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November 06, 1960 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-06

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rota . . . 27 Ohio State. . . 36 Northwestern . 21 Michigan
.. .,., I Ilndia na .* . 7 Wisconsin . . o Purdue .

. . . .

17 .Duke . .. . . .191Missouri .. . 16! Pittsburgh .. . 201 Slippery

13 1Navy

. . . . . 10

Colorado . . ..*

6 Notre Dame.. 13 Westminster



Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

:43 a t I

Low-33 r
Cloudy and cooler, occasional snow
flurries mixed with rain.

see Page 4

VOL. LXXI, No. 42






National Campaign
Builds to Climax
By The Associated Press
Sen. John F. Kennedy and Vice-President Richard M. Nixon,
electioneering on opposite coasts yesterday, pounded into the final
72 hours of the most gruelling presidential campaign in history.
Kennedy wound up a whirlwind campaign tour of New York
yesterday with a promise to a. roaring crowd that he would be a
full-time president.
"If I am successful next Tuesday, I want to be a president who
believes in working full time when millions of men and women are
forced to part-time work," the
Democratic presidential nominee
B ell R i s aid in a nationally-televised ad-

Defense Halts



Tunnicliff's Plunge Ends Big Driv
Fitzgerald Converts on Glinka Pa
« Associate Sports Editor
Michigan's offense sputtered again, but its stout defe:
and three gambling plays gave Bump Elliott's Wolverines
8-7 victory over Pete Elliott's Illinois team in the first me
ing of the coaching brothers yesterday before 60,927 at Miu
igan Stadium.
Six times, three in each half, Illinois threatened t
Michigan goal only to be stopped by a decisively outweigh
but determined Wolverine defense.
The Michigan offense, which rolled up 72 points in
first three games before taking a leave of absence which]
now extended to four games, u



Tax Views
By The Associated Press
Paul D. Bagwell, Republican
candidate for governor, yesterday
accused his Democratic rival, Lt.
Gov. John B. Swainson, of hav-
ing "dodged, ducked, twisted and
squirmed" on the question of tax-
Bagwell made the charge in a
speech prepared for a television
Swainson, countering the same
challenge before, has said he won't
declare himself on specific taxes,
including an income tax, until he
can aee what he calls a "total tax
revision" program.
Promises Leadership
Bagwell, promising "construe-
tive, re nsive leadership" if
elected, said Swainson had shown
lack of leadership by refusing to
take a position on taxes.
Swainson meanwhile released
reports of more of his ,bipartisan
committees on government prob-
The three groups included one
on aid to aging persons headed by
Dr. Wilma Donahue, chairman of
the gerontology division of the
Institute of Human Adjustment
at the University.
The committee recommended
immediate action on liberalizing
of eligibility requirements for
state old age assistance and en-
actment of legislation to prohibit
discrimination in employment be-
cause of a Job applicant's age.
Recommend Commission
A iousing commission to aid
private and public agencies, in-
cluding builders, on housing needs
of olIer people also was recom-
On the jobs question the com-
mittee recommended legislation
which would forbid "discrimina-
tory practices" in hiring, layoffs,
firing and promotions.
Democratic United States Sen-
ator Patrick V. McNamara, run-
ning for reelection against the
challenge of Republican Rep. Al-
vin M. Bentley, charged his foe
with trying to cover up what Mc-
Namara called an "ultra-conser-
vative record."
Talks to Ministers
Bent'ey, in a talk to a group
of Negro ministers in Inkster, a
Detroit area community, said that
McNamara failed to see the im-
portance of the civil rights battle
and that he missed three out of
four roll call votes on the issue.
Also on the ballot are numer-
ous Issues. Including a proposed
increase in the state sales tax
from three per cent to four and a
stitutional convention propo-
Robert Montgomery, state elec-.
tions director, said he expects a
turnout of up to 3.5 million at the
polls. There are about four mil-
lion registered.
SMinister Asks
Unbiased Vote
NEW YORK (ai - New Pro-
testant voices were raised yester-
day, urging Americans not to let

