STUDENTS WRONG RADICAL SOURCE S. Page 4 Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom 4Dati4 PARTLY CLOUDY High-48 Low-37 Chance of light showers continuig through tomorrow VOL. LXXI, No. 51 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1960 FIVE CENTS six PA 1 Porter Asks, wSU Speaker Ba Threatens To End Tax Suppor ,, -Daily--David Giltrow SGC OFFICERS--Seated left, Per Hanson, '62, executive vice- president; right John Feldkamp, '61, president. Standing left, Richard Nohl, '62, administrative vice-president; right, Arthur Rosenbaum, '62, treasurer. eldkamp HAnson , WinTo SGC Pot 0 A Reelect President b Acclamation For Record-Breaking Third Term By PHILIP SHERMAN Student Government Council President John Feldkamp, '61, was last night reelected to the presidency by acclamation. - Come January, Feldkamp will have served longer than any other Council President. Previous champion: Joe Collins, who served be- tween February 1957 and March 1958. Collins was elected three times, the first time to fill out the unexpired term of his predeces- sor, William Adams, and twice on his own, SGC Treasurer Per Hanson, '62, edged Arthur Rosenbaum, '62,1 for the executive vice-presidency in the evening's only contested' vote. Richard Nohl, '62, and Rosenbaum were elected respectively NEW COLLEGE: Set Group To Study Proposal By RICHARD OSTLING The Ann Arbor Board of Edu- cation decided last night to form a citizens' group through the Wash- tenaw County Association of School Boards to study the idea of a local community college. The action stemmed from a re- port made by the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce's education committee, which showed "con- siderable interest" in a school of- fering various two-year programs. In February of 1960, the Board asked the committee to, study the proposal, and in the ensuing months they conducted a random survey of county businesses which uncovered a great need for techni- cal-vocational graduates. No Degrees The proposed school would prob- ably not be a degree granting in- stitution, and would be designed for students who cannot meet the ever-rising standards of the four- year colleges, or who do not desire an academic career. There would therefore be no competition with the University or Eastern Michigan Universtiy in this case, but Cleary College might be affected. James McDonald, chairman of the C. of C. education committee, reported last night the survey of county business concerns covered a range from 1 graeoropcETA a range from large corporations to two-man firms. Of 90 question- naires sent out, 52 firms replied. Forty indicated they would offer opportunities for community col- lege graduates in the form of job advancement and/or higher pay. Show Interest Thirty-four respondents were in- terested in further study of the plan. New Committee The follow-up committee which the Board hopes to see established would be advised by a state-wide consultant on such colleges, such as the University's Prof. Raymond Young of the education school. A more detailed study, costing between $3,G0-$4,000, would con- sider whether local business schools, adult education, and high schools should assume such in- struction; whether industry has only a temporary need; if the calibre of students would be high enough; what area the college would serve; and where financial support could be found. -Dally-Arnold Weingarden WHOLE PERSON-James Downs argues for the re-institution of a ban forbidding Communist speakers on the WSU campus. He asked if the "fuzzy ideal" of "educating the whole person" justified lifting the ban. NEW YORK COLLEGES: Report Asks Aid to Schools SGC Delays Two Motions Student Goernment Council last night put off consideration' on motions to obtain membership requirement information from fraternities and sororities and to, establish a committee on student rights and academic freedom. The motion on constitutions will be considered at a special Council meeting Nov. 30, prob- ably in the Michigan Union Ball- room. Special procedures will be adopted to allow constituents to argue with Council members, and all informations on the motion will be made available. The Council, after a fairly lengthy debate, decided to put off the rights and freedom commit- tee motion until Dec. 7, (No oth- er business than the constitutions motion will be considered at the Nov. 30 meeting.) Daily Editor Thomas Hayden, '61, offered the motion as a fol- lowup to a 1959 motion, which outlined the proposed committee and set up procedures for actualiz- ing it. Briefly, the committee would formulate c definition of academic freedom and due pro- cess with particular reference to the student and his rights, sub- ject to Council approval, and look at the state of academic freedom at the University, with an eye for learning all points of view on it. It would also scrutinize the state of student rights at the Uni- versity, and make recommenda- tions to the Council on it. Last- ly, it would serve as a board of grievance for complaints of viola- tion of academic freedom or due process. Generally three points of view emerged: 1) More attention must be paid to these areas, because of their central importance to the educa- tional process. ' The committee would act responsibly in its work. 2) There is little problem in these areas, and the committee would