Re almanBat Seventy-First Year -,EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERst rY OF MICHIGAN th Will Prevail" UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS OpInlons Are Fres STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDo. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 wials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION: Candidates View Civil Rights AY. NOVEMBER 3, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: FAITH WEINSTEIN Liquor By The Glass C*on. . . , , I4UOR BY THE GLASS, the traditional 3ogey Man of Motherhood, Well-Groomed- and The American Way, will vie for ptance in one of the world's last dry ions-Ann Arbor, Michigan, on Nov. 8. the city's residents vote "No" on the ,endum, they will be allowing emotionalism ignorance of the issue to perpetuate one he most ludicrous drinking laws in the :n. xhibitiig thinking that went out with sert Hoover, certain local pressure groups s predicted that liquor poured on the vises is bound to result in increased drun- driving, leading to higher accident rates, will culminate in other manifestations ghastly to mention. IJECTIVE BASES FOR predictions can be round by tracing the results of the legaliza- of liquor by the glass in Lansing in 1947. rding to statistics released recently by Lansing Chief of Police to the Ann Arbor. nsees Association, arrests for driving while ,ccated rose from .91 per cent of all arrests e in 1946 to a very unimpressive one per in the first year after legalization. ore important, arrests for accidents on same charge went up from 1.5 per cent mere 1.6 per cent-reflecting a miniscule er cent rise which could have been due ny one of many factors. Further, two years r sale of liquor by the glass was instituted, sing was named "America's Safest City." Icoholism in general has been a dwindling dem in recent Michigan history. Although n after town has liberalized its liquor laws e the War, alcohol consumption per person he state has decreased over 20 per cent e 1948. T' SOME DRYS state that Ann Arbor is a "college town" and therefor possesses the que problem of student drinking. However ining the status quo will only promote king in student apartments where minors invited to share the liquor purchased by r older hosts. s a Student Government Council resolution pointed out, current laws permit sale of or by the glass just outside the city limits fe the city has no jurisdiction. Certainly Lrolled consumption within the city would a more intelligent alternative. GC has summarized, "The progress of Ann or should not be sacrificed because of Dlete considerations for the student's .alitY." iutdated drinking regulations also tend to pardize Ann Arbor's position as the annual 4 to thousands. The lack of job-providing lity restaurants and dearth of cocktail riges could easily be corrected. The city's amic growth, exeeplified by the realization the new Research Park, no longer permits a Arbor to maintain the provincial atmos- re to which it has clung in the face of gress. I DESIRE FOR a well-mixed drink served in a congenial atmosphere exists in An jor Just as it does in the rest of the country. disproportionate 7,485 residents have been ced to join private clubs to enjoy this simple Oure while others must go without. iunning out of better arguments, drys tantly state that since city revenues collect- from sales of liquor by the glass will have be used for liquor law enforcement, the city enrs will not directly grow. But can it be bified to limit the freedom of a large seg- nt of the population merely because grant- that freedom can not be financially loted? rhe sale of alcoholic beverages in Michigan well regulated by the monopoly of state Atrol. With proper local enforcementp of al regulations, the sale of liquor by the As would allow city's wantonly archaic nking laws to give way to Ann Arbor's T HE LIQUOR-by-the-glass proposal which will confront Ann Arbor voters Nov. 8 may be summed tip like this: the community has precious little-if anything-to gain from it, but has a great deal to lose. It is significant that the petitions which were circulated last spring to put the proposal on the ballot arose not from any spontaneous movement of Ann Arbor citizens, but from a group of local tavern owners (the Ann Arbor Licencees' Association) - because this group woud be the only one to benefit directly from the sale of liquor by the glass. The other 67,000 Ann Arbor citizens and University students will be left to buck the consequences which may be expected to follow increasing the availability of liquor, putting it on tap like'cokes: more automobile accidents, larger police force, more broken homes, more alcoholism, more financial negligence. VICE-PRESIDENT NIXON and Senator John F. Kennedy made known on Oct. 5 their posi- tion on the role of government in maintaining American civil liberties in special statements pre- pared for the American Civil Liberties Union. The civil liberties organization' releasedthe text of the candidates' statements as published in the Union's monthly publication, Civil Liberties. Celebrating its 40th an- niversary this year, the ACLU is the nation's only non-partisan civil liberties group. In releasing the Nixon and Kennedy state- ments the Union emphasized that it does not endorse candidates for any office. It had requested the presidential candidates' opinions because of the interest of the Union's members and the general public in their civil