"There's Nothing Like A Good Smoke, Men" Pt Izr cian Batty Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OFTE UNIVMsrY OF MICHIGAN iinas Are FreUNDER A6THORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 411 Prevai" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG,. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 s printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AT THE STATE: 'Epitaph' Skid Row COnvincingly Cliched "LET NO MAN Write My Epitaph" compellingly charges up and down the alleys of Chicago's skid row revealing the tragic strupple of fallen man against his suffocating environment. This gripping story is told by means of the most amazing cluster of cliches ever gathered into one movie, yet these hackreyed situations NOVEMBER 17, 1960 NIGHT EDI'On: FAITH WEINSTEIN Sterile American Radicals Pick Wrong Source SPEECH by David McReynolds to the mocratic Socialists on Tuesday night is a example of the sterility of modern Amer- adicalism. Zeynolds' basic premise was that the for- olicies of both the Soviet Union and the i States are "anti-human" in their em- on vested national interest and their ;ness to consider use of weapons which estroy the human race. From this valid .ent and from the equally valid state- that every major institution in Ameri- ociety is working to support the status [cReynolds began searching for utopian a to change it all and found the Ameri- odent. teynolds looks to the student as the only n this situation yet pointed out that "the nic world, because of the importance of gon contracts has a vested interest in the race." He said that although the academ- tion of the universities has a vested in- in the arms race, the students can still the leaders" into a more desirable policy ey support pacifism. McReynolds also ented "that students have traditionally the most irresponsible element in Amer- ociety." FUTURE for the student rebel will be Tests, blackballs and subversive lists," Mc- lds said, but the student will at least have ditsfaction of freeing the leaders to act. ynolds pointed out that politicians in this ry can maneuver "in a very limited eif they wish to stay in office" and that a revolutionary student movement can them to act in conscience and hold jobs. fallacy of McReynolds' whole speech was it was correct only in its introduction. ynolds is one of those many people in : intellectual circles who comes to a 1, pessimistic conclusion and then looks me way to destroy its reality. The classic B to look for a radical source and Mc- Reynolds, like many before him, says the source is the student. THE SOURCE for progress should be the stu- dent, although he is being taught by an academy which has a vested interest in the Cold War. How a student, trained in this acad- emy, is to derive a basis for his radicalism is a question McReynolds leaves unanswered. The source is the student although he is traditionally the most irresponsible element in American life. The radical source is the student, and if he goes o1zt to create a radically different Ameri- ca he has the romantic possibility of living in a Jail cell instead of a split level. If there were an historical preedent for stu- dent-led revolutions in apathetic societies then this argument would carry some hope. But the traditional hope of student revolts is that they will carry rebellious adults with them. What does an American adult have to rebel against-prosperity when he's working or un- employment compensation when he's not? THE TRAGEDY of people like McReynolds is their assumption that because a problem is serious it MUST be solvable. Whether one likes to admit it or not, there is a possibility that the world will be annihilat- ed tomorrow. Whether one likes to admit it or not, the power of the individual is coming to a halt and if one gets on a subversive list he is not a martyr but an unemployable. But if it is true that both America and Rus- sia have an "anti-human" policy that makes them almost equally reprehensible, then per- haps the wisest solution is to face the fact. But once this fact is faced this does not mean one need immediately look for a solution that will end the threat of annihilation. Frighten- ing as it may seem, one might consider wheth- er every institution in both societies is working for a cold war and if it is, one might consider the possibility that there is no workable solu- tion. -RALPH KAPLAN 4-, - c may"f : .A #4E~ ~. ~ __ INTERPRETING THE NEWS: NATO and the French Striking Force are convincing because of the An- tense emotional rythm of the mo- tion picture. B-girls, dope addicts, alcoholics - these human rodents do not want to accept their life,.They desperately seek a way out of their , holes, but-, there are too many dead ends in their psychological mase for them to escape. These human falures. finally consolidate their love and aspirations in a youthful product of this environment, a teen-age boy who grapples with his background and surroundings. Eventually, even those who are living vicariously through his ef- forts are forced by environmental conditions to thwart