30, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 30, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY )WA, MINNESOTA ALSO WIN: Ohio State Power Flattens MSU For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3-00 P.M. Monday through Friday, an-d- Saturday 9:310 '11:30 AM By DAVE ANDREWS Special to The Daily EAST LANSING . . . Crunch, crunch, crunch went the Buckeyes and. bobble, bobbletwent the Spar- tans, as Ohio State ground out a 21-10 victory over Michigan State before a regional TV audience and record crowd of '6,520 home- coming fans in sun drenched Spartan. Stadium yesterday. Two second period touchdowns' and another in the third spelled the end for the game, but luck- less Spartans. They had three drives halted deep in Buckeye- land, twice on fumbles and the other time by the agressive Ohio Barly in the game, despite the efforts of workhourse quarter- back Tom Matte and bull like fullback Bob Ferguson, the Spar- tans held the Buckeyes in check. Then with 5:56 gone in the second quarter, Ulittle used halfback Bob Klien broke through tackle and sprinted 46 yards to score. Just four plays earlier, on the same play, he had ran for 13 yards to the Ohio 36. It was the first time someone other than Matte or Ferguson had handled the ball. Six minutes later the Buckeyes had their second score, as they moved 21 yards in five plays after second string end, Tom Perdue, had moved in untouched to block Bob Suci's punt. Ferguson per- sonally accounted for the last' 12 yards, going over from the three. MSU Inspired The sudden Ohio surge seemed to inspire 'the Spartans, who took the ensuing kickoff and moved 67 yards to the Ohio eight. How- ever two passes by Tom Wilson fell harmless in .the end-zone and they settled for Art Brandstatters three pointer from the fifteen. Following the third Buckeye counter, coming on a 71 yard, 12 play drive, that ended with a 25 yard toss from Matte to Bob Middleton, the Spartans bounced back again. However this time fullback Ron Hatcher fumbled after rambling 17 yards to the Ohio State 13. Michigan State avoided total frustration in the fourth quarter with Just 4:17 remaining, when Herb Adderley took Wilson's short pass- on the sideline, bulled his way past two defenders and pranced 17 yards to score. By The Associated Press IOWA CITY -- Iowa's top- ranked Hawkeyes easily defeated Kansas 21-7 today without dis- playing any of their usual razzle dazzle football offense. Quarterback Wilburn Hollis led Iowa to its sixth straight victory of the season. He scored in the first quarter on a 30-yard run and plunged one-yard for a third period touchdown that gave the Hawks a 21-0 lead. Pointing to its crucial Big Ten Conference game with undefeated Minnesota next Saturday, Iowa relied only on basic plays against the Big Eight Conference team. Kansas, suffering its second loss of the season, was unable to move into Iowa territory until the third quarter. The Jayhawks turned loose with passes in the final period and scored with 1:52 re- maining on John Hald's eight-, yard run. The defeat was the second time' the Jayhawks were stung this week. Earlier the football team was put on one-year probation by the NCAA for alleged illegal re- cruiting. MINNEAPOLIS - Undefeated Minnesota, hurtling toward its Big Ten showdown with Iowa next week, mauled defenseless Kansas State 48-7 today for its! sixth straight victory. With raw physical strength the sixth-ranked Gophers turned the' game into a routine workout for their first place conference battle and possible national title game with Iowa. State brought down a roar of delight from sympathetic Gopher partisans by hitting the scoring column in the final 6 seconds on a 40 yard pass from Johh Solmos to Willis Crenshaw. LAFAYETTE - Massive Illinois shook loose halfback Marshall Starks for two touchdowns, sent in specialist Gerald Wood for two conversions and took Purdue out of the Big Ten football race, 14- 12, yesterday. Illinois softened up the Purdue defense with hard driyes of full- back Bill Brown and crisp passes from quarterback John Easter- brook to end Ed O'Bradovich. Purdue got off to a 6-0 lead in the first quarter on a one-yard keeper by quarterback Bernie Allen. Brown blocked Allen's at- tempted