C5 WEDNESDAY: 14 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ulty Calls nedy Win dictable GUBERNATORIAL: Democrats Assured Continued Majority Democrats Win Control Of House (Continued from Page 1) MCNAMARA REELECTED: GOP Gets Small Senate Gain Voters Set By JUDITH DONER Personnel Director rhe major factor in Sen. John Kennedy's victory was the ab- ce of President Dwight D. nhower on the Republican :et," Samuel Barnes of the tical science department said last night. L Democratic presidential can- ate will naturally win an elec- i in which there is no dorminat- Republican figure, as there more Democratic party mem- s throughout the nation, he ed. The Republicans have to put up auch more outstanding candi- e than Vice-President Richard Nixon," Prof. Samuel Elder- Id of the political science de- tment agreed. Describes Victorys [e described the victory as "a nination of regular Demo- ts holding firm, Eisenhower lationists coming back to the nocratic party and the South's ng Democratic vote." (et the Democrats are not win- g the way they did in the 8 election, he cautioned. Tru- n lost more votes in the South I picked up many more in the m areas than has Kennedy. I'm actually a little surprised Kennedy's strong Southern wing," he admitted. "It is pro- dy an indication that there was as much switch-over of Pro- bant Democrats in the 'Bible- t' as was expected." Religion Subordinate 'rof. George Peek of the politi- science department believes t Kennedy's religion worked inst him in only a few states h as rural Virginia, South rolina and Florida. T'he religious issue seems to have '. subordinate to concern over ocation, the nation's health and employment, he reported. [his election confirms some sig- cant trends in American poli- s, Prof. Peek said, for there is le Aquestion that some of the der states now host two politi- parties in practice, as well as theory. Negro Vote Counts (Continued from Page 1) Democrats held a 34 to 16 ma- jdrity. , Final results were: ARIZONA-Paul Fannin (R- Inc.) def. Lee Ackerman (D) ARKANSAS-Orval E. Faubus (D-Inc.) def. Henry Britt (R) DELAWARE-Elbert N. Carvel (D) def. John W. Rollins (R) FLORIDA-Farris Bryant (D) def. George C. Petersen (R) ILLINOIS-Otto Kerner (D) def. William G. Stratton (R-Inc.) INDIANA-Matthew E. Welsh (D) def. Crawford F. Parker (R) IOWA-Erbe (R) def. McManus Students Sit Watch, Wit (Continued from Page 1) around him. He was host at one of the many election-results parties, gatherings of like-thinking people for mutual nail-biting and beer which popped up wherever there was a TV set. At this party the mutual thought was for Kennedy, and pro-Ken- nedy Comments were rife. Emotion ran high, and as Indiana went to Nixon, one partisan muttered; "Oh well, we'll get rid of those states as soon as we get in." "When Nixon loses, he'll pro- bably get a job foreclosing mort- gages," someone else said. Things were not so happy for everyone in the quiet tense at- mosphere of the crowded Union Grill. "I can't say I like what's going on. What really makes me mad is that Kennedy is carrying California," one woman declared. "After all, it's Nixon's home state. Besides, I'm from California." A student quietly studying American history in the near- deserted Union lounge had com- pletely lost interest in the election. "I know the outcome," he said sadly. "Kennedy's got Nixon all the way down the line. I voted for Nixon, but I'm not too upset." KANSAS-John Andeison (R) def. George Docking (D-Inc.) MASSACHUSETTS -- John A. Volpe (R) def. Joseph D. Ward (D-Inc.) MICHIGAN--John B. Swainson (D) def. Paul D. Bagwell (R) MINNESOTA-Orville L. Free- man (D-Inc.) def. Elmer L. An- dersen (R) MISSOURI-John M. Dalton (D) def. Edward G. Farner (R) NEW HAMPSHIRE - Wesley Powell (R-Inc.) def. Bernard L. 1Boutin (I) NORTH CARQLINA - Terry Sanford (D) def. Robert L. Gavin (R) NORTH DAKOTA-William