"Here We Go Again" inions Are free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD TN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLucATONs WUIl Prevail fit i { to S \ t Z } r =s s F 5 rhr F. . r i'; 4. _. ;' }'." 1 i i t j f l 9 '. ". :Fi rwtirr...w. .w.nrw .rr,.., q '.. ." ' r i S , s . x .t . _ }} ~ ' \ r f t I ' ..:.. / r ' . i ,a,, ' ,' .,,yam ti \.. '"t' _ _ Ft Rubinstein's Chopin Remains Unexcelled SIDELINE ON SGC: Rundown of Council Election By PHILIP SHERMAN Daily Staff Writer AS THERE is going to be no no recount in the Student Government Council election, it is now safe to analyze the re- sults. In the present case, the best analysis is almost no analy- sis. The election may be the dawn of a new era for the Council; then again it could not be. It may be the initial jump to power by a new opinion-making organi- zation-Voice-or it could be a momentary triumph. The Coun- cil's makeup could be radically changed. It may not be. So, with this in mind, a qualified comment is in order. * * s FIRST VOICE - The party members like to claim a strong endorsement for their candidates and platform. However, the Voice, people were personally of rather significant merit; they were the only ones, except for one, who really campaigned; and it is high- ly doubtful that a great many people really have read or under- stood the platform. This is not to minimize the Voice success. The party got about 40 per cent of the first- place votes. It is up to the three, voices-one old and two new-to. demonstrate to the campus what the platform really is. One hopes they and their allies will do bet- ter than national parties do. So the real test of Voice may be in the spring. By then, the enthusiasm of newness will have worn off, the campus will know what Voice members stand for on the Council in operative terms. If Voice again come up with good candidates, and these are accept- ed at the polls, then Voice will truly be an established organiza- tion. They are not really ephemer- al now, but neither are they es- tablished. SECOND, THE "NEW ERA" theory-This is rather like the "new Frontier" and like that pro- gram it may face a great deal of legislative opposition. It will depend on how the Voice people, in particular, offer their program, and what they offer. They ought to keep their feet on the ground, as the old saying goes. The "new era" also depends on whether the conservative opposition bestirs it- self to offer some programs of its own. They've been fighting on their opponents' ground, as los- ing, as they well deserve. The wages of opposition is only de- feats. Something more is needed. Third, Council composition - Something needs to be said about this first in terms of members themselves. * * * ON ONE SIDE, the Voice people will find their major allies in Roger Seasonwein and Thomas Hayden, who have been success- fully doing battle all year, and now with reinforcements ought to do better. Seasonwein, master of language and the pregant-. new ideas. If other members had matched his output, the Council would have had about five or six new ideas to deal with at each session. * * * ON THE OTHER SIDE are ar- rayed Jon Trost, Dan Rosemergy, Per Hanson, Perry Morton and Jim Hadley. Trost is the best de- bater among the group, which as a whole will miss outgoing Bill Warnock, who was one of its best spokesmen. The remaining quin- tet, who will undoubtedly be join- ed by Richard Nohl, have to of- fer more in the way of positive programs of their own. The Coun- cil was not intended to be a "night-watchman government," as the six well know. They'll have to do better. There are more of them, and they can win votes, if they have something to offer. This is in the nature of a chal- lenge. In the middle are Hyder Shah, Myra Goines, Susan Kennedy. Barbara Greenberg and Arthur Rosenbaum. These people have generally agreed with Hayden and Seasonwein, and so have passed the few measures the two "lib- eral" leaders have offered. These people ought to join in Council activity more. With the occasion- al exception of Rosenbaum, they do not offer much at the coffin- shaped table. As the means, their views are important. But these views need to be offered, and it is the Council that suffers when they vote without comment, * * OVER THIIS agglomeration pre- sides the great, if smiling Stone Face, John Feldkamp. If each men'ber would take as much in- terest in the Council as their Pres- ident, the Council would be very fine indeed. But they don't, and Feldkamp can't do it all him- self. He has done an excellent job in the discrimination-constitu- tions area. If half the other mem- bers would pay as much attention to as many other issues, then the Council would get a lot more done. Feldkamp is hot and warm by turns toward the liberal wing, and his position needs further definition. He is all for the Coun- cil, as an ideal reality, but it is sometimes hard to see that he is leading it concretely along any particular path. * * * INTO THIS GROUP fall the new members. Voice and Nohl fill ecological roles. Dennis Shafer may seek the middle group. A new Council? The Voice members replace Ron Bassey and Al Haber, who voted the line any- way, and Lynn Bartlett stays. Nohl moves, apparently into Warnock's slot, and Shafer replaces Nancy Adams, a slight liberal gain. Statistically, not much differ- ence. Operatively, perhaps a big difference, because Phil Power and Mary Wheeler ought to make up and more for a voting Ron Bassey and an absent Al Haber. The election may presage big changes. In itself, it is only a portent. Future