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November 03, 1960 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-03

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onutinued from Page 4) Executive Secretary, man, desired for MON., NOV. 7- Central ]Intelligence Agency and Ford 3-Meal jobs.y
management of local business, profes- Security First National Bank, Los Motor Company. -Boy to wait on dinner table (Sat., T im
Pter B. oyce,,Gaduate Stu ional, ant, industrial organization. Angeles, Calif,-Graduates: Feb., June, o.5 68pm)
ockfrd, ULl Civil Service-Openings '61. Men with M.A in Bus, Admin. or~m
er, from A to Z', After the ifyfor e State of Ill, license Applications TUES NOV ..- Nov. 4, 5-8:30 p.m.).
he Student Observatory On must me filed by Nov. 18,Non-residents Wilol(~.ol) t oeh 1-Experienced shoe salesmn (after
floor of ng- lHall will be accepted. WMih-rlpool s e.,muny , Ag, osh, Em~plo~ymIent&noons, Plus 1 full day per week).
inpcingel-and-rdats Fb fo. Ag, 6.r telescopic Also Engineers (2) for public works. Men with advanced degrees in Physics 2-Busboys (Breakfasts on weekends
rn of a -planet and ia double Civil Eng. degree and some experienceanChmsrfoReach& ee- The following part-time jobs are only, some lunches and dinners).
dra e p d u utbe ad hmity oMRserh Evt
wecmebt ut desired. Under 45 yrs. of age. Applioa- opment. Nature of business: Manufa- available, Applications for these jobs EAE-"e yautbn utb ie yNv 5 ueo opee ieo oea-cnb aei h o-cdmcPr
i"d bychga Scie5.ti n tfiedbyCo.2. turb r ie o omlt in fhoea-sonne Office, 1020 Admn. Bdg., dur- 3Rooms In exchange for light house-
Watess'Biqf raf.nWilciamn eein Lab Technicians with trin -WE.NO.. ing the following hours: Monday work,;
will dsr5O BriJ M55n ing in Micro-Techniques for expand- WCit Ny. 9ti- Me n OE hog rdy,80 .t 23 ~.2-Waitresses (hours to be arranged).
Auditory .Disrimination" on in organization. Men or women.with ofDetfit-e tind OMh Employers desirous of hiring part- -Girl, to wat on dinner table, and--
. 4 at 415 pam. in Aud. B. Ann Arbor Area-Sales positions with: wt any degree for posons as Tec- time employees should contact Bill wash dishes, Nov. 5 from 6 p.m. til-
3:45 p.m. in tle .Mason Hall "Voice of Ann Arbr"-new F.M. ,Ra nical Aids, (Bus. Ad.) (Engr.) (General) Wenrich at NO 3-1511 et. 2939. 8:30 p.M.
dio station; (ocal & national ac- and General Municipal field including students desiring miscellaneous jobs -Switchboard operator (11 p.m. -
-ont and Ann Arbor "Weather the social sciences, pub. admin., py should consult the bulletin board in a.m., Monday-Fridy),
mical Colloquium. Fri., Nov. 4, 3hnts) chology. math, Or statistics, Account- Room 1020, dal.r_______________
hObservatory. Prof. H. Zan- Da"(eehn-nwrn evc) ants, Eonomists, Art Curator, Mu- MAL
Please call the Bureau of Appoint- MemassatRceto Isrc -uby 1:5A.L :0pm)
peak on Appliations of hyp- ments, Rm. 4021 Admin. Bldg., Ext. tserassnetdn, Pbi
.m bombsiand3-Cabodres (venns adP ee-m.),. -A ~ ~E
itobobm a ros cs ehns 37.o~urhrifomto.Central Intelligence Agency, Wash- ends, must be 21 or over). *TYPEW RKII.ERSI)
Exmiaio frLeli al PAEMNTITEVIW: ington, D.C-Throughout the US., and 3--Waiters (meal and evening hours).
