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November 01, 1960 - Image 1

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXI No. 37


LSA Plan Clears
'U' Administration
Vice-President and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss an-
nounced yesterday that a proposed University foreign-study program
has been accepted "in principle" by the administration.
A report written by the Committee on Undergraduate Study
Abroad was previously approved by literary college dean Roger M.
Heyns and the Executive Committee of the college.
The administration r-ecommended to the literary college com-
mittee that the plan might be launched in conjunction with another
university. The University of Wisconsin was suggested.
Needs Regents Approval
If the literary college accepts the responsibility of administering

the plan, it will need only the


YD Groups
Endorse UN
Civil Service
The state central committee of
. the Young Democrats of Michigan
Sunday endorsed the program of
the Americans Commited to World
Responsibility and called on other
state groups to initiate similar
The ACWR, a nonpartisan or-
ganization advocating a greatly
expanded UN civil service, pre-
sented a description of its aims
and methods at the request of
the Young Democrats. The move-
ment began as a result of speeches
at the University by Sen. John
Kennedy and Rep. Chester Bowles
of Conn,
Following the addresses, given
by -Alan Guskin, Grad., and Mer-
rill Jackson, Grad., a lengthy
motion introduced and passed. It
Idea Endorsed
1) That the Young Democrats
of Michigan endorse the idea of
an International Civil Service, and
particularly the provisions which
recognize such service as a ful-
filment of military obligations;

proval of the Regents to become a
>reality. Niehuss said that with
quick action, the program could
be in operation by next fall, al-
though this is becoming doubtful.
The plan provides for a full
year program for French-speaking
students at a French Provincial
University. Strasbourg or Bor-
deaux are under consideration.
Undergraduate students other than
freshmen enrolled at any Ameri-
can university and having a mini-
mum grade point average of 2.5
would be eligible, although Univer-
sity students would be given pref-
Costs $2,350
The approximate cost to each
student, including room, board,
transportation from Ann Arbor to
France, tuition and incidentals,
would be $2,350. Tuition for two
semesters would be $600 for both
in-state and out-state students.
The tuition would be paid to this
It has been estimated that the
total expense to the University to
operate the program for the first
year will be $30,900. The Com-
mittee on Undergraduate Study
Abroad has offered to approach a
foundation to obtain a grant of
$25,000-$30,000 to absorb the cost
of initiating the program.
NEW YORK (,P)-General Mo-
tors Corp. yesterday disclosed
plans to spend $1.25 billion for
new and improved plant in 1961,
including nearly $1 billion in the
United States.
The announcement-by Chair-
man Frederic G. Donner - was
coupled with a strong statement
of confidence in "vigorous long-
term growth" of the automobile
industry in the United States and
Donner did not directly mention
the present state of the national
economy, but possibly had it in
mind in predicting sales of seven
million domestic and foreign pas-
senger car units in the United
States next year.
He conditioned the forecast on
a continued rise in consumer in-
come- and consumer confidence.

Of Students
Causes Row
Transfer of more than 300 De-
troit elementary school pupils to
relieve overcrowding began yes-
terday in the midst of a 65 per
cent-effective boycott of the re-
ceiving schools.
The boycott, sponsored by the
Northwest Parents Association, is
scheduled to end Wednesday.
Spokesman for the group Robert
P. Williams has emphasized that
the protest is against board of
education policies which have re-
sulted in the overcrowded condi-
tion of schools in the central
district and not because, of the
fact that the transferred students
are Negro.
Other organizations in the city
feel that discrimination. is in-
volved, however. The Detroit
Council of Church, the Jewish
Community Council and the Cath-
olic Archbishop's Committee for
Human Relations all issued state-
ments condemning the boycott as
an indication of racial prejudice.
Two eighth grade students at
Monnier School, one of the three
schools receiving the bussed-in
pupils, picketed during the lunch
period with signs which illustrated
the two issues involved in the pro-
test movement.
Two Boycott
Monnier Principal Jean Ernst
said that the two boys were out
of school for the boycott and that
they claimed they were acting on
their own accord.
A handful of Highland Park
Junior College students and rep-
resentatives from the NAACP
picketed against the parents' ac-
tion at Guest School.
Miss Ernst said that about 30
parents had gathered outside
Monnier in the morning and "were
making unkind remarks to the
children on the busses." They re-
mained about an hour, answering
the questions of newsmen and
radio broadcasters.
"Part of the comment from our
parents has been that schools
have been built to accommodate
these students so the situation
would not have occurred. What
they fail to realize is that the
central -district has 1500 more
school children now than it had
in June," Miss Ernst commented.

Russians ppose Proposa
T geUta
"'To Vote 1~SSR Asks
Presidential} Admssion
Preference Of Red Chi
Today's presidential preference Proposal Launche
poll will indicate the student ToExpand--c-ur
body's preference-Sen. John F. T x n e
Kennedy or Vice-President Rich-- UNITED NATIONS (P)-A
ard M. Nixon. ll,-sponsoredbyto expand the UN Security C
The local poll, sponsored by cil and the Economic and S
Student Government Council and ..Council was launched yesterd
run by Junior Interfraternity The Soviet Union quickly si
Council, is part of a general stu- ed notice it will fight the x
dent tally at all Big Ten univer-unless Red China is seated.
sities. The long-sought increase in

To Man Polls
JIFC will man the four local
polling places at the Union, the
Diag, the Engineering Arch and
the University museum. Ten
thousand ballots have been pre- I
pared for, the voting, which will
last from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.
SGC Treasurer Per Hanson, '62,
has asked for additional student
aid in counting the ballots.
Fee receipt cards will be mark-
ed at the polls to prevent extra

-AP Wirephoto
IKE AND DICK-President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Vice-President Richard M. Nixon shake hands
after their meeting at the White House. Reputedly a strategy meeting of GOP incumbent and
hopeful, it resulted in the widespread belief that the President would make campaign speeches to aid
Nixon in his attempt to carry the key states of Ohio and Pennsylvania.