conversion kick. The Illini, looking like the team that was supposed to win the Big Ten title, marched 70 yards with the second half kickoff, with Easterbrook completing passes to O'Bradovich for 12 yards and to Joe Krakowski for 10 and 8. Starks zipped the last 11. Illinois held for downs on its 3-yard mark in the third quarter, then scored in the fourth on Starks' 11-yard run, set up by Easterbrook passes to O'Bradovich and Starks. * * * - BLOOMINGTON -Mike Stock drilled the uprights on two of three field goal attempts, and the Northwestern Wildcats went on to score two touchdowns in the se- cond half and beat Indiana 21-3 yesterday. The first half was a 3-3 stand- off although Northwestern had all the advantage in the statistics. Stock kicked a 20-yard field goal in the second quarter, and Wayne Nichols matched it for Indiana from 31 yards out as the gun ended the first half. Stock kicked another field goal from 21 yards in the third quarter. The Wildcats converted, and In- diana fumbled into a touchdown in the same period and North- western added another in the fousth quahter against the tiring Indiana defense. PERSONAL ONLY 24 DAYS until Thanksgiving va- cation and 47 days untiChristmas vacation. If your desination is New York or Chicago, you can fly there and back for $40 or $20 respectively plus 10% federal tax. Wherever your destination, make your reservations NOW. Tuesday, November 1, is' the due-date for your payments at ALV'S TRAVEL AGENCY, NOrm- andy 2-1006. Call or come in between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. P44 PEAR JACK AND DICK: The debate is set for Wednesday on the Diag at 3. See you there to air the B.A.R. issue. CBS P42 ADRIENNE loves an anencephalic mon- ster. Chomp, chomp. F43 IT'S A KNOWN FACT THAT... "Classics are books which people praise and don't read!" Twain P41 000000! THAT'S all. Get out of here with that belt! I'll get mine. NO 2-3205. F39 PLANNED PARENTHOOD CLINIC Advice of physician on birth con- trol. Professional counsel on mar- riageproblems. Clinic hours Tues. and Thurs 7:30 to 9. 12 N. 4th Ave. CallrNO 2-9282. F117 ALPHAGATOR, please come home. We miss you! AOi. P36 SNOW IS COMING. Don't get caught with your ski soff. ULLR. P37 EUROPE, 7 to 8 weeks only $1,000. Call 5326 Markley. F27 HURRY! There are still a few bosses' knees left to sit on. Become a MUS- KET sec'y. Union any day after 3 p.m. F35 ENTERTAINMENT at Cafe Promethean every Friday and Saturday evening. F106 Ye-You Can Still Join THE MICHIGAN DAILY BUSINESS STAFF - Advertising - Layout - Accounting Stop in Anytime .2 FOR THE FINEST in music and enter- tainment contact the Bud-Mor Agen- cy, featuring the BollWeevils, Johnny Harvard, Dick Tilkin, the Kingamen, Ray Lewis, Al Young, Al Blaser, Men of Note plus many others. 1103 South University. NQ 2-6362. P57 STEAK AND EGGS-85 cents. DELTA LUNCH, 409 E. Jefferson. F12 PLANNING TO GO HOME Thanksgiv- ing and Christmas? Make your flight reservations at' Alva's Travel Agency' 300 S, Thayer The due date for pay- ment is Nov. 1 so you'd better HUR- RY! For information call NOrmandy 2-1006 between 8 A.M. and 6 P.M. P195 PIZZA AND BREW - $.30-2.001 Delta Lunch, 409 E. Jefferson. F9 HELP WANTED BREAKFAST WAITER WANTED. Phone steward, NO 2-3215. H27 MARRIED COUPLE for children's cot- tage. Parent's position, preferably without children, over 24 years of age live in but duty evenings and weekends only, two miles from cam- pus compensation is apt., food, and salary. Must be available for two years. Mr. Rome, Washtenaw County Juvenile Court, NO 3-7511, ext. 277. -2 STUDENTS AND YOUNG WOMEN, 18 years and over to work part time: 9 am.-1 p.m., 1 p.m.-5 p.m. or 5 p.m.