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October 25, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-25

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Onward, 'Christian' Soldiers"

Seventy-First Year
truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ANN ARBOR, MiCH. * Phone NO 2-3241
ritorials printed in The Michigan Daily .ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Sellers' Wit Triumphs
Iitn Thurber's 'Battle'
r IS IS THE second time in two weeks that we have had the
chance to see Britain's new comic star, Peter Sellers. Neither
overexposure nor exhaustion seem to touch this man, for over a
period of one year no less than five of his new films have been
exhibited in the United States.
This one, called "Battle of the Sexes," is based upon' short
story of James Thurber, and may be considered a result of the

Graduate Student Council.
Reflects Passive Attitude,

HE GRADUATE Student Council held its
first meeting of the year last night. It was
singularly modest affair, in view of the fact
t t43 per cent of all the students currently
rolled in the University are graduate stu-
its, and the number grows each year.
Last night 15 students, including officers,
und time to appear for the monthly meeting.
lrty-three, graduates have been named by
il0 idepartments to the council, and 20
ools have yet to notify the council who
air dele ates are.
This means that, according to the council's
dtei of basing the numer of representatives
the size of the department, it should include
Out 90 members--six times as many as
UT THE council whose quorum is six mem-
bers went ahead and condcted business
which its president briefly outlined the
unil's efforts to get money from the Uni-
sity in order to alleviate its chronic finan-
, problem, noted that September's Graduate
pool Convocation, "while not extremely
scessful, was more so than previous ones,"
d described council's obligation to serve the
aduate students this year through such pro
ams as graduate mixers and social hours at
The event was essentially an organizational
eting, with a new body of members and little
siness demanding consideration. However,
is clear that the functions of the council
ely encompass other, matters than social
nts, library facilities, and. driving and
.k ng regulations. Its limited scope appears
plicit In the traditional interpretation of
council's constitution itself: "The Council
s as its purpose the cbordination and promo-
n of the social, educational, and intellectual
;ivitie of the graduate student body, to
Zer and encourage cooperation among the
Wduate students, the faculty of the Graduate
1,ol, and the University."
RE SENTATIVE body can only be
something that its constituency, or a
.onable portion therof, desire that it be.
e Graduate Student Council both in fact
: in theory accurately reflects the attitude
most graduates with the respect to the need
organization or action as a body on any
one graduate students identify with their
'artments: they thing of themselves exclu-
pW as engineers or philsophers, in most
es for the rest of their lives. Still others
isider their academic programs merely
Inlng for the future, and associate with
erest groups whmose bases are Irrelevant to
University or their role as students. The
r who would like to see the University adapt
Of to constantly changing conditions within
and the larger community, or who are
llenged by any of the infinite number of
erfectIons civilization breeds at all levels,
through whatever groups have defined and
acked such iniperfections-
SEE a need for two new elements in the
graduate student body: interest, or concern,
I organization as a result of such concern.
Itudent apathy has been more or less a
4ition. Undergraduates around the world
shaking off a tradition of student apathy;
major American issue of the moment is
lal discrimination. The inevitable phenoe-
d consequent to the students' awakened
ise of indignance and responsibility is organ-
tion, in the form of campus political parties,
ss protests of social, political, and academic
ustice, and cohesive 'bodies such as the Na-
cal Student Association.
believe there is an Important correlation
ween the undergraduate's growing concern
h community morality and the nature of
formal educative process in which he is
:ticipating. Liberal education, only recently
>lied on a grand scale, offers the intelligent