1 Eamnaionfo Lsli Wi-PLEMNTPlease call the Bureau ITBEWof Appoint- Overseas. At least B.A.; (Women must 1-switchboard operator (11 .p.m.-l
rdge, Education:'thesis: "A ments, Rr. 4021' Admin. Bldg., Ext. have master's). Interest in foreign f- amn,).
mn of the Objetives of Tradi- 3371 for appointments for the follow- fairs. Age: 21-30 Opportunities in many i1-Delivery-boy (Sunday morning pa- SL
Egh school Physics with the inginterviews: - . fields, e.g".,social Sciences/Liberal pes, must have ar). S OUGHT
t Course and an Anlsi s of _______________ Journalism, Library oScience. hysics RENTED
tl Materials of the Phy- i (M.S. or PhD).) Elec. Energy. REPAIRED
nee Stdy Committee oure", * UnonCabie" }'"P~flI
4, 4017 UIiiversity High Schiol .flgaI1Vza Ion Unon rbide Nuclear (pm.only)
:,.Chirman, S. E. Dimond. Noie~ Oak Ridge Tenn.-Locatiano of work:
L e e t~ t~~a idean adchK. e &t "Ntie WOMEN with B.S., M.B. & Ph.D. n Studente
m n oie Chem., Physics, & Math. B.A. in Library SuIes-sine aueo Bsies ula A G
e Anele Cit Scaalsystm, ahalStu. GoupWeely Metig Rsi& eneo.trograBsins:clu eaRs-L f y
Is, Cralif., is currently ached- Open, Nov. 3, 8 pm., League, Conf. Rm. actor Physics and Analysis, Nuclear " ,. , , sJK EE '
talteacher recruitment trips.2. Reactions, Solid State Physics, Neutron _VW~ U E
aidwin will be available for Physics, Plasma Physics, instrumenta- 31u5pSat2S."h.3-48
In D etroit, at W ayn e S tate L o.r e c er P a e e t O f c h ristiZ L- ou anS . O r.MR g aestingnNo , 3f7 :u n tai.nLann s rep a ired_
17 Tad cr Pl ace thfie alny Mieieg NvRm 3 ~. ,Ln TIR.,Ng rs O mpnNwVrk.___________10-________________
Fitton Hotel on. Nov. 18.19 20, Grad. Stud. Council, Social HourIgTruts:oFb.pGnyew omrcil-___________________________
ntA t Wayne State Universty Nov. 4 5-7 P.m., 314 E. Liberty. Braing e. enterCees i l Bus.
fr -aprpointments and have Nat'l Stud. Assoc., Informational Ct- Ad, Ecoen.Polt. deglieshi& Hus-
etials: sent there. fee' Hour-Summit Travel in Europe tory forn. Executive e. Training. Program
radditional information con- with NSA, Nov. 4,"4:15 p.m., League.ledntopiinsaCuomro-
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Filsrfreshments. ltact & Leding.tp ostininsa utmrCn
ld. O311.~Newman Club, Dunker's H".our. Nov. Central Intelligence Agency -_ (See.
IFS, RiEQUESTS: s, After Game; Pre-Election Dance, Nov. Wednesday listing).
gMs Wlcome &k Co., Inc.,4,83pm.31Th psn Ford Motor Company, Dearborn -
r, N.Y-Oportuity as ,phr S aling Club, Regular Meting, Nov. Men with deres in Economis Pay
aWeseley frFd.S.LPaGrad, Studpan. 31 Wshnineei Sup- oloyphysics, Chemistry & mathe- ~L
:ica.. r chmicl siencs Pe- esle Fd., Gad.Stu, Fl"P up-matics for openings in research & dev.,
ajr in Art&. or Bus. Ad. with per, Nov. 4, 5:30 Pm. 1t Meth Church sales Promotion, production, personnel,-
d In sciences accepted. Youth Rm Speaker: Dr H Rupert: etc
n, of fCommerce,. Paris, Ill-, .Religion & Politics" FR, NOV. 11- t
Wi3J Sspccos strange?-our customers
flat es drasly sno . hrp NrDZ kees .. yew Me i
mid kw~ easwtN hp l~t p ned 'colege wo~Ome ein bwhe .wh sleep be ph. awake and aset-safelyl 1
W assist execuves in eveiy
re w~l" i'Desf about Special ff you fn studying' sometuimee sspofic (anrd who doesn't?) the wod
or College Wmem. Ask far so rueember is Noz. NoDoz alrts you with a sa and accurate ;
fRS AT'WOM &. * ont of caffeine-the same refreshing stimulant
r B ncoffee and te. Yet non-habit-forming Tmr o t 4 1
IHA INEGIB Sis faster, handier, more reliable. f
SfrkrMS o to keep perspicacious during study andt BEAVER BIKE AND HARDWARE
MUL1 21, :ir t WIUI "sna-and while driving too- veue605 Church NO 5-6607
,K,1.. 33 Poyn it Stret, alwrays keep Nofloz in proximity._________________________
6 R Fr .158legeII Street ____________________
ties le wtes *leevables esvsle. AnoW. e podv fCFO sl Gye ~w ____________________________________



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