- 9 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Telephone inquiries from our office. Salary. For interview call NO 2-5697. H7 ROOM AND BOARD ALPHA KAPPA KAPPA Fraternity, 1315 Hill St. Excellent cook. Any or all meals. Call NO 2-2252. E37 WANTED . Male roommate for spacious apt. 2 blocks from campus. Call 2- 5367. E SINGL3E ROOM for man. Clean and quiet. Close to campusand all sports areas. Linens furnished, $7. Phone NO 2-8372. E35 BUSINESS PERSONAL BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at the official Michigan ring. Burr-Pat- terson and Auld Co. 1209 South Uni- versity, NO 8-8887. FF2 BIKES and SCOOTERS LITTLE BEAVER says "The chances of someone keeping your secret are about 40 to 1 against you. But don't worry, ev- eryone likes to know about the great bikes BEAVER'S BIKE AND HARD WARE sells, and Mr. Beav- - er doesn't mind your telling THAT kind of secret."a "Go to BEAVER'S for more bike for your money." BEAVER'S BIKE AND HARDWARE 605 Church NO 5-6607 Zi8 PARILLA SCOOTER. Excellent condi- tion. Floor shift, luggage rack and spare tire. Windshield, speedometer, etc. NO 2-4010. Ziff 1957 TRIUMPH T 20 in immaculate condition. With bags and windshield. Must sell. Contact Frank Crawford, NO 8-6978., Z14 SITUATION WANTED HOUSEWORK WANTED - Experienced, dependable person. NO 3-9782. HH2 FOR SALE BLACK RUSSIAN Persian Coat, excel- lent condition, medium size. $200. Call NO 3-8102. B53 THE TREASURE MART 529 Detroit NO 2-1363 Our invitation tovisit a friendly store handling articles on con - signment. We sell to you - or for you - all kinds of furniture, dishes, silver, appliances, tuxedos, topcoats, men's suits, snowsuits, fur coats, baby needs, toys, and ice skates. Come In and Browse 'Weekdays 'til 5:30 P.M. Mori. and Fri. 'til 9:00 P.M. Bid FOR SALE: 2 door, 2 tone 1960 Simca. Grand large. Call HU 3-5034, B52 55 LINCOLN hard top. A-one cond. All power extras. 6:30 p.m. NO 5-913$.5 B51 WOMAN'S Raccoon Coat, size, Medium. Very good cond. $20. NO 3-5355. B49 COME IN and see our 88c toy display along with toys for all age groups. Western Auto, 119 E. Washington. B48 MOUTON COAT, size 14, $25; (excellent condition); automatic French fryer, $5; Sunbeam 3 qt. electric sauce pan, $9; beige and gold tweed carpeting (with pad) 12x12, $65. Call NO 3-5465. B144 USED CARS MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES I DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .80 2.00 2.96 3 .96 2.40 3.55 4 1.12 2.80 4.14 Figure 5 overage words to a line. Classified deadline, 3' P.M. daily Phone NO 2-4786 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS COME TO GRINNELL'S FOR THE GREATEST OF GREATS Be sure to graduate, when that time comes, with the help of a Webcor Tape Recorder, Free langu- age course with each Recorder. Prices range from $149.00. Reconditioned Uprights $69 up One beautiful Steinway B. Save $2500 on this model MAKE GRINNELL'S YOUR PIANO HEADQUARTERS 323 S. Main NO 2-5667 X4 A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS and BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAR 119 W. Washington NO 2-1834! X BARGAIN CORNER ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$7.95; socks 39c; shorts 69c;.military supplies. SAM'S STORE, 122 E. Washington WI BUSINESS SERVICES A FAILURE already? Not old enough to vote and already no hope for the future? Turn over a new leaf-visit "Lumbards" 1225 S. University. J70 EAT A SUNDAY BREAKFAT FIT FOR A KING (or a QUEEN, if that's suit- able) Hurry down to Ralph's and see the delicious array of cereals, eggs, "rolls, and bagels, fishes, and meats. RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard NO 2-3175 J4i RITZ BEAUTY SALON Complete line of Beauty Work 605 E. WILLIAM Phone NO 8-7066 44 r SPECIAL ON RUBBER-MAIl DOOR-MATS Regular price $2.39. Now $1.19 We carry a good line of rubber-tire link mats and cocoa mats. MUEHLIG & LANPHEAR HARDWARE 311 S. Main St. DANCE & LISTENING MUSIO So you can't afford a live band. Let us bring you all the well known dance bands in Stereophonic Tape Recorders, amplifiers and speakers. Donation only. G. A. Goresbeck & Son Stereophonic Dance Music 660 Gill St., Ypsilanti HU 3-1977 J49. Daily Cladsifieds Bring Results LOST AND FOUNt STRING OF PEARLS, South near Martha Cook Monday xr Call Ext. 3098 from 9-12, and 2 afternoon. TRENCH COAT mix up. I havi you have mine Found a trench coat with car key in on Sunday, Oct. 23 in Bus A NO 2-0773. Dave Grupe. FOUND - Pair of new rust gloves, size 7? , on morilng 21, between Couzens and Vaughn. Call Couzens Hall, e LOST-Round gold charm with lost between campus and E Stadium. Reward. Please c 2-69$2. LOST-Double log slide rule In sheath. Initials inside sheath '36 and D.S.W. Reward, $10. t Winchell He. W.Q. after 6:30. LOST? To find yourself try the gan Daily. Just find a telepho dial