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November 04, 1960 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-04

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


High- 54
Continued little change
in temperature.

See Page 4

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'U' Prompts Youth Corps


A meeting between leaders of
the Americans Committed to
World Responsibility and Sen.
John Kennedy has been set for
Alan and Judith Guskin, and
John and Margaret Dwyer, all
graduate students will meet the
Democratic presidential candidate
as he leaves the Toledo airport
at 3:15. Mrs. Mildred Jeffries of
the Detroit Democratic headquar-
ters, made the announcement.
Earlier, Neil Staebler had said
that Kennedy's call for a Youth
Corps was prompted "almost
totally" by events on this campus.
Staebler, state Democratic chair-
man, said that the marriage of
student enthusiasm and faculty
effort which marked the move-

Aide B


ment at the University accounted
for "both halves" of the Kennedy
proposal. Kennedy mentioned the
University by name in his address
at Los Angeles Wednesday.
Hayes Proposal
Staebler pointed out that just
prior to the formation of the
ACWR a faculty group headed by
Prof. Samuel Hayes of the eco-
nomics department had begun
work on a legislative proposal simi-
lar in objectives to the program
advocated by the students. Hayes
subsequently agreed to work with
the ACWR in adi advisory capa-
The program which Kennedy
outlined is an almost exact dup-
licate of the Hayes proposal, Stae-
bler said. It called for the forma-
tion of a Youth Corps of well-

ames Mobutu
Near -Collaps

Campaign Issues:.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of University faculty
Comment on election issues.)
United States prestige has declined University experts agree.
To various degrees, these men see Sen. John F. Kennedy's charges
as correct, though they ascribe several reasons for the decline, de-
pending on the area of the world they are describing.


'Good Faiti
Called Basi
For Motion
"The revised motion on i
bership selection in sororitie:
fraternities is definitely base
good faith," Panhellenic Pre
Barbara Greenberg, '61, said
terday at a special meetir
sorority presidents.
Student Government Cc
President John Feldkamp, '61
plaining the philosophy of the
motion, told the pre'sidents
all communication would
through the local chapter, w
would be responsible for de
with its own national, "SM
recognizing the chapter, no
national organization."
He said the Council is es
ally interested in the local i
pretations of implied restrici
"It may be that in some case
local chapter disagrees witi
"We are especially interest
the local chapter's interpret
of implied restrictions. It ma
that in some cases the local
agrees violently with its nati
"The local interpretation w+
also give us an idea of how r
autonomy the chapter has. I
chapter has a great deal of at
omy we would not be conce
with cases of discriminatior
other campuses. If, on the c
hand, the chapter is strictly b
by national policies, then
dents involving that organizE
on other campuses become h
Several presidents questi
whether alumni recommenda
as a requirement for member
represented a means of discri
nation even when no documi
contained bias clauses.
Panhel recently voted to de
one meeting a month to a
session, wherein the house d
gates discuss future busines
one meeting and the house p
dents will meet separately to
sider internal problems.
Chou En-Lai
Denies Drift
LONDON W) - Premier C
En-La of Red China denied i
interview last night there is
rift with the Soviet Union.
He said the United States
have peaceful relations only
pulls out of Formosa and the
shore islands.
The interview was taped in
ing and shown throughout Bh
°ainby the British Broadcasi
Asked about reports in the W

However, it is impossible to as-
sess the importance 'of the issue
in thecampaign. This information
will only be revealed in the elec-
tion itself, and studies released
after the election, Prof. John P.
White of the political science de-
partment says.
Unexpected Issue
Prof. White sees this "moraless
unexpected issue" as part of Ken-
nedy's "general indictment of the
Eisenhower administration." It
must be considered "only along
with the other charges that Ken-
nedy has made" about the "stag-
nant situation' he feels the nation
finds itself in.
United States prestige in the
Far East "obviously gone down,"
Prof. Robert Ward of the political
science department says, but the
decline is not as great as Ken-
nedy charges. Some signs of the
"marked" decline of prestige are
the anti-American riots in Japan
and the recent prosecution by the
Nationalist Chinese government
(disregarding United States opin-
ion) of a newspaper editor who
was trying to start an opposition
Some decline in United States
prestige has been inevitable, Prof.
Ward argues, because the relative
positions of the United States and
Russia after World War II were
unduly great. "American prestige
had to come down as Russia
scores technological and industrial
Only Goal
All this nation can do is to try
to keep ahead of the Russians.
Prof. Henry L. Bretton of the
political science department sees
news of Russian technological pro-
gress, and the increased desire of
Africans to visit Moscow and
Russian - dominated nations as
signs of lowered United States
prestige on that continent. He
foes not think Kennedy is over-
sating his case.
V i c e - President Richard M.
xon's position that American
'restige is at an all-time high
definitely and positively does not
orrespond with the facts" with
eference to the African situation.
Key Progress
Technological and not military
>rogress is the key to the prestige
uestion, Prof. Bretton says.
The United States can meet this
ilemma by "immediately and.
ramatically demonstrating that
ur technological superiority can
e appliedto African countries."
Prof. Irving A. Leonard of the
iistory department sees the
'rather low" American prestige
a Latin America as deriving from
his nation's neglect of these
ations. The American policy has
seen to cultivate Latin America
*uring wartime, and then to over
ok it afterwards, he said.
Prof. Leland Stowe of the
o u r n a li s m department who
raveled extensively this year in
he Middle East, says the decline
I American prestige there is a
esult of American foreign policy
These errors include the late
ohn Foster Dulles' handling of
he Aswan Dam situation, the
nited States failure to aid Hun-
arian patriots in 1956, and the
merican handling of the U-2

