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November 12, 1960 - Image 1

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Warmer today, turning
cloudy tomorrow.

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL LXXI, No. 47




Michigan Team Hopes To Beat Hapless Ho

'osi en

Eyes Winng Year:
First in 3 Seasons
Game Counts Nothing in Big Ten;
13 Seniors To Close Home Career
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan is expected to assure itself a winning season for the
frst time in three years when it meets hapless Indiana this afternoon
in Michigan Stadium.
A victory for the heavily-favored Wolverines would give them a
5-3 record with only Ohio State left on the schedule.
The Hoosiers (1-6), who have upset Michigan in each of the last
two years, have beaten only Marquette this year after receiving severe
penalties from the NCAA and Big Ten for overzealous recruiting.
Indiana's budding rebuilding program under Coach Phil Dickens
was negated when the NCAA put them on four-years' probation last
tspring, and the Big Ten followed











Nixon Declines

TotAsk Recoun






... last home game
UN Wish
strongman Col. Joseph Mobutu
stood firm yesterday against United
Nations pressure for the release of
Leopoldville's provincial president,
and won a round in a struggle for
Scontrol of this chaos-ridden new
African nation.
The President of Leopoldville
Province, Qleophas Kamitatu, was
arrested, Thursday. The move set
off new racial disturbances in the
capital in which several persons
were injured.
Several hundred members of
Kamitatu's Bambala tribe gathered
in front of United Nations head-
quarters were dispersed only when
Moroccan and Indonesian UN
soldiers fired a volley in the air.
Brig. Gen. Indarjit Rikhye of
India, acting chief of the UN
mission, spent two hours with Mo-
butu trying to persuade him to
release Kamitatu, a powerful sup-
porter of deposed Premier Patrice
Not Ill-Treated
Mobutu refused, but assured
Rikhye that Kamitatu would not
be ill-treated.
The UN has consistently sought
to prevent "government by arrest"
in the Congo. When Mobutu ar-
rested Lumumba followers in the
past he nearly always released
them within 24 hours.
Mobutu said he arrested Kami-
tatu because of the 29-year-old
Provincial President's violent at-
tacks against Congo President
Joseph Kasavubu. Mobutu also
claimed Kamitatu was concealing
vital defense documents.
Overwhelmed Bodyguard
Mobutu sent 350 heavily armed
troops to Kamitatu's official resi-
dence Thursday. They over-
powered Karitatu's bodyguard
and arrested everyone on the
Mrs. Kanitatu and her two
children, later released, sought
refuge at the residence of Ghana
Charge d'Affaires Nathaniel Wel-
beck, Lumumba's acknowledged
political adviser.

with its own penalty during the
Eliminated from Title
As a result of the Conference
action Indiana was eliminated
from the Big Ten championship
race this season. Thus, this and
all other games between Indiana
and Conference foes do not count
in the league standings. The Hoos-
iers were also deprived of TV and
bowl game revenues.
Despite the fact that today's
game is a "no counter," and de-
spite previous showings of the
Hoosiers, Michigan Coach Bump
Elliott is still concerned about the
"Indiana is a team with physical
toughness and is hungry for vic-
tory. Their sophomores have been
gaining experience continually and
may have reached a point where
they can make trouble for us or
any other team.
Can't Let Down
"We can't let down for this
game," Elliott said.
The game will also mark the
final home appearance for thirteen
Michigan seniors, including five
members of the starting team.
Starting their last game in the
Stadium will be captain Jerry
Smith, center; Tom Jobson, left
tackle; Paul Poulos, left guard;
Bob Johnson, right end; and Den-
nis Fitzgerald, right halfback.
Five members of the defensive
platoon, halfbacks Gary McNitt
and Reid Bushong; fullback Rudd
Van Dyne, end Keith Cowan and
tackle Bill Stine, will also be play-
ing their last home contest.
The remaining three are end
and kicker John Halstead, tackle
Will Hildebrand and quarterback
Don Hannah.
Two InJuries
Physically the Wolverines are in
somewhat lessthan perfect shape.
The problem rests at right half-
back where starter Dave Raimey
and Ed Hood have been declared
out of action with ankle injuries.
The Hoosiers, who gained only!
60 yards total last week in their,
36-7 loss to Ohio State, are also
hurting. Starters Fred Lauter, cen-
ter, and Charles Cambell, tackle,
didn't make the trip. Also left at
home were fullback Tom Burgess
and end Tom Trainer. Star half-
back Joe Maroon is also ailing
slightly, but will play.
Looking forward toward next
year, Dickens plans to use 20
sophomores, including an entire
new backfield. This new unit, op-
See INDIANA, Page 6