L. Guy (D) def. C. P. Dahl (R) , RHODE ISLAND - John A. Notte, Jr. (D) def. Christopher Del Sesto (R-Inc.) TEXAS-Price Daniels (D-Inc.) def. William M. Steger (R) UTAH-George D. Clyde (R- Inc.) def. William S. Barlocker (D) VERMONT-F. Ray Keyser, Jr. (R) def. Russell F. Niquette (Di) WEST VIRGINIA-William W. Barron (D) def. Harold E. Neely (R) Democrats Sweep Posts The Democrats apparently have swept all other state offices. In the race for lieutenant gov- ernor, T. John Lesinski has a lead of 100,000 votes over his opponent Clarence Reid. James M. Hare early this morn- ing had a commanding lead of 200,000 votes over William E. Kre- ger in the race for secretary of state, Republican Wendall A. Niles trails Paul Adams in the attorney general contest by 150,- 000 votes. Sanford A. Brown leads David Calhoun in the race for treasurer by the same margin. Otis Smith, trailing the rest of the state ticket, leads John V. Clements in the race for auditor general by 125,000 votes. The Negro vote is now of some al importance to the Democratic arty. And Southern Congressmen ffected by this vote may tend to Lre liberal positions. The election also pointed out iat the farm vote is becoming less gnificant, Prof. Peek continued. You will find the farm areas sing even more representation fter the next census." Prof. James K. Pollock, chair- an of the political science de- artment, also said the farm vote as not of great significance and iat Kennedy's religion "obviously dn't hurt him. "I think he just proved to be Ze most popular of the two can- dates. The country will still irvive." DEPLORE RELIGIOUS ISSUE: U.S. Campaign Watched By International Students m. al position continuously since 1948. Most of the overturns in theI House races were at the expense of freshmen Democrats who were swept in from normally Republi- can areas in the 1958 Democratic landslide. One big upset appeared in the making in Massachusetts where Rep. Joseph W. Martin, former Republican speaker of the House, trailed Democrat Edward F. Dool- an in early returns. GOP Gains Republican gains were chalked up in Connecticut, Vermont, Indi- ana, Maryland, Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and Maine. The GOP lost seats in New; York and New Jersey. Such House stalwarts as Speaker+ Sam Rayburn (D-Tex); Rep. John W. McCormack (D-Mass), the House majority leader; and Rep. Charles A. Halleck, the minority leader, all won reelection. The Democrats won the 219th seat needed to control the 437-' member House at 3 a.m. and seem- ed certain to add to the total as the vote count progressed. At that point the Republicans had 107 seats. Ratio Unchanged In the other Michigan races for the House, with all but one race decided, the Republican- Democratic ratio remains the same, 11 to 7. In the other un- decided contest in the seventh dis- trict Rep. James O'Hara, an in- cumbent, is leading his Republi- can opponent.' Other Races In the other House races in Michigan: 1stDistrict -- Thaddeus M. Machrowitz (D-inc.) def. Walter Czarnecki (R); 3rd District-AU- gust E. Johansen (R-inc.) def. Samuel Clark (D). 4th District-Clare E. Hoffman (R-inc.) def. Edward Burns (D); 5th District-Gerald R. Ford, Jr. (R-inc.) def. WilliamLeamon (D). 6th District-Charles Chamber- lain (R-inc.) def. Jerome O'Rourke (D); 8th District-James Harvey (R) def. Mary Harden (D). 9th District 9th District-Robert Griffin (R- inc.) def. Donald Jennings (D); 10th District-Edford Cedarberg (R-inc.) def. Daniel Reed (D). 11th District-Victor Knox (R- inc.) def. Prentiss Brown (D); 12th District-John Bennett (R- inc.) def. Robert McCarthy (D). 13th District--Charles C. Diggs (D-inc.) def. Robert Blackwell (R); 14th District-Louis C. Ra- baut (D-inc.) def. Lois Nair (R). 15th District--John Dingell (D- inc.) def. Robert Robbins (R): 16th District-John Lesinski (D- inc.) def. Lee Clark (R). 