Seventy-First Year - EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTs OF THE UNIVERsrY OF MICHIGAN en Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Tuth Will Prevail"/ STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phont NO 2-3241 torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: FAITH WEINSTEIN Generation Needs Time For Independent Study IE NEW GENERATION of college students, eginning with this year's sophomores, are brightest, most competent and most inde- dently active group of students the Uni- ity has ever seen. At tlxis point it doesn't a to know quite what to do with them. he generation is a strange one. They don't easily into any categories except age-they e so many hours of advanced credit that iy of them are a half-class ahead of them- es, their interests are so diverse, and work acities so great that many are planning ble majors-in diverse fields like math and osophy. hese new capacities breed new breeds, edu- on needs which the University must meet is to help these students develop along the rse lines they have chosen and will choose. the University, galloping its .,determined r along the treadmill of its academic tradi- has taken only a few dizzy steps away a it towards new programs of academic gress. 3E HONORS PROGRAM, underclass and ivisional, is a step, although a more or less' bly one, depending on the course and the artment. The interdisciplinary courses are Et, but far too few in number, limited in. lent range, and much too heavily dependent hain Reaction? iE DARK BLACK "X" the voter placed next to the'name of his Presidential choice was instrument of proscription. very 20 years, since 1840, the American elec- te has chosen a President who died in of- * In that year, William Henry Harrison elected. He rode to his inauguration on ;eback as the triumphant leader of his ale. Unfortunately for him, however, it was ing at the time, and he contacted pneu- ia and passed on the next month. score of years later, the lethargic cam- ;ner Abe Lincoln defeated Stephen A. Doug- for the Presidency. His tragic fate is a onal legend. 1880, James A. Garfield was victorious, but 'as dispatched a short while later by an ssin's bullet. The same fate was decreed for 1900 election victor, Willi~am McKinley. nother 20 years passed, and Warren 0. ding was elected for a four-year term he r completed. In 1940, Franklin Roosevelt an unprecedented third Presidential term ch he finished; his fourth term ended after ral months when he was struck down by a bral hemorrhage. he record is grim, but Sen. Kennedy and President Nixon were not afraid, at least icly. The new President is a brave man ing to martyr himself for the cause in which believes. he question for all of us now is-how will doom fall? --M. OLINICK, '62 on a single teacher, or on the department from which they sprang, like*Athena, full-armed. The most important things these students need is time-time to learn on their own, time to belong to activities, time to finish supple- mentary reading and to do better jobs on their term papers. The stimulation they need . in course work is eagerly provided by teachers anxious to raise academic lovels-what stu- dents need now is the chance to work out their own ideas, both within and without the course structure. ONE WAY of providing this additional time, suggested by a University English profes- sor, is the class hour system now used at Har- vard. Under this system, students attend classes twice a week, with a third meeting at the op- tion of the instructor. With this system there are usually a few Fri- day classes, but things begin to taper off about Thursday, leaving a weekend comparatively free for independent work. It is possible that such a system here would lead to some TGIF's starting Thursday and ending Sunday, but this wouldn't last long. The increased quality, if not quantity, of work which could logically be expected of students who have more time to think, combined with the natural proclivity for work which seems to dominate the eager beav- ers who make it to college now, should prevent laxity from becoming a general pattern. You don't spend a four-day weekend partying when you might flunk out because of it. PROVIDING MORE opportunities for inde- pendent study would not be a wild, revolu- tionary step. There i a trend towards more in- dependent study-even in grammar school the children are doing scientific "research proj- ects," and initiative is bred into them with their schoolwork. Here, there is a general sen- timent for the term paper, among both faculty and students, and one History professor makes an annual apology for his multiple choice final exam. In this atmosphere, it might be a wise step to devise a system for real independent study- a program which would allow the student, un- der the general supervision of a tutor, to go off for a