only make trouble. And if there are problems, appropriate channels already exist to deal with them. 3) The motion must stress more student responsibilities. Rights cannot exist alone. Responsibility is also necessary for student and academic freedom. Police Limit Pledge Pranks >administrative vice-president and treasurer by acclamation. Secret Vote The voting, which took place only in the contest for, thesecond spot on the Council's executive committee, was secret, Feldkamp and Noel were the only members nominated for their posts; Lynn Bartlett, '63, was nominated for treasurer, but de- clined. Mary Wheeler, '61, whose name had been mentioned previously for the executive vice-presidency, ask- ed that her name be withdrawn from consideration even before it was put on the floor. She stressed the importance of her non-Council responsibilities as president of the local chapter of the National As- sociation for the Advanement of Colored People. To Offer Prospectus Feldkamp, who will offer a more detailed prospectus at the next Council meeting, said that the new executive committee will lead the Council further toward re- sponsible student government dur- ing the coming semester. This re- sponsibility is divorced from par- ticular issues or ideologies. In his speech accepting the nomination for Executive-Vice- President - nominees speak only when a post is contested- Hanson said the Council will be only as effective as its officers. NEW YORK-A three-man com- mittee called on Gov. Nelson Rockefeller yesterday to set in motion a multi-billion dollar, long- Ike Orders !Spending Cut AUGUSTA, Ga. (A)-President, Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday ordered a sweeping seven-point economy program aimed at saving a billion dollars a year in overseas spending. As part of it, he ordered the gradual return beginning Jan. 1 of 384,000 overseas dependents of United States military forcesh around the world. The White House estimated later that the emergency moves, ap- proved after months of top-level study, would cut down by one billion dollars the amount of dol- lars spent abroad in 1961. Half of this saving will come by slashing Defense Department spending, the White House said. Buying of American instead of foreign goods for economic aid will trim another 330 million. An- other 270 million is to be saved in cutting back operations of other agencies. range program to revamp higher education in New York State. The group, headed by Henry T. Heald, president of the Ford Foun- dation and formerly chancellor of New York University, urged that a state university system"worthy ofI the people of New York" be plan- ned and financed. They called for heavy support for public colleges and universities plus modest state aid for private institutions, including church-re- lated colleges. They also called for the creation of two major new graduate schools. The recommendations would raise the total annual teaching and operating expenditures for public and private higher educa- tion from the present $300 million to about one billion dollars by 1975. (For the 1959-60 fiscal year, Michigan's legislature alloted $127 million for capital outlay and operating budgets to be distributed among nine state-supported col- leges and universities.) The committee wrote that New York had been spending relatively less on higher education than many comparable states. It warned against yielding "reluctantly and tardily to the enrollment pressures, patching the system here and there, fighting off public discon- tent, of which there will be plenty, and hoping that the problem will solve itself." The report said that the present full-time and part-time enrollment of 401,000 in all public and private institutions of higher learning would rise to 646,000 in 1965... (Total enrollment in Michigan's institutions of higher education for the fall of 1960 is 95,400.) , Commenting on a controversial aspect of the report, Heald said he believed that state aid to pri- vate colleges should "support all institutions which turn out gradu- ates" and that the committee in- tended this to mean church-re- lated colleges as well. The pro- posal, if adopted, may have to stand the test of constitutionality in New York State. (Copyright New York Times, Inc., 1960) US Rebuked In Laos Crisis VIENTIANE, Laos (AP)-Premier Souvanna Phouma charged yes- terday the United States illegally supports Gen. Phoumi Nosavan, making the right-wing rebel re- gime less willing to compromise. United States officials defended their position as perfectly legal under agreement already made with Souvanna. Governors Decide To Postpone Action' Petitioners Present Signatures, Demand Re-instatement of Ban By MICHAEL OLINICK ' Prompted by fear of discontinued state financial si port, Wayne State University's Board of Governors broke their meeting yesterday without taking any action on th policy of allowing Communist speakers on campus. *State Senator Elmer R. Porter (R-Blissfield) threater WSU with no more legislative support. The chairman of t appropriations committee said, "As far as I am concern Wayne State University will be hard put to fund any furti Michigan tax dollars for its support as long as the Board Governors permits Communist* speakers to appear on cam- pus." Ann Byerlein, who led a group ., ~. of petitioners asking re-instate- .. ment of the ban, presented Por- .. . ., ter's remarks to the board by way of a letter she received from the legislator. Letter"Influees" Porter's statement seemed to have more effect on the governors than Miss Byerlein's arguments 4 or her 62,651 signatures that call- ° ed the lifting of the ban "open co-operation with the Communist conspiracy." Leonard Woodcock, chairman of ' ' the board, said he had "heard nothing to change my decision" in the speeches of Miss Byerlein and her four supporters, but asked for postponement of action until Porter's letter was verified..