student the opportunity to understand and
compare the contributions thoughtful men
have made in philosophy, imaginative liter-
ature, historical theory, political science, and
all the other disciplines through which personal
conviction has been extended and formalized
into a system applicable to the common human
condition. With such analyses and ideals fresh'
in his mind, with the spirit to public concern
behind them alive in his conscience it is hard
to prevent him from examining his own social
milieu and reacting violently (or non-violently)
to the selfishness and stupidity he cannot
help but see.
PHE GRADUATE student is a specialist, al-.
most by definition. He Is learning a trade,
and the liberal education is of no use for this;
it cannot tell him how to make better hydrogen
bombs or write a book. Specialized education
tends to impose narrow limits on one's capa-
city to be aware and concerned, and conse-
quently on one's willingness to act or react.
For centuries prophets have been, telling
us that selfishness will not work-that the
good of all must be the conern of each. That
this is a true thing is becoming clearer every
day; and perhaps It would be good for men
to develop the habit of concern while it is still
limited to one planet.
The graduate physicist must learn to see
the universal aspects of his field-the ways
in which his work applies to all men. Similarly,
he must relate his work, and, in a larger sense,
his life, to the needs of every social category
in which hecan be effective.
ONE OF THE groups in which he is in a
position to have a considerable effect is
the University, and, more specifically, the
graduate student body. The tradition of the
ivory tower may be quaint, but today it is
certainly selfish and wasteful, and ought to
disappear. As a specialized institution. the
graduate school has access to skills, techniques
and information of a special nature, which
it should apply not only to the particular fields
in question, but also to the immediate organ-
izational framework within which It operates-
that is, the university.
Theoretically, graduate student bodies
should include a good share of intelligent
liberal arts students who have been influenced
by non-specialized education. However, many
of them probably have, as undergraduates
heard enough about the nature of graduate
study and the isoltionist attitude it fosters
to stay away from it.
rHE Graduate Student Council is not a
cause of this attitude, it is a symptom. If
graduate students wished to confront the im-
perfections within and beyond the educative
system, they would revive the Council or turn
elsewhere. Perhaps they would elect candidates
to Student Government Council, or work
through the campus political party organized
by the undergraduates, or organize a separate
party. The need once realized, means would
quickly follow, Leadership, communication and
organization would of course facilitate group
action; however, these too lead inevitably back
to the individual. Somewhere, some graduate
or group of graduates, on the council or off,
will have to start the ball rolling.
Luther Evans, former professor and head
of UNESCO, told his modest, listless audience
at September's Graduate School Convocation
that college teachers often use academic free-
dom as a cloak to cover up laziness-a reluc-
tance to deal with new ideas. This is frighten-
ingly true, but there are enough exceptions
even on this campus to prove that it need
not be. The University employs thoughtful,
conscientious teachers in several fields, who
display a boundless curiosity for knowledge
in all fields and a sense of responsibility that
extends far beyond the immediate academic
task. More such men are needed, and they
will have to come from the graduate schools.

recent discovery that Thurber
-e"makes good theatre. But though
P - the plot may be Thurber's, the
tone of the movie is all its own.
p' THE EMPHASIS of the satire
has also been changed. It is not
' =- A so much the battle of" the sexes
as the battle of humanity with
The villian is not so much the
aggressive Freudian Fury as a
-r Mad. Ave. matron whose soul is
a steel and glass motto. In this
role is Constance Cummings who
is left hand lane all the way.
As the poor fellow who doesn't
know his nose from page eight,
r Robert Morley's most singular
achievement in the art of comedy
is the' abilitlv to lower his face
into his vast neck, leaving his
lap dog eyes to register disbelief
of the world. in general.-
* * * '
PETER SELLERS is the guard-
ian of the past. He is a Scottish
accountant in an ancient tweed
4 l.4 1f .{ Xfirm.a of Edinborough. Though he
is as confident of his masculinity
taken it for granted and it 'isthe'
rediscovery of his maleness and.
;the reconfirmation of his In-
herited convictions which con-
stitute the victory in his ven-
geance over Miss Cummings.
The clifnax of all these forces
is brought about in three or four'
of the funniest scenes in a picture
cas uniformly witty.
-Robert Kraus
Augments CubaetreCvrage

