ichigan State 35 Iowa . .. 21 Northwestern . . 7 Illinois . . . . . 10 0@ Navy . . . . . 2 Wisconsin y7 racuse . ..451 California, 0 West Virginia.. 0 Slippery R . . 0 7 Indiana 0 Purdue . . . . . 14 Notre Dame 6 Penn State. . 8 Penn 0 0 . . . . . . . . THE NECESSARY COMPROMISE Y Lw iArn ~ati4 CLOUDY, MILD High--6O Partly cloudy and cooler tonight and Monday. See Page 4 Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom i VOL. LXXI, No. 30 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIXTEEN p GOPHERS I 0 ICHIGA FU IBLES, 10- , 2 Nuclear Test Talks May Reach Crisis Kennedy, Nixon Call for Decision, Doubt Success of Present Parley WASHINGTON W)-A crisis in the nuclear test talks with Russia ealry next year now appears inevitable on the basis of statements made by the presidential candidates and information available from the state department. Both Vice-President Richard M. Nixon and Sen. John F., Kennedy have called for a showdown in the Geneva nuclear test talks. Each apparently regards an effort to bring the negotiations to the point of decision as one of the more urgent tasks of the new administration. These points were sharply developed in Friday night's Kennedy- Nixon radio-TV debate, which produced only minor differences of approach on the nuclear test issue. Kennedy and Nixon clearly showed Ne roes Halt Atlanta Sit-in For Month ATLANTA (P) - Negro leaders yesterday agreed to stop all lunch counter sit-in demonstrations in Atlanta for a 30-day period while Mayor William B. Hartsfield tries to work out a settlement between the Negroes and merchants. Hartsfield, who has absolute' power of pardon in city offenses,' ordered the immediate release of 22 Negroes and 1 'white youth serving 10-day sentences for dis- turbing the peace, a city violation, during demonstrations Thursday. The 30-day cooling off period was made contingent on release of these prisoners. Await Trial Thirty-nine other Negroes, in- cluding integrationist M a r t i n Luther King, Jr., are held in Ful- ton County jail on $500 bond each awaiting trial on state charges arising from the demonstrations. Hartsfield said he would seek aid' tomorrow from Atlanta merchants and state and county officials to have hese 39 released. Hartsfield said a representa- tive of Sen. John F. Kennedy, the Democratic presidential candidate, had called on him and said Ken- nedy had asked that the mayor try to obtain the release of King. The 39 still in jail were arrest- ed on charges of violating the state anti-trespass law. All plead. ed innocent when they were ar- raigned. Maximum penalty on the state charge is 18 month impris- onment and $1,000 fine. Meeting Closed Approximately 60 Negro leaders met with Hartsfield at a closed meeting. The Rev. Otis Moss, Jr., acting chairman of the Committee on Appeal for Human Rights, said the Negroes will abide by the decision to call off all demonstrations, sit- ins and picketing, for a 30-day period. At the end of that time they will review progress made and de- cide a future course of action. Targets 'of the demonstrations have been Rich's and Davison- Paxson department stores, two branches of Woolworth's, an S. W. Grant store, a Newberry's, Kress- es, McCrory's, two Lane Rexalls, a Walgreen drug store and an H. L. Green variety store. College Dean Claims ,Books Caused Firing Austin Shelton, assistant dean and professor of English at De- troit's Mercy College, declared yes- terday that he had been fired be- cause of alleged immorality in listorlcal novels he had written. The president of the school, Sister Mary Lucille, denied that Shelton was fired, and said that he had asked to be relieved of his posts of assistant dean and pro- fessor. She added "I think it is a unhlicity Anninra Tf he han't acekre 1 4doubt that the negotiations which began at Geneva in Oct. 31, 1958, will produce any major break- through toward a nuclear test ban treaty between now and the ad- vent of the new administration January 20. With some variations as to tim- ing and technique, they were in agreement that the next presi- dent, unless the talks start moving toward a quick conclusion, will have to face up to the problem of resuming underground nuclear weapons explosions, lest the Rus- sians, by cheating on the present moratorium, forge ahead in the nuclear arms race. Nixon said Friday night he has decided "the Soviet Union is actu- ally filibustering" in the two-year- old Geneva conference. He has also concluded, he said "that they may be cheating." By that he meant the Russians may be secret- ly testing weapons despite a pub- licly announced stoppage of tests about the time the negotiations opened two years ago. The United States and Britain suspended tests at the same time. Sees Japan Neutralism WASHINGTON ()-Japan can be expected to expand trade with. Red China while Japanese oppo- sition to military ties with the United States probably will grow, a Senate report said yesterday. The United States was urged to be prepared to modify the U.S.