The Solid South- Solid in '60? Can Nixon Hope To Hold the States - Ike Carried for the Republicans?, By MICHAEL HARRAH T WAS A cold November day in 1860 when a group of delegates in Charleston ominously announced that South Carolina considered the recent election of President Abra- ham Lincoln a distinct threat to the very existence of that state. In view of that, South Carolina, "with deep regret," seceeded from the Union, ultimately touching off a bitterness which was to last the better part of a century. When Ulysses S. Grant refused the sword of Robert E. Lee at Ap- pomattox, the physical conflict ended, but the political conflict had only begun. As soon as the carpetbaggers were ousted and the reconstruc- tion ended, the Republican Party was "banned" from the South-a political boycott unparalleled in recent history. The "Radical Republicans" in Congress had been ruthless with the defeated, but still proud, Southern aristocracy. The South vowed the Republicans would nev- er humiliate them again, and they tied themselves firmly to thel Democratic Party, resolving they would never break the bond. AT WAS about 1860. Now, some hundred years later, the*. South is still bound to the Democratic Party, but the Demo- crats seem to ,have deserted them. Semingly, the proud South will have to stand alone, defending her, states' rights, her segregation, and her sovereignty against those whom she used to count as her allies. It would be a losing battle, but the South is ready to fight tothe end-and fight alone. Yet, help has come to them once again, and this time from a most unlikely quarter-the Republican Party. Timidly, as though it were a for- bidden alliance, the two parties pooled their Congressional vot- MICHAEL HARRAH is a sophomore in the literary col- lege and is a member of The Daily staff. ing power to control the special sission of Congress this summer. A deep "crack" has split the "solid" South. The Republican inroads in Dixie started during the first years of the Eisenhower Administration, when the fearful Southerners found Ike much more sympathetic to their pleas for states' rights than had been either Franklin D. Roosevelt or Harry Truman. For the first time since many could remember, the South had an "al- ly" in the White House. N 1956, Eisenhower won growing Southern support. He gained on Adlai Stevenson in every Southern state and added staunchly Demo- cratic Louisiana to the GOP col- umn, along with Florida, Texas, and Virginia. Angeles, the South went "all the way with LBJ," and Johnson was defeated, just as Southern con- tenders always lose. The victorious- forces of Sen. John Kennedy ex- pected the South to go along si- lently as sh'e had for the last hundred years save once in 1948 when they formed a third party, but she balked--not even accept- ing Johnson's selection to be the running-mate as appeasement. Some prominent Southerners, such at Texas' Allen Shivers and South Carolina's James Byrnes, openly endorsed the GOP nation- al ticket. Others, such as Virgin- la's Sen. Harry F. Byrd and Mis- sissippi's Gov. Ross Burnett, sub- bornly refused to have anything to do with Kennedy or Johnson. Still others, such as South Carolina's Sen. J. Strom Thurmond and Mis- sissippi's Sen. John Stennis, gave the nod to Kennedy so silently and reluctantly, that the nation al- most missed it and soon forgot it. NOW, WITH election close at hand, Southerners are doing a lot of soul-searching. They are torn between two desires: Demo- cratic tradition and Republican tegration in a state where it is not making much headway. The Republican tide is not ebb- Ing, however. Former governor Shivers is still popular, andt he is working hard for Nixon and Lodge.. The lone GOP congressman, Bruce Alger of Dallas, appears to be safe- by a tremendous margin. Never- theless, downstate along the bord- er, the Mexican population leans to Kennedy. LOYALTY TO Lyndon Johnson cannot be discounted. A man popular as a Senator does not all of a sudden lose popularity run- ning for a higher spot. Flordia which went with Ike in '52 and '56, is no longer a typical Southern state. The heavy influx of retired couples from the North, added to the growing number of businessmen now residing in the state, tends to offset the tradi- tional Democratic vote on a na- tional level. Besides, retiring Gov. Leroy Collins and Sen. Spessard Holland won't lift a finger for the Kennedy ticket, while active Sen.. George Smathers seems to cam- paign for the ticket only outside the South. Smthers is chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Cam- paign Committee and he is not helping Kennedy by lavishing - funds on conservatives, such as Oklahoma's Sen. Robert S. Kerr, who is many times a millionaire and without a hard race, and vir- tually cutting out Michigan's Sen. Patrick V. McNamara, who is haid pressed for re-election. Florida's Negro population is significant, and it is restless. Race riots in Jacksonville point this up. Here Kennedy benefits. SENATOR KENNEDY may gain wherever there is dissatisfac- tion on the part of Negroes with regard to integration, because those who might normally have voted for Nixon will be drawn to Kennedy, in view of the Demo- -rats' strong stand on the Integra- tion