HOLLYWOOD is replacing the
"Western" with an equally su-
perficial, escapist format which
may some day be known as the
"Southern." The one major- dif-
ference: Tonto has been replaced
.by the 38-24-35, and the Lone
Ranger is no longer chasing out-
The latest of these decadent-
South features, "Desire in the
Dust," is the Michigan's current
offering. This film, based on the
novel of the same name by Harry
Whittington, has none of the in-
sight of a Tennessee Williams or a
William Faulkner, and all of the
trash. It is'a'completely artificial
movie designed 'to make money,
not art.
** *
Brett Halsey and Jack Ging seem
to be fighting one 'another for the
"Worst Actor of the Year" award.
Martha Hyer, Joan -Bennett, and
Anne Helm are adequately trashy.
William F. Claxton produced and
directed this film with all the
feeling, compassion, and under-
standing' of a money-grabbing
business tycoon.
The Jumble of background
Sounds which some are- kind'
enough to term a "music" score
was not quite loud enough, to
hide the flaws in' Charles Lang's
trite script.
"Desire in the Dust," a collec-
tion of discombobulated sex
scenes, proves that lust in itself is
not enough to hold the interest
of even the overly sympathetic
college audience. This film is in
dire need of a cleaning, a polish-
ing and a good mouth wash.
-Fred Flaxman
AT McGRAW-HILL'S green sky-
scraper on 42nd St., Robert St.
John talked about his new .book,
"The Boss-The Story of Gamal
Abdel Nasser":
"I took over a million words of
notes in getting together the re-
search for the book-and the'writ-
ing of it actually was only a minor
part, The main problem I had was
staying objective, after, writing
"three books. on Israel.
"But it's interesting to com-
pare Ben-Gurion and Nasser.
Nasser knows two languages, Eng-,
lish and Arabic. Ben-Gurion knows
nine or ten. Both read in bed at
night. Ben-Gurion reads classic
philosophy." Nasser reads Time,
Newswleeks, Paris Match, The New
York Times-but can't stand the
Times of' the London because of
its thin-paper export edition.
"Ben-Gurion, it seems to me,
grows younger while Nasser grows
-The Saturday Review

To The Editor:
IN HIS article reporting the
Cuban discussion in Friday's
Daily, Michael Harrah failed to
mention the historical develop-
ments Prof. Shapiro em~phasized
as being imperative for our under-
standing of current events in
Prof. Shapiro told how Ameri-
can "big businessmen" developed
industries in Cuba only for their
interest; how various government
.policies have driven Cuba to take
her present course. He explained
the basis for Castro's dealings
with "'The Communists": after
being turned down by the U.S.,
Castro made a "solid business
deal", exchanging oil (at $1.40
per barrel instead of $2,100-the
American price) fdtr her sugar
surpluses. The embargo recently
imposed will force the. Cubans to
increase trade with Russia.
** *
IN OUTLINING the history of
Cuban-American diplomatic rela-
tions, Professor Shapiro com-
mented on the quality of our am-
bassadors: under the Eisenhower
administration we sent down two
businessmen, both whom had con-
tributed generously to the Repub-
lican party campaign chest, and
neither of whom could speak
Spanish Surely this increased the
mutual misunderstanding!
Dr. Shapiro said Fidel Castro
is a dictator whose government
has control of the schools, paper,
and radio; that he does not plan
to hold "elections in the near
future (although in the discussion
period it was mentioned that
Cubans are holding "union" elec-
tions and consistently electing
members of the July 26th move-
* * *
THESE ARE BUT a few of the
important facts Dr. Shapiro stat-
ed: more information is available
in his article, "Cuba: A Dissenting
Report," in the September 12 is-
sue of the New Republic,
The Michigan Daily is a power-
ful agent of communication and
as such has a definite responsi-
bility to the University popula-
tion: 200 attended the lecture,
which means that the remaining
24300 "U" students and faculty
were dependent upon the Daily
for information. Reports such as
this omit important facts leave
us sadly misinformed.
-Joan Schloessnger '63
Sharon Jeffrey '63
Notes Flaws.,.
To the Editors:
LAST WEEK I was approached
by a member of the student
notetaking group because I'm an
honor student enrolled in one of
the courses serviced by the group.
It seems this girl had missed the
lecture she was responsible for and
her alternate had not gone to it
either. Therefore she requested
'the use of my notes for the ser-
vice. I refused because I do not
support the establishment of such
an organization.
However, she proceeded to bor-
row the lecture notes of two oth-
er students, neither of them in
the honors program and both

