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November 08, 1960 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-08

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The Daily poll of the University faculty gives Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon a very slight edge over Sen. John F. Kennedy.
From a sample of about one-fifth of the faculty, Nixon took
45 per cent of the total, Kennedy 43 per cent. Twelve per cent were
undecided. The poll, taken last week, reached about 85 per cent of the
faculty slated to be sampled.
Nixon received his largest margin in the medical profession
schools (medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, public health). Here
he scored 66 per cent to Kennedy's 15 per cent, with 19 per cent un-
Kennedy Scores High
Kennedy scored highest in the social science departments of the
literary college, pulling a preference of 92 per cent to Nixon's 6 per
cent, with 2 per cent undecided.
Nixon's lead was also decisive in the other three professional
schools (law, business, engineering). He drew a total of 58 per cent
to Kennedy's 25 per cent, with 17 per cent undecided.
The rest of the literary college gave Kennedy the lead, although
it was not quite so decisive as in the social sciences. In natural sciences

sLea dinF
the senator polled 62 per cent to Nixon's 25 per cent, with 13 per
cent undecided.
In the humanities and other remaining departments (physical
education, library science, journalism) Kennedy took 63 per cent of
the vote to Nixon's 31 per cent, with six per cent undecided.
Kennedy also received a small majority of 51 per cent to Nixon's
42 per cent in the remaining schools of the University (natural re-
sources, music, education, social work, architecture and design). In
this group there were seven per cent undecided.
While the results in each of the school groups are decisive, the
overall total is not. The differences in reported preferences were
so great in individual groups that they couldn't be due to sampling,
but Nixon's margin in the total faculty was small enough that it
should not be regarded as significant in a statistical sense.
Because the preference of the faculty was described by means
of a sample, the estimates are subject to sampling error. A customary
way of describing the magnitude of this error is to say that, using the
same methods, the sample estimate would fall within a certain per-
centage in 95 of 100 cases.
Margin of Error
In this case, the margin of error for the total faculty results
is 3.8 per cent; that is, Nixon's precentage could be as much as

48.8 per cent or as low as 41.2 per cent, which would trail Kennedy.
All margins of error were based on the Kennedy percentages.
Also, the heretofore negligible number of people who were not
reached, or who refused to state a choice, could be significant in the
The Daily selected a 441-person random sample for this
presidential preference poll of the University faculty.
Respondents were chosen by number from alphabetical lists
of each department. Daily staff members contacted faculty
members by phone, with instructions to say:
"Hello, ,this is The' Michigan Daily. We are taking a
presidential preference poll of the faculty. All results will be
confidential. What is your preference?"
The replies-Republican or Democrat, undecided or "won't
say"-were tabluated by percentage, using standard formulas
to compute margin of error. Daily Staff member Michael
Harrah did both tabulation and analysis, and was helped in
this, and in setting up the poll, by a faculty member familiar
with survey methods.



C, r

Lw~ 1

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
SGC andidates ontest for Five Posi



Today, Tomorrow
Set as Election Days










Council's Role Seems Major Issue;
Thirteen Hopefuls Debate Policies
Students go to the polls today and tomorrow in a Student Govern-
ment Council election that ought to have marked effects on the course
of the Council over the next few years.
Thirteen candidates are bidding for five open positions. The 9
polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days.
The candidates are Lynn Bartlett, '63; Louise Kao, '64; Marshall
Keltz, '61; Bruce Leitman, '63; Richard Nohl, '62; Ted Parnall, '63;
Richard Pinnell, '64 A&D; Philip Power, Spec; Julie Raben, '62; Fred
Riecker, '63; Dennis Shafer, '63; Kay Warman, '61 B Ad, and Mary
Wheeler, '61.
The polls are located on the Diag, at the Michigan Union, at the





Record Vote
To Resolve
State Races

Michigan League, in front of
view Duies
Of Council
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is tb
third in a series of articles outlin
ing the ideas and programs of SG
candidates. The Information wa
compiled from talks given by tb
candidates at open houses.)
In reaction to the Student G(
erinent Council's support of 1
sit-in movement and of Prof. I
F. Koch of the University of I
nois, many SGC candidatesj
running on the slogan "bring 1
Council back to the campus."
Individual stands are determin
by the candidate's theory of rep
sentation. Several of them, notal
the Voice political party can
dates, Mary Wheeler, '61, Phi
Power, Spec., and Lynn Bartle
An opposite view is held
Marshall Keltz, '61, who said tY
"SOC has overstepped its bounds
we should stay out of nation
Richard Nohl, '62BAd., says t
Council, in speaking on natior
issues, is obligated to mirror' st
dent opinion. To do this accura
ly, he calls, for polls conduct

