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October 28, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-28

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Truth Will Prevai_' - - _ - a_ _- . s A- .

IN THE LATEST number of the Michigan Technic is a reprint of
an article about Student Council, which was the all-campus student
government of three decades ago. The Technic's editors thoughtfully
added, in. italics in parentheses (Government) between Student and
Council. It apparently is intended to be a kick in the head of the
first magnitude.
,However, it is the magazine and not the Council that should
be kicked. Without stopping to recount the out-date article's contents,

Women's Fashions -One Common Interest

Foreign Role Merits Expansion

Several thousand students heard
Carl Sandburg, Eleanor Roosevelt,
and Henry Steele Commager in
past years, but their speeches did
not begin to bridge the gap.
This injection of new inter-
national programs may merely
produce glorified student activities
and add to the extra-curricular
fetish. Weeks, activities, associa-
tions, and boards per se do not
increase communication. They
often merely absorb the time and
energy of people working in the
activities and prevent these people
from personally developing the
communication they are working
to encourage.
The problem is complex, the
task is large, and the efforts have
been puny. Some embryonic pro-
grams are tackling the problem
more directly. The League's adop-
tion program has brought foreign
sisters to nearly 40 women's hous-
ing units and the Union's Inter-
national Brother Program has
built communication channels for
75 newly arrived foreign men. An
undergraduate girl from Germany
is now spending the year in Delta
Gamma on a scholarship from the
sorority, and Panhellenic is con-
sidering a large-scale expansion
of this plan.
THESE ARE MERE beginnings
in a relatively new field. However
successful they may prove, they
cannot, by themselves, provide the
missing communication. 24.000
Americans and 1600 foreign stu-
dents are living together in a
University community. Increased
communication cannot be pro-
duced in a neatly wrapped pack-
age; it will require conscious ef-
fort on the part of each indM--
dual student.
This, of course, is also cliched.
However, most meaningful arti-
culations of human ideals and
emotions have been rejected as
trite by our sophisticated genera-
tion. They are trite because they
are often employed hypocritically
and facetiously-because we refuse
to guide our actions by our ideals.
When I presented the Inter-
national Week theme, "Clasp the
hands and know the thoughts of
men in other lands" (John Mase-
field), I was told that it was so
beautiful that it was trite. We
can hardly afford to discard all
beauty, all expressions of human
goodness and altruism, as trite
and useless.
The U.S. verbally abandoned
political isolationism 18 years ago,
but we cannot abolish isolation by
decree. If we are to live rationally
with the world beyond our borders,
we must first learn about it, and
we can learn only through com-
Interesting conversations with
foreign students obviously will not
affect the world situation. It is
absurd to issue a call to save
democracy by befriending an Af-
rican or an Asian. It is, perhaps,
senseless to plead at all.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m, two days preceding
General Notices
Woodrow Wilson Fellowships. Nom-
inations for Woodrow Wilson fellow-
ships for the academic year 1960-61 for
first year graduate work leading to a
career in college teaching are due Oct,
31, 190. Only faculty members may
nominate candidates. Letters of nomi-
nation should be sent to Prof. Frank
Grace, 'Department of Political Science,
University of Michigan.

The following student-sponsored so-
cial events have been approved for the
coming weekend. Social chairmen are;
reminded that requests for approval for
social events are due in the Office of
Student Affairs not later than 12 o'clock
noon on Tuesday prior to the event.
OCT. 28--
Alpha Xi Delta, Cooley House, Fletch-
er Hall, Geddes House, Phi Delta Phi,
Phi Sigma Sigma, Rumsey House.
OCT. 29---

IT IS NOT A matter for coer-
cion or for dramatic appeals. I
can only point to the many stu-
dents and to the absence of com-
munication. Several avenues are
open to interested American stu-
dents. From Oct. 28 through Nov.
6 programs are planned for In-
ternational Week. At World's Fair
foreign students will be present
in their display rooms and will
be anxious to talk with visitors.
On Thursday evening a panel of
foreign students will join an Aus-
tralian journalist and a political
science professor to discuss the
"Ugly American" and reaction to
American foreign policy in their
At the International Folk Sing
following the panel and Saturday
night at ISA's Monte Carlo Ball,
these students can be met on an
informal basis. At 4:30 p.m. every
Thursday ISA sponsors an Inter-
national Tea. These are usually at
the International Center, but
some will be held in women's-
residence halls. Eighteen nation-
ality groups across Asia, Africa,
and Latin-America operate clubs,
most of which are open to Amer-
ican membership. More informa-
tion on these and other channels
can be obtained at the Inter-
national Center, 603 Madison St.,
alongside the Union.