semester of creative research, or study --to go to Harvard, Cal, Oxford, or wherever his fancy, or his field leads him. SINCE DEPARTMENTS seem to be realigning along disciplinary rather than institutional lines, this seems to be a logical trend. The stu- dent who can study with the best men in his field, no matter where they are, has clearly better academic opportunities than the student who is relegated to the bias and limitations of a single department. This would not be practicable on a large scale, and it would be unlikely that it would be requested on a large scale, at least not for a good many more years. But the opportunity should be there, for the students who can bene- fit from it now, and for those who will be able to benefit from it in the future. --FAITH WEINSTEIN "The Outcome Was, Of Course, Inevitable-" If 4... *t~- ~-L Y ~ . . .. ..-. - _ 3-- UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT Institutes Repertory Theatre A lunch counter by seven Negroes on March 12. In both cases, the Negroes were refused service, the lunch counter was closed, the "sit- in' participants :were arrested by police after refusing orders by the city's mayor to leave, and were convicted in Municipal Court of unlawful assembly and breaching the peace. Woolworth's manager did not request the arrest of the defendants in either instance and did not notify the police about the March 12 demonstration. At the trials no evidence was submitted indicating that the defendants had 'acted in a violent or threatening manner. There was little evidence of threats from bystanders: before the. demonstrations officials had, received a telephone call opposing "sit-ins" and at the second demon- stration an unidentified white person threatened unspecified ac- tion. IN APPEALS from the Tallahas- see convictions, now filed in Leon County Circuit Court, defendants' in both cases argue that in the absence of evidence that they had assembled unlawfully or breached the peace as defined by law the findings of guilty were improper., To allow the convictions to stand, their counsel state, "would be to deprive Appellants of their liberty without due process of law in violation o f th e , Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal Con- stitution." Moreover, the Florida, CLU at-. torneys charge in the case in- volving the Negro defendants: " . . the arrest and conviction of the defendants was an act of racial discrimination, constituting unlawful State action in violation of Federal law . . . In the case at bar the defendants had committed no violence and had threatened no violence; indeed such 'threats' as may have been made came from third Persons, interlopers who had no proprietary interest in the' mater who objected to the de- fendants' presence at the store. Thus, in arresting the Negro de- fendants and not arresting the offending third persons who made the alleged 'threats', the .Mayor and police committed a gross act of racial discrimination. In short, they arrested the wrong parties, and for illegal reasons, and there- fore deprived Appellants of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal Con- ,stitution." In addition, as. the "defendants were endeavoring to negotiate with and persuade Wool- worth's to contract with them and engage in commerce with thm, their arrest thus deprived them of "their liberty of contract without due process of law . . . in con- travention of the Fourteenth Amendment and the Federal Civil Rights Act." THE APPEAL brief of the white youths raised still another ques- tion: the' right of free expression. Their presence in the store, it was contended, "constituted an ex- pression and communication of an idea. While this idea was express- ed in silence and symbolically, nevertheless the content of this idea was communicated to Wool- worth's with as much eloquence as might be contained in a finely- phrased speech. Appellants submit, therefore, that such expression constitutes speech. i$i much the same way as peaceful picketing, and is therefore entitled to the same constitutional protection." On October 26,. a Circuit Court judge upheld the convictions of the 13 Negro and white students. The students. were fined $300 each or 60 days in jail for breaching the peace, but sentence was sus- pended on the conviction for un- lawful assembly. The cases will be appealed. In the Miami case, 18 white and- Negro members of the Congress of Racial Equality were convicted of violating a state rather than a municipal law fol- lowing their "sit-in" demonstra- tion at a shopping center lunch counter. The protesters were plac- ed on a year's probation. Under the law the proprietor of a busi- ness may eject a customer as an "undersirable patron." The Florida CLU counsel said the statute was meeting its first court test. In another case involving the Congress of Racial Equality, Ken- ' tucky