we can see that the service is not
infallible, subject to chance and
in this case fraudulent in that its
subscribers will not receive the
notes for that lectureraccording
to the conditions advertised!
I wonder how many cases simi-
lar to this one have occurred?
-Name withheld
Cultural Exchange...
To the Editor:
T HERE was an amusing letter
in the Oct. 12 issue of the
Daily. More amusing than the
letter itself was the picturesque
behavior of its author scurtying
behind the fence of' anonymity
much as a little boy who trem-
blingly gathers faltering courage,
to jibe a taunt but as soon dashes
to the protection of his mother's
The essence of the letter was
that the foreign student benefits
neither culturally nor educational-
ly from his stay in this country.
Educationally, claims Mr. Anony-
mous, that the foreign student is
only passing and not learning.
This is amply demonstrated from
a firm in India that stated un-
equivocally that the Indian stu-
dents graduated from engineering
college here were of very poor
quality. Culturally he benefits
nothing. Given to clannish isola-
tion in the Union and elsewhere,

speaking the language and not
English, how can there be mutual
cultural exchange between him
and the American?
THE BEAUTY OF the American
education lies in this: It stimulates
and nurtures intellectual giants
without sieving out the smaller
fry (intellectually), as other sys-
tems do. The Indian educational
system is such that only the cream
of the intelligent can squeeze in-
to the technical colleges. This is
partly dictated by lack of facili-
ties to give a chance to all. Thus
it would be wrong to say that
quite a few of the students here
are here because they are denied
admission in Indian technical col-
leges. Now can one of a lower
intellectual level graduated from
here favorably compare with one
of a much higher intellectual lev-
el (his admission in Indian tech-
nical colleges presupposes this
higher level) graduated from tech-
nical colleges in India? This does
not mean that the American ed-
ucation is inferior as Mr. Anony-
mous tends to feel. The American
system feeds and nurtures the in-
tellectual giants as well as the
not so brilliant ones. Sieving out
the not so intelligent ones is
tantemount to killing all the poor
people and claiming a higher eco-
nomic status for the country.

Further, Mt. Anonymous is
very wrong to claim that culture,
ideas, feelings, etc. can be ex-
changed' only through human
speech. Without pretending that
speech is not a, significant me-
dium, one comes to know a people
or an individhal through a myriad
subtle avenues.
-Thomas David, Grad.
Anonymity ...
To the Editor:
- HAVE just read Carl Goldberg's
letter of last Sunday (16 Oct.)
regarding anonymous letters which
keep cropping up in the Daily.
Let me say that this has been a
point of annoyance for me also.
I remember the days (and I have
been reading the Daily since 1953)
when the editors claimed with
great pride that letters were never
published unless signed, But for
some unexplained reason this
proud policy has withered in the
course of the last couple of years.'
Somehow I feel this "name
withheld by request" business to"
be a bit dishonest-or at least
from a journalistic point of view;
if a man'lacks the courage to link
his name with his ideas then a
newspaper of the stature of the
Daily has no business catering to,
such a person.
-Peter L. Wolff, '59


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(Continued from Page 2)


The Spirit of the Game

PENT upon a game of che;._-, two collegiate-
oking young men set a refreshing example
he well-rounded personality at Saturday's
ball game.
S1 1 art al

Oblivious to,. the cheering throngs around
them (they sat on the Minnesota side) they
kept their eyes riveted to the chess board,
springing to their feet as if by magic when
some sixth sense warned them of an important

