less vulnerable to the charges of appeasement. But mainly it was because his knowledge and his self-command inspired confidence, and his at- tractiveness as a person opened the minds of many to what he said. Intellectually, some may resent this role of personality in a cam- paign, but the nation is lucky that for once a good mind and a good social program con- verged with a popular leader symbol. THE DIALOGUE OF leadership-between the people and the man they trust-has begun anew. It will have to go on for the next four years-or even the next eight-under condi- tions of massive difficulty. The struggle be- tween the world democratic bloc and the world Communist bloc will be a grim ordeal. To keep it going on the plane of politics, economics and ideas, without slipping iito nuclear and germ conflict, will take some positive steps toward the reduction and control of the suicidal wea- pons, and toward a stronger UN authority which may some day have a monopoly of these weapons, will require courage and vision. I don't say that these were the decisive issues on which the people made their choice. It is improbable that they ever formulate the problem in this fashion. But, in simpler but crucial terms, they did feel that only if America becomes stronger will it be able to become more flexible in its foreign policy. And they evidently did respond to the image of vigor, courage and freshness in Kennedy's leadership. Y WILL NOT, I think be disappointed. The years we are now entering bid well to be a new era of policy, leadership, national energy, and direction in American life, com- parable to the great era of Roosevelt's New Deal. Kennedy, as I have several times em- phasized in the past months, has the stuff of growth and greatness in him. The Presiden- tial mantle will soon be fitted on him for size. There is ample room in it for a big man. I think Kennedy will fill it out. A new era is opening, a new wind rising, a By ROBERT KRAUS Daily Reviewer THERE are few actors who would dare an audience to watch him as, with timing akimbo and ges- tures that play to the balconies but a voice too soft for fifth row orchestra, he works his way into a part on his own terms and in his own good time. And there are few audiences that would pay to see it if the actr were not Bur- gess Meredith. It is too bad that Mr. Mere- dith saw fit to reduce the risk involved by throwing out phony LETTERS: (ostrich Tragedy To the Editor: AFTER reading your "editorial" by Ralph Kaplan which dis- cussed David McReynolds speech, I reached several conclusions. Mr. Kaplan states-"The trage- dy of people like McReynolds is their assumption that because a problem (i.e. the Cold War) is serious, it MUST be solvable." I SAY THE TRAGEDY is that people like Mr. Kaplan, the abominable ostriches "of today, have the opportunity of reach- ing people in large numbers through newspapers. If you dis- agree with someone-fine. But to criticize and then offer a solution which is no solution at all, is hardly worthy of the space of a usually fine editorial column. --David Immerman, '62 No Halt . To the Editor: PRINT whatever you like; rea- sons without conclusions or conclusions without reasons, but in reference to Ralph Kaplans article: Please refrain from set- ting up the fallacious dichotomy of individual and society for the express purpose of annihilating one or the other. THE POWER OF THE INDI- VIDUAL IS NOT COMING TO A HALT (wherever THAT may be), -M. Balardo, '62 Sadistic Phony.. . To the Editor: AS A DAILY subscriber and "quad-Clod" as Mr. M. H. puts it, I find his mode of expres- sion and general vocabulary the most offensive Daily editorial I have seen since I have begun my career as a student. Not only was the editorial "Blind Date" poorly written, but poorly conceived and little constructive. To laugh at anything just for the point of ridicule and derision is to me a sadistic and phony attitude. I hope you Daily "Opinion Makers" are not all as ill-opinioned as was this particular editorial writer; if so, where opinion shall prevail there should be no truth. -harvey N. Maltz, '63 Senior Protests.. . To the Editor: AS A GRADUATING senior, I would like to protest the changing of graduation to the Saturday before final exams even begin, this day being the only free one to study for the exams beginning Monday. If it is the University's desire to inhibit or make impossible the attendance of many of those who are to grad- uate from their own graduation, then they have succeeded. Con- gratulations, this University is unique. -Lynn Brandman, '61 Senior Salute ... To the Editor: AS A MEMBER of the class of 1961. I would like to express intellectual inducements, for there is no actor who by his mere pres- ence can challenge the imagina- tion more than he. From the mo- ment he walked out onto the aus- tere but messy Hill Auditorium stage nothing could have seemed more exciting than to follow him where 'ere he would go. By promising us an evening of experimental theatre based on Pi- randello, he merely moved us off onto a different level than the one on which he was about to work. AS A MATTER OF FACT, the show was anything but experi- mental. It was a study in the pure art of acting, and acting is only a pure art when it is