State College indicated that some of 12 students expelled after demonstrations at the school last spring may be reinstated. The college board of regents at Frank- fort is reviewing that records and charges lodged against the stu- dents. Most of them belonged to CORE. Sit-In Suits Appeale. In Florida Courts. THE ISSUE OF "sit-in" demonstrations in Florida has moved lunch counters to the courts. Three separate cases-two in Tallahassee and one in Miaml focusing attention on the question of whether public authoriti properly interfere with peaceful attempts to obtain services for N at food counters that cater only to white persons. The Florid Liberties Union is providing counsel for each case. One of the Tallahassee cases concerns eight Negroes who the F. W. Woolworth store Feb. 20 and sat at a lunch 'counte second deals with five white college students who were joined M OTHER CAMPUSES: The UN'S Sacred Cow By WILLIAM GIOVAN Daily Stall Reviewer THE University of Detroit The- ater is presently engaged in what has been termed a "bold and impressive experiment". operating its winter season of plays on the repertory system. The bold- ness of the undertaking is partly revealed by the fact that U. of D. is the first university theatre in the nation to adopt this system of presentation for its regular sea- son; in fact, it has become one of a relatively small number of true repertory theatres of any classification. The term "repertory theatre" is one that is frequently misapplied. It refers to the system of pre- senting two or more plays during the same period with alternating performances. C *0* THE UNIVERSITY of Detroit opened in October with a season that includes Eugene O'Neill's "A Touch of the Poet," Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure," Shaw's "M a n and Superman" and Goethe's "Faust, Part I." The sea- son schedule consists of ten sep- arate weekends with at least two plays alternating on all but the first and last. This weekend, No- vember 11-13, is the second of the season, in which "Measure for Measure" will enter into the rep- ertory to join with "A Touch of the Poet." * * * ACTUALLY, THE repertory ex- periment is not entirely new to U. of D. with the winter season. A successful initial step was taken last summer with a Repertory Festival presented during July and August in a tent on the university grounds. Performances of Shake- speare's "Antony and Cleopatra" and Shaw's "Arms and the Man" alternated nightly for the three weeks of the festival, Attendance records were set, and the professional critics were exuberant in their praise of both productions. THERE HAS LONG been talk of the need for the repertory idea for the purpose of revitaliz- ing and re-culturizing the Ameri- can theatre. Brooks Atkinson of the New York Times has said that, "If our theatre were organized as an art, and not as a huckster's bazaar, old plays would always be available as integral parts of a continuous repertory where the public could have accessrtoethem two or three times every fort- night. The training which actors re- ceive in the repertory system, fur- thermore, cannot be equalled else- where. As Dr. Burgwin points out, the Old Vic and other English repertory theatres have produced in a single generation actors of such calibre as Laurence Olivier, John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson, Alec Guiness, Michael Redgrave, Anthony Quayle, Edith Evans, Sybil Thorndike Peggy Ashcroft and others. * * * IN SPITE OF THE admitted merits of repertory and of the It is this commercialism, with its frequent compromise of ar- tistic quality that prompts Brooks Atkinson to characterize the pres- ent system as a "huckster's ba- zaar." * * * WE ARE PRESENTLY witnes- sing the most significant trend on this continent toward reper- tory theatre in many years. The summer Shakespearean repertory companies in Stratford, Connecti- cut and Stratford, Ontario, for example, have met with spec- tacular success in a relatively brief period of time. The Ford Foundation has lent its support to the movement, granting substantial sums to sev- eral theatres throughout the country, in the belief that theatre, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Atheistic Materialism' Not Communism LOT OF CONGOLESE are commuting to New York City these days. One who has just Leopoldville for th United Nations head- rters is Joseph Kasavubu, leader of one of more powerful factions in the Republic of Congo. He has come, presumably, to dispute port by a United Nations observer criticiz- the regime presently -ruling the Congo. avubu is a member of that regime. he report, prepared by Rajeshwar Dayal of La, chief of United Nations operations in the go, expresses concern about the activities many of the Belgians returning to their ner colony and about the assistance which government of Col. Joseph