trained men and women who could
fulfill their military obligations by
serving as civil servants abroad.
Assures Response
In addition, the spontanaeity
and strength of the student re-
sponse provided Kennedy with as-
surance that the program would
be well received. While interest
has been shown on other cam-
puses, Staebler said, the Univer-
sity movement was "the first and
most vigorous response to Ken-
nedy's challenge. The University
supplied both the ideas and the
spontanaeity for the Youth Corps."
Staebler cautiously suggested
that the proposal might be made
by Kennedy into one of his major
campaign issues.
Earlier Michael Feldmann, one
of Kennedy's speech writers, also
confirmed the importance of the
University movement as an in-
centive for the Youth Corps pro-
Feldmann said in Washington
that he had received a number of
letters and clippings describing
the ACWR, a nonpartisan organ-
ization urging the enlargement of
American and United Nations
civil service abroad.
Encouraging Response
"The response at Michigan has.
been very encouraging," Feldman
said. "Your leadership in this
field is evident, although the
movement is appearing on other
campuses also. In fact, a speech
by General Gavin antedated the,
whole student reaction. But you
people should take all the credit
you can for this."
'Kennedy's speech Wednesday1
with its reference to the activity
here climaxed a week which hasl
seen the nascent ACWR gather1
momentum and extend its influ-
ence to other schools and political
organizations. Growing out of the
response to Kennedy's speech o
the Union steps and a later one1
by Rep. Chester Bowles (D-
Conn.), the unofficial organiza-
tion attracted the endorsemente
and support of several faculty
Saturday night the group learn-
ed that Feldmann had expresseda
an interest in getting details oft
the movement for possible inclu-
sion in a speech. Clippings were
sent to Washington.
Yesterday, the International
Center sponsored a mass meeting
for persons interested in thet
movement. Approximately 130 at-
tended the session which featureds
speeches by the Guskins and Ar-
thur Milne of the Center.,
Fire Starts
In Tunnels
Insulation in the Universityt
steam tunnel system under cen-t
tral campus caught fire last night"
for the third time this year.c
The alarm was turned in at
11:51 by the Sanford Security Po-
lice, who check the University
buildings each night, when smoket
from the burning insulation wast
found coming out of a heatingr
duct in Waterman Gymnasium.0
Ann Arbor Assistant Fire Chiefn
Arthur Stauch said the fire was
started by men who had beenc
working during the day in the
area beneath the Medical Bldg. (
where the fire started.U
Stauch said three trucks put d
out the fire before 1 a.m. this t
morning, with no actual damage t
to the structure. t

Hold Talk
About 'Ugly
American prestige in underde-
veloped countries has definitely
declined, a panel of international
students and an American jour-
nalist agreed last night.
But this prestige can be re-
gained only if Americans come to
understand the "key political idea
of nationalism, the key economic
idea of industrialism and 'the key
religious idea of unity."
Last night's International Week
panel on "The Ugly American:
True or False?" included students
Kartomo, Grad., from Indonesia,
Pai Panandiker from India, Abdel
Ibrahim from the UAR, Kenan
Yilmaz, '61, from Turkey, and Rais
Khan, Grad., from Pakistan.
Australian Journalist
Miss Elizabeth Reid, an Austra-
lian Journalist who has recently
traveled in Africa and the ar
East was a guest member. The
panel was moderated by Prof.
Harold Jacobson of the political
science department.
One problem which causes
American foreign faihire is the
attempt to impose Western ways
and customs on traditionally East-
ern countries.
Lack Understanding
She feels that this stems from
America's inability to truly under-
stand the great significance of na-
tionalism in the newly developed
nations of the world.
Not only do they wish to develop
what a Ghana leader expressed as
an "African personality," but the
people of these countries aspire to
the full development of them-
selves as individuals.,
Thus Miss Reid expressed the
basic American problem as learn-:
ing not to fear nationalism and,
large - scale federations, but to
understand the "pulse beat of1
people who want to be themselves
as persons."
Khan spoke of the ideological
war in the world today, and ex-
pressed the feeling that the UnitedJ
States lacks a counter-ideologya
to communism. He said that the
task of the United States is tol
"prove that freedom can meet the
challenge of the times."a
Describes Egypt Loss l
Abrahim described Egypt's grad-
ual loss of confidence in the
Unitpd States ever since the 1952
revolution. Citing a time when our
country refused to supply badlye
needed drugs to Egypt, he' said,
"I don't care about intention, If
care about my needs."t
Though his government has re-E
cently moved toward the SovietE
Union, Kartomo feels that free-
dom can still win in Indonesia ifE
he United States can understandS
he country's nationalistic aspira-