The results of the poll at each
university will be collected to-
night and published in all Big
Ten student newspapers.
Preferences Indicated
Ohio State University students
have already indicated their pref-
erence-Nixon by 4,053 to 2,303.
The idea for the poll comes
from the University of Illinois stu-
dent newspaper, the Daily Illini.
When it originally approved
sponsorship of the poll, SOC plan-
ned to have the Young Democrats
and Young Republicans adminis-
trate it. However, the YR's de-
clined, arguing that they had to
commit all their time to already-
planned partisan activities.
Hanson arranged for JIFC to
take over as a non-partisan group.

3) That copies of the resolution
be sent to prominent officials in
the state and national govern-
Staebler Approves
After adoption of the resolu-
tion, Neil Staebler, Michigan
Democratic chairman, gave the
organization and its objectives his
enthusiastic approval. Staebler
called the ACWR a "sign of com-
mitment" on the part of young
persons and promised it his whole-
hearted support.
Guskin? said he was pleased with
the endorsement, but urged all
students to wire or write the pre-
sidential aendidates asking them
to make a policy declaration on
the issue.
He announced that a mass
neeting of all interested students
will be held at 4:15 Thurs. in
Aud. A.
Leaflet Asks
Rule Support
Both favorable comments and
ignorance of the issue mc t about
2,000 leaflets supporting Rule
Nine which were distributed in the
city's Negro neighborhoods Sun-
day by a special committee of
the Ann Arbor Direct Action Com-
"Most of the reactions were
very, very favorable, and we
heard such comments as 'It's
about time someone told the truth'
about Rule Nine," Judy Yesner,
Grad., chairman of the special
committee, said.
"But we were surprised to find
many people who didn't even
know what Rule Nine was," she
added. Rule Nine is a Michigan
Corporations and Securities Com-
mission ruling which prevents real
estate brokers from handling sales
or rentals in which there are re-
strictions based on race, creed or
About 20 AADAC members dis-
tributed the leaflets, co-sponsored
by the local chapter of the Na-
tional Assoeiation for the Ad-

Defense Department Allots
Money To Construct B-70
WASHINGTON (A)-The Defense Department yesterday re-
leased $155 million to the Air Force for expanded development of
the controversial B-70 supersonic strategic bomber.
By releasing the funds, which may lead to production of 12 B-70
prototypes, the Defense Department has virtually accepted Congress'
decision that the production of the big bomber should be pushed.
The Pentagon move left unused only $29 million of the additional
funds voted for the purpose by Congress. The lawmakers voted the
'money despite an administration
decision paring down Air Force
plans to speed production of the
rehigh altitude, long range bomber.
It would be capable of launching
ballistic missiles as well as more
conventionally shaped nuclear

Ike May Set
GOP Tour
Dwight D. Eisenhower probably
will speak in Cleveland and Pitts-
burgh late this week in an in-
creased effort to help Richard M.
Nixon win the presidency.
The White House described
this development today as quite
likely, with both cities to be vis,
ited the same day, probably Fri-
day but possibly Saturday,
Eisenhower, Nixon and other
Republican strategists t a l k e d
things over for more than two
hours at the White House yester-
day. Newsmen got to see neither
of them, but James C. Efagerty,
Eisenhower's press secretary, gave
some information.
It was Hagerty who talked of
.presidential trips to Cleveland and
Pittsburgh as strong probabilities.
He declined to go into details of
strategy for the campaign.
Study Groups
Tell Proposals
To Workshop
The Michigan college workshop
of the National Conference of
Christians and Jews wound up its
work Sunday by reviewing rec-
ommendations for action by its
study groups.
The conference met north of
Battle, Creek, at St. Mary's Lake
Student Government Council
contributed scholarships to Uni-
versity participants in the con-
ference, which aimed to consider
"The Image of Human Relations
on the Campus."

Trick ol

The"Defense Department said
the additional spending will pro-
vide for continued work on one
airframe test vehicle, beginning
work on a static test frame and
starting the building of two flying
craft, together with proposed
weapons systems.
A high Air Force official said
the revised decision could lead to
the productio nota total of from
9 to 12 B-70 prototypes, some of
which, at least, could be convert-
ed into operating bombers based
upon the results of intensive tests
that will be made.
Fatal Accident
Takes Goode
Harry H. Goode, 51, professor
of electrical engineering at the
University, was fatally injured
Sunday morning in an automobile
accident near Ypsilanti.
Friends, faculty associates, and
students of Prof. Goode are in-
vited to attend a memorial convo-
cation at 4 p.m. today in the A. E.
White Auditorium of the Cooley
Memorial Laboratory on the Uni-
versity's North Campus.
Contributions may h made to

Barbour women Invade West Quad

Last night was Halloween, tra-
ditionally the night of strange
A troop of about 30 Betsy Bar-
bour women, with costumes rang-
ing from extremely short skirts
and leotards to kilts and blue
jeans, wearing wigs, masks and
sacks over their heads, stormed
through West Quadrangle while
ostensibly on a "trick-or-treat"
mission to Helen Newberry Resi-
Singing "Rah, Rah for Betsy
Barbour," they skipped through
the parking lot separating the res-
idences and entered the Quad
courtyard through the northern

--Daily-Larry Vanice'
. .. ~ 2 -. ..-m.-- .


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