liberties posi- tion, Calling "scrupulous observance of our Constitutional guarantees" a positive protection of national security, Vice - President Nixon said that "Government resolve to preserve free speech, maintain due process, and further equal status under the law-rather than to restrict or to neglect these rights -inspires loyalty to the Govern- ment in the minds and hearts of a free people." He added that such resolve, "with affirmative action .. will enable the Free World to maintain confidence in itself, and gain the support of the uncom- mited peoples. *r calling Judge Learned Hand's con- cern that defense of civil liberties is placed too much in constitu- tions, laws, and the courts rather than in the hearts of men, Sena- tor Kennedy said: "We seek the revival of American tradition - a tradition made explicit in the Constitution of Massachusetts: 'It shall be the duty of Legislatures *nd Magistrates, in all future periods of this Commonwealth... to countenance and inculcate sin- cerity, good humour, and all social affections, and generous senti- ments among the people." While these "qualities of mind and spirit" cannot be legislated, Senator Kennedy said, they may be "nourished by public authority." He added, "I firmly believe that a people blessed with the qualities of mind and heart ... thus eun- merated need not fear for the condition of civil liberty. I mean to do my part as Chief Magistrate of the Nation to countenance and inculcate these ancient virtues." AMONG THE specific civil liber- ties questions discussed by .Vice- President Nixon was the need for the "influence of the Presidency" to -be used to direct all govern- mental agencies to disclose "all possible information to the Ameri- can people as long as it does not do violence to the national secur- ity. For government to deny to the people the substanci basic to thought is to deny them their rights to expression. Such denial also withholda from the Govern- iment the nurture that comes from such individual expression." The Vice-President also made a strong plea for exercise of First Amendment rights to prevent the "erosion inherent in a mass society . .The First Amendment parti- cularly presupposes an individual who thinks independently, forming his judgments for himself and then responsibly pursuing his goals IN HIS CALL for government restraint in the area of civil liber- ties, Senator Kennedy pointed to loyalty oaths, abuses by legislative investigations and charges of "guilt by association" as examples of improper governmental action. "The States have followed in the footsteps of the Federalists and have put Alien and Sedition Acts upon their statute books," he wrote, adding: "An epidemic of loyalty oaths has spread across the Nation until no town or village, seems to feel secure until its ser- vants have purged themselves' of all suspicion of non-conformity by swearing to their political clean- liness . . . We have also seen a sharpening and redefinement of abusive power. The legislative in- vestigation, designed and often exercised for the achievement of high ends, has. too frequently, been used by the Nation and the States as a means for affecting the dis- gracemand degradation of private persons. Unscrupulous demogogues have used the power to investigate as tyrants of an earlier day used the bill of attainder . . . Ip listing these abuses IL do not mean to condemn our central effort to protect the Nation's security. The dangers. that surround us have been very great, and many of our measures of vigilance have ample justification./ Yet there are few among us who do not share a por- tion of blame for not recognizing soon enough the dark tendency towards excess of caution," HILL AUDITORIUM: SSecondCliburn Concert Exciting, Lacks Tone VAN CLIBURN'S reputation as a pianist of tremendous mechanical facility was confirmed at every turn of last night's all-Chopin recital. Theprogram consisted of five major works, any one of, which might have been the technical high point of an ordinary program. Cliburn seems particularly adept at solving, specific technical problems. If it is a questino of fast and light playing, as in the last movement of the Sonata in B-fiat major, Op. 35, then Cliburn plays faster and lighter than most other mortal men can play. If it is a question of sorting out a melodic line in the midst of a complex accompaniment, as in the main theme of the F-minor Fantasie, Cliburn can subordinate the accompaniment almost to the point of disappearance, while playing all the notes. * * * * IN FACT A SINGLE-MINDED approach to one problem at a, time. characterized Cliburn's entire performance. In the moments when there 7 THE SALE of liquor by the glass does in fact increase the consumption of liquor in a community. The Michigan Liquor Control Com- mission has estimated that approximately 30 per cent more liquor is consumed during the first year after "a liquor-by-the-glass policy takes effect. Realizing the ensuing detrimental conse- quences, five of six City Council members who stated their positions on the' proposal recently the traffic problem, Councilman Haroldn J. Mc- Kercher pointed out, "In my contacts with automobile accidents through the sale of in- surance, I observe that a large portion of accidents arise out of at least on of the parties involved being under the influence of drinking." Approximately 42 per cent of traffic fatalities in Michigan involve drivers who are drunk or drinking, according