Refreshments will be served in Room
3212 Angell Hall at 3:30 p.m.
Events Wednesday
University Lecture: "The Image of
the Jew in Modern Literature." by
Maurice Samuel, American novelist. 4:15
p.m., Wed., Oct. 26, Aud. "A," Angell
Hall. Public invited.
Informal Iisiission with Maurice
Samuel, American novelist, on "The
Jew in the Arts." 6:15 p.m., Wed., Oct.
2(j, Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill. Open
to any students.
Lecture: Wed., Oct. 26, 8:00 p.m. in
Rackbam Amphitheater. Prof. Alex-
ander Eckstein, Department of Eco-
nomics. University of Rochester, will
speak on: "The Strategy of Economic
Development in Communist China."
Doctoral Examination for Paul Rus-
sell Elliott, Zoology; thesis: "Studies
of the Metabolism of the Epididymis of
the Mouse.q" Wed., Oct. 26, East Coun-
cil Room, Rackham Bldg., at 1:00 p.m.
Chairman, J. M. Allen.
Placement Notices
Please call the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, Rm. 4021 Admin. Bldg., Ext.
3371 for interview appointments for the
TIIURS., OCT. '27-
Texaco, Incorporated, New York-Men
Graduates: Feb., Jun., Aug. Sign for
interview only if inteiested in Sales.
Employs MEN with degree in Liberal
Arts or Business Administration for
Marketing t Training Program. Many
salesmen devote full time to counsel-
ing and assisting dealers in all phases
of retail merchandising. Others are
responsible for sales of automotive,
aviation, marine and railroad fuel and
lubricants and industrial products.

FRI., OCT, 28-
Kroger, Incorporated, Livonia, Mich.-
Location of work: General Midwest
area. Graduates: Feb. MEN with Gen-
eral Liberal Arts for Management
Training, Merchandising, Retailing and
Transportation Programs. Training pro-
gram offers a thorough'instruction in
the fundamentals of the food indus-
try and a flexible program that broad-
ens the horizons of the developing
The American College of Radiology,
Chicago, 111.-Management position for
recent Bus. Ad. graduate; accounting,
statistics and marketing background
Smalley Mfg. Co., Manitowoc, Wis.-
Opportunities for engineering gradu-
ates interested in manufacturing of
agricultural implements,
Charles E. Merrill Books, Inc., Colum-
bus, O. - Attn.: Graduates in Engl.,
Journalism, & Bus. Ad.; opening for
representative, man, age 26-32, to seek
out authors, do market research, and
promote circulation among colleges
and universities. Also men & women to
serve as production editors of college
Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., Indian-
apolis, Ind.-Sales Promotion & Adver-
tising Assistant for woman, age 25-45,
experienced in Journalism or publish-
ing to assist with advertising program
for law, education and trade books.
Please contact Bureau of Appoint-
ments, Rm. 4021, Admin. Bldg., Ext.
3371 for further details.
Engineering Placement Interviews-
Oct. 26, 27, & 28. 128H W. Engineering
Bldg., Ext. 2182. Attn.: Seniors and
Graduate Students.
Air Reduction Co., Inc., Central Res.
Dept., Chem. Sales Co., Principally
eastern U.S., Oct. 27-All Degrees: Met.,
Ch.E., M.E., E.E, & A.E. Feb., June &
Aug. graduates. Summer Employment:
Advanced degrees only. Res. & Dev. &
Tech. Sals.
California Research Corporation, San
Francisco & Los Angeles areas. Oct. 26