his progress, but he fights and cies out against this filth, poverty, and man's in- humanity to man.' THE MOTION PICTURE syste- matically explores evil through the naive eyes of the teen-ager and then pits him. against the personification of all evil - a crudely terrifying, big-time dope peddler. These two forces-youth- ful man's desire for good and the world's disgusting rebuttal of evil --meet face to face, ideal against ideal, in the closely plotted climax of the movie which was boiled out of Robert Presnell's novel by Wil- lard Motley, James Darren as the young man emerges as an actor of surprising talent after a series of unpromis- ing pretty-boy roles. He has a long way to go before he will be a great actor, but he has, at least, learned to effectively utilize his eyes in order to reveal a charac- ter's inner feelings. In "Epitaph" his eyes reveal the great romantic concept of the unquenchable spirit of man. . * * * JEAN SEBERG, another here- to-fore actress of little count, manages a role that is enough like her personality that she is able to lift herself above high Seberg was the booby prize of the world-wide search for a per- feet St. Joan and has not been able to life herself . above high school standards for good acting.) VeteransShelley Winters and Burl Ives combine their talents under Philip Leacock's direction In what are usually Academy Award performances. Miss Winters ages and decays on the screen to a most pitifully crushed human being. Her drama- tic attempts to choose between an uncontrollable desire for drugs and natural maternal love is ac- tively portrayed in screams, whis- pers, and sweat. MR. IVES BARRELS his way through intimate moments, a court room brawl, and a death scene with the fine acting style which has practically eclipsed his earlier fame as a folk singer. There are other notable per- formances of a punch-drunk fighter, a legless newsboy, a weary prostitute, and a butcher who vainly fight their way through the human mire' of Chicago's un- sophisticated Madison Avenue. "Let No Man Write My Epitaph" Is not for the squeamish, easily- shocked, or limited-visioned; for it is brutal, blunt, and demands a keen perception to see through the obvious cliches to the impor- tant philosophical and socioligical values of the motion picture. -Milan Stitt ACLU: Mailable (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following articles are excerpted from a press release of the American Civil Liberties Union.) t"LADY CHATTERLY'S Lover" finally is free to go through the mails. The Post Office De- partment has announced it will not appeal the United States Court of Appeals decision that the un- expurgated version of D. H. Law- rence's 31-year-old classic is not obscene and is mailable. The Appeals Court decision on the book's mailability 'was un- animous, although the judges divided two-one on the question of its literary and moral values. JUDGE CHARLES E. Clark and Judge Sterry' R. Waterman thought the book was "refreshing" and full of "moving tenderness." Judge Leonard R. Morris said it contained "vulgarisms" and "ques- tionable scenes." The Appeals Court upheld a. lower court ruling by United States District Court Judge Fred- erick' vanPelt Bryan who said "Lady Chatterly's Lover" was not obscene and lifted a postal ban which had been in effect for two months. The ban had covered actual copies of the book mailed by Grove Press, its publisher, as well as circulars advertising it mailed by the Readers Subscription boob club, which offered the book as a monthly selection. .* * * 4 v ? By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst SOME PEOPLE in Washington think that if the United States will provide the North Atlantic defense force with nuclear wea- pons, France can be persuaded to drop her plans for a national striking force of her own. But the French decision to es- tablish her own force was not a military decision. It was a political one. French leaders think they de- serve a bigger voice than they are getting in NATO and other allied affairs. Charles de Gaulle is extremely jealous of France's national standing in the world, A NUCLEAR striking force for NATO could completely satisfy his ideas about France's defense, even though it might always be under the command of an American, without touching this uppermost political thought in his mind, A separate French striking force is not opposed for itself by the United States. The opposition is to any new national forces as they are likely to incite creation of more and more. French experts say the Swedes are likely to be next after them. There have been reports that Japan is almost ready, and there is much speculation about Red China. And the more members there are in the atom X LERNER if Igglill iii,:'421! medy Coalition Ges turf THERE are two ways in interpreting Sen. Kennedy's tactic of the outstretched hand in di swift move to meet with his defeated oppo- ient, Vice-President Nixon. One is that he is novinigfrom a generous sense of his own strength,making a coalition gesture that need ,st him nothing but will impress the Nixon 