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November 13, 1960 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-13

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linois . . . 35lIowa .... . .35 Purdue . .... 23JiMichigan State 21 Missouri . ... 411Washington
Wisconsin . . 14 ( Ohio State . . . 12 Minnesota . . . 14 jNorthwestern . 18 Oklahoma . . . 19, California

. . 27 Mississippi
. . 7 Tennessee

... 24 Slippery Rock
.. . 3 Clarion (Pa.)

See Page 4




Little change
in temperature

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL LXXI, No. 48,




a ca



Loyalist Troops
Squelch Uprising
South Vietnamese Forces Retain
Diem as Government Leader
SAIGON, South Viet Nam (;P) - Troops loyal to President Ngo
Diem crushed a two-day uprising in a swift counterattack yesterday.
The president promptly broadcast an appeal for calm.
The radio station, one of the first objectives of the loyalist
troops, also reported the capture of the insurgent military chief and
two political associates. Although avowedly anti-Communist them-
selves, they oppose Diem's harsh methods for maintaining the
security of the country against red terrorism.

Wolverines Slasi
To 29-7 Victory
'M' Defense Shines in Second Half
As Hoosiers Gain Only Seven Yarn
Sports Editor
Held to a one point lead at halftime, Michigan's footb
team stormed back with two quick third period touchdow
yesterday and went on to rout an undermanned India
squad, 29-7,before 51,936 fans in the stadium.
The win, sparked by senior players, gave the Wolveri
a 5-3 season record and insured them of their first winn
season since 1957. The season's remaining game is at O
State next Saturday.
After a so-so first half against an upset-minded India
team, Michigan took complete control of the contest in
second 30 minutes of play,

Diem had been trapped in
24 hours by the insurgents. He

Routs Rebels
In Nicaragua
MANAGUA, Nicaragua ( )-Gov-
ernment forces yesterday routed
insurgent bands that had occupied
two southwestern cities for 15
Martial law was declared and
the Castro regime in Cuba was
accused of being implicated in the
A combined air-ground opera-
tion, Involving about 1,000 na-
tional guardsmen, drove the rebel
forces from Jinotepe and Diriam-
4a, about 25 miles south of Man-
agua. Government sources said the
insurgents fled, taking two army
officers as hostages.
Three soldiers were killed and
one wounded in the fighting.
President Luis Somoza, in de-
claring martial law, charged the
Cuban government with responsi-
bility for the uprisings in coopera-
tion with Nicaraguan agitators be-
longing to opposition groups.
The decree said the present
revolutionary government of Cuba
was attempting to impose on Cen-
tral American nations regimes that
supported international Commun-
The rebel attacks on Jinotepe
and Diriamba were carried out
Friday night, two hours after the
Nicaraguan army chief, Gen. An-
astasa Somoza hurriedly returned
from the United States. Somoza, a
West Point graduate, is a brother
of the president.
Official spokesmen said condi-
tions in the two recaptured cities
were normal and that the country
was calm.
On the Costa Rican border a
few miles to the south, insurgent
Nicaraguan forces clashed Friday
night with Costa Rican national
guardsmen. The rebels had been
attempting to invade their own
country from Costa Rica.
Col. fonso Monge, head of the
Costa Rican national guard, was
fatally injured in the fighting. He
was a member ofna 16-man patrol,
of which 13 were killed or
To Hold Panel
On Racial Bias
"A New Emphasis" on problems
of bias and discrimination in stu-
dent groupsandoff-campus hous-
ing will be the subject of a panel
discussion sponsored by the cam-
pus chapter of the NAACP at 7:30
p.m. today in Rm. 3 R-S of the
Members of the panel will be
James A. Lewis, vice-president for
student affairs and member of the
Ann Arhn Hman Rlahtinn nm

the presidential palace for about
told the nation: "To protect the
4 people's life and interests I have
ordered the insurgents to surren-
der, but they failed to obey the
right cause. I therefore gave or.
ders to the Vietnamese armed
forces to settle the matter with
200 Killed
Army, navy and armored units
from Diem's 120,000-man armed
forces stormed into Saigon before
dawn to put down the rebellion.
For the second day in a row,
the city awakened to the sound
of gunfire. Within 45 minutes the
loyalists had seized the radio
station and the rebellion was col-
s Other Posts Regained
The broadcasts said several
other strategic posts in this steam-
ing tropical capital also had been
" recaptured. The 3,000 paratroopers
and marines who joined the re-
bellion Friday' surrendered on all
sides after putting up weak resis-
tance, the radio said, and were
quickly disarmed.
'Senate Asks
Fraud Data
ate elections subcommittee has
asked the justice department to
keep it informed on any evidence
it might receive of federal voting
violations in last Tuesday's elec-
Republican National Chairman
Thruston B. Morton announced
Friday he had asked GOP leaders
in 11 states to recheck the vote.
Aides to Vice-President Richard
M. Nixon, the Republican presi-
dential candidate, said he was not
consulted abou§ Morton's move.
Sen. Theodore Francis Green
(D-RI) yesterday sent a telegram
to Attorney General William P.
Rogers asking the justice depart-
ment to keep it posted on any vote
fraud developments.