let it be said it is based on
premises now irrelevant to Student
Government Council.
* * *
are not childish pseudo-politicians
may be seen in last Wednesday
night's meeting, which was the
finest this writer ever attended.
Debate on the question of pro-
testing "anti-trespass' laws, and
the discussion on access to mem-
bership clauses in fraternityand,
jsorority constitutions was excel-
lent. Even the normally humdrum
parts of the meeting went along
rather well.
It was. unfortunate that only
four or five of the prospective
candidates for the upcoming
Council election were present.
* * * '
THE ATTITUDE of adminis-
trators towards commenting on
the new proposal on sororities was
,interesting. One especially em-
phasized he didn't want to sound
like he was pressuring the Council
by his comment. Another just
gave views, period.
It does seem all right for ad-
ministrators to comment on
Council issues, if, as in the case
of constitutions, their opinion is
At the same time, it is good
that at least some of them have.
reservations about doing so, Con-
necting the names to the atti-
tudes would be instructive, but
anybody who cares probably can
guess anyway.
*. * *
kamp lined up the Council last
night for its 'Ensian picture,' then
sat down right in the middle,
somewhat to the left of Jim Had-
ley and to the right of Roger
Seasonwein. But Dan Rosemergy
was on Seasonwein's side too,,
pointing up the general futility of

To the Editor:
T[WO OFTEN-repeated Demo-
crat charges at the Republican
Party are particularly irksome.
One such charge is, "The United
States is falling behind Russia in
the missile race." The other is,
"The United States is losing pres-
tige." This letter is intended to
show that the frist charge s false
in 1960 but was true in 1950.
Andrew G. Haley, President of
the International Astronautical
Federation, states in his book
entitled Rocketry and Space Ex-
ploration, "Then, at the eleventh
hour, the United States inaugur-
atted in the early 1950's its first
uninterrupted program for devel-
opment of Intercontinental Ballis-
tic Missiles and Intermediate
Range Ballistic Missiles-named
Atlas, Titan, Thor, and Jupiter."
He also states that, "It was Rus-
sia's all-out concentration on
rocketry from the beginning of
the postwar period that gave her
lead time over the United States."
The missiles such as Atlas,
Titan, Jupiter and Polaris, and our
many satellites have all been
realized under the Republican ad-
ministration. In spite of the five
year lag inherited from the Demo-
crats, it appears that the United
States now lacks only the com-
pletion of the powerful Saturn
booster in having a family of
rockets and instrumentation equal
to or superior to those of the
--John R. Caidwell, '58E

U.S. Role in Castro's Revolution

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first of two articles on Cuba. To-
morrow Communist influence and
a model of American policy in
Cuba will be discussed.)
Daily Staff Writer
THE CUBAN revolution, once
hailed as the triumph of an
oppressed people over a dictator-
ial regime, has since become a
subject of mounting concern to
Americans. The violent anti-
American diatribes of Castro, the
nationalization of American-own-
ed property, and the growing
signs of Russian infiltration all
have raised the fear that, while
Batista had great wrong, a worse
has come in his place. American
policy, once ostensibly sympathet-
ic to the difficulties of the new
government, has become increas-
ingly rigid, and the statements of
Senator Kennedy and Vice-Presi-
dent Nixon indicate it may be-
come yet firmer.
But what, really, is behind the
Castro phenomenon, and where
does it fit into the overall his-
tory of the twentieth century? To
answer these questions, I recently
interviewed Prof. Irving Leonard
of the history department, and
Robert Taber.
*. *' *

Cuba and ngw organizer of a Fair
Play for Cuba program, burns
with an intense indignation and
sense of injustice. Prof. Leonard
has an academic, almost detach-
ed, mein. Both, however, are in
agreement on a number of things:
The Cuban revolution is the
payoff for our long record of eco-
nomic exploitation, support of
dictators, and indifference to the
needs of the vast number of have-
nots in Latin America;
Cuba is not'likely to become a
Russian satellite;
American policy in the future
must be grounded on sincere re-
pentance for past blunders, and
consist of patient negotiations on
a basis of equality.
* * *
Cuba is not a commendable one.-
While we may boast of having
"liberated" the people from Span-
ish rule, we are less likely to
,mention that this liberation was
soon followed by American con-
trol of the economy and outright
military intervention. The fa-
mous Platt Amendment, written,
into the constitution by America,
reserved to ourselves the right to
unilaterally intervene in the do-
mestic affairs of the country - a
right which was used, and has
left the United States with a lega-
cy of distrust among the Cuban


