-AP Wirephoto INTEGRATION-United States deputy marshals escort a small Negro girl into an all-white New Orleans school yesterday. Two first grade Negro students, both girls, entered the school on a federal court order In defiance;of the state legislature.1 Guatemala Sends Ultimatum The child wore a spotless white dress with ribbons in her hair. She iore high blue stockings pulled up to her knees. A loud wail of boos came from the crowd, but she walked straight ahead toward the front door. "There she is," someone it the crowd roared. Photographers scur- ried to get a picture. The child and her mother slowly mounted the six steps and van- ished through the door. A news vendor, whose voice boomed across the scene like a loud speaker, shouted: "Animals don't mix. The birds and the bees don't mix. Why the hell should people mix?" were already seeking negotiations with his government. But the 62-year-old president I said he would refuse to deal with "traitors." He said some Guate- malans have been deceived and' feel themselves "to be defending constitutional government.'' However, he made a distinction "between those who were deceiv- ed, and those who sullied their uniforms, selling out for the gold of Castro and Khrushchev. "We will go on until . . . all Marxist-Castro contamination is removed from the nation," he de- clared. Although the Nicaraguan in- surgents were based outside the country, the Guatemalan upris- ing flared in the army. Ydigoras' government said it was started by low-ranking officers working with Cuban help. Officials in Havana denied this,, but it was obvious the rebels had at least moral support in the Cuban capital, a haven for many exiles from Guatemala. Nicaragua Rebels Fourteen rebels surrendered yesterday in the Nicaraguan town of Diriamba, where they had been holding 200 students as hostages in a school. This signaled the end of the uprising against President Luis Somoza. However, some other Nic- araguan rebels fled to their bases in Costa Rica, where Costa Rica armed forces hunted them. Three were captured there yesterday. Stop Cuban Aid The government reported that the air force, which remained loy- al, bombed the airport at Puerto Barrios and destroyed the run- ways to prevent any attempt at "reinforcements for the rebel, movement that might be flown in from Cuba." Ydigoras made a nationwide broadcast yesterday claiming the insurgents had been defeated and NEW ORLEANS WP)-Potected by federal marshals, four Negro first-grade girls marched into two white schools in New Orleans yesterday, breaching a racial bar- rier that had lasted since Recon- struction days. But, two private citizens renew- ed the segregationist war to force the girls out of their new mixed classes by getting a state district court order that restrains the New Orleans school board from using any money. District Judge Fred S. Leblanc signed the temporary order in Ba- ton Rouge during the afternoon. File Suit The suit was filed in Baton Rouge by George L. Singlemann of Orleans Parish and Lewis S. Doherty, Jr. of East Baton Rouge Parish as citizens and taxpayers. In a counter move, the state asked-and received-an order against four members of the New Orleans School Board restraining them from taking any action "whatsoever in interfering in any way with the operation of the school system by the Legislature." Cibil District Judge Luther E. Hall signed the order and set Nov. :18 for a hearing. However, there were reports that a move would be made to transfer the case to a federal court. An angry state House of Rep- resentatives appealed to all states to join its sovereignty fight and then voted to oust the four mem- bers of the New Orleans School Board. Only board member Emile Wagner, a segregation leader, was not named.- No Violence Physical resistance to actual in- tegration did not develop despite a gathering of 75 state policemen working for the state Legislature. Nor was there violence among the racially-mixed crowds of spectators. Cheers from watching Negroes echoed Jeers and boos from impassioned whites, "They ought to take Judge (United States District Judge J. Skelly) Wright and hang him by his toes," yelled one woman at the William Frantz Elementary School. She yelled it again and again. It was Wright who issued the desegregation order last May. "The niggers are going to take over. They're going to run us all out of here," one spectator yelled. Police Move In Cordons of city police blocked off a two block area around Frantz. City police superintendent, Joseph Giarrusso, said police were there "strictly to preserve order." The three Negro girls left Mc- Donogh at 2:45 p.m., picked up in three cars by federal marshals. "You better not come back to- morrow," someone in the crowd- swelled to 400 at school closing- yelled as the cars pulled away. Quakers Lead Arms Protest More than one thousand Quak- ers assembled outside the Penta- gon Sunday to demonstrate their protest against the cold war and its arms race. The demonstration was held in perfect weather, as participants who came from Quaker organiza- tions throughout the country stood silently facing the massive build- ing's five walls. Some six hundred were on hand Monday morning as Pentagon em- ployees came to work. Throughout the Washington area, Quakers distributed a state- ment explaining why they held the "vigil" in which they said, "We appeal to our fellow citizens to turn from the immorality and futility of the arms race to a search for non-violent alterna- tives." A delegation took some $30 thousand to the United Na- tions raised from voluntary tax contributions. Local Quakers were represented by fifteen participants. f I (2 days only) Tues. - Wed., Nov. 15-16 We've selected a special group of fall's newest BLOUSES, SKIRTS, SWEATERS, SLACKS, and VESTS - many match-mated - Priced to fit into 0 I Group of Blouses 298 regardless of former price. Many formerly to 6.95 E SKIRTS to 2Off Sizes 8 to 18 Group of SLACKS wools cottons - blends to 12Of f I rA ' M M Group of Sweaters mostly orlons Pullovers --- cardigans 398-4500 Sizes 34 to 40 I . . I HURRY! HURRY! While the selection is here for your choosing. This sale lasts only 2 days! BARNARD'S Campus Casuals 1111 So. University a, f I WANTED: TRYOUTS for the MICHIGANENSIAN