-Daily-James Warmeka
BACKED UP-Indiana fullback Don Cromer runs into his own interference as he tries to elude Michigan defenders John Walker
(54) and Ken Tureaud (39). Other Indiana players are Wil Scott (25), Mike Lopa (37), and Dave Reda (54).

U.S. Blasts
Cuba Trial
Of Citizens
United States charged yesterday
Cuba's government gave three
Americans unfair trials and exe-
cuted them primarily because they
were American.
The charge was made in a pro-
test note delivered to the foreign
office in Havana yesterday by
Daniel M. Braddock.
The note declared that condi-
tions of the trials, including their
speed and their "Roman circus
atmosphere," had forced the con-
clusion "that the three United
States citizens were given death
rather than prison sentences be-
cause of their United States citi-
The three men executed in mid-
October were Anthony Zarba, 28,
of Sommerville, Mass.; Robert 0.
Fuller, 25, of Miami, Fla., and
Allan D. Thompson, 36, of Queen
City, Tex. They were charged with
participating in an invasion of
Cuba and therefore with being
guilty of armed revolt against the
pro-Communist regime of Prime
Minister Fidel Castro.

Kennedy To Meet Brazilian

PALM BEACH, Fla. (A) - Presi-
dent-elect John F. Kennedy agreed
yesterday to a meeting with Presi-
dent-elect Janio Quadros of Brazil
-- a meeting destined to discuss
Cuba, Castro and Communist in-
roads into the Western Horld.
The decision followed a bid to
Kennedy from outgoing Brazilian
President Juscelino Kubitschek to
help block "the spread of the cold
war that has already begun its
evil penetration amidst us."
Kubitschek has economic im-
provements in mind. Kennedy did
not reply immediately.
Kennedy scarcely had settled
down for a vacation beside the
Atlantic to rest up from the ar-
duous campaign for the White
House, before receiving a Brazilian
But over the weekend aides
said the emphasis was to be on
soaking up sun, surf and solitude
-no more appointments. Next
week Kennedy is heading into a
round of conferences in prepara-
tion for the change-over of ad-
As the personal representative
of Quadros, Joan Dantas told
Kennedy the, Brazilian president-
elect, now in Europe, would like to
see the senator if possible. Ken-
nedy's press secretary, Pierre
Salinger, reported that Kennedy
"expressed a desire to see Quadros

at any mutually acceptable time,"
and that Dantas would try to
set up a date.
Dantas is editor and publisher
of the newspaper Diaria de Noti-
cias in Rio de Janeiro.
Kennedy repeatedly made a
point during his campaign for the
presidency that Quadros had seen
fit to visit Cuban Prime Minister
Fidel Castro during Quadros' own
campaign. Kennedy cited this in
support of his contention that
American prestige in the world
had dipped during the Eisenhower
C. A. Bernardes, charge d'affaires
of the Brazilian embassy in Wash-
ington, told reporters that Quadros

privately has expressed views
similiar to those of Kennedy that
the nations of the Western hemis-
phere must do something about
the problem of Cuba.
"This is obviously what they
are going to talk about," he said.
The Brazilian delegation thought
perhaps a meeting could be ar-
ranged for the latter part of No-
Salinger said Dantas mentioned
hat Quadros, like Kennedy, is 43
years old-and that Quadros won
his election by some two million
votes out of a total of 12 million.
Salinger said with a smile that
his boss told Dantas: "My mar-
gin was somewhat smaller."