-: Japanese defense treaty to meet a trend toward neutralism in Ja- pan. It was opposition to this treaty which sparked the massive! anti - American demonstrations that forced cancellation of Pres- ident Dwight D. Eisenhower's vis- it to Japan earlier this year. The recommendations--expect- ed to stir controvery here and in Japan-came from Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.), assistant majority Senate leader. They are in the form of a report by the Senate foreign relations commit- tee but Mansfield said, "I'm speaking only for myself." Urges Trade Mansfield urged continuation of the billion-dollar-a-year trade be- tween Japan and the U.S. and warned "any sudden or drastic shift" in this trade "would not only mean an economic catastro- phe for Japan but it would be a political disaster for freedom and our own security of the most trag- ic kind." Of U.S. defense relations with Japan, Mansfield said: "They run counter to the pop- ular trend toward neutralism in Japan and, hence, are a political liability within Japan and a source of irritation. "Nevertheless, given the present unstable situation in the Far East, these defense arrangements are of great importance to the secur- ity of ourselves as well as to oth- er Far Eastern nations." Troops Can Stay This treaty permits continued stationing of U.S. armed forces in Japan and although it was rati- fied it caused the overthrow of the Kishi government which NewDispute With Castro Shaping Up HAVANA (A') - Invasion fever mounted in Cuba yesterday as Prime Minister Fidel Castro's gov- ernment and the U.S. ambassador exchanged new charges involving reported preparations for an at- ,tack on Cuba. U.S. Ambassador Philip Bonsal notified the Cuban foreign office he had reports that several Cuban transport planes at the San An- tonio de los ' Banos airbase near here had been painted with Ameri-, can. insignia and flags for unex-' plained reasons. Carlos Olivares acting Cuban foreign minister, rejected this re- port in a strongly worded note saying it only proves that the United States is engaged in es- pionage in Cuba. Denounces Note Olivares termed the U.S. note "malicious and false" and the statements it made "senseless and ridiculous and inconceivable." Behind the exchange of notes lay fear on the American side that Castro's government is using the U.S. insignia as part of an at- tempt to involve the United States in some embarrassing maneuver. The Cubans already have claimed U.S. warplanes are being concen- trated in Guatemala to help insur- gents invade Cuba. c Ordinary Cubans appear to be convinced a major invasion at- tempt will be made soon. Warns People Castro has repeatedly told the people of this island nation inva- sion bands supported and equip- ped by the U.S. are massing for an' assault on this leftist center in the Americas. Anti-Castro propaganda broadcasts from the Caribbean and the U.S. lend credence to this. by predicting an invasion is com- ing in a matter of days or weeks. To meet the threat, Castro is rallying thousands of civilian militiamen and importing heavy' shipments of arms from behind, the iron curtain to equip them. Reliable sources say the last five shiploads of Communist arms havey been unloaded in the former sugar port of Cabanas in Pinar del Rio province west of Havana. The en- tire town has been cordoned off by troops and militiamen. Travel-! ers have been refused permission, to visit the port area.- Troops and militiamen also are on permanent alert as the con- , trolled press and radio warn re-;1 peatedly of preparations for an e invasion from Guatemala. x Minnesota Line Halts Wolverine Touchdown Follows Third Fumb2 Rogers Accounts for All Scoring By MIKE GILLMAN Associate Sports Editor Any lingering Rose Bowl dreams that Wolverine football fai might have been harboring in their breasts were buried yesterdi Michigan Stadium. A husky squad of Minnesota Gophers straight from the day football's pre-history did the spadework in a bruising 10-0 dec over fumble-ridden Michigan. The hefty Minnesota forward wall kept Wolverine backs breaking up the middle. Alert linebackers kept Michigan speed Dave Raimey and Bennie McRae from turning