TWO HAVE sharply con-
personalities. Taber, a
network correspondent in

At the height of the American
hegemony, according to Taber,
we controlled 100 per cent of the
mineral wealth, 40 per cent of the
sugar, the electric and telephone
companies, much of the island's
banking, and (with the British) 90
per cent of the oil. Little con-
sideration was given to the actual
welfare of the country and, where
it would conflict with American
interests, some of the U.S.-owned
resources were not developed: Ta-
ber says that the third biggest
iron deposit in the hemisphere is
in Cuba, and was not even touch-
ed by Bethlehem Steel, who had
bought it 50 years earlier for $100.
PRO. LEONARD points out
that the history and geography
of Latin America-particularly
the lack of primary resources such
as coal-had prevented the area
from developing on its own in-
dustrially. The region remained
predominantly agr'arian, with an
alliance of church, landowners
and army 'maintaining power.
Eventually, foreign investors be-
came silent partners in this alli-
ance, trading military and psy-
chological support of the dicta-
tors for the right to tap and
siphon off much of the natural
wealth. The partnership was rec-
ognized by the have-nots in Latin
America, and remembered.
The United States, for example,
gave aid to Batista: A military
training mission, arms, tanks, air-
planes, and (through TruJillo)
bombs, Our ambassadors to Cuba,
most of them political appointees
who could not even speak the lan-
guage, gave moral support to the
dictatorship in exchange for
American business concessions.
An arms embargo slapped on the
island in March, 1958, hurt only
the revolutionaries who were
eventually to overthrow Batista.
Scores of Fidelistas were arrested
for recruiting activities in this
* * *
American business interests were
draining the Cuban economy, the
American government was pursu-
ing a policy of studied neglect.,
Shortly after the inauguration of
the Marshall Plan to rebuild Eu-
rope, General Marshall himself
appeared at Bogota to announce
bluntly that aid to Latin Amer-
ica would not be forthcoming.
Present plans to greatly expand
aid to the area, said Prof. Leon-
ard, are too late and too conserva-
tive; moreover, the Latin Ameri-
can have-nots are more likely to
attribute the money to Castro's
influence than to American bene-

O.FICI. AL.BUL.LET..N..:... Li.....:...::..... ..h...i..

Interim Action Approved:
Oct. 25 Democratic Socialist Club,
speaker Robert Taber. "The Truth
About Cuba," Union, 4:00 p.m.
Oct. 27 Young Republican Club, Pa-
rade for Nixon, Diag, 8:45 a.m.
Oct. 28-Nov. 6 5G0 International
Coordinating Board, "International
Week" series of events..
Nov. 3-4 J.I.F.C., Jr. Panhellenic,
Assembly Association, IQC; Fund Drive
for the Fresh Air Camp..,
Approved: The following appoint-
ments to the Student Government
Council Credentials and Rules Commit-
tee to terminate ,following their re-
port to Student Government Council
on the fall Student Government Coun-
cil elections:
Nancy Adams, James Hadley, Per K.
Hanson, John Feldkamp, Chairman, Ron
Bassey, Art Rosenbaum, M. A. Ryder
Shah, Roger Seasonwein, Bill Warnock.
Approved: The following appoint-
ments to the NSA Michigan Region Fall
Assembly to be held at Kalamazoo
College Nov. 4-6:
Delegates: Lynn Bartlett, John Feld-
kamp, Chairman, Dick G'sell, Myra
Goines, Ken McEldowny, Art Rosen-
baum, Kay Warman.
Alternates: Eugenia Pann, Jean
Spencer, Roger Seasonwein, Tom Hay-
den, Michael Olinick.
Accepted: The Fiscal Report for July
1, 1959, to June 30, 1960. (Vol. 6, p. 17).
A*.n*.r.A. A -,1,i+,,+ tmtion re-

membership selection. Accompanying
such should be the group's interpreta-
tion of these provisionsas to their
ability to comply with the University
Regulation on membership.
C. Send a letter to all fraternities
and sororities explaining these regula-
Approved: That Student Government
Council direct the Education Commit-
tee to communicate with:
1. A member or members of the
Michigan Senate and House of Repre-
sentatives committees on education,
and the Michigan Department of Pub-
lice Instruction requesting informa-
tion on any proposed legislation deal-
ing with higher education or with any"
matters in any way affecting education,
whether it be public or private.
2.- Either ao Michigan member of
the U.S. Senate and House of Repre-
sentatives or a member of their re-
spective Education Committees, and
the Office of Education of the De-
partment of Health, Education and
Welfare requesting any information
concerning any proposed legislation an
any matters in any way affecting edu-
cational policies, aid or other fields.
This communication should be con-
tinuous. A report shall be made to
Student Government Council after the
receipt of the replies from' the Initial
letters and henceforth whentany new
legislation is first considered or pro-
posed or there is any suggestion from
any of the representatives that might

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