Seventy-First Year e . a EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIYELSrTY OF MICHIGAN pinions Ars Fre UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS SwinlPrevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR., MICH. * Phone x0 2-3241 rials printed in The Michigan Daily express tbe individual opinions of staf writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. OCTOBER 30, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN FARREL omen' s Week Failure: Concept or Carry- through? Excellence: A Pluralistic Pursuit :., F Excitin MEN'S WEEK, sponsored by the Women's eague, was an attempt to integrate the ge educated woman" into the society in 1 she will find herself upon graduation. haps one reason that the League project . was because of the apparent contradic- in its very goals: Women at the Univer- annot be segregated out of a community lich they are thoroughly absorbed. They ot want to attend lectures and panels I specifically at "their" problemgs; they feel "theirs" are the same as anyone else's. e League sponsored four sessions, two pan- cussions and two lectures, at which the Markley turn for os PONE anxious about the pall which seems b have descended this weekend over the ly vibrant collective spirits of one par- Lr house in Mary Markley Hall, may rest ed that the unwonted decorum is by no, s permanent. honor of its annual Mothers' Weekend, a il code of ethics has been urged for unani- adoption by the house council. It includes ollowing: Do not use profane, obscene or otherwise tionable language in the presence of ers, particularly your own. Remove from the walls any material in- ng such language. Mlean the wash basins after use. Do not wear curlers in your hair to din- Bring your mother in a little before clos- ime on Saturday night since she is not to campus life and may be upset by the nstration of mass amour carried on before oor at 12:29 a.m. H Precautions seem very well taken, since others are by nature weak and impression- creatures. We would not want to do any- which might corrupt their moral develop- - Monday, however, life should return to al, and we who are sophisticated enough main unscarred will resume our customary ith behavior until next mother's weekend. -J. OPPENHEIM attendance varied between eight and twelve women. At one meeting there were hardly more members in the audience than there were on the panel. As a result of this the participants' turned to sharing experiences and renewing old acquaintances. - AS ONE panel member noted, women are forced to "pick and choose" their activities. This l is particularly relevant to the University atmosphere, where one may, if she wishes, oc- cupy every "free" hour attending iectures on the world situation, discussions on the politi- cal situation, and meetings on the campus sit- uation. Apparently women did not "pick and choose" Women's Week as a particularly worth- while activity. The vast majority of women knew nothing of the project. Despite announcements and bul- letins the information did not take hold. A committee of six members put in long hours planning and publicizing. They alone cannot be responsible for the failure of Women's Week. AILURE is a comparative term. There are those who feel that the experience gained' by the committee was success enough to jus- tify the project. But surely it must be some form of failure when busy speakers devote their time to an audience of eight, most of whom attended for reasons other than their own personal interest. This is the second year that Women's Week has- been held. Last year attendance was not much better than this year. In a committee evaluation recommendations were made re- garding future projects of this sort. Perhaps the timing will be altered so that every session will not be crowded into an already full sched- ule of week's activities. Other revisions are being considered, including time of day, more varied program, and better defined publicity. O R POSSIBLY the entire premise on which the project is built, singling out women from an integrated campus, will be changed. The committee might be wise to look in this latter direction for a solution. It is interesting to note that the idea of a "men's week" bas never been considered by the University. Women's Week was tried, and it failed. But, perhaps, the wisdom gained from this ex- perience will exhibit itself in a more fruitful en- deavor.' -JUDITH' BLEIER (NOTE: This is based upon a speech to the annual Develop- ment Council banquet, Septem- ber 23, 1960) By LYLE NELSON Vice-President for University Relations SOMETIME ago the Carnegie Corporation published a pamphlet entitled, "The Pursuit of Excellence." This publication underlines a problem which is, it seems to me, the major one facing the nation and the state of Michigan today. That is, the maintenance of diversity and excellence in our institutions of higher learning. In my mind, diversity and ex- cellence are directly related. This is an issue in which the University of Michigan has ex- ceptionally high stakes. Just as the stakes are high for the Uni- versity, so they are for the state itself and in particular for its young people. Over the years, the people of Michigan have built up in Ann Arbor one of the world's great educational r e s o u r c e s. The question for the future-and a question incidentally which is being asked throughout the na- tion-is whether this resource will be