Councils will de- cide what its real significance was. IT IS REMARKABLE that a m retain enough strength even toj night Artur Rubinstein demonstrat charming manner. Although hisI . of lighter works, the Grand Master ship he has possessed in over thir It was a typical Rubinstein side effects. At several timer, in I chair, and ended the "Carnaval Rubinstein, he frequently raised his arms above his head-always, amazingly, landing on the right chords. HE OPENED THE program with the rather dull "Prelude, Chorale, and Fugue" by Franck. The dynamics were monotonous, only once rising above a mezzo-forte, and that only, in the very end. The number seemed nothing more than a preparation for Schumann's most prolific piano work, "Carna- val Suite," Opus Nine.' With movements ranging from "Butterflies" to "March of David Against the Philistines," Rubin- stein showed his ability to play both gracefully, ever so delicately, and domineeringly. * * * IMMEDIATELY AFTER inter- mission the soloist devote him- self to four lighter works-again as if in preparation for the grand finale. "0 Prole do bebe" is a set of three .sketches of a baby's toys, by the Brazilian VillaLobos: Mulatto Rubber Doll, Poor Rag Doll, and Clown Doll. All were performed with graphic imagina- tion, and presented vivid images. Rubinstein next turned to Serge Prokofieff for two selections: "Twelve Visions Fugitives," and the Marche, from his opera "Love for Three Oranges." The former is semi-atonal, slow, and rather mysterious, and requires a roman- tic-like touch which he applied flawlessly. The latter is stacatto, and' pompous-made even more so by Rubinstein. Its theme is commonly known, and was handl- ed sprightly. * * * . WHAT IS RUBINSTEIN with- out Chopin though? At his peak, the soloist gave a brilliant per- formance of four etudes, each one a formidable work for the piano-- forte. The "Revolutionary" Etude is practiced by many pianists as an exercise for developing dexter- ity in the left hand, and it is an extremely difficult number to master. Also included in the four were the "Opus 25" and the "Black Key" etudes. Again, brilliance and a crystal quality prevailed. * * * IN THREE ENCORES Rubin- stein delighted the standing-room- only audience with a Nocturne and Waltz by Chopin, and the Ritual Fire Dance by De Falla. It is evident that the Master is losing his great strength, but for- tunately it does not affect his performance of Chopin. It is only a shame that his program was not the all-Chopin one presented twelve days ago by Van Cliburn. H. A. Shevitz AT THE CAMPUS: Pungfent TExPRESBO BONGO" purports to showwhat the real "bas- tard world" of show business is like. And when it sticks to the bleak actuality of this mascara and tinsel world, it is a substantial motion picture, but when it strives to be the English version of a Hollywood musical-comedy, it falls flat on its bongos. Glimpses of London's Soho amusements-from nearly naked bumps-and-grinds to back alley propositions - are fascinatingly filmed "on location." Laurence Harvey's portrayal of a small-time agent with big-time dreams is crudely concrete and, occasionally humorous. ("We need a rock and roll song about a mother-something like 'Oedipus Rock'.") Although often limited by his didn't-this-happen-in-an- Elvis-Presley-movie lines, Mr. Harvey manages a straight-lipped,. unflinching performance. THERE ARE SEVERAL notable characterizations created by little- known British actors. Yolande Dolan as a has-been movie queen is glamorously deca- dent as she attempts to seduce a teen-ager, and Cliff Richard as the teen-ager is naturally appeal- ing whether he is singing through his buck teeth or getting drunk on champagne. The .cameo roles of a near- sighted prostitute, a down-and-out mother, and a prim-and-proper television commentator seem less like acting than candid filming of real life.' As a matter of fact, the greater part of this movie has an unmis- takably documentary aura which is unfortunately often tarnished when someone - probably Val Guest, the producer-director-felt (EDITOR'S NOTE: The folowhig. articles are excerpted from a press release by the. American Civil Liberties Union.) THE HIOUSE Un-American A - tivities Committee ha no right to penalize individuals who seek to organize public opposition to the Committee's continuance, the American Civil Liberties Union ar- gued on October 2. In a brief filed with the United States Supreme Court, the civil liberties group urg- ed reversal of the contempt of Congress conviction of Frank Wil- kinson of Los Angeles. Wilkinson refused to answer the Committee's questions at an Atlanta, Ga. hear- ing in 1958. Attorneys for the ACLU said the contempt citation violated the con- stitutional protection of free ex- pression and fair procedures uder law. The argument was presented to the Supreme Court by attorneys Rowland Watts and Miss Nanette Dembitz, both of New York. Reviewing the case, the brief noted that in late 1956 Wilkinson had been subpoenaed to apear be- fore a .House Un-American Acti- vities subcommittee meeting in Los Angeles but had refused to answer its questions about alleged Communist Party associations and activities. In July 1958, another subcommittee of the same House body scheduled sessions in Atlanta, to investigate Communist influ- ence in the Southern textile and other industries, Communist Party propaganda activities, the entry of Communists into the U.S. and dis- semination of foreign Communist propaganda. Wilkinson arrived in Atlanta a week before the hearings opened to oppose the committee as a