THE MICHIGAN DAILY Candidates' Platforms r . . . u pus activities going on the same night, I feel that SGC should be mainly concerned with educational and service projects such as the Willopolitan Bus Service, Student Book Exchange, and Student-Fac- ulty Dinners administered by the Education Committee. There are many areas that need to be ex- plored further, such as the estab- lishment of a student parking structure near campifs, possibili- ties of chartering planes and busses for student travel at vaca- tion time, 'possibilities of inde- pendent study programs and ways in which students can get courses that are not now being offered. According to the SOC Plan, one of the functions of the Council is to "participate in the discussion of University policy and to serve as official liaison between Uni- versity policy-making agencies and the student community." It is in this role as liaison where SOC can help further the educational aims of the students. The student body should be able to work more close- ly with the faculty in planning curriculum changes and other policy matters. Also, it is im- portant for students to become acquainted with more of the fac- ulty members outside the class- room. Here is where I feel SOC can enlarge its program. Students should be encouraged to come to the Council with suggestions and criticisms about University policy and faculty, and to work in carry- ing them out. One area where I definitely think SOC is lacking is that of relations with the individual stu- dent. The majority of students do not even know what SGC does outside of what they may happen to hear about some big issue. I would suggest that every housing unit that wishes to, should select one interested person to serve as a liaison between his house and SGC. This group of representatives should meet weekly or bi-weekly with a member or members of the Council to hear the background and views on all issues being con- sidered by the Council, as well as information about projects the council is carrying out and pro- posing. They could then carry this information back to other; members of their houses and sometimes take straw votes to give SGC some idea of what opinions are on programs and policies. I would be very willing to meet with such a group and if other council members would do the same it could be a very successful pro- gram. I also feel that along with the minutes now being sent to every house, there should be a report of what various Administrative Wing committees are doing at least every other week. Many people don't even know this large part of SGC even exists and some of their' work is as important as what comes before the Council for de- bate. SGC should be working with1 students and for students if it isj to be considered a representative of the 'student community. It is said that the student body is apa- thetic, but I maintain that it is a: matter of ignorance to what is going on that creates much ofr this, and that SGC should workr to bring the student closer to it1 and its programs.t which all the facts were not known. The long debates which ensued were entirely unnecessary' and would not have taken place if the basis of the accusation had been more thoroughly investigated before any action was taken. In taking a, stand on "sit-ins" and picketing of local variety, stores SGC was expressing the views of a small group and not those of the whole student body. SGC programs should be cen- tered around such things as sum- mer reading programs, bike auc- tions and similar functions of local campus interest. It should not concern itself with national issues. I am in support of the 1949 and May, 1950 SOC forming the Com- mittee on Membership in Student Organization. However, I believe that fraternities and sororities should also be able to choose their members without feeling a neces- sity to prove to the University that they are not biased. Through this Committee SGC should move slow- ly, investigating the consequences of every step it plans to make be- fpre it makes such a step. I feel a meeting of all fraternity and sorority presidents, called to dis- Michigan Daily Business Staff, Wolverine Club-Pep Rally Sub- Committee Chairman, Phi Sig- ma Sigma Sorority--Public Re- lations. The Student Government Coun- cil being an organization com- posed of people working together for the benefit and betterment of the University should be, and is interested in all matters' of any nature that concern the students: both as an .individual and as a group. This organization should not be limited to any one field for discussion, but rather should ex- tend itself to encompass such is- sues as National Educational Serv- ices and the Big Ten Mock Elec- tion. SGC supports local auton- omy, but it cannot function in this capacity without the help of you the student whether undergradu- ate or graduate. For the University as an entity, SGC is the liaison between the administration and the student body. The individual student must make his views known to SGC be- fore they can represent him. This includes voting in the SGC elec- tions. Only then can they function as an organization. The most controversial issue at present is that of Membership Selection in Student Organiza- tions. It is directed toward the sororities and fraternities, but does include clubs of. any nature. SGC has taken a stand- which should be supported by you, the individ- ual, and you, the group. You have already formed sympathy picket lines and have given support to those participa'.ng in sit-ins. As an individual you say you want integration. Now try it as an or- ganization. Clean up your own mess. Submit a notarized state- ment that gives your membership clauses. Give your interpretation of these statements. By submitting this you are not calling yourself guilty but rather, you are estab- lishing your innocence. Your stu- dent government is composed of a group of responsible people that you put into office. Why are lyou now afraid to let them do any- thing? The only way to eleviate discrimination is to eliminate the environment in which is exists. Choose your friends and house- mates solely on their merit as an individual. Leave group classifica- tion out. I feel that once you have sub- mitted this notarized statement you should not have to submit, at a further date, your Constitution or Rituals and Traditions. In sum- nation, I feel that the Student Government Council should be al- lowed to exercise its powers in any field that it so chooses but, in order for it to be effective, SGC needs the full support of you, the student body! won"1 rwrrp T r f e S' a cuss this problem, and the pro- posed requirement of turning in membership clauses, would be beneficial to all involved. SGC should play the role of a middleman, acting between the student body and the University. Opinions of the former should be carried to the University-deci- sions of the University down to the student. SOC is in no position to make policy statements based on -their own views concerning national issues, since they are rep- resenting only one-eighth to one- fifth of the student body. If elected I will attempt to find out student opinion before voting on a statement concerning national policy. In its relations with stu- dent organizations, SGC seems to place too many restrictions on stu- dent organizations. I see no reason why a recognized student group should be forced to obtain ap- proval for each speaker it wishes to have. I also question the neces- sity of a central accounting sys- tem for student organizations. It is my goal to make SOC a more meaningful and more repre- sentative body of students working effectively in the behalf of the entire student body. These pages are a paid ad- vertisement of Student Gov- ernment Council. The Daily staff compiles the information and the Council pays the stu- dent rate for the pages. SEMESTER RECORD: Council Considers Constitutions Issue . By PHILIP SHERMAN to see all or parts of this confi- last semester that student organi- With referent to, so called "off- A great deal of the argument dential file. zations must select members on campus" issues, the Council has between Student Government Basic Reasons the basis of personal merit and taken two actions: Council candidates revolves The basic reason for obtaining not race, color, creed, religion, '1) It urged repeal of the local around what the Council should the constitutions, or the member- national origin or ancestry. ordinances against sale of liquor do ship selection information appears The second issue has been the by the glass. A brief review of what the to be a desire to implement the appointment of the membership Writes Letters Council has done this semester regulation, passed by the Council selection committee. 2) It wrote letters to the gov- may be valid as an evaluation of2)I rt eertoheg- candidates' opinions. ernor of Georgia, the Mayor of The big issue has been that of Atlanta and the Student Non- access to fraternity and sorority Violent Coordinating Committee, constitutions or to parts thereof. asking repeal of Georgia "anti- Motions that have been on the trespassing" laws that have been floor at various times would re- used in what the Councilfelt was quire fraternities and sororities to unjust harassment of sit-in dem- surrender their constitutions, con- | || Onstrators. stitutionlforms. which eepron ddi:s:st N Cucl ot1ammittaeshave' been LII ter. arrrrr. 7 7.