- also requested a c the let- ter Miss Byerlein sent to the sen- ator. "Senator Porter has tremen- dous power over whether or not k f we will continue to function as a state university," Woodcock said. "We pperate by virtue of the Legislature. This is a chal- ANN BYERLEIN lenge we need to clear up." .., fights governors Porter Agrees Porter agreed with Miss Byer- Ri" lein "one hundred per cent thatR oLs in e this is indeed open cooperation with the Communist Party. "And you may also be assuredd that the first chance I have the P Board of Governors and President (Clarence B.) Hilberry will find As part of their presentationr out that I absolutely will not tol- the Wayne State University Bo erate the stand they have taken." of Governors yesterday, the p4 The other members of the tioners showed parts of a mot board reaffirmed their desire to picture that purported to 1 maintain the ban removal and student demonstrations with defended the new policy. Communist movement in Amer: Backs Policy The film, "Operation Abolitic adoe o Michael Ference Jr deals with the demonstrations i si, "I am convinced thatou policy is a proper one and that riots at the House Un-Amerit we have done everything possible Activities Committee hearings to implement it the way we want." San Francisco last May. "It is "The question is the nature of prime importance for our c the approach," another gover- that the board see this film," p1 nor, Benjamin Burdick said, ad- tion leader Ann Byerlein said. dressing Lobsinger. We all detest shows hw a few dedicated Coc Communism as much as you do." monists used thousands of sym ,The problem extends beyond the thetic non-Communist students ban, Governor Jean McKee ar- The HUAC - produced mc gued. "It doesn't make any dif- traces the growth of the studt ference if we do have the ban, pickets, Jeers, and hearing w What we really need is vigilance. turbances in terms of the Cc We've got to be very careful but munist leaders who were subp if a speaker does provide some naed to appear at the hearings, real service to the university he Actual disruption of the inve should be allowed to speak here." gation proceedings came at seve The fifth board member, Clair times. Once, the students in A. White, was absent for most of galleries began chanting "O the meeting, but joined in the the Doors!" over and over ag unanimous vote to postpone ac- until they concluded with the f tion- stanza of the National Anthein Miss Byerlein said she would In a report to Congress, I "go to the state Legislature and Chief J. Edgar Hoover called and they nut of al pboardo- San Francisco demonstrations " not revoke its present stand. best thing that had happened She claimed support for her pe- the Communist party in years." tition campaign from Don R. Pears (R-Buchanan), speaker of Con " the state House of Representa- n .oR eceives tives, Rep. Lucille H. McCollough (D-Dearborn) of the House and D R s Congressman John Lesinski (U- Jenr Russell Mich). She also read sympathetic letters from J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Faculty Awar< chief; Herbert Philbrick, author See WSU, Page 2 Dr. Jerome W. Conn, profes of internal medicine, has be selected as a Henry Russel L G r u Rejects tuer,the highest honor the U . . ;., vpr,.y nsmennf n nn,. ,m . r, a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS MEET: Panel Views Current Attitudes in., Cuba By JOHN ROBERTS More important than the material achievements of the Castro revolution has been the new sense of purpose and dedication gained by the Cuban people, members of a Democratic Socialist panel agreed last night. The panel members, all students who have been to post- revolutionary Cuba, gave similar reports of their initial skepticism giving way to realization of the immense good being worked by the Fidelistas. Gretchen Kline, Grad, stressed the unreserved friendliness shown by the Cubans for the American people. Hostility, she said, was directed only toward Wall Street and the United States state depart- ment, whom the Cubans do not regard as typical of America. No Opposition Miss Kline added that she met no one who opposed Castro or his policies, including members of the entertainment and tourist indus- tries, who have suffered the most. Jack Erfurt, Grad, said he was not prepared for the Cuba that he saw, and criticized the distortions of the American press, a criticism that was echoed by the other panel members. His trip to the island, he said, was "the greatest experience Of my life- I saw a whole society undergoing total change." In the two years since the revolution, more houses and schools have been built for the masses than during the entire 60 years of American dominated government, he stated. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ': i. I