representative of the Emer- gency Civil Liberties Committee. Subpoenaed before the hearings began, he refused at the second days of hearings to answer ques- tions pertaining to his alleged Communist Party membership and his effort to organize opposition to the Committee. In a statement he challenged the House Commit- F tee's legality and its right to in- vestigate in a field where Congress could not constitutionally legis., late. The subcomittee's counsel alleged that the Communists had sent Wilkinson to Atlanta to or- ganize sentiment against the con- gressional body, and acknowledged Wilkinson was not subpoenaed un- til the subcommittee learned he was in the city. These foabts support Wilkinson's contention that his citation and conviction for contempt should be invalidated, the ACLU brief con- tended. * , * * THE HOUSE COMMITTEE'S purpose in summoniig and ques- tioning Wilkinson was to investi- gate his public efforts "to persuade people of the Committee's inutil- ity and that Congress should abol- ish it," the brief said. "There is , nothing in the legislative history to indicate that Congress intended to grant the Committee this novel and dangerous power to investigate individuals because they publicly criticize and oppose the Commit- tee, Since this investigative au- thority would lie in a highly sen- sitive Constitutional area, not only affecting the general rights to freedom of expression, but also the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances, the Committee mandate should not be construed to include this authof- ity." * * * A NATIONALLY prominent ed- ucator has delivered a stirring at- tack against loyalty oaths. The' educator is Dr. H. Bentley Glass, professor of iology at te John Hopkins University, and president of the Maryland Civil Liberties Union. The gcgcasion was Dr. Glass' appointment to the new- ly-created Radiation Control Ad- visory Board of Maryland. To serve, he would be required to sign a loyalty affidavit as stipulated in the state's Subversive Activities Act, Dr. Glass is an adviser on science to the Atomic Energy Com- mission and the Democratic Ad- visory Council, a member of the National Academy of Sciences committee on the genetic effects of atomic radiation, and past president of the American Asso- ciation of University Professors. Dr. Glass has received no answer to his letter and someone else has been .'appointed to the position. The Maryland Civil Liberties Un- ion plansto circulate the text of an seventy-three years of age can present a solo piano concert. Last ed his technique in an elegant and program, on the whole, consisted continued to display the musician- ty years of concertizing. performance, even including the his enthusiasm, he jumped off his Suite" in mid-air. As usual per ACLU: Tests HUAC 4 . Y DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Tne Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 General1 otices President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold open house for students at their honme Wed., Nov. 16 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. University of Michigan Graduate Screening Examinations in French and German: All graduate students desir- ing to fulfill their foreign language re- quirement by passing the written exam- ination given by Professor Lewis must first pass an objective screening exam- ination. The next administration of the object screening examination will be on Wednesday. September 28. from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. in Auditorium C, Angell Hall. Within 48 hours afterthe examination the names of the students who have passed will be posted on the Bulletin Boord outside the office of Professor Lewis, the Examiner incFor- eign Languages, Room 3028, Rackham Building. Students desiring to fulfill the Grad- ttate School's requirement in French and German are alerted to an alter- nate path. A grade of B or better in French 12 and German 12 will satisfy the foreign language requirement.A grade of B or better in French 11 and outside the office of Prof. Lewis, the Examiner in Foreign Languages, Room 3028 Rackham Bldg. Students desiring to fulfill the Or d- uate School's requirement in French and German are alerted to an alternate path. A grade of B or better in French 12 and German 12 will satisfy the foreign language requirement. A grade of Bor better in French 11 and German 11 is the equivalent of having passed the objective screening examination. Women's Physical Education: Elective registrations for upperclass women and graduates only concludes Monday and Tuesday of next week. The following special courses and 'regular service classes are available by registering at the class. At the Women's Athletic Building: Bowling. 9:20 to 10:10 Mon. and Wed.; Exercising, 4:15 to 4:45 Mon. and Wed.; Riding I, Mon. and Wed., 4:20 to 5:10; Tues. and Thurs., 3:20 to 4:20; Riding II English saddle, Mon. and- Wed., 3:20 to 4:40. Thirty-six dollar fee. At the Pool: Diving, Mon. and Wed., 1:20 to 2:20: Swimming, Wed. only, 11:00 to 12:00; Swimming II-III, Tues. and Thurs., 10;20; 11:20, 1:20. At the Michigan Lee Rink: Figure Skating, Mon. and Wed. at 1:20; Tues. and Thurs., at 1:15; Ice Skating, Tues., and Thurs., at 1:45. F'ee: $6.00. Film Showing: A film on librarian- ship as a career will be shown at 10:00 a.m. on Wed., Nov. 16, in the Multi- "purpose Room, Undergraduate Library. This film, in the "Beginnings" series produced by WTTW-Channel 11, Chi- cago Educational Television Association, features the present director of the Detroit Public Library, Dr. Ralph Ul-