interpret- ing. It is only truth wheh it is in- terpreting correctly. There was little or no Piran- dello. The only times .Meredith stepped out of character were to bridge gaps between scenes and there was only one important change in actors for a character, which occurred in the one scene of the evening which never got off the ground, that from "Win- terset." The stage was bare but for three stage trunks, assorted bits of clothing and props and four stools. Onto this stage walked one of the most romantic (in style) or, if you will, "personality" actors of the day, a man whose triumphs are a devastation to Ac- tor's Studio. Herein lay the most daring ex- periment of the evening, I be- lieve, and it is no wonder to me that, though he is no stranger to experiments, Meredith seemed the most uneasy member of his com- pany in this classic aura. * * * EACH OF THE FOUR scenes took at least half their length to get off the ground, and two of them then became theatre magic. The reasons for the slow starts and for the moments of sublimity are both Meredith's. He began each by underplaying, strangely com- bined with an extreme literal- ness. He mumbled while his hands portrayed what we couldn't hear. The other actors had to play around and up to him. He was the center but not the strength of these early parts. Timing was thrown off: The word timing so important in'\ Thomas and the physical timing in Joye. BUT IN EACH of these two scenes somehow, no one knows how, his literalness, his liberal forces became poetic forces. The scene pulled together, the art of Thomas and Joyce thrived and those who were there must have known they were watching some- thing very special. Meredith's rare ability (I im- agine quite a few have it, but few could pull it off in serious drama) of being throughly in character yet letting us know he's watching the play with us, was never better used than in the Joyce where the hallucinations of the middle - aged Bloom were translated dramatically with all their surrealistic force, and gain- ed a humanized coherence. In "Milk Wood" as Captain Cat, the blind sailor, he played so broadly and sweetly and listened to the longing women with such understanding that he seemed to be the poet himself, fat and knowl- edgeable and prophesying his own death. The timing was at its best here and all movement seemed to fall into sympathy with Thomas' ca- dence and his sublime gags. * * * THE OTHER ACTORS in the highly talented company, Nancy Wickwire, Basil Langton, Tom Clancy and Pauline Flanagan, had all worked in one of the plays from which the scenes were taken: Dylan Thomas' "Under Milk Wood," "Ulysses in Night- town" adapted from Joyce, Max- well Anderson's "Winterset"and a scene from "A Thurber Carnival." Their relations with the plays were, a propos of Pirandello, to add an emotional perspective to the production, but again this an- nouncement only misled the fo- cus of attention. Again the emo- tional experiences when they came were provided by actors at work. * * * MEREDITH AND HIS cast have set high goals and I think the main trouble is that they are hav- ing trouble defining them. The experimental theatre and Piran- dello will not do. They are taking the show on a long tour prior to New Yprk. If it develops as it has (they have had only three weeks re- hearsal) it should be one of the most exciting things Broadway has seen in a long time. RIGHTS DO IMPLY responsi- bility. And the tone of the motion is not at all immoderate in its desire to set up the committee, for indeed problems exist in the area. It is unrealistic in the ex- treme to assume they do not. In- deed, it' is one responsibility of students to work for their own rights, as persons and academ- icians. Why the reluctance to say this and other things directly? With rights in a free society do come responsibilities; each right is not necessarily balanced, by an equal responsibility, but the sum totals of each balance. If they dQ not, dictatorship or li- cense is the result. This should not be so, and students should acknowledge it. Let the acknowl- edgement be more than tacit. RIGHTS AT THE University are often viewed vis-a-vis the admin- istration, as are responsibilities seen to be defined in University regulations. While rights exist as checks against authorities, re- sponsibilities often are more than this. There is no University regu- lation that a student must be- come open-minded, for instance but it is a responsibility. Statements- of this responsibil- ity ought to come from students, who have it. But it is a responsi-- bility of students to take into account administrative and facul- ty definitions of their responsibil- ity, too. And students must be awfully careful not to ignore these. definitions. Neither side has final truth, an admission which would be profitable for both to contin- uously make. A statement of responsibility would hardly be a sop to adminis- trators, or a public relations gim- mick. To charge this is 'to miss the point. For many people the commit- ment to responsibility is as great as the commitment to rights. And, if such a commitment exists, it must be fulfilled. At least this is the argument of the side which emphasizes rights as primary. THIS DOES NOT mean that the new