the corners o -Daily-James Warneka PETTY LARCENY-In a game in which the Wolverines gave the ball away seven times on fumbles and interceptions, Gary McNitt does some intercepting of his own. Tom Brown, Gopher star, pursues Michigan's defensive specialist whose second quarter interception halted a Minnesota drive on the Michigan 16-yard line. ALL-TIME LOW? Kennedy Asks Release Of U.S. Prestige Study KANSAS CITY (-P)-Sen. John F.'Kennedy challenged Vice-Presi- dent Richard Nixon last night to obtain the release of a government report which allegedly showed the prestige of the United States at an "all time low." He referred to a survey of the question said to have been con- ducted by the overseas offices of the United States Information Agency. In a speech prepared for delivery here Kennedy said: "I challenge To,0Prote'st Intervention SAN JUAN. Puerto Rico -()- Gov. Luis Munoz Marin yesterday said he will protest to the vatican immediately after the Nov. 8 elec- tions over a pastoral letter by three Roman Catholic bishops here forbidding church members from voting for his popular Demo- cratic Party. "I do not wish to involve the vatican in Puerto Rico's politicall campaign," he said in a statement in explaining why he will wait until after the election. He himself attends the Catholic Church. "This grave problem for reli- gion and democracy in Puerto Rico and the United States arising from the evident errors of the three bishops will be made known to the vatican." enough. And when a line averag-' ing 225 pounds to the man rushed quarterback Dave Glinka . there just wasn't time to pass. Miscues Set Up TD With the Michigan offense turned into a picture of futility, the Gophers took advantage of two of the many Wolverine mis- cues to salt away their fourth Big Ten win in as many outings. Five Michigan fumbles (all lost), and a pair of interceptions made the result of yesterday's Home- coming game a foregone conclu- sion. The Wolverine defensive line put up a good fight against the Gophers," stopping a number of potential scoring thrusts, but they couldn't give the ball away seven times without having it show on the scoreboard. The lack-luster contest started with both teams failing to get a drive going in their series of downs, and a pair of poor punts by Michigan's Reid Bushong and{ Minnesota's Sandy Stephens were both nullified as neither team was able to capitalize on the breaks. Fumbles after Punt On the first play after Stevens' punt, Michigan fullback Ken Tu- read was hit by three Gophers try- ing to slant off right tackle and fumbled. See 'M', Page 7 him (Nixon) to demonstrate his U' Gymnast 'BreaKS Leg Bill Skinner, '61E, captain of the Michigan Cheerleaders and last year's captain of the Gymnas- tics team, will remain in Univer- sity Hospital for the next three months as the result of a frac- tured leg incurred at Friday night's pep rally on the Diag. Skinner was hurt when he fell from the trampoline on which he was warming up, and landed on the steps of the General Library. The three-month hospital stay will force Skinner, who was slated to graduate with a degree in civil engineering in January, to drop out of school for the semester. influence in this administration-- and his willingness to have the real facts known-by having it made public. "I challenge him to present to the American people an objective report on our stature abroad." The date of the report was not stated. Nixon, in the fourth television debate with Kennedy Friday night' indicated it had been compiled some time after the Soviet Union' launched the first sputnik. That was in October, 1957. Kennedy quoted Nixon as say- ing he would have no objection to having it made public. The Democratic presidential candidate has been hammering at the theme that recent events in Asia, Africa and Latin America have damaged the image of the United States until it has now reached an "all time low." He devoted most of his talk to this charge. GOMBERG SECOND IN QUADS: Allen-Rumsey Takes Display, Allen-Rumsey House's Home- coming display took top campus honors as well as the independ- ent men's prize yesterday. The house has placed first on cam- pus two out of the past three years, and led West Quadrangle for the fifth consecutive year. The "Roman Rampage" entry, measuring 37 by 28 feet, featured a mammoth Wolverine chariot racer and proclaimed "Veni, Vidi, Vici." Gomberg House of South Quad- rangle placed second in the men's residence hall contest with "Eat, Drink, and Be Merry" display, which forecasted subsequent death only for gophers. Honorable men- tion went to