NO 2-3241. FOUND: 30 weeks (a full schoc of interesting, newsy readin was found on the Diag June and the owner is wanted deep Please call NO 2-3241 for infor and find a year's DAILY subw as a reward (only $6.50 too). CAR SERVICE, ACCESSI FOREIGN CAR SERtVIl We service all makes and me of Foreign and Sports Car Lubrication $1.50 TWO TIYS-Illinois Marshall Starks scored both of his teams touchdowns as the Illini upset Purdue, 14-12. Pitt Upsets Syracuse, TCU Stuns Baylor; Miss Ties LSNavy and Missouri Wi used VW's Now Available Nye Motor Sa 514E.Washington Phone NO 3-4858 FOR RENT PARKING PLACE for rent, month. Location: 1108 Hill S to Ea'st Quad. Call Dan, NO between 5 and 6 p.m. APARTMENT for couple, furnia private home. All utilities, $10 NO 3-6829, evenings. 1309 S. UNIV. Ideal campus Modern, furnished apts. with' wall carpeting. One efficien one 3 rm. apt. Immediate occ Call NO 3-6030 or NO 2-4607. ROOMMATE WANTEDl to shays 3-room apart. $38 month. 335N Phone 3-6678 after 4:30. TRAILER SITES AVAILABLE: Ne available at University Traile Number two. Beautifully'1 overlooking Whitmore Lake. miles from Anin Arbor, 5 minut to Whitmore ,Lake shopping Call HI 9.5961 or drive to 1163 more Rd. GIRL TO SHARE newly - fu ground floor apartment close b pus. NO 8-8634 or NO 2-7705. WASHTENAW at S. UNIVERSI nished, 2 bedrooms, $110 a NO 3-7268 after 5. ONE ROOM for single girl. Livt room arrangement. Complete nished. Commu'nity kitchen 2-6987. Off Washtenaw in fra area. HOUSE-2 bedroom. New oil 1 Newly decorated. Furnished or nished. $75 per month, Off I 23 between Ann Arbor and Br EL 6-8995. ONE BLOCK from campus - apartment. -Newly furnished. 1443. PARKING SPACE and garage, Oz from campus. 514 . Forest. h 2-1443 by The Associated Press SYRACUSF,--Aroused Pittsburgh shattered Syracuse's 16-game win- ning streak today, whipping the No. 3 team of the nation on a 14-yard touchdown by Jim Trafi- cant and a 38-yard field goal by Fred Cox. Pitt, a 10-point underdog which had won two, lost two and tied two in six previous starts, grounded Spracuse's air game with, three alert interceptions and re- covered three of the Orange's fumbles before 41,872 fans, a rec- ord at Archbold Stadium. It was the first game Syracuse, the No. 1 team of the nation last yaer, had lost since it bowed to Oklahoma in the Orange Bowl after the 1958 season. The last game it dropped in reg- ular season play was to Holy Cross in the second game of the 1958 campaign. It had won 23 of 24 since. Pitt dominated play in this rug- ged game, played in 60-degree temperature and bright sunshine. Twice the winners gave up the ball on downs deep in Syracuse territory in the fourth period, passing up a field goal try to go for a TD with a pass. As the game ended, Pitt was straining and clawing on the Syra- cuse 13, still putting on the pres- sure. Traficant, a sophomore quarter- back from Youngstown, Ohio, faked a handoff to fullback Jim Cunningham and ran 14 yards for the Pitt touchdown early in the first period. Pitt had grabbed the ball when center Andy Kuzneski intercepted a Dave Sarette pass on the Syracuse 15. The field goal by Cox came at 2:33 of the third period after he had recovered Ernie Davis' fumble on the Syracuse 25. Cox did a tremendous job all day with his punts, one a 54-yard quick kick, his kickoffs into the end zone, his field goal and his conversion after the touchdown. * * * University, Miss.-Senior center Allen Green kicked a 41-yard field goa lin the final six seconds today to give second-ranged Mississippi a 6-6 tie with rugged Louisiana State in a regionally - televised Southeastern Conference football' game.k Green's second field goal of the game erased the slim lead the underdog Tigers gained on a sen- sational fourth quarter touchdown drive.a d His late field goal gave the Rebels a 10-7 victory over Arkan- sas last Saturday and earned Green lineman of the week honors. A capacity crowd of 34,000 saw LSU battle the favored Rebels off their feet during the early stages of the game as Ole Miss tacklers seemed unable to dig in, except deep in their own territory. Green's tying field goad averted a defeat which would have been the first for the Rebels since they lost to the Tigers 7-3 last year. * * * FORT WORTH, Tex.