3artisans and Perhaps even shake the Russians. The other is that heis moving from a shaky ense of how narrow was the margin of popular 'otes separating the two Presidential candi- ates. In this view he might be seeking a coali- ion government, 'with a substantial role for republican leaders, especially in foreign policy. Either view is possible. One view would mean hat the President-elect is. striking the note of n "era of good feelings," much as in the ad- ninistration of President Monroe. The second iew would mean that he is striking the note of to era of two-party government, as Franklin oosevelt did when he stressed the danger of he war crisis and appointed two able Republi- ans to the two top defense Cabinet posts. INCLINE to the notion that Sen. Kennedy is leading from strength, not weakness, but hat he is nevertheless seeking to gain every unce of additional strength for his administra- Ion in the stormy months ahead. In forming he government and giving it a shaping direc- ion, he may have in mind not Monroe or ±rTanklin Roosevelt but a third model-that of height Eisenhower, who managed amazingly o maintain great popular support by present- ng himself as a national leader above the par- Isan political battle. Eisenhower achieved it not by appointing )emocrats but by stressing his role as a non- iolitical general and an over-all father figure. Kennedy can do neither of these, but he is too ealistic a student of political tactics to miss the )pint of the Eisenhower case: That a national 1gure image is possible in peace as in war. THE DANGERS of this approach should be apparent, however. Eisenhower remained a ational leader image mainly by doing little in he way of leadership. He hoarded his political nfluence, but like many hoarders he never pent what he so carefully saved, except at the 'ery end, when he flung it to Nixon's support vthout avail. National leadership ought not to e a coat of many colors, to be admired by the nultttude but never exposed to wind and storm td weather. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, coming into office t a time of great national emergency, came as a national rather than as a party leader. e managed to push through Congress a for- idable legislative program in the first "Hun- World War again gave him the chance and Every President is faced by this paradox of having to be both a national leader and a party leader. But this is less of a paradox than it seems. He cannot be the first unless he is truly the second as well. Roosevelt could not have done his duty to the nation if he had backed away from the New Deal program in those first hundred days or if he had flinched from a total assault on the fascist world power within the frame of a Russian alliance. IIHE NOTION that there is really no differ- ence between the Democrats and Republi- cans on foreign policy is an illusory notion and could even be a dangerous one to the effective,. ness of the Kenndy administration. It is also dangerous to think of the Secretary of State as a neutral technician, which is the underlying conception of J. Edgar Hoover's job on the FBI and Allen Dulles' on the CIA. It makes sense to see the federal police and the intelligence agency as nonpartisan, but to add foreign policy to the same category is to strip it of any shap- ing force and reduce it to administrative detail. The Kennedy victory was an authentic vic- tory, and carries with it a program not only of domestic legislation but of new viewpoints and new policies in foreign affairs. If Kennedy's speeches were genuinely meant, then his ad- ministration is committed to a new look in the State Department. One may guess that there will be a shift of emphasis from NATO and alliance policies in Europe to the African, Asian, and Latin Ameri- can continents. There should be. instead of a chaos of specific aid grants, a sweeping Mar- shall Plan for Africa and another for Latin America. There should be a new stress on tying the aid to development projects rather than letting it dribble away into corruption and waste. There hsould be a commitment to joint hemisphere action to replace unilateral U.S. action, on issues like Cuba and the Dominican Republic. There should be a massive program of cultural exchange, especially with the new Afri- can nations, including the dramatic idea of a peace army of American cpllege students and graduates. There should be, finally, a revamp- ing of the foreign service, to bring in a more highly trained corps of government servants who know the language and culture of the coun- tries to which they are accredited. CAN UNDERSTAND why Kennedy might want to play down the innovations in his foreign policy program in his anxiety to carry Congress with him on his domestic pro- gram in the early months of his administra- tion. But he would be paying a high price for LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Foreign Study Benefits club, the more complicated be- comes the prospect of ever ar- riving at controls or abolition. ASIDE FROM these problems, the United States would like to see France spend