Monsanto Chemical Company. All Lo-
cations. Oct. 27 & 28-Ph.D.: Ch;E.
Feb., June & Aug. graduates. Summer
Employment: If schedule permits. Both
Men & Women. Des., Res. & Dev.
Northern Illinois Gas Company, Au-
raga, Crystal Lake, Dixon, Joliet,
Bloomington,Ottawa Blue Island, Bell-
wood & Glenview. Oct. 27-B.S.: Ch.E.,
C.', E.., I.E. &. M.E. Feb., June &
Aug. graduates, Sales,. Gen'. Engrg.,
& Tech. Mgmt
Texaco, Inc. See Co. Information
Sheet for Locations. Oct. 27-All De-
grees: Ch.E., E.E. & M.E. B.S.: I.E. Feb.,
June & Aug. graduates. Summer Em-
ployment: Check Placement Office Oct.
26 (a.m.) for Opening on schedule.,
Please read Texaco Form on Placement
Bulletin Board before signing sched-
ules. Des., Hes. & Dev., Sales.
The Trane Company, La Crosse, Wis.,
& sales offices in 101 principal cities
in U.S.A. Oct. 27 & 28-B.S.-M.S.: Ch.E.
M.E. B.S.: A.E., C.E., E.E. & Met. Res.
& Dev., Sales & Production. ,
United Aircraft Corporation Hamil-
ton Standard Div. Windsor Locks, Conn.
Oct. 26 & 27-All Degrees: ChE., E.E.,
M.E. B.S.-M.S.: I.E. & Met. Feb.. &
June graduates. Ph.D.: Physics, Phys.
Chem., Math, Chem., E.E., M.E., &
Economics. Des., Prod., Project, Service,
Burroughs Corporation. Detroit &
Philadelphia areas. Oct. 28-All De-
grees: E.E., E.M., & M.E. BS.: E. Math
& E. Physics. Feb. & June graduates.
Des., Res. & Dev., Production..
Consumers Power Company. Lower
Michigan. Oct. 28-B.S.-M.S.: E.E. &
M.E. February & June graduates. Des.,
Res. & Dev., Grad. Students Trng. Pro-
The Ideal Electric & Mfg. Co. Mans-
field, Ohio. Oct. 28-B.S.: E.E. & M.E.
Feb. & June graduates. Des. & Sales.
The Kroger Company. Cincinnati, o.
Oct. 28-B.S.-M.S : Ch.E., I.E. Feb, June
& Aug, graduates. Production,.
The Magnavox Company, Fort Wayne,
Ind., & Urbana, I., Go'vt. & Indus-
trial Div. & Consumer Products Div.
Oct. 28-B.S.-MS E.E. Feb. & June

Degrees: Ch.E., E.E., M.E. M.S.-Ph.D.:
Met. B.S.: E. Physics. Feb. & June
graduates, Summer Employment: Please
check the Placement Office on Oct. 27-
a.m. before signing schedule. Both
Men & Women. Des.,, Res. & Dev., &
U.S. Gov't. U.S. Naval Ordnance Test
Station. China Lake & Pasadena. Oct.
'28 -Ail Degrees: A.E., Ch.E., C.E., E.E.,
I.E. & M.E. B.5.: E. Physics. February
graduates. Re.& &1Dev.
The following part-time jobs are
Rvallable to students. Applications for
these jobs can be made in the Non-
Academic Personnel Office, Room 1020
Administration Building, during the
following hours: Monday through Fri-
day, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time work should contact Bill
Wenrich, Student Interviewer at NOr-
mandy 3-1511. extension 2939.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
lobs should consult. the bulletin board
to Room 1020, daily.
4-Salesmen - graduate students pre-
ferred, commission basis.
20-Psychological subjects, hours to be
2-Meal jobs.
3-Waiters (meal and evening hours).
1-Bellboy-Busboy (Wednesday, Thurs-
day, & Friday, 3-11 p.m.).
3-Experienced clothing salesmen (1-5
p.m. Monday-Friday).
2-Rooms in exchange for light work,
and part payment.
1-Married couple to do light work,
in exchange. for room and board.
2-Men to load and unload boxes of
books (Friday morn., Oct. 28).
1-Porter (4-10 p.m. Monday-Friday,
and all day Saturday).
1-Stock-boy (1-5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, and al day Satur-

Editorial Staff
City Editor Editorial Director
H DONER ....... ... Personnel Director
AS KABAKER................ Magazine Editor
AS WITECKI .............. Sports Editor
ETH McELDOWNEY ..,.. Associate City Editor'
LEEN MOORE ... Associate Editorial Director
LD APPLEBAUM . Associate Sports Editor
!EL GILLMAN ..,..... Associate Sports Editor

THIS SYSTEM would seem to present a
wealth of possibilities for students who have
too much homework to attend the games. If
some device could be installed in the Stadium,
to announce touchdowns and penalties, stu-
dents could read their assignments in confi-
dence that they would be advised when to
stand up and yell. All they would have to
decide for themselves Is whether to cheer or
Some such system would 'answer the rigorous
few who deplore the dilution of academic pur-

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