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September 13, 1960 - Image 92

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-09-13

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.tuden ts

from All Parts of Wvorld Belongto k

sT Fa v araxw aaauWia aaa.ta:lalox !

k flash of a pink sari, a glimpse
a turban, two girls passing in
ditional Chinese brocade dres-
and gathered groups of stu-
ats from Turkey, Japan, Korea
d the United Arab Republic are
ly scenes at this University.
kpproximately 1350 students per
nester from 80 different coun-
s give the University the largest
ernational population of any
ool in the country. The largest
nbers come from the Far East
I South East Asia, with the'
ar East and North Africa run-
g second. Outside of Canada,
ha is the country sending the
ist students.
he copcentration of students
m abroad is in the engineering
lege, but all courses of study
enriched by an international
nt ofhview. Many a language
dent has found his course kept
a high plane by at least one
dent speaking his native langu-
throughout class.
Social Gatherings
tudents from all lands may
et socially through the World'si

Fair, International Week, United
Nations Week, the International
Ball, the International Variety
Show, the International Students'
Association and the teas at the In-
ternational Center. Other import-
ant meeting places are the 21
nationality clubs and the Univer-
sity's English Language Institute,
The World's Fair is an annual
festival at which the visitor may
see a Ukranian folk dance, taste
native foods and be transported
into the cultures of 70 different
countries. Culminating the carni-
val is the International Ball, a
melee of sights and sounds from
almost every nation.

and the authentic membership!
make the sessions go far deeper
than simple imitation.
Each year, a group of students
from all over the world organize
and present a variety show which
tours the state and presents at
least one home performance. Afri-
can dancing, a Japanese trio, an
Indonesian Candle-Dance, Leba-
nese singing, and a'royal Thailand
dance have been presented in the
ISA Provides Unity
The one organization on campus
which serves as a common meeting
place for and bond between Ameri-
can and international students
alike is the International - Stu-
dents' Association. Headed by Rafi
Hariri, Iran, and Elliot Tepper,
United States, this organization
sponsors cultural, educational, so-
cial and athletic events.
ISA works in cooperation with
the clubs of students from differ-
ent countries, sponsors lectures on
topics of culture and political in-
terest, ind furnishes an opportu-

nity for American and interna-
tional students to work together.
From foreign diplomats and
visiting professors to students sent
from their respective countries to
every department of the Univer-
sity, the International Center sees
all. It counsels, house, programs,
and acquaints with University life
students and spouses from other
Thursday afternoon teas fur-
nish a central meeting for stu-
dents from all over campus.
Many Services
The International Center holds
dancing classes, refers students to
appropriate academic counselors,
forms a liaison with United States
government agencies and foreign
governmental sponsors, and works
closely with ISA and student na-
tionality clubs.
The English Language Institute
gives an intensive course in Eng-
lish as a foreign language for eight
weeks. Students at the institute
must enroll separately from -their
University courses and they can
speak nothing but English the
whole time.

International Week
Every fall, the Michigan Union
sponsors an International Week
which features a show of interna-
tional costumes and customs. In-
dian films and numerous ex-
changes of cultures are presented
throughout a week.
The United Nations is honored
each spring when representatives
of every nation hold a model
United Nations for the, whole
campus. Debates on current issues


USED BIKES as low as


INTERNATIONAL LOOK-Back in 1951 George Zotlades, in
costume, presented then University President Alexander Ruthven
with the first ticket to that year's ISA ball. Students from many
nations collaborate each season to present the tradional dance.

TALENT SHOW-Each year, students from all over the world
engage in a friendly "cultural exchange," right here on campus.
Like the two young ladies from Puerto Rico, each nationality has
represei 'atkUs in a gala talent show, to which everyone, of course,
is invite .


Homecoming Features Displays, Dane

$ 495


Every football weekend is
charged with spirit and filled with
activities, but Homecoming week-
end is greeted with the most en-
thusiasm and shows the results of
the hectic preparation that has
occupied everyone's time during
the two preceding weeks after the'
theme of the weekend is revealed.
At this time, clever minds in
each campus housing unit tem-
porarily divorce themselves from
the daily grind of studying and
devise a display befitting the oc-
casion, with hopes of coming out
on top in the judging.
The sequence of events sched-
uled throughout the two days can
best be described by recalling last
year's "Hollywood and Vine" theme
and the traditional contests that
have, and will, take place.
"Michigan Intermission" kicked
off the weekend on the Diag as
University cheerleaders whooped
it up with some warm-up cheers
Friday afternoon, Oct. 30, 1959.

605 Church Street

's Bike & Hobby
NO 5-5607

Following this, local talent per-
formed in singing and instrumental
groups as displays neared com-
pletion for Saturday morning's
With Saturday morning came
the traditional Mudbowl Game at
the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house
between SAE and the Phi Delt's,
and then its high point, the crown-
ing of the Mudbowl queen. This
coveted title was captured by Chi
Omega's Jane - Tarzan's mate -
who cavorted around the area. The
past five years have also seen the
Tug of War between last year's
champs of Taylor House and the
members of Gomberg House, who
tasted the Huron River after their
defeat. The Diag asw more action
that morning as the annual Saint
Bernard Chariot Race featuring
Delta Upsilon's "Brandy II" and
Lambda Chi Alpha's "Major IV"
was held - Lambda Chi Alpha's
doggy mascot taking the prize.
The football game concluded
with a disappointing score - Wis-
consin 19, Michigan 10 in a battle
of defenses before a crowd of 68,-
063. Michigan's victors may have
been vanquished, but its students
await this year's triumph with re-
newed hope.
At halftime the names of the
display winners were announced.
Theta Delta Chi won in the fra-
ternity division with "The Story
That Had to be Told: 'Franken-
stein' At Michigan," depicting air
electrically-run Wisconsin Frank-
enstein, jeered at by University
students. In the men's independent
housing division, Gomberg's "Vik-
ings Valiant" showing a blue and
gold Michigan Viking ship took
first place.
Among the sororities, Kappa
Alpha Theta's "Wisconsin's our
KAT on a Hot Tin Roof" with its

huge black paper mache cat took
the highest honors. Couzen's Hall
won a first place among the, com-
petitors in the women's independ-
ent housing division with its "Hail
to the Victors" showingwa two-
story-high Mr. Magoo waving a
pennant and singing.

Oct. 31, Halloween for mo
the United States, was "Holly
and Vine" time at the danc
the Intramural building a
Count Basie played and was
companied by vocalist Joe Will
until 1 a.m., in an atmosphei
a Hollywood movie premiere.






HOMECOMING GAME-A bonus has been added to Homecoming
weekend this year. The football game around which festivities
focus is the traditional Michigan-Minnesota contest, in which the
Little Brown Jug, shown above, is at stake.






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