depleted in attempts to educate greater numbers. * * * IT IS NOT my purpose to dwell upon the greatness of the University of Michigan. Its rec- ord is too well-known to need elaboration from me. However, I do think it is incumbent uon all of us to make certain that two points are known and un- derstood by every thinking citi- zen of this state. The first of these is the na- ture of the University's enroll- ment. It has changed, radically so, over the years. Unfortunate- ly, the public's image of the University has not responded accordingly. The University is no longer a simple, undergraduate institu- tion. It is a complex modern university with an extraordin- arily heavy concentration of its work at the graduate profes- sional level. This is of para- mount importance to everything the University does, and espe- cially to the support it requires, Almost 40 per cent of The University Michigan's enroll- ment is at this level and about 26 per bent of Wayne State's. By way of further contrast, the University has 30 per cent { of its enrollment in freshman- sophomore courses. At Wayne, this percentage is 34 per cent and at Michigan State 46 per cent. r . * THIS IS NOT to say that one program is better or more de- sirable than another. It is to say, however, that they are different and that these differ- ences need to be recognized when appropriations are made.. For it costs far more to pro- vide the highly specialized training necessary at the gradu- ate level than it does at the undergraduate level, a fact ac cepted by almost everyone in higher education. This, then, is one point I want to emphasize. It bears re- peating and remembering, es- pecially ,when we hear voices raised- which would have bud- gets for higher education de- termined on the basis of a simple head-count of students without taking into considera- -Daly-Dav d Glitrow Vice-President Lyle Nelson tion whether these students are freshmen, juniors, or graduate students in nuclear engineering. My second point concerns the high level of research which goes on at a university such as Michigan. Only a handful of other institutions in the nation can match the present level of research at the University. Few, surpass the University's long- time record in this field., TOO OFTEN in the pudic mind, a university is associated ,with the image of a teacher standing before a class, perhaps a rather large one. A recent study byhthe Survey Research Center shows that the general public has very little idea of the valuable research which goes on at a university such as Michigan. A greater awareness of these activities must be one of the goals of University rela- tions in the years to come. It is essential that we have a greater understanding of the role of research--that it is not just the frosting on the cake, but is instead an integral part of the educational process at the graduate and professional levels. Take it away and you have taken away the excellence of a university such as Michi-- gan. In a practical sense, the money invested by the people of the state of Michigan in re- search at the University is an investment in the future. The dividends have been higher- and I would say even more di- rect-than their investment of any comparable sum in almost any other field. * * * THERE ARE many examples I could use-the wartime ex- plosive RDX, the bubble cham- ber, testing and reporting on the Salk vaccine, the new air- borne radar unit developed at Willow Run-to show the im- portance of this work. I mere- ly want to emphasize the second point: that research is a highly essential and integral part of a program such as that at the University of Michigan, and that its costs cannot be figured into any kind of a per student system of determining appro- priations. I mentioned earlier the study by the Survey Research Center. This study was undertaken for' the Governing Boards and Presidents of State Institutions of Higher Edducation in Michi- gan and is of great importance to all of us interested in this field. It came up with some sur- prising and unexpected results., Heretofore we have been ac- customed to thinking of our publics in certain general broad categories - alumni, students, legislators, business, labor, etc. The Survey Research Center's ' study, based upon a scientific cross-sample of the adult popu- lation of the State, suggests instead that the public should be classified by interest involve- ment in higher education-a kind of vertical classification instead of a horizontal one, cut- ting across all previous group- ings. *' * * THIS STUDY identifies five categories with respect to atti- tudes toward higher education. These five are (1) The Isolated. This group makes up about 20 per cent of the adult popula- tion. Most of its members have had less than eight years of formal education, and they, have never seen a college nor do they have regular contact with college-educated persons. Interestingly enough, these people are not heavily opposed to support for higher educa- tion. Their attitude can best be summed up as "I don't know' much about it, but it's okay, I guess." In other words, col- lege is so far from their world that it poses no serious threat to their social standing or eco- nomic position. (1) The Uninterested. This second c a t e g o r y represents about 30 per cent of the popu- lation., Most of its members have had seven and twelve years of edu'cation and some minimal contact with a