"My opponent promises, if he
is successful to go to Eastern
Europe, to go perhaps to another
summit, to go to a series of meet-
ings around the world," Kennedy
Job in Washington
"We promise, if we are success-
ful to go to Washington, D.C., be-
cause that is where the job is to
be done."
Vice-President Nixon climaxed
a wearying, rain-spattered day of
campaigning for California's 32
key electoral votes by telling a
cheering rally throng in Los
"We are still first in the world,
and we will continue to be -- if
we remain true to the principles
that made America great."
In a televised half-hour talk
to a cheering crowd of 10,000
rallying at Pan-Pacific Auditor-
ium, the Republican presidential
nominee devoted most of his time
to attacking his Democratic op-
Kennedy's 'Remedy'
"You've been hearing a lot of
talk about 'Kennedy is the rem-
edy," he said. "Well, this is Ken-
nedy's remedy: 'Give me your
money and-I'll take care of all
your problems.'"
"In this critical period when a
wrong decision by a president can
lead America to war, we cannot
afford to use the White House as
a training ground for a man to
get experience."
This statement, drew his loudest
"Anybody who tries to run for
president by trying to run down
the United States isn't fit to be
president," he said.
His day-long theme was that he
and Kennedy are poles apart.
Nixon, his eye on Michigan's
precious 20 electoral college votes,
comes to Detroit tomorrow for a
noon speech.
Nixon's will be the last of the
visits of the presidential aspirants.
Kennedy had set a tentative date'
for a return to Michigan but he'
cancelled it.
In his evening speech, he called
the past three days "three of the;
greatest days of campaigning in0
my experience." Big crowds that]
greeted him, he said, were in some
cities "the biggest crowds ever
held by any candidate."1

BROTHERS BATTLE-Bennie McRae, Michigan left halfback, hugs the ball as he goes across the Illinois line in yesterday's game.
McRae was a consistent ground gainer most of the afternoon for Coaci Bump Elliott's Wolverines who beat brother Pete Elliott's
Illini, 8-7. Bump, on the left, and Pete, on the right, watched the game intently,

Poll Takers
Non plussed
WASHINGTON (A')- Pollsters
Ientered the final pre-election
weekend today still not agreeing,
on the public's preference for the
next occupant of the White
Elmo Roper concluded from his
latest figures that neither Sen.
John F. Kennedy nor Vice-Presi-
dent Richard M. Nixon has a
clear lead in the presidential race.
The undecided vote, he said,
"could make an electoral college
landslide either way."
George Gallup said his latest
nationwide survey showed a dra-,
matic shift toward the Democrat-
ic slate in the campaign home-
stretch. Surveys published by
three national magazines this
week found Kennedy ahead.
Nixon came out in front in
two polls of newspaper executives
published during the week. A third
saw Kennedy leading.
Roper was out polling again
after looking at the results of
his last figures, dated Oct. 24.
These gave Nixon 46 per cent,
Kennedy 44.5 per cent, undecided
9.5 per cent. After analyzing the
undecided vote, Roper came up
with: Kennedy 48.5 per cent, Nix-
on 47.5 per cent, undecided 4 per
Gallup said his Oct. 20-26 sam-
pling indicated that of those like-
ly to cast a ballot Tuesday and
showing a preference, 53 per cent
picked Kennedy and 47 per cent
Nixon. This compared with a 50-
50 split found in a similar check
early in October.-