17th District-Martha Griffiths (D-inc.) def. Richard Morell (R); 18th District-William Broom- field (R-inc.) def. James Kellis (D). GOP Retains All Wastenaw County Posts (Continued from Page 1) Democrat Sylvester Blaszak 24,- 766 votes to 14,566 votes. Verner was city treasurer for 16 years before ascending to the county office. He is a former instructor of mathematical engineering at the University. County voters returnedRepub- lican register of deeds Mrs. Pat- ricia N. Hardy into office, favoring her over Democrat Mrs. Elaine Rice, votes to 14,783 votes. Republican drain commissioner John H. Flook received the voters' nod! for another two-year term by preferring him to Democrat Rich- ard E. Nash, 24,706 votes to 14,865 votes. The surveyor will again be Republican Herbert S. Hicks, by virtue of his victory of Democrat Edward L. Jonas, 24,788 votes to 14,598 votes. Prosecutor William F. Ager Jr. was unopposed "-in his reelection try, and ran up a total of 25,364 votes. Washtenaw County overwhelm- ingly endorsed national and state Republicans, veering from the national average. With a few ex- ceptions, county voters cast bal- lots for Republican candidates in wide margins over their Demo- cratic opponents. The county approved all three state-wide ballot proposals. (Continued from Page 1) Here is the breakdown, state- by state: ALABAMA - John Sparkman (l-inc.) def. Julian Elgin (R) ARKANSAS-John L.' McClel- lan (D-inc.) unopposed COLORADO - Gordon Alloit (R-inc.) def. Robert L. Knous (D) DELAWARE - J. Caleb Boggs (R) def. J. Allen Frear, Jr. (I- inc.) GEORGIA - Richard B. Rus- sell (D-inc.) unopposed IDAHO - Henry C. Dworshak (R-inc.) def. Robert McLaughlin (D) ILLINOIS - Paul H. Douglas (D-inc.) def. Samuel W. Witwer (R) IOWA - Jack Miller (R) def. Herschel Loveless (D). KANSAS - dAndrew F. Schoep- pel (R-inc.) def. Frank Theis (D) KENTUCKY - John Sherman Cooper (R-inc.) def. Keen John- son (D) LOUISIANA - Allen J. Ellender (D-inc.) def. George W. Reese, Jr. (R) MAINE - Mrs. Margaret Chase Smith (R-inc.) def. Miss Lucia M. Cormier (D) MASSACHUSETTS - Leverett Saltonstall (R-inc.) def. Thomas J. O'Connor, Jr. (D) MICHIGAN-Patrick V. McNa- mara (D-inc.) def. Alvin M. Bent- ley (R). MINNESOTA-Hubert H. Hum- phrey (D-inc.) def. P. Peterson (R) MISSOURI - Edward V. Long (D-inc.) def. Lon Hocker (R) MISSISSIPPI - James Oliver Eastland (D-inc.) def. Joe A. Moore (R) NEBRASKA Carl T. Curtis (R-inc.) def. Robert B. Conrad (D) NEW HAMPSHIRE - Styles Bridges (R-inc.) def. Herbert W.. Hill (D) NEW JERSEY - Clifford P. Case (R-inc.) def. Thorn Lord (D). NEW MEXICO - Clinton P. Anderson (D-inc.) def. William F. Cowles (R) NORTH CAROLINA - B. Ever- ett Jordan (D-inc.) def. Kyle Hayes (R) OKLAHOMA - Robert S. Kerr (D-inc.) def. B. Hayden Crawford (R) OREGON - Mrs. Maurine B. Neuberger (D) def. Elmo Smith (R) RHODE ISLAND - Claiborne de Borda Pell (D) def. Raoul Archambault, Jr. (R) 1 SOUTH CAROLINA - D. Strom Thurmond (D-inc.) unopposed, TENNESSEE - Estes Kefauver (D-inc.) def. A. Bradley Frazier (R) TEXAS - Lyndon B. Johnson (D-4nc.) John G. Tower (R) VIRGINIA - A. Willis Robert- son (D-inc.) def. Stuart D. Baker (Ind) KennethI WEST VIRGINIA -- Jennings Randolph (D-inc.) def. Cecil H. Underwood (R) WYOMING - Keith Thomson (R) def. Raymond B. Whitaker (D) Tension Hits State Parties By JAMES SEDER and MICHAEL BURNS, Special to The Daily The typewriters are rapidly belting out their clicking mes- sage, that Lt. Gov. John Swain- son hasr won a substantial vic- tory, over Republican Paul Bag- well.. The television set in the Hen- rose Hotel press room keeps the newsman informed'of the nation- al trend, but their job is to cover the gubernatorial race. . There is talk of a Democratic sweep but the Democratic offi- cials are not committing them- selves.'However, they are happy with the early. Detroit vote. The ballot split piles up and the