issue. The Negroes see Nixon as somewhat'- less sympathetic to their problems. Georgia, the heart of the Solid South, has voted the Democratic ticket since Andrew* Jackson in- vented it. The state was formerly sold on the candidacy of Johnson, no matter what the capacity. But, since the Texan had to literally drag an endorsement from Sens. Richard B. Russell and Herman Talmage, the folks in Georgia say they aren't too sure where things stand. An aerial surveyor voiced a ris- ing sentiment. "Ike has been good to us," he said. "I was brought up to hate Republicans, but I can't hate Ike. He's the first man to give us a break. That settles it so far as I'm concerned. I'm voting straight Republican." This is not an ominous threat, however. Sen. Richard Russell is unopposed and Gov. Ernest Vandiver has two more years left in his term. There- fore, no important races are up for- decision. N I X o N'S noontime crowd of 100,000, lining Peachtree Street in downtown Atlanta is only a foreboding, but it's enough to rate the Georgia race as closer than ever before. Tennessee, an Eisenhower state, will also have a close race. There is a rising tide of Republicanism in the eastern portion of the state, which is not being offset by a rise in the normally Democratic Memphis area. This might be sig- nificant, were it not for the over- whelming primary victory of Sen. Estes Kefauver. Mississippi, always Democratic, also shows signs of unrest. Gov- ernor Burnett openly urges the Continued on Page Twelve for casual living, "'1p. 1 : . . ; : COTTON KNIT SHIRTS AND SLACKS p Again in the four years followed, Ike did not let t down, and today Southerners back on eight years of let-up f a constant struggle for st rights. This summer, at the Democ ic National Convention in that hem look Can Ike transfer his to Nixon? popularity U from temptation. The resulting con- ates' fusion varies from state to state. In Virginia, where Ike won in rat- '52 and '56, Vice-President Richard Los M. Nixon is showing tremendous popularity, boosted by the silent endorsement of politically power- Jul Sen. Byrd. "Twice we put our faith in President Eisenhower and twice we were rewarded. That's a good record for Virginia, and it's good enough for me," one Virgin- ian commented. C r ir j i' t 4. '', I 1 G R 4, ' i. t.i i ft l ;' )i }.. 1 " t 1 is . !i 'i i s . A ki 11 i . W Y 2 > .. - i - - - a I . 1 ' -.- - .t .+ a I &FV k_ a __ : M 1R 44 1' I dream stuff I,!J for holiday galas north or south. Cowl necked bodice in soft Portugese wool printed in candlelight tones - whirling skirt in silk chiffon - silken Apparently that man is not alone in his thoughts, for 23,000 people turned out to see the Nix- ons in Roanoke, 12,000 in Rich- mond, 8000 in Newport News. One man said he traveled 75 miles to see Nixon in Roanoke. "Friends have to stick together. The grand Old Dominion is solid with the Grand Old Party." IN LOUISIANA, an Eisenhower state in '56, the sentiment runs on sectional lines. Downstate areas around New Orleans and Baton Rouge have a heavy concentration of Roman Catholics. (Louisiana's Catholic population is one-third again the size of the national av- erage per state.) However, up- state around Shreveport the con- centration of Baptists is equally heavy. The state's 518,000- voting Ne- groe are always decisive in Loui- siana elections, and polls find them largely undecided. They helped swing the vote to Eisenhower in '56. Also, Sen. Allen Ellender, who rarely mentions the Kennedy- Johnson ticket, is campaigning against GOP National Committee- man George Reese, Jr., a big name in Louisiana politics, who al- ways mentions Nixon and Cabot Lodge. Ellender, however, is a sure bet; Kennedy isn't. South Carolina, solid for Steven- son both times, is listening to Sen. Thurmond, running unopposed, openly endorse Eisenhower at regular intervals and constantly praise GOP Senator Barry M. Goldwater of Arizona. This is powerful, for Goldwater is presently stumping the South for Nixon, and he outdraws either Kennedy or Johnson in crowds. Goldwater and his conservatism are popular in the South, and his words are well noted. T*H E LONE STAR State of Texas went for Ike in '52- and '56. Johnson is double-running there, campaigning for Vice-President and Senator simultaneously. As an El Paso realtor said, "We Tex- ans are lucky .This is the only place in the nation where you get to vote against old Lyndon twice." Johnson the senator, however, is a shoo-in; Johnson, the vice- president has an uphill battle, be- cause his running-mate Kennedy is distrusted. Oil interests, domi- nant in Texas, think that Nixon will give them a better deal than Kennedy. However, the state's 624.000 Negroes of voting age are The shirt is a smart crew style... printed in beige or clay to harmonize with the completely lined tapered slacks ... black, green, rust or clay easy care machine washable Shirt sizes S, M, L. Just 3.98 Slack sizes 8-16. Only 5.98 --- -------------- CORDUROY CASUAL SHOES Complete comfort with modern styling.. a perfect footnote for your sport separates RAHl, RAH, RAH! Afer all the hoopla and campaigning, how many votes are changed? and at a welcome little price. 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