SGC andiates Outline Plans, Ideas

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the
second in a series or articles out-
lining the ideas and programs of
SGC candidates. The information
was compiled from talks given by
the candidates at open houses.)
The thirteen candidates running
for Student Government Council
have outlined new programs and
innovations for existing ones at
open houses held in University
residences this week.
The candidates mainly con-
sidered driving regulations, wom-
en's housing, communication with
the student body and expansion
of other existing Council services.
As a solutibn to the problem of
student driving, Richard Nohl,
'62BAd., proposed that the num-
ber of cars, rather than the num-
ber of drivers, be limited. He also
suggested that parking facilities
for students be financed by float-
ing a bond issue on fees collected
for driving permits.
Discusses Parking
Marshall Keltz, '61, proposed
that parking facilities be financed
by increasing the rates for E
permits and using the additional
funds to erect a multi-level struc-
ture or other facilities.
In the area of women's housing,
Louise Kao, '64, supported open-
ing more cooperatives for women
lowering the age for apartment
permission. "Women are treated
as adults here," she said, "and
they should have the same respon-
sibilities and privileges as men
Bruce Leitman, '63, said that
any woman over 21 years old
should be granted an apartment
permission. He also suggested
more housing facilities solely for

upperclass women, both in apart-
ments and residence halls.
"Plans for new dorms are now
under study; SGC should be con-
cerned with this and represented
on the committee," Philip Power,
Spec., said.
In the area of communication
between SGC and the student
body, Dennis Shafer, '63, cited two
groups with which the Council
could work.
"I feel the correlation between
Interfraternity Council, Inter-
Quadrangle Council and SGC is
strained and the Council should
make stronger liaisons in these
Lynn Bartlett, Jr., '63, support-
ing holding Council meetings in
residence halls and allowing presi-
dents of residence units to sit at
the Council table as invited guests
-one or two at a meeting.
Proposes Explanation
Leitman proposed that motions
passed by the Council be explained
to representatives from residence

halls at meetings held after every
second or third SGC meeting.
Candidates also asked expansion
of SGC and University services.
Kay Warman, '61BAd., sug-
gested working for reduced trans-
portation rates for students travel-
ing home during vacations.
Miss Kao proposed more under-
graduate scholarships for foreign
students, along with an expansion
of exchange programs.
Ask SBX Expansion
Nohi and Ted Narnall, '63, both
supported expansion of the Stu-
dent Book Exchange to include
the selling of new books.
Bartlett said "SGC should make
students aware of the financial
situation in the state and its ef-
fect on higher education."
Nohl said that University facili-
ties should continue to be denied
to speakers "advocating the vio-
lent overthrow of the government"
and also recognized student or-+
ganizations should continue to
submit membership lists to SGC.

was able to move the ball only
twice all day. But with some
strategic surprises that was all
the Wolverines needed.
Two P Drives Halted
Twice Michigan halted Illinois
drives In the early moments of
the game. However, the Wolver-
ines were unable to halt the visi-
tors a third time, as the Illini
recovered a Michigan lumble on
the 18 yard line and marched
slowly over for their lone score.
Illinois needed two full series of
downs before clicking on a fourth-
down, four-yard pass from John
Easterbrook to Marshall Starks.
Jerry Wood added the extra point.
The Illinois score gave the
Michigan offense the stimulus it
needed to get into gear and the
Wolverines took the kickoff and
marched 70 yards in 14 plays to
cut the margin to 7-6.
March Appeared Stopped
This march, like the previous
Michigan offensive attempts, ap-
peared doomed when the Wolver-
ines had a fourth and seven situa-
tion on the Illinois 43. Michigan
lined up in punt formation, but
the ball was snapped to Dave
Glinka, the. shallow man, and he
tossed a 16-yard pass to Bob
Johnson for the first down.
The Wolverines moved from the
27 to the one yard line on a 15
yard run by Dennis Fitzgerald and
two plunges by fullback Bill Tun-
nicliff. Then after two attempts
gained nothing, Tunnicliff went
over for the score.
The Wolverines gambled for the
second time in the space of five
minutes when they lined up in
regular formation for the con-'
version. Glinka took the snap from
center, rolled right and lobbed a
short pass to Fitzgerald for the
final and decisive points of the
Bushong Intercepts
Illinois threatened once more
in the first half, but Reid Bushong
intercepted an Easterbrook aerial
at the goal line with only seconds
remaining to end the threat.
With the start of the second
half, the Illini renewed their futile
assault on the Wolverine goal.
Midway through the third period
Wood's field goal try from the 34
hit the cross bar to frustrate one
As the period neared its end
Wood tried again, this time from
the 26. A bad pass from center
ruined whatever chance he had as
the kick barely crossed the goal