trend becomes clearer. Newsmen seek out Detroit labor leaders who are present in great number, but they are also reticent to proclaim a Swainson victory, Lights Out In Lansing, the state capitol, turned off its lights at midnight, but the politicians do not follow this exampfe, There' are two major clusters of politicians gathered to watch the election night returns. One group is the Bagwell party at a downtown hotel, the other is a' small party at the home of Gov. G. Mennen Williams. The Bagwell gathering started out as a rather drab, glum af- fair. The first returns are not en- couraging. Bagwell is missing. The telephone reporting systems from the various precincts are not operating smoothly. Bagwell ap- pears at 11:30 p.m., amid news of a Republican spurt upstate. Election Open House Williams is holding one of his traditional election night open houses, but this year the gather- ing is quieter and smaller than in the past. His party *as highly optimistic early in the evening, but as the evening wears on, emotions be- come mixed-increasingly confi- dent that the national Democratic ticket would win, but increasing- ly concerned about the success of the state ticket. State, Local Pro posas State voters endorsed all three proposals for state constitutional amendments, although the sales tax limit increase just made it. Incomplete returns early this morning showed the tax limit in- crement leading by 639,00 to 608,000. The bonding proposal had a plurality of almost 140,000 votes and the proposal to vote on call-- ing a constitutional convention was winning, 662,000 to 521,000. * Ann Arbor voters approved lo- cal proposals to abolish the 1934 city ordinance forbiddpg the sale of liquor by the glass, and to provide funds to build a new city hal. . Vote Close Although the vote was still close early this morning, every precinct; total reported showed a mnajority of voters in favor of each proposal. The latest returns available when The Daily went to press gave figures showing 12,481 voting YES for liquor by the glass, and 10,682 voting NO. The city hall proposal held a lead of 9,746 in favor to 5,251 against. It provides for $2.2 mil- lion to construct a facility to relieve the present overcrowded city hall on Huron St. The liquor restriction has been on Ann Arbor books Jsince prohi- bition days., despite repeated ef- forts on the part of 'local mer- chants and other Interested in- dividuals to bring about its re- peal Early this year 25 local tavern proprietors formed the Ann Arbor Licensee's Association to promote public support for its repeal, and 2,043 signatures were collected this fall to place it On the ballot. Convention Proposal Approval of the constitutional convention proposal means state voters will decide in the spring election whether to summon such a conclave. It also provides for one delegate to be appointed for each state senator and represen- tative, if the convention is called by a majority vote. Approval of the bonding pro- posal authorizes the state to bor- row to make loans to local school districts to pay certain issues of school bonds. It also specifies that the Legislature shall prescribe conditions for the loans and gives the school districts taxing author- ity to pay the issues. The sales tax proposal specifies an increase of the constitutional tax limit from three to four per cent. STATE REPRESENTATIVE-Gilbert A. Bursley (left) and James F. Warner will represent Washtenaw County in the state House of Representatives. (Continued from Page 1) Another student favored Ken- nedy because he would have the support of the Pope, which would create closer ties between the United States and the Catholic Latin-American countries. Other Kennedy supporters said Adlai Stevenson and Chester Bowles would provide a good team for Kennedy to work with, and I "Bells Are Ringing for a elephone Stuffing Contest