Kennedy Promises Latins-
'Good Neighbor' Program
NEW YORK (W)--President-Elect John F. Kennedy yesterday
promised the people of Latin America "a vigorous re-establishment
of the good neighbor policy" of the Franklin D. Roosevelt era.
Kennedy's statement was issued through Colorado Governor
Stephen McNichols. The governor spoke to newsmen at Idlewild Air-
port a few moments before a delegation of United States governors
left by air on a goodwill mission to Argentina and Brazil.
McNichols said he talked by phone with Kennedy in Florida
Friday night. He quoted the President-elect as saying he "wanted the
opeople of South and Latin Amer-
ica as a whole to know he is look-
ing forward to a vigorous re-
I establishment of the Good Neigh-
bor Policy as it was understood
K(needs Rooseelt.
under the terms of Franklin D.

handing the Hoosiers their
seventh defeat in eight games.
Add to Margin
Indiana took the last half kick-
off. and on its first play from
scrimmage fumbled, with Captain
Gerry Smith recovering on the
Hoosier 14.
On the next play, speedy half-
back Bennie McRae, combining
speed and power, made an 11 yard
gain around right end. Fullback
Bill Tunnicliff, a 232-pound bat-
tering ram, took over and finally
bulled across from the one foot
line on his third try. Michigan's
attempt for a two point conver-
sion failed.
Indiana once again tried to
move the ball, but was forced to
punt when it lost two yards in
three plays.
Indiana Interception
The Wolverines immediately
launched a 47 yard drive that car-
ried them to the Indiana 11. There
Hoosier fullback Don Cromer in-
tercepted a pass thrown by quar-
terback Dave Glinka, to halt the
However, two plays later, a
whole host of Michigan tacklers
hit Indiana halfback Nat Ram-
sey causing him to fumble, with
halfback Denny Fitzgerald recov-
ering on the Hoosier 17.
This time it took the Wolverines
just two plays to score. McRae,
again combining drive with his
great speed, slashed 12 yards up
the middle. And then on a quick
opener play, fullback Ken Tur-
eaud was suddenly in the end zone
with Michigan's third touchdown
of the afternoon. Bill Freehan
kicked the extra point to make
the score 21-7.
From that point on Coach Bump
Elliott substituted freely, with a
total of 56 players getting into
the contest. However, the substi-
tution didn't seem to affect Mich-
igan's monopoly of play. The
names were different but the dom-
ination continued.
In total, the 'new' Wolverines
launched three sustained drives
in the final quarter, one of which
resulted in a touchdown and an-
other just falling short in the
closing seconds of play.
TD for Kowalik
The scoring drive was engineer-
ed by junior quarterback John
Stamos who has been a defensive
specialist for most of the season.
Key plays in the 40 yard touch-
down march were a flashy 14
yard run by soph halfback Jack
Strobel and a 14 yard pass from
Stamos to end Keith Cowan.
The scoring punch, however,
See SENIORS, p. 6
British Leader
May Confer
With Kennedy
LONDON P)- - Prime Minister
Macmillan is expected to head for
Washington early next year for
talks with President-elect John F.
Kennedy, his main aim to get a
new East-West summit meeting.
Annh. ,.ann l-+ nrh+ cosi

Hits Cli


Of Sehoo

... turns the end
Board He-

Fans Display Various Knee.

Might Get Post
McNichols is chairman of the
governor's conference and there
has been speculation that he
might be named Secretary of the
Interior in the forthcoming Ken-
nedy administration.
A number of governors leaving
on the mission predicted better
relations between the United
States and Latin America under
"Latin America has been an
area of great neglect," said Gov.
Edmund G. Brown of California,
a Democrat. He added:
To Bolster Aspirations
"I think there should be a better
feeling for the aspirations of Latin
American people. The Republican
administration thinks too much
in terms of fiscal policy rather
than in terms that this is a fight
for the minds of people all over
the world."

leans School Board President Lli
Rittiner said last night that
his opinion a suddenly announ
statewide public school holiday
morrow - the day integration
scheduled here -would be "i
cumvention of the law."
State Supt. Shelby H. Jack
last night declared the state scl
holiday and requested all pul
schools to observe it. Jackson
a staunch segregationist.
Rittiner said a definite
nouncement of the school boar
plan would be made before tom
row morning.
Before making any official
nouncement, Rittiner said
would have to confer with
school board's attorney and ot]
board members.
Expresses Opinion
"It is my opinion that we h
been ordered by the federal.cc
to desegregate on Nov. 14 i
such a holiday would be a circu
vention o. the law," Rittiner si
"Therefore to keep Mr. Jack
and the school bardmorfo
and the school board from be
held in contempt, it may be nec
sary to go ahead with desegrei
The brief announcement of
holiday came from Jackso
Baton Rouge office.
Jackson has been flamed in
federal court order restrain
him from interfering with N
Orleans school integration. It
not known whether a Uni
States marshal has served b
with the papers yet.
Rogers Gives Warning
From Washington, U.S. Attor
General William P. Rogers ware
he will use the full nower of

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