Bartlett Hits Inadequacy
Of State College Funds
Associate City Editor
Special to The Daily
KALAMAZOO-"The $19 million voted by the last state Legisla-
ture for college construction is merely a pittance in the face of rising
needs," Lynn Bartlett, state superintendent of public instruction,
charged last night.
Bartlett spoke to the fall assembly of the Michigan region of the
United States National Student Association. Representatives from 15
--chools yeserday considered prob-

TOKYO ()-Communist Chin
appeared yesterday to h a v
launched anall-out campaign
show that all is well betwee
Peiping and Moscow.
Hailing the Russian Octobe
revolution with thousands d
words, Peiping Radio quoted it
leaders as saying that friendshij
between the two giant Communla
nations is unbreakable and eter
And to foster friendship betwecx
the two countries, the broadcas
said celebrations of the Sovie
anniversary have begun in variou
Chinese cities.
Peiping broadcast President Li
Shao-Chis' arrival statement i
Moscow that China and Sovie
Russia "will always stand to
gether." He also called for con
tinuec struggle against the Unite
In Peiping, Soong Ching-Lin
said in an article tha friendshi)
between the two couniles is "un
breakable and eternal." A vice
president of the Red regime, sh
is the widow of Sun Yat-Ser
founder of the Chinese Republi
She charged that "imperalist
intrigue and propaganda" hay
been trying to split the two coun
tries by spreading rumours tha
"China considers peaceful co
existence no longer valid as
"Their propagandists deliber
ately distort the patient and fal
attitude with which we carry ou
all relations of our country wit]
other countries, our staunch de
fense of the five principles x
peaceful coexistence and the Ban
dung spirit, of which we wer
originating participants," sh
"They attempt to bury beneat
a barrage of lies knowledge o
the constant support China ha
given every one of the moves mad
by the Soviet Union in an attemp
to lessen international tensios
carry out disarmament and pro
hibit nuclear weapons."
To Distributex_'r
More Leaflets'
The Ann Arbor Direct Actio1
Committee will distribuae 3,00
more leaflets supporting Rule Nin
to Ann Arbor homes today.
A special AADAC Commmitte
distributed 2,000 of the leaflet
last week and plans to cover th
rest of the city during the nex
few weeks, Judy Yesner, Grad
chairman of the special committe
The leaflets, co-sponsored by thi
local chapter of the National As
snoiatinn for the Advanement



Festivities End with Ball

lems at the campus, state, nation-
al and international levels.
All Michigan's state-supported
colleges and universities provide
only inadequate facilities for stu-
dents, faculty and administration,
Bartlett said. Makeshift facilities
mar all the campuses.
Need Money
"Almost daily Michigan is losing
scholars to colleges in other states
and to- industry due to a lack of
adequate salaries," he added.
"The answer can't be found
soley in raising tuition. Even now,
35 per cent of the top students
are unable to attend college for
lack of funds."
More than 70 students, includ-
ing six from the University, par-
ticipated in workshops here yes-
terday morning and afternoon.
Discuss Issues
Afternoon workshops centered
on state, national andi nter-
national sisues, with research per-
sonnel drawn from the faculty of
host Kalamazoo College.
This morning's plenary session


Another Chance

The Michigan offense soon gave
Illinois still another chance two
plays later when Bennie McRae
fumbled a screen pass and Joe
Wendryhoski recovered on, the
Wolverine 24.
A determined, but tired Michi-
gan defense faltered slightly as
Illinois drove to the ten yard line
in two plays. Illinois, however,
could advance only three yards
farther and again Wood was
called upon.
Normally a deadeye, Wood again
misfired as his 14-yard boot was
. L..:.b vA f . . iahf

di I__________________________

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