her money in other ways-particularly in aid to underdeveloped, countries which is now proving a strain as this coun- try runs a deficit in its over all financial dealings with the rest of the world. The nuclear striking force for NATO is expected to be one of the key topics at next month's NATO conference in Paris, although it can be discussed on a tentative basis only pending installation of' the new administration in Wash- ington. Some Europeans are nervous as the United States begins to deploy the new Polaris submarines around them, expecting the Soviet Union to develop counter measures. In- stead of relying wholly on Ameri- can and British strategic bases for retaliation, they would like to have a trigger to pull in their own de- fense directly. * * * A$ THE BERLIN situation heads toward what many expect to be a spring crisis, there is a growing interest In the possibilities of tactical nuclear power adminis- tered by NATO. There is some speculation that Moscow might expect to get away with some sort of coup in the belief that the West would not bring on a general war by retaliating with strategic wea- pons. No steps could become effective immediately, but moves made now might have an important bearing on negotiations which seemed to be dragging toward eventual rup- ture. THE WAY HAS been cleared for an appeal to the Tennessee. Supreme' Court of a low~er court ruling that integration of private schools in the state would be un- lawful. Circuit Judge Chester C. Chattin denied a new trial to the High- lander Folk School, whose charter he ordered revoked last March after a hearing before a jury. The jurist concluded that the United States Supreme Court's 1954 decision on school integration did not apply to private schools and that Highlander had .violated a 1901 Tennessee segregation law by admitting Negroes as well as white persons to its workshops and seminars. "THIS APPEAL WILL BE the first time that the relationship of private schools to the Supreme Court decision regarding integra- tion has been tested in courts," according to a June 24 statement from the Highlander Folk School Legal Education Committee. "This case is therefore of deep signifi- cance to all private schools, in- cluding many great universities, which are operating in states where obsolete segregation laws are still on the statute books." Highlander, an adult'education school, has been the target of at- tacks by public officials for some time because of its integrated in- struction. Charges before a state legislative committee that the in- stitution, was Communist-domin- ated were not proved. In another move, police "raided" the school at night seeking liquor unsuccessfully. Subsequently a petition to declare Highlander a "public nuisance" was filed in Circuit Court. i' v To the Editor: I WISH to comment on an edi- torial appearing in the Michi- gan Daily several weeks ago on the proposed study-abroad program of the University. I sent this edi- torial to a friend of mine who studied abroad under the Insti- tute for European Studies, a pro- gram with which the writer ex- pressed dissatisfaction. It is my friend's reaction to this editorial which has prompted me to write. This participant wrote that "like everything the I.E.S. program has its faults, but what one can get out of it is directly proportional to what one puts into it." The pro- gram places much responsibility on the student, both academically and personally, to make the most of the opportunity. My impression Is that a mature student who does go to Austria with a positive atti- tude to learn will be re-rewarded, but it does require a sense of ma- turity and responsibility for one to benefit. From the accounts which I have heard of this program, the bene- fits can far outweigh the short- comings. I hope that this expres- sion might counter to some ex- tent the opinions put forward in that editori 1 . -Ralph W. Cummings, Jr., Grad More 'Facts'... To the Editor: WOULD LIKE to take this op- portunity to comment upon the article written by Mr. Burns on Thursday (Nov. 7) and on the let- ter by Mr. Doerr on Sunday (Nov. 13). The Daily has taken the po- sition for the entire election that partisan reporting is a right and a privilege of the paper and on this stand I, of course, have no comment. The paper's policies are its own problem, and they change from year to year, depending upon the editorial leadership or lack of leadership which ever the case may be. IN MR. BURNS' article the fol- lowing statement occurred: ment Council upon their orders to us to take part. I sincerely hope that in the future more adequate communications can be established between The Daily and the Young Republican Club to avoid such mistakes. -Josephine McKenna Easing Tensions... To the Editor: PERHAPS editorial writer M. H. in the article "Blind Date" (Daily, Nov. 16) is one of those persons believing that it is futile to meet and become acquainted with different people. The article certainly left that impression with this reader. Just because every person is not a "Sandra Dee," or "Marilyn Mon- roe," or a "Rock