to an official report issued by the Secretary of State's office. B EHIND A BIGGER traffic problem always looms the possibility of a bigger police force to combat it. A bigger police force would ultimately be paid for with more tax dollars from everyone-and that hurts. A bigger traffic problem would also likely stiffen up the quali- fications for "E" driving permits. The possibility that the city would have to cope with more drunkenness-arrest, confin- ment, trial-costs no less than $35, the Los Angeles police department estimates. Making liquor more easily available is bound to worsen those socially disrupting conditions which are already attributed at least in part to liquor. Court records would certainly show liquor to be a major factor in broken families; It obviously is in alcoholism; and in too many cases, liquor drains money from tight family budgets - or a student's college education budget. "]AKING (LIQUOR) more readily avail- able places temptation before people with low resistance, whereas they would refrain from drinking if it were not placed before them," Councilman McKercher added. "It is our moral responsibility to safeguard the well- being of all people, not just the convenience or financial welfare of a few," said Council- woman Mrs. Gayle D. Flannery. Indeed, it is just the "convenience or finan- cial welfare of a few" that would result from two frequently advanced arguments favoring the proposal. One that people would no longer need to go outside Ann Arbor to get liquor by the glass, seems weak because even if the pro- posal would make liquor more available (it is already available by the bottle or through private clubs) it betokens no positive good to the commurnity. When the considerations on either side of the proposal are weighed, the discerning Ann Arbor voter must reach the conclusion very well summed up by Council George A. Keebler: ". .liquor by the glass will do nothing for the betterment of Ann Arbor." -PETER STUART IN HIS STATEMENT, Senator Kennedy stressed that government must provide "affirmative assis- tance" to citizens in securing civil rights and also exercise restraint in areas in which the Bill of Rights protects the individual from invasion of his privacy. He declared there is need for "moral leadership from govern- ment" to revive individuals' belief in the principles of freedom. Re- FREEDOM OF THE PRESS: Fundamental Conflict Remains (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last of three articles on freedom of the student press.) By JUDITH OPPENHEIM Daily Staff Writer TO INSURE overall objectivity, administrations and student governments advocate, in effect, a college editorial page on which liberal and conservative or pro and con viewpoints balance each other on every controversial issue. The editors of most campus newspapers do attempt to pub- lish contrasting opinions on such subjects, but usually when these opinions are sincerely held by staff members. To achieve any real balance, students holding certain view- points would have to be coerced into joining the newspaper staff, or an editor would frequently need to assume a stand contrary to his convictions. METROPOLITAN newspapers often take this attitude to satis- fy the divergent demands of a widely varied audience. In his re- cent book, "The Fading American Newspaper," Carl Lindstrom, for- mer visiting professor at the Uni- versity, objects to an editorial page which "strives to be all things to all people." He says the trouble with many metropolitan newspapers is that the editorial writers no longer de- serve to be horsewhipped, mean- ing that they consciously modify their stands on controversial is- sues to avoid giving offense, The liberal student press is striving to remain innocent of this charge. It maintains that so long as it is governed by the dic- tates of law and good taste, and so long as it accepts full respon- sibility for its opinions, it is mor- ally obliged to report all news of concern to its readers and to com- ment upon this news according to honest conviction. * * * AFTER A STUDY of several conflicts involving the college press, the Student Editorial Af- fairs Conference held in Minne- apolis last summer passed the fol- lowing resolution on freedom of the press: PRINCIPLE: Whereas the Student Editorial Affairs Conference (SEAC) be- lieves and endorses the following principles: 1) That a free and vigorous press is essential to a democratic society, and that freedom of ex- pression and debate is basic to the effectiveness of the education- al community in a democratic so- ciety; 2) That it is the duty and aim of the student press both to de- velop and serve its community and to cultivate freedom of expression, stimulation of thought, and re- sponse in the community; this might be done as its editors be- lieve just and fitting; the editor must bear full responsibility for his policies. 3) That the aims of the student press cannot be fully achieved un- tion of responsibilities condemn- ing any abridgment of them: 1) The student press must be completely self directed. Within the legal restrictions of civil or criminal laws against libel, porn- ography or indecency, the student press must be free from control. It must be permitted to function free of all student or non-student administrative devices, e.g. publi- cation boards, student govern- ment, faculty advisors, civil or ecclesiastical agencies. Further, it should be free of all direct or in-. direct financial pressure. 