committee would become the campus moralizer. There are enough of these already. It does not necessarily mean that it must issue a complete statement of re- sponsibilities in its work, though this might not be a bad idea. It does mean that the criterion of responsibility be written direct- ly into the committee's charge. No doubt, the group will not en- courage irresponsibility. ;This is not the point. The point is that one ought to say sometimes, what one believes. Students do believe in responsibil- ity. Why are they afraid to say so? The Daily Official Bulletin is an official -publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which, The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility., Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication.' SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Events Saturday Doctoral Examination for Loretta Grajo Juntad, Education; thesis: "Number Concord in English and Hill- gaynon,"a Sat., Nov. 19, East Conference' Room, Rackham Bldg., 9 a.m. Chairman, Robert Lado. Placement Notices PERSONNEL REQUESTS: United States Civil Service-Veterans Administration--seeking qualified stu- dents for Medical Laboratory, Medical Radiology, and Dental Laboratory Tech- niclans in various stations throughout Michigan. Either 1 year specialized training or equivalent experience re- quired. Michigan Civil Service-Openings for M.D.'s for position of Mental Retarda- tiarn Program Director. Must have a yrs. of professional experience in treat- ment of mentally retarded subsequent to obtaining diplomate in psychiatry or pediatrics. Applications for exam mus be filed by Jan. 11, 1961. Management Consultants, Chicago -- Opportunities for 2 recent grad engi- neers for Manufacturing Research and Technical Sales; also seeking several highly qualified engineers and/or busi- ness grads with industrial experience for senior positions with client indus- trial and manufacturing firms. Various locations. General Electric, Silicone Products Dept.-Waterford, N.Y.-Oepnings for Development and Process Engineers. B.S. and M.S. in Chemical Engineering required. ' Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co., - Youngstown, .-Openings for seniors and recent grads for= positions, as Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, and Metallurgical Engineers. Openings avail- able in both Youngstown and Chicago districts. PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS- Seniors, and grad students please call Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 3371 for interview appointments with the fol- lowing: MON., NOV. 21 Proctor & Gamble Overseas Div., Cin- cinnati, Ohio-Representative will in- terview FOREIGN NATIONALS who are citizens of the following: Austria, Bel- giub, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Italy, Mexico, Philippines, Portugal, Nor- way, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Vene- zuela, for employment in their native countries. Male only, any degree, for Advertising, Market Research, Merchan- dising, & Office Management. (Note: No interviewing of\ U.S. citizens at this. time, except MBA's who have had pre- vious contact with, the p & Q Over- seas Div.) TUES, NOV. 22 Michigan Dept. of Social Welfame (p-m.) Repr. Mr. _F. E. Wright. Feb. grads for work anyhere in Michigan. The Children's Div. has opportunities for men and women interested in social work. Inservice training. Scholarship for graduate study available fbr 61-62 academic year. Prefer Soc. Sci. major, but will consider any major. Michigan Civil Service-.Repr. Mr. R. D. Crable will interview any interested student with any degree for one year training program in a variety of fields -chemistry, economics, public admin- istration, forestry, wild life manage. ment, geology, physics, library science, psychology and psychiatric social work. Various locations throughout state. Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Non-Academic Personnel Office, 1020 Admin. Bldg., Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring part- time 'or temporary employees should contact Bill Wenrich at NO 3-1551, ext. 2939. Students desiring miscellaneous jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 1020, daly. , MALE 39-Psychological subjects (hours to be arranged) 2-Experienced meat cutters. 4-Salesmen (prefer upperlass or gra du a t e students, commission -basis.) 4-Car-washers (Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays) 5-Psycholoig!cal subjects (for one 2 hour period) FEMALE 2-Rooms in exchange for light work. 3-Office clerks (full-time temporary, for one month.) 2-Steno-typists (prefer persons with available morning hours. ) 2-Girls for light housework. 4hours to be arranged) 10-Psychological subjects (21 or over, for drug experiments) IS--Psychological subjects (for' one 3 hour period) Organization otiCes NOVEMBER 19, 1960 Baha'i Stud. Group, Nov. 20. 8 p.m.. League. Speaker: Dwight Allen, "The End of Alchemy in Religion." Congregational Disc. E & R Stud. Guild, Hayride and Weiner Roast, Nov. f I 4 Gateway to the New Frontier I A 6 7 f 1 ., i . " - ' _ ' 111 . ? 7 TE , ,,. , L+ F: . = . . , , ....... R yy y 4s / : A ,. ;y . J_ * . -. r.. 11 4 t.C. ii Ilt Itil ' JEAN SPENCER Editorial Director I