college somewhere either through a relative or perhaps through ath- letic events. There are more negative at- titudes towards college profes- sors in this grotip than in any of the other four categories. To them, college graduates are somewhat of a threat. Few see any responsibility in their roles as parents for the encourage- ment and support of their chil- dren's education. (3) THE HOPEFUL. This group represents another 30 per cent of the population. Most have had twelve years or less of formal education, averaging' a bit more than the uninter- estedgroup. In general,''theyA know the names of about four or five colleges in Michigan and may be familiar with some of the more salient subjects-law, medicine, engineering and busi- ness. They also may know s'omething about non-teaching functions, such as medical ser- vices. In general, members of this group hold favorable attitudes toward colleges. Those that have children have high hopes that they will go to college. Even so, financial planning for' their children in infrequent, and these persons seem to be unsure as to just what a parent should do to .help his children get ready for college. (4) The Disaffected. The fourth c a t e g o r y represents about 15 per cent fi the adult population of the State. The .Survey Research Center has called them "The Disaffected" ' because all have attended col- lege at one time or another, but at least half have received no degree. These -are non-contributors to the college they attended, and they take no active part in; education on any level until their own children are affected. Contrary to those in the Hope- ful category, a college educa- tion for the Disaffected may no longer be a great achievement. There is also more opposition to tax support for expanding col- lege enrollments in this group than in any of the others. * .* * (5) THE ACTIVE SUPPORT- era. Although this group repre- sents only about.5 per cent of the total public, it represents by all standards the most im- portant single group to a college or university. The members hold the most favorable ,atti- tudes towards college professors, but they also strongly urge more concentration on the fundamental subject areas, par- ticularly in the high schools. Equally important, the mem- bers of this group are awa're of many nor-teaching functions of a university and are the most likely to urge greater tax sup- port for future expansion of higher education. In general, they tend to favor stricter col- lege admissions policies. These persons are more active in ed- ucation of all kinds as well as in organizations of a civic and community nature. I believe this report is signifi- cant to The University of Michigan for one highly im- portant reason. It makes it clear that the University must look for its basic support to the 5 per cent who understand the basic concepts underlying a program such as that at Michi- gan. Greater efforts must be made to mobilize and consoli- date this support to provide the kind of strength which the University will need in meeting the demands of the future. THAT essential minority- - those who have done any orchestral playing-and to that equally rare group - those who consider the orchestra the most versitile and 'exceptional of in- struments-the Boston Symphony Orchestra is something of an in- stitution. My personal delight is the lush- ness of the violas and cellos (or cellos, and violas, if your taste runs that way). And last night's concert, although it was not the most imaginative progr mming, amply bore out this prejudice. * * * LET US, AS DR MUNCH4did, save the 'best for the last, and speak first of Haydn's B-Flat Major symphony. The most telling criticism one could level against his Haydn is that of tempo. In general the entire work was played too fast, but this was the most detrimental in the Adagio canta- bile, which Sir Donald Tovey call- ed one of Haydn's "broadest and gravest utterances." Here, as in the opening Adagio, things sound- ed rushed, and pathos, and pro- fundity were quickly, and equally, glossed over. In the finale, how- ever, which- immediately calls to mind the. finale of the E-Flat Major Quartet (op. 33 no. 2), the vitality of the tempo was both called for (Presto), and in good taste. The variations, Chaconne and Finale, by Victor Dello Joio, was a rousing, exciting affair, although the outer movements were too much akin to movie music for my taste. The Chaconne, however, which displayed a considerable Hindemith influence, was a first- rate piece of craftsmanship, which was given, along with the rest of the work, a sympathetic reading. AND WHAT CAN ONE say of the Franck D minor? To call it a war-horse is commonplace, and yet I would gladly listen to such a "war-horse" when performed as brilliantly and magnificiently as the Boston did last night. The per- formance was vital and dynamic, and never did Dr. Munch fall into the morass of sentimentality that so many lesser conductors seem to feel is essential to the work. -David Jordan DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN AX LERNER Crystal Ball (HERE IS NEVER a good time for making predictions. "The owl of Minerva," in gel's famous sentence, "spreads its wings ly with the falling of the dusk." And the sk, of course, is exactly when men can't e. But there is an itch in us to pierce the rkness of the future, even if we have to oot wildly to do it. So here are some shots the dark, on the election