Segregationists Battle
Judge in Rights Issue
NEW ORLEANS (MF- - State and city police threw protective
guards around a federal judge and segregationists yesterday as they
battled with chess-like strategy over the city's schools.
City police assigned a 24-hour guard here to United States Dist.
Judge J. Skelly Wright, who ordered integration of first grade classes
in New Orleans Monday.
A new segregation law makes any federal official working to
effect school integration subject to arrest by state police.
At the same time, state police set up protective measures around
segregation leaders embroiled in the clash with the federal govern-
Restraining Orders
However, a United States deputy marshal served federal restrain-
ing orders in Baton Rouge on State Rep. Risley Triche, chairman of

Lunch Room
Bars. Negro
NASHVILLE (M) - The Rev.
James Lawson, ministerial student
who was dismissed from Vander-
bilt University last spring for his
part in sit-in demonstrations here,
was denied service yesterday at a
chain lunch counter.
After more than four hours in-
side one of the Krystal lunch
rooms, Lawson, two other Negro
men and two Negro women walked
Two other lunch rooms operated
by the chain were closed after
Negro customers entered. They
were not served and no disturb-
ances were reported.
Lawson was dismissed from Van-
derbilt, school authorities.said, for
his part in helping organize the
sit-ins. He later accepted an invi-
tation from Boston University to
enroll in its theological school.
From Ghana
Files Protest
bassador from Ghana said yester-
day he would file a formal protest
with the United States over what
he called the "rough handling" of
a Ghanese diplomat at a Georgia
voting place Tuesday.
W. M. Q. Halm said in a news
conference he had no formal re-
port on the incident yet but that
he had heard of it and was "very
unhappy and disturbed."

a special committee the Legisla-
ture directed to take over New Or-
leans schools.
The orders warn Triche not
to interfere with school integra-
United States Atty. M. Hepburn
confirmed reports that many more
United States marshals were on
their way to Louisiana to handle
federal restraining orders.
Second Surprise
Meanwhile, Gov. Jimmie H. Da-
vis, in his second surprise move
in 24 hours, called the Legisla-
ture back into session at 3 p.m.
Sunday-18 hours before five Ne-
gro girls are scheduled to enter
two white schools in New Or-
Their identities and the schools
they are to attend are being kept
By calling the Legislature into
session, Davis, at the same time,
places lawmakers undera section
of the state constitution that
makes legislative members im-
mune from arrest when in session.
The immunity does not apply to
cases of breaches of the peace
and felonies.
Opening Phase
At the opening phase of the
first session earlier this week,
segregation leaders steamrollered
a 28-bil anti-integration package
through the Legislature. It gave
the state broad, new power over
In a new development today,
New Orleans State Rep. Edward
LeBreton, Jr. said a move is re-
portedly being made to oust the
5-member New Orleans School
The board yesterday regained
control over schools from a new-
ly-created legislative committee
and promptly authorized admis-
sion of the five Negro pupils in-
to white schools.