A former University physicist,
Prof. Donald Glaser, and Prof.
Willard F. Libby were announced
as winners of the Nobel Prizes
for physics and chemistry yes-
University faculty and admin-
istrators were pleased with the
announcement, which nets Profes-
sors Glaser and Libby each a
check for $43,627 from the trust
fund left by Alfred Nobel, Swed-
ish inventor of dynamite.
Glaser received the honor for
his work on sub-atomic particles
and the invention of a bubble
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer, Univer-
sity vice-president for research,
said that Prof. Glaser had left
the University last summer for his
present post at the Universityof
California "because the Uiniver-
sity did not have equipment pow-
erful enough for the needs of
his research."
Lauds Recognition
"We are glad to have this work
recognized. It made possible the
detection and observation of high
energy atomic particles produced
by theblargest accelerators, or
atom, busters, which otherwise
would not have been possible.
Sawyer was director of the Uni-
versity's Memorial-Phoenix Proj-
ect in 1952 when Prof. Glaser re-
ceived a grant from the Project
to begin his research.
Prof. David M. Dennison, chair-
man of the physics department
said: "I -am delighted to learn
of the great honor that has come
to Prof. Glaser. The physics de-
partment is proud to have fur-
nished the opportunity and set-
ting in which he could and did
develop the bubble chamber."
Libby Wins
Prof. Libby, professor of chem-
istry at UCLA, received the chem-
istry award for developing the
atomic time clock method of
measuring the age of fossils and
other organic matter.
This is a method through which
scientists, by checking the decay
and disappearance of radioactive
carbon-14 from such objects as
parchment, charcoal, stone or pot-
tery, can fix the dates of an-
cient events with a possible er-
ror of several centuries.
Prof. Glaser's initial idea came
from observation of the foaming
action of an open beer bottle.
He developed a theory that the
beer foamed after being struck
by a particle of matter from the
atmosphere, with an assist from
the heat in the vicinity of the
Prepared Hypothesis
He believed this principle might
work in studying collisions be-
tween sub-atomic particles hurl-
ed by atom smashers. If these
particles passed through a suit-
able liquid they might leave a
trail of bubbles which would en-
able physicists to photograph and
study the results, he reasoned.
After being rejected by several
agencies for support of his re-
search, Prof. Glaser received an
initial grant of $1,500 from the
Phoenix Project.


Ex-Staff Scientist Wins Honors

Report Saywe

NOBEL PRIZE-Prof. Donald Glaser, former University physics
professor, demonstrates his prize winning bubble chamber for the
photography of sub-atomic particles.

Studies Annual Income
Of U.S., Poorer Nations
"The pertinent question is not why other countries are under-
developed, but why the United States is so developed," Prof. Susumu
Kobe said last night in the introduction to his lectore series, "Main-
springs of Economic Progress: Japan as a Case Illustration."
The Waseda University economics professor pointed to a chart
illustratin gthe distribution of annual per capita income in the world
in 1957. He noted that more than 50 per cent of the world's popula-

tion has a per capita income of'
less than $100 a year, while the
United States enjoyed an annual
per capita income of almost $2,-
000. "Thus the standard in the
United States is the exception,
not the rule," he emphasized.
In discussing the factors that
might lead to this discrepancy in
income distribution, Kobe first
gave a' static analysis. He out-
lined the factors that would not
change significantly over a short
period of time and would yield the
possible potential production of a
country's economy.
A stock of capital, such as
machines, roads and ports that'
produce goods and services, plus
a reasonable amount of natural
resources are necessary for any
economy, he said.
Finally, two rather abstract
concepts are important to the ex-
panding economy: The institu-
tional framework and the "men-
tality of the people." The former
includes banking and tax systems
and the legal structrue. The lat-
ter will consider native traditions,
the country's caste system and the
immobility of labor.

