Policy Doris TUE MICHIGAN DAILY ACTIVITIES, GOVERNMENT: League Offers Full Schedule By JUDITR BLEIER embly Association is a coor- ng b o d y that represents independent woman living e residence hall system. organization is divided into ssembly Board and the As- y Dormitory Council. The is composed of the officers committee chairman. Myra s, '61, will serve as president g the coming year. ore a freshman woman ar- at the University she will re a letter from her Big who is a sophomore or classman living in the same ,who is prepared to answer ons about life at the Uni- y. The big sisters try to the freshmen to life in the nce hall systems. embly Orientation C h a i r- Joan Weinberg, '62, lays the welcome mat for the ling freshmen and transfer its through her Big Sisters am In the residence halls. keeps her program unified a series of training sessions late in the spring semester, oordinates the various house aton programs throughout ear. embly's S o c i a1 Chairman, es Gelios, '62, plans the -Residence Hall social func- such as exchange dinners mixers. Delores meets re- y with the social chairmen e women's dorms and works y with the social chairman e Inter-House Council, the governing body. E Projects Chairman, Joan dicky, '61 Ed, is an ex-officio er of the I-Hop and As- y Ball central Committees. also works with IHC on the ably-IHC Sing and Spring She works with any other U projects undertaken by the iization throughout the year. t spring the Assembly Exec- Board began an investiga- of upperclass housing pos- ies for women. In conjunc- with the Dean of Women's e, Assembly will continue its in this area in the hopes ablishing an up p e r c l a ss for women to open in the (Continued from page 1) troubling her to the proper per- son. Members also welcome stu- dents who wish to serve as tutors. While the Social Committee handles the traditional social pro- gram for the League, the Special Projects Committee focuses on a v a r i e t y of "special occasion" events. Each spring a Mother's Tea and a Bridal Show give the women students the opportunity to relax from studies and look to the future a bit. -The committee joins with the Union each year to present Home- coming Weekend and an all-cam- pus talents show. Freshmen Opportunities Preshmen, while not serving on the administrative committees, are definitely not omitted from the League structure. A training ground for League leaders, the Buro-Cats consists of six com- mittees, each under the leadership of an upperclass chairman, and member of the Buro-Cat Advisory. Board. The Buro-Cats meet periodically en masse to hear campus leaders discuss their organizations and to become acquainted with the diverse activities around campus. The freshmen begin committee work immediately, supplementing, and assisting the administrative committees in their work and be- coming familiar with the League organization. The Art Committee, though not all artists, spends its time in post- ermaking, display - planning and decorating the bulletin boards around the League which tell stu- dents just what's happening.' The Activities Committee re- cords the' activities of all the wo- men on campus while the Recep- tionist Committee greets those who come into the Undergraduate Office and gives information con- cerning the building and League activities, Members of the Secretariat Committee do typing, stenceling and telephoning for the League offices and committees as well as doing the correspondence for the' Buro-Cats. The Special Events Committee is responsible for special projects that are handled by the League. The Service Committee, newly formed, hopes to sponsor Christ- mas parties at the hospital and initiate programs in this area, Women's Senate, the second di- vision under the League structure, has a new function this year. Due to the change in representation,j the Women's Senate is the only body on campus that represents both independent and affiliated women. Previously, senators from each house and sorority were elected independently. This year the As- sembly Dormitory Council repre- sentative from each independent house and the second sorority rep- resentative to Panhellenic Associ- ation are also senators. omen Judie Sets Rules, Acts asCounselingGru (M)"*S'flAMM * ALM It (uonzinuea rem rage i men's office, the organization is responsible for the origination of many of the rules affecting wo- men at the Uniersity and the annual ppubvlication of the Wo- men's Rules Booklet. Julie has recently finished formulating the policy for the Cambridge Hall suites, which will be opened in the fall, Women's Judic is the zoordinat- ing agency for all subsidiary house judiciary councils. A trainee pro- gram will be held in the fall in the hope of orienting the house Judie chairmen to their new posi- tion and better preparing them for their jobs. Women's Judio seres as the "appellate court" for the house judiciary councils. Women who feel that they have been unjustly dea1t with by their individual houses may appeal their cases to Women's Judic. Finally Judie is a court in which m a j o r judiciary problems are handled. These are cases concern- ing drinking, excessive lateness, and other violations of tniversity rules. Appointments to Women's Judic are made in the spring through League interviewing. There are currently ten members of Wo- men's Judic. The goals of Women's Judiciary Council can be summed up in their three-C system of circuit, coordination and cooperation. It serves as a circuit court to the individual houses. Working in co- ordination with the Dean of Wo- men's office and in cooperation with Joint Judiciary Council, re- presenting both men and women, Women's Judiciary Council plays an important role in the working governmental structure of the University. CAFE PROMETH EAN Espresso Coffee House Folk Music - Poetry - Jazz open 'til 2A.M. Daily ~Il -1 h house in Mary Markley and Alice Lloyd Hall, repre- tives from the smaller dorms he three coops and the As- ly Executive Board meet once ik, This Oroup, known as the nbly Dormitory Council, or discusses problems, projects, policy affecting independent n at the University, C sets up special committees ,vestigate the pros and cons w legislation. WELCOME to ANN ARBOR "Your Best Bet-Call A Vet" VETER AN'S CAB NO 3-4545 NO '2-4477 NO 3-5800 Limousines between Metropolitan Airport and Michigan Union CAB SERVICE to Willow Run and Wayne Major Airports T We Go Anywhere 24-Hour Service .;__ _._... _n___ ° ! welcome to the campus . . . you'll like what you see here! You'll see America's largest and most complete campus fashion shop waiting for you at Jacobson's! You'll find all the important names you know pand depend upon as national symbols of quality. away-from-home headquarters for everything that signifies the fashion-perfection of the U. of Michigan co-ed. i' o~oN AMONEGIFAIMPAPi'd r:. jm I