2) The student press must be a forum for free expression, hav- ing the right to undertake dis-" cussion of all matters of human concern. 3) The student press must have access to information necessary for understanding all facets of is- sues affecting the university or college community in order to ac- curately assess the community's problems and activities. AT CERTAIN universities, not- ably the University of Minnesota, the administrations have express- ed a desire to aid the student press in attaining the SEAC ob- jectives. Both the Minnesota Dean of Students and the Publication Board of the newspaper recently": defended the Minnesota Daily when it was attacked by a con- servative student organization. On other campuses, however, the problems will be resolved more slowly and with less ease, since the disputes arise from es- sentially opposed convictions of vital, authoritative, and influen- tial groups. was only one problem, this ap- proach produced tremendously ex- citing -music. But such ideal situ- ations are rare in the pieces Cli- burn played. Much of the fire and excitement of the main theme of the F-minor Fantasie, for instance, comes precisely from the com- plexity and .vitality of the accom- paniment. Often Cliburn placed the empha- sis on the obvious melodic line and deemphasized whatever else might be going on. Such an approach had the ad- vantage of producting a straight- forward, businesslike, perfectly clear performance. What was lack- ing was the fire and drama and sonority which one might, assume to be Cliburn's strong point, * * * IN ONE RESPECT., Cliburn's playing seems to this reviewer to be strangely lacking, and that is in the matter of tone production. Epecially in the treble range at normal dynamic levels, Cliburn gets a very poor sound out of the piano. This was more than usu- ally noticeable in the second theme group of the Sonata in B-minor, Op. 58. Nevertheless liburn proved his ability to produce beautiful tone in the trio section of the Marche Funebre of the B-fiat major son- ata. I have seldom heard such a singing pianissimo. Extremes of uneveness of just this sort made the evening less than satisfying but very inter- esting. --David Sutherland DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Unirer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration B~uilding, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. THURSDAY, NOVERMBER 3 General Notices Regents' Meeting: Fri., Nov. 18. Com-. munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than November 8. Events Thursday Mathematics Colloquium: Prof. Hans Zassenhaus, Department of Mathemat- ics, University of Notre Dame, will speak "On the ideal semigroup in a~n algebraic number field," - Thurs., Nov. 3, in 3011 Angell Hall at 4:10 p m. Refreshments in 3212 Angeli Hall at 3:30 p.m. Events Friday OxfrdUniversity, Englad, wilpe- sent a paper on "Singular Terins and Predication" at 8 p.m. In the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Lecture: Prof. Albert Rees, Unver- sity of Chicago, will speak on "Union Wage Gains and Enterprise Monopoly" on Fri., Nov. 4, at 3 p.m. in Room 130, School of Business Administration. Astronomy Department Visitors' Nite: Fri.( Nov. 4, 8:00 p.g., Room 2003 An- (Continued on Page 8) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Questions Justification for World Concern -HARVEY MOLOTCH To the Editor: T HE communications dealing with "Americans Committed to World Responsibility" appearing in your issuenof Oct 27 remind one of an old story, Little Tommy was put out on the street, very dirty and with the seat of his pants in tatters. A passing neighbor said: "For heav- ens sake, Tommy, why doesn't your mother mend your trousers?" Tommy replied, "Oh. my mother's over at the parsonage sewing for the heathen!" .** * I SUGGEST THAT anyone who regards himself as "committed to world responsibility" in any prac- tical sense is sorely afflicted with a case of mental fuzziness and overconfidence. Americans are not supermen; we have many frailties (for example, our habit of killing and maiming each other on the highways at any annual rate run- ning into the hundreds of thou- sands). And even if we were smart enough to run the other fellow's life as well as our own, wouldn't it be a bit questionable for us to attempt this, particularly where the other fellow prefers to make his own decisions? The Communists are very will- ing to take responsibility for the welfare of the world community' but it doesn't follow that they are justified in this posture. In this connection I often won- der if the Africans, Latin Ameri- cans and others enjoy being con- tinually referred to as "back- ward" and "underdeveloped," and if we are warranted in applying such labels. There may be some- thing to be said for the ideas and ways of life of our "back- ward" friends abroad, even if they lack automobiles, television sets and central heating. -W. R. Paton nation in the world, towards the close of World War II, we then had the opportunity to secure the peace from a position of strength and moral leadership. The first. blow to our prestige came when we became the first to use the atom bomb, the most terrible . weapon used thus far in warfare. We lost our chance to be looked upon as great humanists. . Then, at the end of the war, six and one third nations found that they couldn't praise the Unit- ed States, even if they had a choice, as the strongest nation in the