The Problem of the Presidential Campaign 1 i i 1 crete solution brought forth to at- O ALL IN ALL the campaign tempt to solve the problem of the has been fast moving and two Chinas or the United States- hard hitting, but not exactly to Cuba tensions. Each side was an- the point. It seems a poor reflec- xious to criticize the other, but tion on the American voting pub- offered little in any positive sense. lic that in a campaign as long as this, so little has been said. Mr. THE TELEVISION debates drew Kennedy, for instance, tried to ex- enormous viewing audiences, plain some of his programs in de- but on the whole proved little tail only to find that his audiences except that the Vice - President were growing restless. They want- neeptthateptheViceridented calls to arms and pat political needed makeup. Tne same argu-apas-gtr. ments were heard over and over applause-getters. ageinithwe ehalofher tirde As a result both candidates are again, with over half of the third running out of things to say and debate being devoted to repetition have resorted to calling each oth- of the Quemoy-Matsu squabble. er names to keep the public's at- And in effect, the debates were tendn.eThe keepthpniha - not debates at all. The candidates tenton. The campaign has been did ot aguethei pants.buta long, drawn-out affair, and few did not argue their points, but people can be really sorry it is answered questions from news- drawing to a close. men-questions which sometimes Since the proof of the pudding seemed itended to embarrass Is in the eating, we will probably either Nixon or Kennedy. Iget the chance to find out how By THOMAS KABAKER We are told by the pollsters that Mr. Nixon came out on the: WITH ONLY two more days to short end of the debate because 1 while he did little to further his go in the presidential cam- campaign, Mr. Kennedy got a i paign both candidates are heading s chance to form his "image" in the for the wire with renewed energy. mind of the voters. This may bea Democratic nominee Jack Ken- s ,, true, for this campaign has tended t nedy is pushing on with the fore- to have been based more on im- casts of pollsters predicting his ages than on ideas. Republicans election Tuesday. Republican Nix- a > figured that Nixon's fine debatings on is fighting to pick up support technique would enable him to to overcome the supposed Kennedy s ruc end hruhy u lead. But as usual nothing new is it was Kennedy who came outr being said. ahead by showing himself to be a Unfortunately 'in this campaigngforceful and attractive figure in the issues have been very few and American politics. ill-defined. Kennedy has con- stantly attacked the Administra- HE BIG question mark of the tion record in local economy and election, however, is the religious foreign affairs, claiming American issue. People are not willing to ad- prestige is" at an all-time lowmit that they will not vote for a Nixon is in the peculiar position Catholic. And while both sides of supporting a record with which, were diselaimin the religious is- it seems, he does not entirely sue,tthe Democrats were trying to agree. For whatever he may think turn it to their advantage by ral of President Eisenhower's admin- lying liberals and minority groups } istration, he must stand on Ike's behind their candidate. Films of record. Kennedy's speech before the Dal- Moreover, Nixon seems more las ministers have been shown forceful and even more liberal but one cannot tell where or how ful as Kennedy has in his appear- over and over again. than Ike. It is truly unfortunate much. ances. Kennedy can attack any- In all fairness, though, the Dem- that he cannot say what he really thing that isn't right with Ameri- ocrats have been very worried thinks. As it stands now one cany THIS IS undoubtedly hampering ca. Nixon must say, "Let's look at about voters turning away from sense that Nixon's views differ to Nixon's campaign and tends to the record of the last eight years." Kennedy because of his religion. some extent from the President's, keep him from appearing Such a defense is not equal to No one as yet seems able to have as Kennedy's attack. discovered how this factor will Aside from this phase of the affect the election. Surely, if Ken- campaign there was the Quemoy- nedy is defeated his religion will, Matsu issue and the Cuba prob- be blamed, and probably rightly l lem. But both sides retreated from so. N e w BOSTONIANS their original position on the off- shore islands, and Kennedy's THOMAS KABAKER is statement that the United States Daily Magazine Editor and a CONTINENTA L ,MOCCASIN mgt i evoluti*ny groups in' s ee CONTI ENTA M OC ASINCuba was called by Nixon "dis- senior in the literary college. graceful." He is majoring in English. In neither case was any con- with handsewn side stitch "-. Broken lenses duplicated - Frames replaced It* Contact lens fluid sold 4CAMPUS OPTICIANS 240 Nickels Arcade NO 2-9116 SENATOR KENNEDY NEEDS Y $ 2 95LAST BIG CAMPAIGN PUSH- good a president only one of the candidates will make. It is unlike- y that whoever looses this elec- tion will be nominated and elected in 1964. In two days it will all be over, and then the pollsters will run out to find why it came out the way it did. The whole idea seems rather silly. But one thing remains true, In the clutch, the voters always siem to have come up wit the right man. The Campaign for Congrei The Republicans Can't Control the Senate But Have Hopes of Making Gains in the House C inu dfrom Page Three is pulling out in front of Demo- The Southwest . . SLONG THE northern Atlantic eratic incumbent Rep. Wilat WHILE THE SOUTH is expected Democrats, as well loine House aositionrVmn to return almost all Demo- oas the ,pubticns, seem to havcratic congressmen. the few Re- good opportunities to capture op-} The West . .. publicans in the upper Southern tn-hld district. states who are holding seats seem posti n - d is ri t:; i r r zn g nt c In pa t r - r . __ _._,... iear... o .,-.