-AP wirephoto
VICE-PRESIDENT-Richard M. Nixon, shown here on election
night after President-elect John F. Kennedy had registered an
electoral victory, yesterday refused to question the Democrat's
SGC WelcomesIFive
During Secial Meeting
Student Government Council officially welcomed five newly-
elected members at a special meeting yesterday.
The new representatives are: Lynn Bartlett, '63; Richard Nohl,
'62; Philip Power, Spec; Dennis Shafer, '63; and Mary Wheeler, '61.
All SGC members made impromptu remarks of introduction,
congratulations, or farewell. SGC Executive Vice-President Nancy
Adams, '61, and Ron Bassey, '61 BAd., are both leaving the coun-
cil this semester, as are Al Haberj'
Grad., and William Warnock, '61.. S a
Bartlett succeeds himself. j l c S a s
The agenda also included an-
nouncement of nominations for a
SGC officers, including: Presi- U N E lectlon
dent-SGC President John Feld-
kamp, '61; Executive Vice-Presi- ,
dent-SGC Treasurer Per Hanson, UNITED NATIONS (1P) - The
'62. Miss Wheeler, and Artlwir Asian-African group teamed up
Rosenbaum,W'62:eAdministrative with the Soviet Bloc yesterday and
Vice-President-Nohl; and Treas- won a significant postponement of
urer--Bartlett. General Assembly elections to fill
Nominations are still open. Only vacancies on the Security Council.
Council members vote for officers The victory was achieved over
and 10 votes are necessary for strong opposition from the United
election, which will take place at States.
next Wednesday's meeting. The postponement maneuver was
Council members also approved a show of power to reinforce Asian
the appointment of M. A. Hyder and African claims to equitable
Shah as International Committee continental sharing in the rotat-
Chairmanng non permanent Counril men


!Flood of omplaints
Spurs Investigation
Republican Chairman Morton Cit(
Alleged Irregularities in 11 States
WASHINGTON (Ml - Vice-President Richard M. Nixon
press secretary and campaign manager said yesterday Nixc
does not intend to dispute Sen. John F. Kennedy's election
the Presidency.
Their declarations, to a news conference, ran contra
to earlier word from an aide to the Republican National Cor
mittee that Nixon and GOP Chairman Thruston B. Mortc
had jointly approved a deci-'

sion that could lead to possi-
ble vote recounts in 11 states.
Herbert G. Klein, Nixn's press
secretary, said: "The Vice-Presi-
dent ran the race and accepts
the decision of the voters. The
decision made on Tuesday stands."
To Recheck
Morton asked Republican lead-
ers in 11 states to recheck the
vote in their areas for possible
error or fraud with a view to pos-
sible entering of recount damages.
Morton listed the 11 states,
which have a total of 161 elec-
toral votes, in alphabetical order
in his formal statement; in an
earlier talk with a reporter the
Chairman had laid special stress
on Illinois and Texas.
The other nine: Delaware, Mich-
igan, Minnesota, Missouri, Neva-
da, New Mexico, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania and South Carolina.
Unofficial Returns
Illinois, on the basis of almost
completed unofficial returns, is
credited to President-Elect John
F. Kennedy by a popular vote
edge of 2,368,995 to 2,353,209. It
has 27 electoral votes. Texas,
credited to Kennedy by 1,103,617
to 1,053,469, was 24 votes.
Kennedy's current electoral vote
total is 332. If by any chance
Texas and Illinoisbwere shifted to
the Nixon column, Kennedy would
still have 281 electoral votes, or
12 more than the 269 needed to
Robert Finch, Nixon's campaign
manager, said he thought little
could come of thermaneuver. He
said it could throw the outcome
into the hands of uncommitted
electors or into the United States
House of Representatives, which
is in the hands of Democrats.
'Very Slight'
Finch added, "Any hopes we
have that the national result will
be overturned by local action in
the states is very slight."
Nixon was asked about the na-
tional committee action upon his
arrival at Miami for a rest. He
said he knew nothing about any
committee plans to start legal ac-
tion that might lead to recounts.
The Republican committee said
it had been "literally flooded with
thousands of telegrams and phone
calls from every state."
Hearsay Information
Finch and Klein said Nixon and
members of his staff had received
hundreds of telegrams and many
phone calls urging an investiga-
tion into alleged election irregu-
larities. Finch said many of these
merely repeated hearsay informa-
Asked for specific instances,
Finch said that in Texas it was'
reported 50,000 ballots w e r e
thrown out because voters did not
comply with a technicality of state
law by scratching out all of the
names of those they opposed for
President and leaving intact only
the name of the man they were
voting for.
Kennedy Sets
Fl oryirn R po