Mobtitu has giv- ;o the anarchy in the Congo. uite naturally the United States has pro- ed the seeming bias of Dayal's report. Quite .rally, President Kasavubu would welcome a nce to refute it. This situation can produce ors that United States pressure is forcing avubu to commute to New York; but it can obscure the real problems facing the go. [E CONGO is, economically and politically, nearly a wreck. A United Nations expedi- ary force of soldiers and technicians is king hard to keep the country from total apse; it is spending a good deal of money, much of that money comes from the ted States. et, strangely enough, politicians in the Con- have shown little concern for the great )lems that face their divided country. ice Lumumba's government, almost totally repared for the tasks it had .to face, often etly h;ampered United Nations attempts to Lumumba himself is something of a demagogue, with few hesitations about stirring up mobs on his side. Something better, then, seemed in the off- ing when Colonel Mobutu took office September 14. He suspended the parliament (which had recently given Lumumba a vote of confidence), sent Communists out of the country, organized a "non-partisan" group of young students and college graduates to run the country, and at- tempted to stifle his opposition. DAYAL'S REPORT indicates that Mobutu has not been much of an improvement. The only major improvement he has brought about is a negative one: he does not rage at his ene- mies quite as viciously as Lumumba did. And now Belgians are returning to the Congo. Their return is nothing subversive; after all, they were there before independence day. But many Belgians, too, are beginning to exert an influence in the Congo government. It is un- doubtable, furthermore, that Belgians have been instrumental in keeping Katanga province detached from the rest of the Congo, Daval is reasonably justified in viewing Belgium with suspicion. What the Congo now needs is the United Nations. It does not need politicians of any variety, either Lumumbans, Kasavubans, Tshombeans, or Belgians. This is the reality the United States must keep in mind when com- menting on United Nations operations in that country. Congo politics, in its present stage of development, only distracts attention from the rebuilding program that is so urgently required. OUR DEFENSE of Belgium was predictable, To The Editor: IN HIS LAST television appear- ance and in his speech at Ann Arbor on October 27, the Vice President referred to the atheistic materialism of the Soviet Union, and, by implication, contrasted this with the essentially Christian philosophy of the United States. What exactly does he mean by this? Webster's Dictionary offers three definitions of materialism, as fol- lows. 'Any theory which considers the facts of the universe to be sufficiently explained by the exis- tence and nature of matter'. In other words, there is no need to turn to the supernatural or to any sort of theism involving faith or dogma. Hence it follows that any person holding such a view would be an atheist (i.e. not a theist), or at least an agnostic. There must be thousands, if not millions, of such people in the United States, some of whom are potential voters for Mr. Nixon. Secondly, 'the ethical doctrine that consideration of material well-being, especially of the in- dividual, should rule in the deter- mination of conduct'. Note the Oualifying word ethical. If Mr. Nixon uses the word materialism in this sense then he is contrast- ing atheistic materialism (i.e. materialism without theism and dogma) with Christian material- ism (i.e. materialism with theism and dogma). Which is the better? Lastly, the tendency to givebundue importance to material things.' Undue importance to material may be given by both Christians and atheists (as in the buying and selling of automobiles), and in this sense there is no reason why an atheist should be any less ethical than a Christian. *'* * IF MR. NIXON is using the term atheistic materialism as a syno- nym for communism then clearly he is wrong, for it is evident that any of the above definitions might apply to people who are not com- munists, and who might be voting didates would do well to concen- ..trate on the real issues of the campaign, rather thannindulge in misleading if, not unintelligible statements. --D. F. Owen Frogs Limp . *. To The Editor: AFTER READING Marc Zagor- en's review of "The Frogs" in last Friday's Daily, I was quite amazed to note that no mention was given directly of the prin- cipals in the cast. That is, Mr. Zagoren seemed to feel that the acting in general was on such a level that it was not even neces- sary to name in passing the.leads in the performance. It is certainly the critic's pre- rogative to select what he feels is worthwhile stating about a dra- matic production. Nevertheless, even