Hudson" (and who would want to be anyway?) is no reason why a person should not attempt to meet and talk with different and interesting people. *'p * I SUPPOSE the logical extension of the views expressed in "Blind Date" would be that summit con- ferences and similar opportunities for discussions are useless. If this is true, then the past has been wrong-for there have been thou- sands and thousands of confer- ences, summit meetings, talks, etc. Obviously, somebody in the past has considered that understanding the people around us is important or they wouldn't have bothered with discussion. Refusing to participate in an ex- change dinner will certainly not ease the world situation or bring about a better understanding be- tween our fellow citizens. -Larry Levy, '64-- Favorites . . . To the Editor: MONDAY I attended the Artur Rubinstein concert and I was glad to see my favorite group was present, all 140 of them sitting there twitching, squirming, cough- ing there on the stage. There for a while I thought it was to be a 4 ''' DAILY OFFIICIAL BULLETIN :.,, a r. , .1,.: .}:;-., : ..Please c tt re a u of Appoint-" c.v~ and assisted by Carol Jewell, violin, The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 3 p.m. two days preceding publication., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 General Notices Automobile* regulations will be lifted for Thanksgiving. vacation from 5 p.m. Wed., Nov. 23, until 8 a.m. on Mon., Nov. 28, 1960., Office of the Dean of Men. School of Music Honors Program: Applications now are being accepted for the second semester, 1960-61. Forms are available in the School of Music office. Wed., Nov. 23, is the deadline for submission to the Honors Council of applications and supporting re- commendations. "An Evening with Burgess Meredith Tonight." Burgess Meredith will appear, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud. with a com- pany of four Broadway stars in a program of scenes from the recent, Broadway shows: "Thurber Carnival," "Ulysses in Nighttown." "Winterset" and "Under Milk° Wood." Tickets are on sale today in the And. box office 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Students are offered a special 30% reduction on all tickets. Oa Sce,~Rines, Tonigrht,. 8:00 p~m. and assisted by Carol Jewell, violin, Joseph Work, viola, Marjorie Ramsey, . violoncello, and Karen McCann, piano. Open to the public. University Lecture: Dr. Paul Tillich, Philosopher-Theologian, Harvard Uni- versity, will speak on the subject: "Symbolism: Its Significance in Reli- gion." 4:15 p.m. Rackham Lecture Hall, Fri, Nov.. 18. Open to all., Aeronautical-AstronaUtical Engineer- ing Lecture: Martin Schel, Research Scientist Dept., of Aeronautical En- ginerig.Princeton] University, will speak on "A Study of the Leading Edge of a Shock Induced Boundary Layer," Fri., Nov. 18, .4:04 pm., 1504 East Engineering 'Bldg. Astronomical Colloquium. Fri .,Nov. ,18, 4:00 p.m., The Observatory. Prof. D. B. McLaughlin will speak on "Bright-Line Stars of Class B." Psychology Colloquim: Dr. Jack W. Dunlap, Dunlap Associates, Inc., Stam- ford, Conn., will speak on "Homo Researchiens-the Care and Feeding Of" on Fri., Nov. 18 at 4:15 p.m. in And. B. Coffee in 3417 Mason Hal at 3:45 p.m. Doctoral Examination for Loreto Grajo Juntado, Education; thesis: "Number Concord: in English and Hiligaynon," Fri., Nov. 18, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., ,at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, Robert Lado, Doctoral. Examination for Neil. Jack Weller, Sociology; thesis: "Religion and Social Mobility in Industrial Society," Fri.; Nov. I8, 580 .Haven Hall, at 2:00 p.m: Chairman,. -E. Lenski. Please contact Bureau of Appoint- ments, Rm. 4021 Admin.. Bldg., Ext. 3371 for further information. PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS Seniors & grad students please call Bureau of Appointments for interview appointments with the following: MON., NOV. 21- Proctor & Gamble Overseas Div., Cin- cinnati, Ohio-Representatives will in- terview FOREIGN NATIONAL~S who are citizens of the following: Austria, Bel- gium, France, Ger., Greece, Holland, Italy, Mex., Philippines, Portugal, Nor- way, ;Spain, Switz., Sweden, Venezuela, for employment in their' native coun- tries, Male only, any degree for Adver- tising, Market Research, Merchandising & Office Management. (Note: No in- terviewing of U.S. citizens at this time, except M.B.A.'s who have had previous contact with the P&G Overseas Div.) TUES., NOV. 22- Michigan Dept. of Social Welfare (p.m.) Repr. M. F. E. Wight. Graduates: Feb. Location of work: Anywhere in Michigan. The Children's Div. has ap- portunities for men and women in- terested in social work. Inservice train- ing. Scholarships for graduate study available for 61-62academic year. Pr- fer Soc. Sci. major; will consider any major. Michigan Civil Service. Repr. M. RL. D. Crable will interview any interested student. One year training programs in a variety of fields-chemistry, eco- nomics. public administration. forestry, wild life, management, geology, physics, .4