Hinsdale and Greene Houses, both of East Quadrangle. Placing first among the wom- en's dormitories was Jordan Hall with "Let's Harness the Golden Gophers." Theta Delta Chi's pres- entation "Roman Justice'" captur- ed first placeJinthe fraternity di- vision. "By Jove, the Fates Are With Us," earned a first place for Kappa Delta among the sororities. Receiving the first place trophy in Friday's Yell Like Hell contest were Phi Mu and Alpha Epsilon Pi. Second place was awarded to Alpha Xi Delta and Kappa Sig- ma, while Alpha Omicron Pi and Phi Kappa Tau received honor- able mention. Other housing units placing in the display competition were: Fraternities-Lambda Chi Alpha, second, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Phi Kappa Sigma honorable men- tion; sororities--Chi Omega sec- i l iXon Charges Opponent With P .e With'Recless' Position ALLENTOWN, Pa. P)-Vice-President Richard M. Nixon said last night that Sen. John F. Kennedy has taken a "shockingly reckless" stand on. Cuba that raises doubts as to whether he has the judgement needed to be President. Kennedy's proposal that the United States support a revolution in Cuba, Nixon said, could lead to war with Soviet Russia. Nixon put it this way to a cheering overflow audience of -5,800 packed into Muhlenberg College gymnasiumn: "This incident alone shows an immaturity, a rashneses, a lack of understanding and an irresponsibility which raises a serious question as to whether he has the balanced judgment to be President in the critical '60s." C o n testNixon said Kennedy's conduct C ontest"should convince many Americans that they could not rest well at night with a man with such a total lack of judgement as com- mander -in-chief of our armed forces." He said Kennedy had made three grave errors in judgement in international affairs. One, he said, was Kennedy's stand on Quemoy and Matsu; the second was his interpretation of the breakup of v: the meeting in Paris, and the third was his stand on Cuba. "This raises a very grave ques- c tion," Nixon said, "in the minds 4 of the American people that he understands what peace demands in dealing with the Communists." Nixon came to Allentown after a busy day of campaigning by motorcade in towns about Phila- delphia. Traveling through what is mostly Republican territory, Nixon was seen or heard by well over 150,000 people during his long day. Lodge Says U.S., 4 Soviet Can't Agree Agreement Ends Strike At GE Plant NEW YORK MP)-The Interr tional Union of Electrical WWi ers and the General Electric * reached an agreement last ni to end a 21-day-old strike at GE plants around the country. The agreement, announced federal mediators, came after resumption of negotiations f lowing a breakdown in the 'ta three days ago. The strike w losing support of the union's ra and file. Issues Statement IUE President James B. Cai issued a bitter statement afi the settlement in which he bla ed GE Vice President Lemuel Boulware and Schenectady I1 official Leon Jandreau. The union's cost-of-living calator clause, a key issue in t dispute, apparently was lost. Some 61,000 GE workers expected to return to work I morrow. Asked if he considered the at tlement a company victory, Phi D. Moore, GE's manager of e ploye relations said: "I never s anything like that-nobody Wi one of these things." Contracts Identical Moore said the contract accej ed by IUE negotiators is iden cal to the company's last of before the strike began Oct. 2 with one difference: The retra ing or job-opportunity plan, l out at the union's request. The new three-year contra effective at midnight tomorre provides- for an immediate 3 cent wage increase. In additc the union has 30 days to take o of three options. 'Voice' Party, Backs Three For Election The new Voice party will omiu ally support three candidates4 the fall Student Governme Council campaign. Candidates who received pai sanction yesterday are Lynn Bai lett, '63, an incumbent; Phi) Power, Spec.; and Mary Wheeli '61. The trio was selected "on V basis of supporting the aims a principlesof the party, and the probable strength as members the Council," David Giltro '61Ed., said. Of 19 candidates presently the field, four applied to the Vo Elections Committee for suppo: submitting platforms and answe to questions on the sort of leade ship SGC should provide, what i ideal residence hall unit would and the problems of off-camp housing. Acting upon recommendatio: from the Elections Committee, t five-member Executive Committ made the final selection of cad dates. CHICAGO (A) - Henry Cabot ondre nid vesterdav Ameria .......... WE~lli