if Mr. Zagoren in this in- stance had made derogatory re- marks about the principal actors and actresses in "The Frogs," he at least would have accredited them with something. By eliminating any direct mention of the leads Mr. Zagoren has, in my opinion, left out the most important part of his review. --Roselind L. Gans, '61 Frosh Housing -. - To the Editor: IT WOULD be a grave mistake to turn down the Michigan House System for the considered freshman housing. The House system has been copied many times and I feel proved its orth. To take the freshmen out of the environment of upperclassmen would leave him hanging in air with many questions unanswered. As a member of House Council I can speak from experience that the questions and problems that arise among the freshmen are innumerable. It is my opinion that a freshman feels more at ease going to a House member than to a staff member. . The Dean's office is right when it says that the resident halls are in this country should be a cul- tural rather than a commercial resource. Readers will recall that Ann Arbor itself was several months ago under serious consideration as the site for the proposed profes- sional repertory theatre under the direction of Tyrone Guthrie. Min- neapolis, however, was the city finally chosen. The New York Times recently reported that "the idea of reper- tory is flourishing in this coun-' try as it has not in more than a quarter of a century." It is too early to predict how far and to what extent the reper- tory idea will spread. But we can commend the University of De- troit for setting the precedent in university theatre. for its intramural, program. How would the frosh feel in their first game against an upperclass house as they suddenly, realized that touch football really isn't touch? The houses on the top this year are rich in freshmen but they all have a good supply of upper- classmen that seem to be making the difference in the teams. A' winning team helps house spirit more than all the house meetings. and mixers held all year. Would the freshmen have the spirit in their' own house that they now receive? I think not. The Michigan House System depends heavily on the action of the House Council. Would a newly elected freshman be able to step into the president's office and, lead the house with the experience and efficiency of an upperclass- man who has been in the system at least a year? I feel that the only way 'a freshman could run a house efficiently in these conditions would be to depend heavily on the staff. How would we have a coun- cil or just a committee elected by the men to carry out the R.A.s' wishes?. THE FRESHMEN should be left in the house system where they may best profit. I have talked Oith numerous men in my house and they all feel that living with the upperclassmen has helped. Pos- sibly the Dean of Men's office could spend their time doing a little research on a deferred rush program and an effective frater- nity orientation program for~ the new men before they are turned loose for the snow job in first semester. Many men in my house are still working to get caught up because they felt it was neces- sary to rush the first semester. I think this would be of better benefit to the frosh than a pro- gram where they will be placed in one group with the same prob- lems and questions and less people to answer them and help. -rDowns Herold, '63 DAILY' OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Offieal Bunetin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of .Michigan ,for which The Michigan Daily'assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form tor Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 General Notices Special Notice to All Persons Who Signed Up to Usher at the Brothers Four Concert on Thursday Night at Hill Aud.: An error has been made in timing the concert .and you are urgently re- quested to be present for duty at 7:00' p.m., as the concert will start at 8:00 p.m. instead of 8:30 p.m. as originally indicated. Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Midsemester, reports are; due Fri., School of Music Honors Program: Ap- plications now are being received for the second semester, 1960-1961. Forms are available in the School of Music office. Deadline for receipt of applica- tions, and supporting recommenda- tions, by the Honors'Council, Wed., Nov. 23. Agenda student Government Council; Nov. 11, 4:30 p.m~, Council Room. Minutes of previous meeting. Agenda Officer Reports dPresident, Letters; Exec. Vice-President, Appointments: International Committee-M. A. Hyder Shah; Admin. Vice-President; Treasur- er.. Standing Committees: Student Acti- vities Committee, Willowpolitan (mo- tion); Calendaring Commhittee, Activi- ties Approval. New Business: Seating of New Mem- bers (motion). Members and Constituents' Time. Announcements. AdJournment.