between that Kennedy would work to keep private enterprise within political limits. Someone claimed, "N i x o n changes his policies so frequently that if he didn't have Eisenhow- er's support he would have been out of the picture long ago." From another, "He hasn't said anything in the whole campaign." The question of Kennedy's reli- gion was termed "idiotic" and "un- expected from an educated coun- try." An Englishman called it "grow- ing pains," and thought religion is diminishing as a major political force. "It is much less of an is- sue than it was in 1928," he ar- gued. He was amused by the show business techniques in the cam- paign, calling them "extensions of a football game. Another student called the American campaign "a unique system that only America can afford." Someone quoted an Asian stu- dent publication, saying, "Watch and see, but don't comment. It's an American show." Another student questioned the value of the prolonged campaign period. "It should be shorter and more intensive," he said. The crowd's desire to touch Kennedy when he spoke here puzzled some. "He's a prophet or something?" he questioned. O « a ly U.& 23 - South Of P vkard R d. Alpha Epsilon Pi and supported by Delta Gamma Phi Gamma Delta supported by Delta Phi Epsilon County GOP Receive Votes For Legislature By ANDREW HAWLEY Republican candidates swept all three state legislative positions for Washtenaw County yesterday, continuing the long tradition of GOP dominance of one of their Michigan strongholds. Gilbert E. Bursley, former chairman of the Ann Arbor Repub- lican party who led the GOP. city council candidates to a clean sweep victory last spring, scored a decisive win over his Demo- cratic opponent, Mrs. Grace Marckwardt, wife of a University professor. Unofficial final returns gave him the first legislative post with 18,676 votes to Mrs. Marck- wardt's 11,067, with all precincts in the first district reported. In the race for the state repre- sentative position for the second district, James F. Warner led his Democratic opponent, William E. Dannemiller, with 11,904 votes to 8,796. Thayer Wins GOP candidate Stanley Thayer defeated University Prof. Richard Cutler, Democrat, 30,712 to 19,656, in the battle for the position of state senator from Washtenaw County. About 50 out of 73 possible pre- cincts had reported. Only three precincts, two in Ann Arbor and one in an outlying area, voted against Bursley. He polled 64 per cent of the possible total. Washtenaw County also polled strongly in favor of the election of non-partisan Judge James R. Breakey to the state supreme court, over Theodore M. Souris. Judge Breakey is presently Circuit Court Judge in Ann Arbor. Favors Con-Con Bursley favors constitutional revision by the convention method, and four-year terms for legislators. Washtenaw County voters also expressed approval of a constitu- tional convention by voting Yes on the proposal providing for it, 27,516 to 12,534. Today on the Diag at 12:45 STANLEY G. THAYER «'.' state senator 'U' STUDENT: Cyclist TDies After, Crash With Truck University student and Ann Arbor resident Anton Surarez died of a compound skull farcture at 11:45 p.m. yesterday in University Hospital about an hour and a half after his motorcycle crashed into a workman's truck behind the Undergraduate Library. Witnesses reported that the truck wAs backing out of the driveway and the driver failed to see the cyclist. Surarez, traveling at "a high speed" turned sharply to avoid the truck and skidded into it. INSTITUTE OF EUROPEAN STUDIES (A no -prewOcP~srio") SX C o 35 EAST WACkER DIM CHICAGO, IUINOIS Mt... o.nd tomplde .kti*b dot 11. sipeingSeee t 161 romn i Ewopo. STUDY IN EUROPE SPRING SEMESTER 1961 IN VIENNA Spend part of your sophomore at junior year of college in an etb fished American program in Austria. 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