Angell Hall, at the UGLI, under the
SEngineering Arch, in front of the
Business Administration Bldg., in
the lobby of Mason Hall and in
front of the University Museum.
Major Issue
The major issue appears to be
the "role of the Council," an ar-
gument which has flared intermit-
tently around the Council table
for a long time.
The candidates' positions on the
he desirable bounds of Council's
c scope range from limitation only
as by the members' good sense to
he restriction to the campus.
Independent Position
On the basis of the Council's
ov- independent position as an or-
the gan of the University, SGC Pres-
Loident John Feldkamp, '61, denies
lli- that the vote totals will have any
are effect on future Council actions.
the He adds one qualifier-that a
big turnout would strengthen the
Council in expressing opinions on
ied off-campus issues. A high vote
re- total will be an indication of
bly good candidates in the field, Feld-
di- kamp says, but not an endorse-
lip ment o the Council concept it-
ett. self. A low total will represent
by campus dissatisfaction with the
hat slate, not with SGC.
s- Balancing voter enthusiasm
nal against some confusion over the
issues at stake, G'Sell predicts a
he turnout of 5,000.
nal Retiring Council members in-
u- clude Al Haber, '60; SGC Execu-
te- tive Vice-President Nancy Adams,
ed '61; Ron Bassey, '61; William
See SGC, Page 2

1 Michigan, which will be im-
portant in the national elections
with its twenty electoral votes,
also will decide today on a gover-
nor, senator, 18 congressmen, six
top state officials, a supreme
court Justice and state represen-
Robert M. Montgomery, state
election's director, has predicted
a record turnout of 3.5 millions of
the state's 4 million registered
The Democrats, who control
every statewide elective adminis-
trative office, have most of the
newspapers and polls in their
favor both locally and nationally.
Running for governor are Demo-
cratic Lt. Gov. John B. Swainson,
attorney and former state senator,
and Republican Paul D. Bagwell,
scholarships director at Michigan
State University.
Democrat Sen. Patrick V. Mc-
Namara, an incumbent bidding for
a second term, is opposed by Rep.
Alvin M. Bentley of Owosso who
for the last eight years has re,
presented Michigan's Eighth
Congressional District.
Three proposals the voters will
decide on are the school 'bond
issue, the question of raising the
sales tax ceiling, and the proposal
that would initiate a constitutional
The school bond proposal is a
1955 provision that enables school
districts to sell bonds and extend
production costs more over a long
period of time. This provision will
expire in 1962 unless supported in
today's balloting.
'The increased sales tax is a
measure designed to alleviate
Michigan's financial problems by
providing immediate revenues.
Plans for a constitutional con-
vention are the issue of the third
proposal. The question is whether
or not to have the constitution
amended so that voters may be
given a referendum on whether to
call a convention at the spring
election of 1961.
Leftists Gain
In Italian Vote

--Daily-David Giltrow
THE BUCK STOPS HERE-An estimated 60,000 Washtenaw County voters face these levers
today. At stake are 22 offices-ranging from President of the United States to county drain com-
missioner-and three proposed amendements to the state constitution.
Campa 1inISue s: P Sychomlogy

An Editoria1..
TDAY'S SGC election falls at an important juncture in
the Council's short history.
After a somewhat faltering, but gradually expand-
ing, evolution, the student body and its government stand
in a position to influence and share in decisions affect-
ing major University policies. The administration and
faculty generally have acknowledged the value of stu-
dent participation, and at the same time, the SGC and
many students as well have professed an increasing in-
terest in community affairs.
The SGC election, therefore, takes on special im-
portance. Students require Council representatives cap-
able of effecting new and vital programs and who will
also produce within the individual student an awareness
of his educational and civic environment, his opportuni-

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
in a series of University faculty
comment stories on election issues.)
Although the presidential can-
didates have been discussing the
issues of the campaign, the really
important factor has been the
George Peek of the political
science department says.
And the television debates have
given Sen. John F. Kennedy the
more favorable image, he main-
tains.dThe great debate demon-
strated to the American public
that the senator "was not imma-
ture" and gave him a national
Tactical Mistake
The debates were "a tactical
mistake for the Republicans," he
The religious question, one on
which the candidates took every
opportunity not to comment, will
have a substantial effect on the
election and "in the long run it
will be to Kennedy's advantage,"
Prof. Peek says.
The issue will probably lose the
senator states such as Minnesota,
Wisconsin, Virginia and Louisi-
ana; but the question has con-
solidated the urban centers. This
should help him win in New York,
Illinois and other heavily popu-
lated states.

the civil rights question, will hurt mate, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, remain in doubt. A number of
Kennedy in the South, Prof. Miller has been exploited by the Repub- them are believed inclining to
maintains, but the amount of licans Prof. Peek says, especially Kennedy, a couple to Nixon.
Democratic defection remains to on the issue of civil rights. Nixon could overtake and beat
be seen. Civil rights will be over- Travel is another factor which Kennedy by capturing a signifi-
shadowed by the religious issue, he has increased voter interest cant segment of the doubtful
says. around the country and given can- states and by wresting some of
The split between Kennedy and didates added exposure to the the states where Kennedy's lead is
his more conservative running electorate. considered slight.
SigmIa Delta Tau Wins Sing,
Sigma Delta Tau sorority cap-
tured the Lantern Night first place
trophy last night with a spirited
rendition of two Hebrew folk
songs, "Hora" and "Song of Gali-
Second and third places went to
Jordan Hall, last year's winners,
and Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, re-
Led by Joan Myers, '61, the win-
ning group wore dark skirts trim-
med in rose rickrack with rose
bib fronts over white blouses.:
The first place trophy for pos-
ture was awarded to Alpha Phi
sorority. This part of the contest
was judged at Lantern Night elim-
inations Oct. 28.
.hid.e. . it n 4a s i gin g r a-


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