"What Happens When They Run Out Of Foreigners?" CITY, 'U' MESH GOALS: Research Park to A ttr act Indusry By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst O MANY LEAKS have occurred about the surveys of American pres- tige abroad that the United States will now be required to publish them just to keep people from thinking they are worse than they are. JUdging from unofficial reports, the last' one doesn't make very good propaganda. A general idea in the free world that the United States is militarily inferior to Soviet Russia is dangerous whether it is correct or not., It causes other nations to start reflecting on the value of their alliances, and if it persists into some time of great crisis, could produce defections. THERE WAS LITTLE doubt that American political prestige had dropped in the weeks immediately after U-2. There has been a gen- eral feeling, however, that it had gone up again since the conven- ing of the United Nations General Assembly. One thing people would like to know is whether the previous surveys show ups and downs, and whether the foreign concept of American military power has shown any tendency to go up and down along with political prestige. * * * , THEY WOULD ALSO like to know more of the basis for the reports. There is, for instance, general agreement that Russia is ahead of the United States in rocket development for space probes because her rockets have greater thrust. But from a strict- ly military standpoint, relative strength is not enhanced by range beyond what is needed. Did the surveyors ask merely about the United States, or was, there a tabulation, too, of the. effectiveness of her mutual aid program, whereby billions 'of dol-. lars of her own military produc- tion has been allotted for use in an emergency by .other nations? If there is doubt among the free world nations as to the U.S. de- fense posture, is there a factor in it involving doubt of their own intentions? THERE ARE considerations in- volved in the publication of such, surveys which go far beyond any, immediate effect on the presiden- tial campaign. Relations.with oth- er countries are involved. The at-, titude of the American people toward their allies is involved. All the facts, not part of them, are involved.. IN SWITZERLAND : Study Aid To Students THE STUDENT federation of the University of Neuchatel {Switz- erland) has just completed a study after three- years' preparation on the necessity of a genuine demo- cratization of the university sys- tem. The investigation was primarily concerned with the problem of scholarships which has been seen as a payment of the state "a fonds perdus (to lost ends)." The students offered the follow- ing suggestions: . 1) The economic situation of the parents of every student should automatically be reviewed at the conclusion of obligatory school at- tendance. 2) An investigation should tien be initiated concerning the further educational and professional in- terests of high school students. 3) THE PARENTS and inter- ested high school students should be informed by an examining board as to whether their situa- .tion merits the granting of a scholarship. 4) The amount of the scholar- ship shall be determined accord- ing to a calculating procedure which would allow leeway for spe- cial cases. -The Student Mirror In clarifying some of the present confusion it may help to separate two problems that are related but need to be distinguished from each other. One is the doctrinal problem of the atti- tude that the Roman Catholic hierarchy has taken on the subject of the political state and political action. The other is the question of what kind of President a particular Catholic called John F. Kennedy would make, and what are the stakes involved for America in the struggle over the Catholic issue. ON THE FIRST QUESTION it is important to understand that there are controversies inside the Catholic church. 'here is a tradi- tional view that the church dogma is the final arbiter on all questions of conscience, including political decisions. But there is also a dissenting view inside the Church, that religion and poli- tics belong in different compartments, and nei- ther should dominate the other. s The spokesmen for the latter and more lib- eral view have in the past been Cardinal Gib- bons and Archbishop Ireland. Today its leader is the Rev. John Courtenay Murray. Their view has come to be known as the "American inter- pretation" or the "American doctrine." It fits best into the whole American tradition and into the needs of a democratic state in the sev- enth decade of the 20th century. Buit it still hasp bitter opponents inside the Catholic chbreh, especially among the conservatives who fear that a "secular" state may go too far to the Left. All of this is interesting on the level of the- ology, but it is useless to argue it as an abstract question in the present campaign. We are not faced with abstraction but with a very concrete person, Sen. John Kennedy, and with his very concrete views on the separation of church and state. Kennedy clearly belongs to the Catholic wing which believes that a Senator or President must follow what he believes best for the na- tion, whether or not it jibes with church dogma. In fact, there are many Catholics who are shocked by what they call his "secularism," just as there are many others who are shocked by his liberalism and who will vote for Nixon as the safer candidate. Editorial Staff THOMAS HAYDEN, Editor NAN MARKEL .JEAN SPENCER City Editor Editorial Director JUITrH P0NER ... .,...... Personnel Director ~THOMAS KABAKER .... .... Magazine Editor THOMAS WITECKI ............ Sports Editor rr &T1IImv.kf .'.::.L : e nn.4"""i"" rt.. A CURRENT COLUMN by Claire Booth Luce, in McCall's, seems to take the view that a candidate's religion should be a factor in decid- ing one's vote. Since Mrs. Luce is herself com- mitted to vote for Nixon, one must assume that she did not as a Catholic find Kennedy's Cath- olicism to weigh very heavily in her own deci- sion. I am myself unpersuaded that I should let it count heavily, or even substantially, in my own. Obviously a man's religion is one of the facts about him, like his education, his health, his career, his family origins, his locale of birth and residence. What Mrs. Luce fails to advise her readers on is whether it should be a deci- sive consideration. That is the nub of the big- otry problem. I find it unthinkable that any man who might otherwise roughly agree with Kennedy's posi- tions and program, and like him as a person, would vote against him because he is a Catho- lic. It happens that I have fought against the Catholic position on birth control, on public' education, on censorship, for as far back as I can remember. I have fought clerical states like Franco's and Salazar's and I have fought Cath- olic bigotry in those states. If I recognized in Kennedy any of the lineaments of what I have been fighting against, I should not hesitate to oppose him as I would oppose anyone who wanted to bring clericalism to my country,' whether that clericalism were Catholic or Ang- lican, Lutheran or Jewish. But there is nothing of this in Kennedy, either in his education or his thinking, his public statements or his private conversation. Here is the product of a three-religion Amperica. I should be deeply ashamed of myself if I al- lowed any specific differences I have had with the Catholic hierarchy on concrete issues affect my attitude toward a man who is in no sense a creature of that hirerarchy, but very much his own man. This is my answer not only to the more ig- norant bigots, who are caught in the trap of their own bigotry, but also to the more intelli- gent Protestants and Jews who honestly fear the specter of anti-clericalism in America. There are enough real problems and dangers which my countiy faces today, without seek- ing out unreal ghosts which have nothing to do with the candidates. SHOULD HAVE preferred this issue to be fought out at a less dangerous time than in 1960, when we face the prospect both of a Com- munist dynamism and of possible nuclear war. But the nomination of Kennedy and the at- tacks on him as a Catholic compel Americans to confront the issue not at some future time but here and now. What is at stake in the struggle is the massive question of whether Americans mean what they say when they, speak of an open society, with equal access for all ethnic and religious groups to po- litical office as well as to schools and jobs and worship, or whether this is mere lip-service to fancy phrases. If the idea of equal access re- ceives a setback in 1960 for Kennedy as a C'*fl alin 4t ... a. n a. cahsr nra er, ...ar n Ih * * * THE PARK CORPORATION, whose officers are the same as those of the Chamber of Com- merce, will subdivide the land into three-acre plots and sell them, wholly or in sections, to business firms. The corporation will make no profit, but will use the money from the sale of plots to buy the park land over a period of six and a half years. The businesses-it is estiniated the park could accomcodate '70 or more-will all be of the light industrial or research variety. Even before the campaign to get industries has begun, many firms have expressed definite interest. "Already six industries have come to us with inquiries," Charles A Hoffman, president of both the Chamber of Commerce and the park corporation, pointed out.t' The latest, he said, is the Herman Miller Furniture Co. which moved its research and statistical divisions here earlier this month from Grand Rapids and Zeeland. The firm moved into temporary facilities, with the hopes of transferring as soon as pos- sible to the research park. "IF THE CITY HAD had plans for something like the research park four years ago, I"feel sure we would have a photo equipment plant here," Hoffman declared. "They strongly considered Ann Arbor, but couldn't find any suit- able land and located in Findlay.' O.