world stood by as they were traded from a bad dictator to a worse one. * * * REMEMBER when we failed to support Chiang Kai-shek in his struggle against the Communists? In fact, the Democrat administra- tion encouraged friendly compro- mise between the Nationalists and Communists. Now we have 600,- 000,000 Chinese being taught that our way of life must be replaced by Communism. Finally, in 1947, the once mighty U.S. was blocked from rightful entry to West Berlin and did nothing, for we had only a small army and could not retaliate short of nuclear war. It is difficult to see how, by this time, our prestige was not at an all time low. However, since our entry into the Korean Con- flict, followed by eight years of firm but unbelligerent resistance to Communism, it is difficult to see how our prestige could not help but slowly recover. * * * IT IS NOT prestige that we are now losing, but the hidden fight- ing of the cold war. How can we counter the steady world wide subversion, agitation, and infil- tration of International Commu- Distinction* To the Editor: IT SEEMS that in every decade . there comes a situation which forces the distinction' between people Who merely bemoan the world's problems by sadly shak- ing their heads and others who get into the act to do something about them. McCarthy is dead and discrimination is surely wan- ing. The opportunity for this dec- ade may well be in the proposals for international assistance now being promoted by Americans Committed to World Responsibil- ity. We are eager to add our names under the names of Chester Bowles, Kenneth Boulding, Rich- ard Cutler, Anatol Rapaport, Pres- ton Slosson and the many stu- dents who are doing more for world peace than shaking their heads. It's great to feel a part of this pioneer movement and the challenge is here for every stu- dent and faculty member who claims to be concerned. -Marc and Phyllis Pilisuk Absurd... To the Editor: DENIAL of voting rights to American Negroes is, accord- ing to Daily writer Michael Har- rah, "not worth causing further social strife, pressing though it may seem" because "time is rela- tive, and much time has passed since the world began," and "this whole question will be but a very small segment of the whole pic- ture, and in all rather insignifi- mant " This is absurd. Harrah describes a problem, indicates a need for compromise, and then advises that we all ignore the problem since "it too shall pass." duced by people, acting-by Neh- rus and Nassers by Mboyas and Nkrumahs, and by thousands whose names we do not know. We, in the U.S., can hardly afford, today, to.stop and to delay. Certainly the Negro's problem shall pass. It shall pass when it has been forced to pass. For 100 years we have sagely advised that "it too shall pass," and it has'not passed. Wedcan argue over means. We7 can find quiet lobbying more ef- fective than dime store picketing. But we cannot argue for no means. Until we act, it shall NOT pass. -Brian Glick, '61 Go Blue... To the Editor: WHY does Michigan lack school spirit? Why are there so few pep rallies? Why are those few so miserably attended? Why is this University so spiritless? These are questions that I have asked myself ever since the first football game. It seems amazing to m'e that our team does so well with the lousy student support that it gets. I think that if we beat the best teams in the nation, the stu- dents would calmly file back to their residences and proceed with their next activity as though noth- ing had happened, I don't think that I've ever really heard a stu- dent crowd yell-either at a game or at a so-called pep rally. There are some people that care - the "Wolverine Club." The trouble is that people don't care about,'them. They are criticized heavily for failures that are not their fault, such as "block M," which is the fault of the students themselves. I'm sure that the ad- ministration of this club is doing their part but could do a much better job with student 'coopera- tion. . OTHERS SEE IT: Help for Underprwileged HE VISIT last weekend of 18 graduates of Harlem's Junior High School 43 program uld have demonstrated to Harvard students d Faculty members what other figures in academic world have long been saying: at New York's pioneer program for under- vileged students is one of the happiest and st useful educational developments to come ng in years. [hrough education journals and in confer- ,es, interested educators had learned of the gram to take promising students from de- 5ssed areas and to give them the cultural and demic benefits more fortunate children en- ed. This year, in fact, students who have ne up through Junior High School 43 and. orge Washington High are being sought by a few believers among the students and Faculty members who met these remarkable boys and girls during their stay here. Those who were with them heard Hevtor Motroni, an American for four years, tell them, "At first I knew just about New York City and Cuba, but now I want to know everything." They heard Robert Kay say, "When I see fellows just running around the streets, I say to myself, they're going to be sorry in twenty years. I'm going to make a good life-I'm not going to be like they are." They heard Eleanor Smith say, "The project has widened my friends' horizons as well as mine. We all get more out of life, more than before." They heard Andreas Panagis, from Greece, tell now his love of music was cultivat- ed and how it spread to his friends,