THE MICHIGAN DAILY Membership Committee Ted Parnall Staff, Phi Gamma Delta Frater- nity. The Michigan Student Govern- ment Council's main concern must necessarily be with what its very name implies. It is an organiza- tion made up of students attend- ing this university, with the pri- mary function of governing this student body and aiding it in its dealings with the administration. The bulk of the issues then, will be matters directly concerning the students of the University; as a representative body, SGC can jus- tify no other primary purpose. Beyond those issues of immedi- ate significance to the students on this campus other matters which indirectly involve all Americans as well as all students. Again, as SGC is a representative body of this campus, these affairs must be sub- , Instead of trying to generalize and vaguely represent myself by answering the three posed ques- tions, I feel you should 'know my stand on pertinent issues in this election to form a constructive opinion of me as an SOC candi- date. Membership Selection: I favor selection of membership in all stu- dent organizations on the basis of personal merit. Fraternity and Sorority Consti- tutions: Fraternities and sororities should not be required to submit their entire constitutions including rituals to any agency of student government. Approach to Discrimination Problem: Procedures dealing with investigation of suspected viola- tions should be outlined before action is taken. Further examina- tion of the problem by SGC and organizations concerned is needed. Immediate action is out of the' question. Membership Lists of Student Or- ganizations: Without such infor- mation, the Council would be lend- ing endorsement and the name of the University to a group consist- ing of unknowns. Rushing: Rushing should be supervised by the organizations di- rectly concerned with, sorority and fraternity policy formation, name- ly, the IFC and Panhellenic Assn. I would support no change in' present rush plans that was not mutually approved by the IFC and IQC, or by Panhell and As- sembly Assn.I Student Book Store: I favor the establishment of a Student Book Store in a central campus loca- tion -to sell new and used books to students on a non-profit basis. Use of Funds: Offices in the new SAB wing will be used by the Ad- ministration. I believe students Would have preferred their funds to be 'expended to better educa- tional facilities to help retain uni- versity professors at Michigan. Role of SGC: Clothed with broad powers, SGC oversees the operation of student organizations and activities at Michigan. This is its main function. Expression of Student Opinion: I feel SGC is obliged to seek ample proof that any expression of stu- dent opinion to the "outside world" is, in fact, the true opinion of the student body. Thank you for your considera- tion of my candidacy. Manager Student Book Ex- change, Michigras sub-chair. man, Student Activities Build- ing Administrative 'Board, In- terfraternity Council Fraternity Relations Committee, JIFC -- Chairman Fraternity Services Committee, Alpha Delta Phi- Fraternity. The primary function of the University is education both direct and indirect. Student Government Council is very important in the field of indirect education as it gives the student a chance to par- ticipate in educational activities outside the classroom. Student Government Council is not however, a debating club where a few interested participants soap- box subjects of narrow interest or a radical nature. Controversial matters, of course, will come up for debate but such issues should not be allowed to monopolize the' council's time. 1) Student Government Coun- cil has concerned itself too much with outside issues, such as, na- tional and international problems. Instead it should focus its efforts with problems and services involv- ing students on the campus. The problems. in off-campus housing should be studied care- fully by an SGC committee in or- der to find out just what these problems involve. The area of fraternity and sor- ority rushing should be left in the hands of IFC and Panhellenic. IFC has recently set up a rush study committee to study rushing very carefully. The outcome of this study should be the basis for any decision by SGC. The files in theDean of Wom- en's and the Dean of Men's of- fices containing reports from such people as Resident Advisors should be reduced in quantity. These re- ports are often unfair to students since they are hastily written due to the large number' of students under one advisor in the residence halls. 2) The Committee on Member- ship in Student Organizations is a necessary means to bring about the end of discrimination on the campus. There should be two func- tions of this committee. First, the committee must have written proof from everystudent organization that the.membership and other op- portunities of that organization shall. be on the basis of personal merit not race, color, religion, creed, national origin, or ancestry. This written proof can either be in form of a constitution or a statement from the organization regarding their membership. The second function of this committee must be to encourage among individuals in campus or- ganizations a desire for the ob- servance of all human rights with- in the individual's own scope. 3) SGC should work to provide services for students and as 4 channel for students to voice their grievances to the University. SGC should help the University agen- cies which benefit students. .: , ,, s t 3 t t t 3 s x 3' i s k 4 i Bruce Leitman ...M Y +.Mr sq+ w r iL..ii #, Louise Ko Gilbert and Sullivan - The Mikado. SGC should concern itself with all issues and programs affectingM the students, whether these are of a personal interest or of an inter- national nature. The Young Re- publicans, the Young Democrats, and the International Students Association are examples of our! progress in this area. I feel, how- ever, that more liberal groups such as the NAACP should be represented by student organiza- tions which are recognized as such by the Council. The student would thus feel free to express his ideas among his peers. If SGC has more influence on student activities, then there will be- more active participation in, student government affairs. A clos- er, more personal relationship be- tween the Council and each in- dividual student must be devel- oped, otherwise the present feel- ing of apathy will remain. Since SGC serves as a liaison between the students on campus and the administration, there are several suggestions that I would like to bring before the adminis- tration, if I am elected. 1) First, the number of scholarships tp un- dergraduate, foreign students should be extended. Understand- ing reactions and views of people with different backgrounds is an important part of a college educa- tion. Likewise, I think more of our students might study in foreign countries. 