-with $5,000,000 worth of buildings alone." It was just after this episode that the Chamber of Commerce first conceived the idea of a re- search park, according to Hoff- man. Now with plans well under- way, the park corporation is pre- paring a brochure. It will send some 1,000 copies to industries during the next two to three years, 300 or 400 copies set to go out as soon as the brochure is ready. "The chief advantage of the research park to the city will be job ,'opportunities, which are lack- ing here and in the whole state," Hoffman stated. "Of course, the University research units have been very much interested and see' advranteOo +n +he tTnivr+ +nn.' industry - education cooperation, vastly increased research facili- ties -and close-at-hand job op- portunities for University gradu- ates can hardly be overestimated. "Although the University has taken no active part t4 the project, it is certainly interested in seeing such a research park established," Ralph A. Sawyer, Vice-President for Research and a member of the Chamber of Commerce board of directors, pointed out. "I think it would be a good thing to have and am encouraged by the general interest in it," he added. THE UNIVERSITY'S continu- support of research by industries is illustrated, he said by its sale of land on the North Campus to Parke, Davis & Co. research laboratories and Bendix Aviation Corp, systems division. Neither of these two firms is in any way connected with the University, but they occupy part of an area "earmarked for operations which are highly compatible to University interests," Robert E. Burroughs, director of the Uni- versity Research Institute, ex- plained. The institute is working with the Chamber of Commerce and the state Industrial Development Department to improve the in- dustrial climate of Michigan, and Ann Arbor in particular. "Indus- tries which come here benefit from a cultural community, pos- sible programs combining work and study, and closeness to stu- dents they may recruit," Bur- roughs said. THE INSTITUTE of Science and Technology also encourages industry to locate in Ann Arbor, although it receives no direct support from any private indus- tries, according to Prof. Joseph A. Boyd of the electrical engineer- ing department, director of the institute. "With the new research park, we will continue to cooperate with the city in helping to get in- dustries by turning out trained scientists," he said. "There are two great advantages to an in- dustry being near the University: it is close to a source of both knowledge and manpower." Although the research park has not prompted the institute to plan for expanded operations, Boyd surmised many of the scientists and technicians the project will bring to the city will take advan- tage of the opportunities to do graduate work at the University, thus increasing the graduate en- rollment. The last apparent barrier to the research park becoming a reality was cleared Oct. 14 when the Pittsfield Township Board agreed to release 386 acres of land for annexation to Ann Arbor. The City Council had already annexed the land, subject to township ap- proval. The township board had rejected a petition to release the acreage Sept. 23, but scheduled another vote after an exchange of barrages with the Chamber of Commerce and conferences with city officials. s * , *, To the Editor: TWO girls were kicked out of Cambridge Hall and forced to move into the dormitory sys-' tem as a disciplinary measure by the Dean of Women. We, the two girls involved, wish to press our case before the stu- dent government since we believe that both the Dean's decision and her procedure in examining us can be questioned. The facts of the case are the following: 1) Connie Mahoriske was 40 minutes late one night and her roommates did not report her. At that time no definite hour had been set when her roommates were required to report her for their own safety. Since her roommates did not report her, they were held jointly responsible for lateness. PLEASE NOTE THAT LATENESS uS NOT GROUNDS FOR DISMIS- SAL FROM CAMBRIDGE HALL. 2) Several nights later, Connie Mahonske returned early on a 1:30 per night and found her roommate and her roommate's date putting on their coats -and preparing to leave. A few minutes later (approximately 12:30) the Honor Resident appeared at the door and said, "I just want to REMIND you that men must be' out at 12:25 even though it's a 1:30 permission night." Two days later both girls were called before the Dean of Women and forced to move within 24 hours into the dormitory system. NOT ONLYbDO WEhbelieve the decision to be harsh, but the procedure was also improper. Upon being summoned to the Dean's office, we were greeted with the question-"How can you two deliberately jeopardize 70 oth- er girls (the success of Cambridge Hall) ? What do you have to say for yourselves?" Janet Wilkinson immediately explained that Con- nie Mahonske had just entered several minutes before, and that she and her date had immediately left after being REMINDED by the Honor- Resident. The Dean then turned to Connie Mahonske and asked-"How could you pos- sibly have men in the apartment 48 hours after you had been late?" It was evident