New Bomb
A nnounced
NEW YORK (;P) -- A former
Atomic Energy Commissioner spoke
guardedly last night of a revolu-
tionary new type of nuclear weap-
on-"a third generation weapon,
as radically . different from the
H-bomb as the H-bomb was from
the Hiroshima-type A-bomb."
Thomas E. Murray, who served.
on the AEC from 1950 until 1957,
discussed the new weapon in an
open letter to presidential candi-
dates Richard M. Nixon and John
F. Kennedy, in which he again
urged resumption of nuclear tests.
"The new weapon will not be a
larger and more efficient H-bomb,
nor a smaller and more efficient
H-bomb. It will be a weapon of a
different category. All that may be
said of it here is that it is pri-
marily anti-personnel in destina-
tion and effect. Hence it is apt for
proper military uses."

Claims Parliament,
Pesident Kasavular
Sole Governments'
Hammarskjold laid before
General Assembly yesterday a
port from his chief Congo a
charging that Col. Joseph Mobut
army-backed regime, spurred
Belgians, had brought the C
to the verge of collapse.
The report declared that o:
two governing Institutions a
stand in the Congo-Pariam
and the office of Chief of St
held by President Joseph Ka
Order Needed
It, stated that if a minimum
order was restored, it would 01
the way for Congo leaders to s
peace by using both Parliam4
and asavubu's office.
Meanwhile, it declared, oly I
efforts of the United Nations fo:
and its administrators have sa
the situation from disaster.
Most of the report consisted
the findings by the Secretaz
General's special representative
the Congo - Indian ambassac
Rajeshwar Dayal.
Includes Debates
But it included also the te:
of sharp exchanges between Ha
marskjold and Belgium's UN re
rescentative, and between the St
retary-General and the Belgia
supported premier of Katan
province, Moise Tshombe. At iM
was the role of Belgians In t
affairs of the strife-torn Afric
The report came in advance
a General Assembly session on t
Congo set-for Monday. Dayal 5
on his way to New York to con
with Hammarskjold.
The assembly was called to co
sider a demand by eight Afric
and Asian nations that Cong
vacant assembly seat be filled
representatives of Patrice Lumul
ba, the deposed Soviet-support
Notes Inclusion
But UN diplomats predicted t
Hammarskpold report was sure
be injected in the debate-espe
ally by the Soviet Union, whi
has repeatedly accused Belgi
of trying by subterfuge to rei
pose its influence in the Congo
defiance of the UN.
The report's sharp criticism
Mobutu, an avowed anti-Cor
munist, and of Belgium present
the United States with a diffci
Eleven of Mobutu's army office
were reported coming to te
United States to visit the Pent
gon and United States milita
training centers.
The UN report said ethers
his officers have been sent to Be
gium for training. Belgium is su
to look for support from ti
United States and other of
Western allies in the United N
Second Report
Dayal's report, the second o
the-scene.-review, covered the pei
iod from Sept. 22, to the end
October. He said it was a perit
of marked deterioration and a
cused the Belgians of contributr
to it.
He charged Belgian nationa
with seeking to obtain a dow
nating influence in Mobutu's ou
group of commissioners, and tr:
ing to "exclude or obstruct" U
technical assistance and influene
Dayal said that in some cas
Belgians have directed and TO
separatist Congolese military fo:
ces responsible for "brutal at
oppressive acts of violence."

'Hot Rods' Cause Heated Pedestrians, Problems

When a loud blast of a back-
fire, another "motorized vehicle"
shoots across the Diag, bringing
fright to the unprepared and dis-
gust to the previously initiated.
With the increase in the pop-
ularity of motor bikes, motor
scooters and motorcycles on cam-
pus, the already intricate traffic
system of the University had add-
ed problems.
Create Order
The Dean of Men's office has
decided "to create some order out
of the chaos" and determine the
exact number of such vehicles on
campus. They presently estimate
the total at between 150 to 250,

ment of motor scooter regulations
was lax enough to allow students
to drive their modus operandi in-
discriminately across c a m p u s
pathways. But with the increase
in their numbers, motor scooters
have brought a flood of wrathful
letters to the Office of Student
Complaints of illegal parking,
riding on city and University side-
walks, and lecture-upsetting noise
forced the office to exert a con-
trol of the use of scooters.
Acting upon suggestions from
William Warnock, '61 BAd., and
Howard Stein, '61, the Office of
Student Affairs instituted a plan
by which violators of the old un-
enforced regulations would receive

Peter A. Ostafin, assistant dean of
men, clarified.
Although laws make it illegal
to ride or park a scooter on side-
walks, students are encouraged to
use the, flagstone and grass area
opposite the west entrance of the
Natural Science Aud. and the bi-
cycle parking area adjacent to the
driveway skirting the Undergrad-
uate Library, Ostafin said.
Greater Objectivity
"We're moving toward a great-
er objective," Ostafin said. "When
you merely stop to talk on cam-
pus, you've got to constantly watch
the sidewalks or you'll be knocked
This is the situation the Office
of Student Affairs is trying to

Censure Wes
For UN Mov

I 11'

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