2) Next, the problem of Univer- sity Housing as it pertains to women, comes to mind. Here, I suggest that instead of building more dormitories for women, ei- ther more co-op houses be opened or the age necessary for obtaining an apartment be lowered. After all, dormitory living is rather ex- pensive. Also, upon coming to col- lege, adult responsibilities are giv- en to us; and thus we should be given some of the privileges as well, such as more independence. Besides, the hour regulations which a coed must meet are very strict. The above conditions are especial- ly depressing since our male-coun- terparts have gained these free- doms. Another denied privilege is the giving of more authority to the students in running their af-' fairs. However, with more active student participation this right. may be won.I 3) For my third recommenda- tion, I seriously suggest abolishing! the giving of letter grades. To me, our society is much too competi- tive. The student in school re- ceives pressures to do well from his parents as well as from the University. Even his future suc-1 cess in the business world depends on his college record. Such rivalry only encourages cheating and de-' veloping of mental illnesses. Per- haps instead of getting grades, sat- isfactory or unsatisfactory marks, could be given.1 SGC is the unifying factor of all student organizations. I feel that its purpose is not to act like a supervision or law enforcement agency. It should intervene only; when basic human rights are be- ing denied such as discrimination. It is. the duty of the Council to see that student organizations se-; lect their members on the basis ofa individual merit and not deny peo- ple because of race, color, or creed. I hope you will keep my plat- form in mind when you vote. Lynn Bartlett Student Government Council Member, Chairman SGC Calen- daring Committee; National Stu- dent Association Delegate; Del- egate Student-Faculty Adminis- trative Conference. The relationship of Student Government Council to the indi- vidual student, the student organ- ization and the University in- cludes the programs, policies and issues which are its concern. iTherefore I shall answer questions 1 and 3 jointly. The immediate purpose of the Council is to provide the means whereby students may organize so as to be able to participate ef-, fectively in those functions of a university which directly affect their social, economic, physical and intellectual welfare. Where the Council is unable to partici- pate in policy formation, it has the obligation of expressing student opinion when necessary. A major function of this Coun- cil is to coordinate all of its ac- tivities and those of the Universi- ty to make possible the maximum return to the entire educational community of students, faculty, and administration. Its constant aim must be one of service to the whole university community. Student Government Council has a constant responsibility to be vig- ilant of the welfare of the entire student community, realizing that the educational purpose of sepa- rate collegiate communities are re- lated to each other, and that changes and conditions at one in- stitution are significant to all stu- dents. Finailly the future and effect-' I iveness of SOC will depend upon to what degree it fulfills its role of taking a dynamic part in the entire area of studentrconcern, particularly as it relates to this institution. The Committee on Membership Selection in Student Organiza- tions has three major functions. They are: The formation of poli- cies which will further the prac- tice of the regulation on Member- ship in Student Organizations, the investigation of ways which will best facilitate the practice of this regulation, and the administration of an educational program which will bring about an attitude of ac- ceptance which will make this regulation meaningful. Student Government Council must administer the Selective Practices Regulation with a de- gree of firmness and conviction which will give it validity. How- ever in fulfilling this responsibili- ty the Council must remember that attitudes are long set and will only change over a period of time. Further it must not act in a manner which will destroy the se- lective nature of certain student organizations. Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, Soph Show Sub-committee chairman. 1) It is my belief that SGC should concern themselves with efficient campus government pri- marily and national issues sec- ondly. While interest in minority groups is fine and noble, SGC's main responsibility should be to the Michigan student body. 2) The Committee on Member- ship Selection in Student Organi- zations will eventually, in my opin- ion, have the right to investigate the membership clause in any stu- dent organization if it so desires. SGC should activate this program as soon as possible but should take care to orientate the indi- vidual fraternities and sororities about the rational behind the issue. For example, SGC should explain to the Greeks that this committee hopes to give the fra- ternity or sorority the opportunity to pledge a Negro, Jew, etc. and does not hope to force them to take any member whom they do not want to take. I believe that SGC should cor- respond with the national fra- ternities and sororities about any type of considered legislation rele- vant to them. This would, I feel, climinate the friction between SGC and these national organiza- tions that is brought about by simply misunderstanding the pre- posed legislation. I also believe that SOC should have some type of "open house" where each week a member of the council would have the opportun- ity to meet with a representative of every housing unit on campus solely for the purpose of explain- ing to them the rationale and motivation behind proposed legis- lation. The representatives would then be able to go to their housing units and relate this information to their roommates, neighbors and friends. This, I feel, would be a much more efficient way of com- municating SOC issues to the campus and would reduce student apathy. One can't be interested in and support enthusiastically and intelligently an issue that he doesn't fully understand. SOC should exercise to a much greater extent their function of being the voice of the student body. Council members should cir- culate among studentssand take polls in order to determine the opinion of the student body. Then, knowing that they correctly rep- resent the majority of the student body, and that the student body is enthusiastically supportingi them, they could express strong student opinion to the adminis- tration in hopes of changing situ- ations like women's off-campus housing regulations, etc. This, in a "nut shell," is my platform. I would appreciate your most thorough consideration while reading this statement. If anyone wishes to discuss anything with me, I invite you to contact me at your convenience for I would be most interested and happy to Careful Consideration U :..v:-::-:c~x:<':z~o 7. - - -4