and related itters. -I start with the question of how close the election will be. My uninformed guess is that won't be particularly close. Very few elections yve been close in recent times, and I see few asons-except for the incalculable religious ue-why this one should be. I should guess at Kennedy will have a margin of several ilion popular votes and at least a hundred ctoral votes. It may or may not be a land- de victory, but it will be a substantial one. How do I figure this? Not by any scientific fling nor by studying selected counties or ban districts, but quite simply by talking, king, talking with ordinary people across e nation. Some are depth conversations, some rfacy. They are too few to form a sample. it the signs are there. I thought for a couple of days that Nixon ght make political capital out of- the too- ndid Kennedy anti-Castro statement. But is himself vulnerable on foreign affairs, and sides it would be confusing for Nixon in the mne campaign to call Kennedy an appeaser on emoy-Matsu and an inciter on Cuba. Any- y the decisive moment for pouring on the at has passed. -WHEN he leaves the White House, Dwight Eisenhower will not retire but will take high advisory business job, with some com-, ny like General Motors. It would make a t of sense for Congress to provide that each ;iring President would automatically become member of the Senate, not from his state t as a Senator-at-large, and serve until he ps into either death or dotage. It would be od to have Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower, the Senate. 3) Nixon will have no difficulty in getting a high executive post in business. But being young he will keep himself, even with a busi- ness job, ready for the historic moment when his party will again call him to some notable post. He will end up in the Cabinet of the next Republican administration, 4) Both Houses of Congress will remain Democratic. The Senate Majority Leadership will be placed in more militant hands than Lyndon Johnson's, and efforts will be made toward a withering away of the present Southern domination of the committee system. 5) Adlai Stevenson will be made head of the American delegation to the UN-a case where the perfect job and the perfect incum- bent will meet. My crystal ball doesn't tell me who will be Secretary of State. --THERE will be another summit meeting by April or May, 1961, perhaps earlier. The Kennedy commitment to make one more effort to get agreement on disarmament or some other major issue, and Khrushchev's troubles with China, make this a safe bet, unless bad trouble breaks out before that date in Cuba or Berlin. 7) If the real trouble breaks, it will in all likelihood be in Cuba. Since it would involve both America and Russia, and thus render unthinkable the early summit which both sides wish, I would guess that some sort of civil war in Cuba would be postponed until next summer or fall. I doubt whether it can be avoided or averted. 8 China will finally get the votes it needs for admission to the UN, sometime during the next few years. This does not necessarily mean the exchange of recognitions by China and the U. S. for some time to come. --THERE will be a recession in 1961, which- ever candidate and party wins. But a Demo- cratic administration will come up with some fresh ways of cushioning its shock and shaking the nation loose of it. 10) The institution of the TV Presidential debate is here to stay, and will be back in 1964. 11) Kennedy will act with vigor, surround himself with a Brain Trust like that of F.D.R., ....... ... .. .. r::" .. ,.....:,.-,,.-: ",. :"..":: .: ..,.. . ":rr"tit crr, " n~x<'c +F %i' ?'?tq:;'°F; ;ti"RSa ;K, T ;?i,? :?A°.-;.:' .i < " <,:: .. fi::,.. AT THE MICHIGAN: Liszt Lost "ONGWithout End" tells the story of the many faces of Franz Liszt. He is a brilliant com- poser, world renowned pianist, and deeply emotional lover. de is also profoundly religious and has some trouble reconciling these different parts of his personality. Dirk Bogarde is excellent in his skillful portrayal of the high strung pianist. His moods and changes of mood give a deep in- sight into the character which must have been Liszt. Genvieve Page plays the coun- tess who gave up her inheritance to be Liszt's wife, only to have him turn away from her. Beauti- ful even in the dress and hair styles of that period, Miss Page gives a convincing portrayal of the emotional injury she suffers. * * * THE FILM BRINGS the well known French model Capucineto American audiences for the first time. She is effective playing the Russian princess who falls madly in love with the already married Liszt. Capucine is brilliant as the noble and deeply religious woman who must marry her love with the approval of the Pope or not at all. THE COLOR IS beautiful and the settins are the hnl where LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: To the E PASSIN mand velop the thinking French.] French Taxing, Not Rewarding ditor: ly impossible considering the -fa- it through the second yi 1G with a C in French de- cilities in that small hole in Ma- sonally, I am ready to giv s that each student de- son Hall where foreign students zoology career for develo atospaigFectry to learn English. muscles in' Physical ed e art of speaking French' Regardless of the student's ef- while a boy im French 21 in French, dreaming in forts to wade through French 1 more desperate than m Frankly, I find this utter- and 2, they still continue to sweat quitting school to join th ear. Per- ve up my ping my ducaion 1, a little nyself, is e army. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumesno editorial responsibility. Notices 'should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. SUNDAY, OCTOBER.36 General Notices Midyear Graduation Exercises will be heid Sat., Jan. 21, 1961, in Hill Aud. Further notice will foliow. Seniors: College. of L.B. & A., and Schoois of Business Administration, Education, Music, and Public Health:' Tentative lists of seniors for February graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in the first floor lobby, Admin. Bldg. Any changes therefrom should be requested of the Recorder at Office of Registration and Records window number A, 1513 Admin. Bldg. The Literary College Steering Com- mittee is sponsoring an open student- faculty .discussion on the wisdom of requiring comprehensive examinations. The meeting will be held in the Multi- purpose Room of the Undergraduate Library on Tues., Nov. 1, at 7:30 p.m. All interested students and faculty are cordially invited to attend. Tickets for "The Frogs," to be pre- sented at 8 p.m., Thursday-Saturday Varsity Swimming Pool, will be on sale beginning tomorrow noon at the box office, Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg. $1.25 general admission unreserved any performance. Box office open until 5:00. Playbill season tickets also on sale. Tickets for Platform Attractions on Sale Daily at Hill Aud. Tickets for in-* dividual performances are on sale daily at the Hill Aud. box office. Bo: of fice hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. There are five remaining productions sched- uled. Actor-director Burgess Meredith will co-star with Nancy Wickmire %nd Basil Langton in "Scenes from Broad- way Bits," Nov. 17. Marcel Marceau, famous pantomimist, will appear Dec. 5. Agnes DeMille, choreographer, will appear Feb. 27. Humorist Herb Shriner is slated for March 7.' The series will conclude with stage and screen star Basil Rathbone reading "The Best from My Bookshelf" on' March .14. Special reduced rate of 30 per cent to all of the University's full-time stu- dents. Season tickets also available at a savings. Events Monday Social Work-Social Science Collo- quium: Prof. Daniel R. Miller speaking on "Defense Mechanisms in Enduring Relationships," Mon., Oct. 31, 4:15 p.m., littleauditorium, second floor, Frieze Building. Public Health Assembly will be held in the Aud. of the School of Public Health at 4:00 p.m., Oct. 31. Dr. Henry F. Vaughan, Dean Emeritus of the School of Public Health, will discuss "The History of the Public Health Movement." Placement Notices PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Michigan Civil Service-Openings in various counties for Physical Therapy Aides with at least 3 yrs. experience. Applications must be filed by Nov. 9. Also Building Construction Supts. for TOO FEW- Josh white And Blues ACCOMPANIED by bassist Bill Smith, Josh White showed up at Ann Arbor High School last night and presented a program of ballads, blues and topical songs. Judging from the past concerts I have seen, the program contained more non-blues material than Josh usually sings. Unfortunately, his treatment of "Waltzing Matilda," "Scarlet Ribbons," or "Foggy Dew" made it too obvious that he ought to confine his work to the blues, or at least to songs that validly admit of blues treatment. At best, making blues out of these songs was merely inappropriate; at worst it was in bad taste altogether, especially when coupled with over- dramatization, as in "Waltzing Matilda." He is nevertheless so talented a blues singer and blues guitarist that the real blues or semi-blues he did more than made up for inappropriate programming and treatment. AFTER THOSE in the cheap seats had finished scrambling for the empty ones down front the audience enjoyed the concert. All were enthusiastic over "Cindy, Apples, Peaches and Cherries," and "One Meat Ball" when asked by John to join in the singing; all were entertained by the off-color content of "I'm Gonna Move You on the Outskirts of Town," "You Know Baby What I Want From You," and especially by the treatment of that favorite of blues symbols in "Jelly, Jelly, Jelly." The Democrats in the audience made their presence known when Josh sang, "I peeked in fancy boudoirs, looked Pleas with him only result in a lowered head, weak smile,' and a little compassion for me who he knows is also suffering through the traums. Naturally, like most students who aren't french ma- jors in the art of conversation'and aural comprehension, I understand his problems with the language. It's everybody's problem and one that is hard to definite. It is like meet- ing a fellow-sufferer and saying, "I hate to ask you, but how's French?" The reply, always a deep sigh.° And in return,- the response is, "Well, I know, -well, good luck," and we mean it. YOU'D THINK someone would learn something after spending hours in that crowded lab, hand- ing money to rich French tutors, and praying for a grade of C. Yet, things continue to look bad for future tests. This is the general run of the mill, and as a boy in my French class 'once said, "It's enough to drive any man to drink." Four or five hours of classes per week, a one hour aural exam recorded by a native Frenchman, three hours of language lab, three books of translation, written