-Towering sophomore Guy (Sonny) Gibbs crumbled undefeated, untied Bay- lor's hopes by running and passing Texas Christian to a 14-6 upset today. U is achieved in this supple mat Jersey print in pretty shades of blues and green. . . at 17.95 SLIP into the spotlight in a new High Toque, can be of velvet velour or leopard from 6.95 (We've little HATLETS and BANDS for you hat-haters.) THE NEW BAG can be of tap- estry-pinpoint solid or 2-tone fake fur, leather or butternut. Smaller bogs from 5,00 Larger 7.95 Wear-right Longline cotton gloves 4.00 Gauntlet and shorter from 1.50 Stretch, leather and furlined, too. Phoenix nylon sheers of coarse selfseam or seamless 1.35. Lacy nlyons 1.5 Beads of every kind Gibbs, who operates better in the daytime since he can't see without contact lenses, passed to, Buddy Iles for seven yards and one touchdown. Then he ran for 21 yards and passed for 12 in sending the Horned Frogs to their second touchdown following a costly Baylor fumble. He made the score himself with a 2-yard blast. Baylor, the nation's No. 7 team and unbeaten through five games,! was outplayed by a Texas Chris- tian team that reached its height of the season. It knocked Baylor out of a tie for the Southwest Conference lead and kept itself in the running for the title. PHILADELPHIA-Secood string quarterback Harry Dietz sparked a fourth - quarter touchdown march capped by Joe Bellino's second score of the day that gave Navy a 14-7 victory over a sur- prisingly tough, underdog Notre Dame today. Bellino, whose fumble led to Notre Dame's only touchdown, in the second period, scored from 12 yards out early in the first period, capping an 81-yard drive in which he ground out 74 yards. The senior halfback from Win- chester, Mass., teamed with Dietz and fullback Joe Matalavage mid- way in the fourth quarter in a 64-yard touchdown drive follow- ing a pass interception. It kept Navy's record spotless for the year. Except for the early first quar- ter doings and the final Navy, drive, Notre Dame, a two-touch- down underdog, dominated the play in Philadelphia Stadium. It threatened a minute before the game ended by marching to Navy's four-yard line where the Middies held. Late in the third period Notre Dame moved deep into Navy terri- tory but failed on field goal at- tempts of 16 and 31 yards by full- back Joe Perkowski. Halfbacks Angelo Dabiero and George Sef- elk sparked Notre Dame's running attack. LINCOLN, Neb. -- Undefeated Missouri pounded Nebraska into submission today 28 to 0 to run its football win string to seven games, Scoring at a touchdown-a-quar- ter clip, Missouri posted its points! on a pair of short plunges by Don- nie Smith, a brilliant 69-yard sprint by Norris Stevenson and a 20-yard TD pass, Ron Raylor to Norm Beal. '58 VW Pick-Up White......................$1,295 58 VW Sedan Blue Color ................ $1,195 Mich. European Car Corp. USED CAR LOT Ashley at Liberty NO 2-5346 NO 3-4213 N65 '53 FORD. Radio, heater, good condi- tion. NO 3-4787. N66 1958 MGA Roadster. Exc. cond. See at 2308 Walter Dr. NO 5-7313. N64 '57 JAGUAR, 3.4 Sedan. O'drive, 21.000 miles. Immaculate. 10 5-6426. N63 '59 MERCEDES 180-D, Grey. Low mile- age. Call 5-2310 evenings. N60 '55 CHEVY, 2-door Bel Air hard top, V8,'power steering, powerglide, radio and heater. $500 NO 3-1474 between 7 and 10 p.m. N59 '51 CHEVROLET-Body, etc.: Poor. Me- chanical shape: Excellent. New brakes. $90 or best offer. Call Dick, NO 2-0648. - N58 1959 AUSTIN-HEALY, Al condition. NO 3-2713 (if no answer, NO 2-8352). N56 1960 SIMCA Elysee deluxe sedan. Lively, roomy luxurious economy car. Only 1,000 mlles3 since bought in Paris. NO 5-7327. N? 55 MERC Hard-top. Low mil. No rust.1 Radio and Heater. $598. NO 5-5803 evenings. N53I HILLEL STUDY HALL 7-12 P.M Sunday-Thursday OPEN TO STUDIOUS ST UDENTS U. Beginning. Today, Sun., Oct. 30 Three-piece ensemble' . .on budget! left:.fully lined, solid cotton knit . . slim knit. . . short sleeve low jewel neck pullover ... piped cardigan jacket, pockets. Coffee bean/black.' right: woven Jacquard slim fully lined skirt . . short sleeve solid color pullover... jewel neck . . Jacquard cardigan with convertible collar. Green/gold. Sizes 8 to 12 14.95 Sf 7 4, } M r:_ w . ,-. - - I I I .M" !! Immommm