the decision had already been made before we en- tered, and that nothing we could say would influence her decision. Later both girls were given grants by the Dean to cover the added expense and a form letter was sent to their parents. The let- ter, however, was not specific in the charges and the factors relat- inat tn the cae- sn in the Pnd the you would want the case handled. if you had been in our places? * * * FURTHER, IN ORDER to ap- peal a case that has been decid- ed by the Dean of Women, one' must appeal to Dean Bacon to put it before Women's Panel, which is composed of Women's Judic chairman Judy Gardhouse, Dean Bacon and the chairman of Wonm- en's Senate. This process of appeal sounds somewhat like a vicious circle. It's like telling the person who judged the case that you don't think it was handled properly and that the decision was harsh and that she must certainly agree she act- ed hastily, Of course Dean Bacon is not going to repeal her own decision. How does Judy Gardhouse know that the two girls DELIBERATE- LY violated University regulation number two? Has she investigated the case herself or has it been summarized for her by Dean Ba- con? It seems to me that the student should have the opportunity to ap- peal to a party who is not di- rectly concerned with the deci- sion. Appeal to the very person who originally judged the case is a mockery and does not make for unbiased justice. --Connie Mahonske, '61 --Janet Wilkinson, '6IM Nix On Demonstration To the Editor: WITH the expected appearance of the Republican nominee for President in Ann Arbor on Thursday morning, the University Young Democratic Club and Stu- dents for Kennedy urge that the Vice-President be courteously re- deived. We hope that the energetic, yet, somewhat inappropriate, anti- Kennedy demonstrations that ap- peared within the reception ac- corded Senator Kennedy upon his arrival here will not be repeated in reverse this Thursday. We would remind any Democratic partisans inclined to such a dern- ,onstration that activity of this sort can only aid the Senator's opponent in playing an underdog role. POLITICALLY inclined activists of both parties might better serve the purposes of their candidates by channeling their e n e r g y through one of the political clubs on campus. Our two groups alone will need over 200 people to work during the final weekend before the election and on election day itself, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Students To Appeal Decision Now the land is procured, de- velopment can begin in earnest on the research park which will,. by bringing together research by education and industry, most as- suredly bolster the city's position as "Ann Arbor-Research Center of the Midwest." N ew Vigor . .. To the Editor: NOTE with satisfaction the lively interest aroused among our students by Senator Kenne- 4y's and Representative Bowles' remarks on this campus concern- ing the possibility of establishing an international civil service of ' the United Nations. Hopefully, this spontaneous positive reaction is a sign of an emerging new approach to the most vital prob- lems of our age in the minds of young people who no longer wish to be considered to belong to a "silent generation." -Anatol Rapoport DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN *The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should b sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26 General Notices International Student and Family Ex- change: Open Wednesday night, '730- 9, p.m. and Thursday morning, 5:30-11 a.m. every week at the Madelon Pound R~ouse, 1024 Hill Street (basement). 'Top- coats and sweaters for men and women: Infants' equipment and clothing and children's clothing. These are available for all foreign students and families needing the above items. The General Electric Foundation an- nounces ten Geduate Fellowships of- fered for the academic year 1961-62 to General Electric employees and their children. These are offered in the fields of Engineering, The Sciences, The So- cial Sciences, Hu manities, Business Ad- ministration, Graduate Law and Indus- trial Management. Candidates for these fellowships must submi~t scores of the Aptitude Test of the Graduate Record Examination taken on November 19, unless previous scores are available. Ar- rangements for this test must be made by November 4. Stipends will range from $l.750 to $2,500 depending on marital and de- pendency status. Tuition and regular fees will also be paid by the Founda- tion. Deadline for applying is Jan. 6, 1961. Applications are available at the Fellowship Office, Room 110, Graduate School. Undergraduates: The possibilities for undergraduates spending their Junior Year in Spain will be discussed at a meeting of interested Students on Thurs., Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. in.2050 Frieze Bldg. Doctoral Candidates who expect to receive degrees in February, 1981, must have at least three bound copies (the original in a "spring binder) of their dissertation in the office of the Grad-