- -e, In vital New York City. Demo-- fairly safe to retain tneir spots, erats are rated possible victors in main stable. Wyoming should GOP Sen. John Sherman Cooper three contests to unseat incum- go Republican in its Senate and is certain of reelection in Ken- bents. Television playwright Gore House vote, although the incum- tucky. Vidal. of a politically prominent bent is running in neither contest. In West Virginia. retiring Gov. Okl-ahoma family, is battingfor California's almost equal repre- Cecil Underwood, a Republican, is the nod over GOP Rep. J. Earnest se nation by both parties should far behind incumbent Sen. Jen-' Wharfton in the 29th Districti y Nada fea- nings Randolph in the race for continue in this poll. Nevada f the upper house. Maine's voters are sure of elect- tures a fight between two ex.peri- ing a woman senator. Incumbent enced politicians, former Sen. Former Democratic vice-presi- Margaret Chase Smith faces a George Malont and Rep. Walter dential nominees Sen. Estes Ke- tough fight from Democrat Lucy Baring. Baring, a Democrat, is fauver and Sen. John Sparkman Cormier, with the present edge favored. face no opposition in the Ten- going to Mrs. Smith. ! The late Sen. Richard Neuberg- nessee and Alabama senatorial In tiny Delaware. a hot fight Ter's tido, Maurine, is out in election. And ex-Dixiecrat presi- for the Senate is developing be- r's wid o nsM Senat, s t.1 dential candidate Sen. Strom tween retired Gov. J. Caleb Boggs ganng streghfs er late Thurmond, is a cinch to be re- and present Sen. J. Allen Frear. husband's supporters. But former turned to office. Jr.. that is rated a tossup. Elmo S te Bublican j The election will be an im- New Jersey's race promises one:Gov.'Elmo Smith. the Republicanth or oreHoue pstsfortheDem nominee is closing the gap and it portanit one for both parties. The; or more House posts for the em-a it ish i Republicans, should they gain ocrats than in 1958. Liberal Sen. ground, would provide a more Clifford Case may see some com- The South effective balance in the legislative petition from his Democratic op- HE CLORADO senatorial bodies. The Democrats could es- - ponent, but he seems safe. tablish a stronger control of Con- Sen. Theodore Greene of Rhode campaign has been extremely gress that would theoretically Island, 93-year-old Democrat, is close. Incumbent Sen. Gordon Al- nullify the presidential veto by retiring this year and his chair lott, Republican, is battling Lieu- giving them a two-thirds majority, will probably be filled by the party tenant Governor Lee Knous, but in both houses. nominee, the GOP is losing support, which Republicans can gain ground could mean a Knous victory and rTHROUGHOUT the country, the in the Pennsylvania election for the loss of the only Republican Democrats appear to have the the House, which would even out representative. most chances of losing seats. The the state at 16 members for each In Texas, Sen. Lyndon B. John- prceding analysis may be mis- party. son is running for reelection as a leading in that respect. Because Maryland and Connecticut each "security measure." in case he Republicans are "outside. looking have completely Demociratic rep- doesn't make it as Vice-President. in" in most of the congressional resentation in the House. But No hope here for GOP voters. One battles, it is natural to label the GOP forces have been working of the richest senators, oilnan close races as GOP opportunities. hard in these states and may cap- Sen. Robert Kerr faces only token But Democratic strength has not ture one or two seats in each. opposition for his seat in Okla- waned greatly in the last two Retiring Gov. Robert T. Stafford homa. years. The Republicans will gain, bu' not significantly. The issues of foreign policy, economic plans and farm pro- grams have ben foremost inlthe minds of the voters. The national stands on these national issues are likely to have more influence on their congressional decisions than local questions. The national presidential trend will largely af- feet the congressional contests, as many posts hang in the bal- ance, ready to be swayed by the pull of the national candidates. One thing is certain: The next President will find a strongly controlled Democratic Congress. If the voters select Nixon, he will' probably fight a belligerent legis- lature. If Kennedy is chosen, he! may well face an independent ma-I jority party split by sectionalism and factions that will not pass his' programs. Ingany case, representative de- mocracy will have chosen an 87th Congress which must meet the test of the 1960's and the prob- I . , A . a I The CHALLE of American Civi present OUR HELP! To wear with today's slimmer, trimmer clothes. Soft, light and flexible Bostonians that give you a clean-cut look-a light-footed feeling. Come try a pair and seel * This afternoon: Meet in front of SAB at 1 P.M. * Monday afternoon: Meet in front of SAB at 3:10 P.M. (Door-to-door distribution of campaign literature) * Election Day, Tuesday, November 8: Poll workers, office workers, baby sitters, and drivers needed. Volunteer through YD office., For further information: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN YOUNG DEMOCRATIC CLUB STUDENTS FOR KENNEDY - 2534 SAB-or NO 5-5875 COLLOQUIUM'N Nov. 18- Seminars on c * Nov. 18-HENRY STEE " Nov. 19-TALBOT SM MICHAEL H " Nov. 20-NORMAN T Registration for Mon. and Tue., N FISHBOWL-- Un CHALLENGE OFFICE ( For further inforr NO 5-5875 or N C ampus Bootery