... first investigations

Hayes Attacks Youi

h Corps-Draft Link
It would be unwise for student groups and the Kennedy adminis-
tration to demand that Congress link a Youth Corps with draft
exemption, Prof. Samuel Hayes of the economics department said
Hayes told 400 persons at a meeting of the Apericans Commit-
ted to World Responsibility that it would be necessary to proceed
carefully, as there might be real opposition to the plan among
Republicans and Southern Democrats.
Technical Details
Instead of demanding the draft exemption, Prof. Hayes suggested,
promoters of the Youth Corps should draw up a dossier presenting
both sides of the issue and allow Congress to make its own decision.
Prof. Hayes, who was instrumental in the drafting of Point Four
legislation in 1949, has been working with student leaders of ACWR
on the technical details of a Youth Corps. He had been independently
developing such a program, at the request of President-elect John
F. Kennedy, even before the movement was taken up by students.
Only One Problem
Prof. Hayes told the assembly yesterday that the relation of a
Youth Corps to Selective Service was only one problem which re-
m ain pd to m'wred nut .Othe r ninclude the eventual size of the

The Africans particularly are
campaigning for Council repre-
sentation by right of numbers and
area rather than by chance or by
affiliations such as in the British
Constantly Represented
Latin America and Europe are
constantly represented in the Se-
curity Council's smaller nation
seats, but Africa and Asia are
there only intermittently.
The postponement was the sec-
ond defeat this week for the
United States and its supporters
in the 99-nation Assembly. It
demonstrated clearly how the
West now can be outvoted by a
combination of the newly aug-
mented Asian-African group and
any other bloc.
By a vote of 51-38, with 9 ab-
stentions, the Assembly supported
a move by Nigeria, one of the 16
recently admitted African mem-
ber-nations, to postpone elections
to the Security and the Economic-
Social Councils.
Fail To Prevent
This came on the heels of As-
sembly action Wednesday night

Shows Gain
first 3,400 of more than 200,000
absentee ballots to be counted for
President in California edged
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon
closer to President-Elect John F.
Kennedy yesterday in their tug
for the state's 32 electoral votes.
But Nixon's ratio of gain was
far short of what he needs to
overcome the 37,140 vote advan-
tage Kennedy was given. at the
polls Tuesday. Yesterday's first
fragmentary count of absentees
cut Kennedy's margin by 438 to
Nixon needs an almost 2-1 ra-
tio of the absentees if he is to
get his home state into the Re-
publican column.
The ratios of gain in the two
counties reporting absentees were
only 4-3 and 5-4. Both reporting
counties, Napa in the North and
San Luis Obispo on the central
coast, were carried by Nixon.
The total of California's absen-
tee ballots adds up to about one
for every 28 directly cast at the
polls Tuesday.
To Lay Plans
For Con-Con
Governor-elect John B, Swain-
son and Gov. G. Mennen Williams
announced yesterday in Lansing
that they will cooperate in form-
ing a planning commission to pre-
pare for the constitutional con-
vention, if one is to be held.
Williams predicted that the
commission would consist of "a
broadly bipartisan group," and
said Swainson would name the
commission's members shortly.
The Governor had appointed a
small study group a month ago
to deal with problems in setting up
a constitutional convention, but


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