Facult, Administrators Discuss By FAITH WEINSTEIN Because the current, University calendar ends in June, both faculty and administration are sending out tentative feelers to investigate new concepts of scheduling being developed around the country,. The University "is not thinking of any radical change," Erieh A. Walter, secretary to the University, says, but it is being careful to give new calendaring ideas "a lot of consideration." This summer, at the request of the University of Pittsburgh, the University sent Prof. Paul S. Dwyer of the mathematics department to their "Conference on the Trimester Calendar." Prof. Dwyer, who chaired a University Calendaring Committee in 1958, said he was sent to Pitt because the "University wants to be kept informed on the development of trimesters." Trimester System The trimester system, one of the most popular of the current organizational innovations, is based on the theory that the institu- tional plants stand idle or half-used for too many months each year, wasting buildings, denying education to students, and being generally uneconomical, at least from the businessman's point of view. With trimesters, the school plant is filled continually. At Pitt, the year is divided into three periods: Fall trimester, which runs from early September to Christmas vacation, winter trimester from Janu- ary through April, and the Spring trimester from April to August. This leaves only one month for institutional idleness before the beginning of the fall period. The Pitt semester is slightly shorter than the University's, leaving 15 weeks for classes and examinations, while the University aims for a 15-week period of classes and a two-week examination schedule. Not Adequate Substitute "As a teacher, I don't think a 15-week semester is an adequate substitute for the present length. You can't get as much done-there is only a certain amount of course content you can fit into a shorter time," Prof. Dwyer says. "We might raise the semester length by cutting down on the final exam period," he adds, "but the University's traditional emphasis on final exams would tend to make the faculty reject this idea." The alternative to cutting down on either semester length or exam periods, while remaining in the trimester system, would be to extend the trimester to 16 weeks, and have it run through the entire year. DILEMMA FOR NEW VOTERS See Pa"e 4 toga Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXI, No. 28 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1960 i Dean Bacon Cites Stand On Drinking Alcohol Rule Breach Violates Honor .Code By PATRICIA GOLDEN Dean of Women Deborah bacon said yesterday that, contrary to the Impression given by a letter read Wednesday at Student Gov- ernment Council, she was acting according to established proce- dures in removing two women from Cambridge Hall for alleged viola- tion of regulations concerning al- coholic beverages. "Residence halls are all run by the University, and they are all state buildings. Drinking is not allowed in residence halls, regard- less of the age of the students," she said. The regulation allegedly violat- ed by the two Cambridge occu- pants says: At NO TIME may a girl have intoxicating beverages in her room, REGARDLESS OF HER AGE." Last spring, when the Cambridge apartments were being organized rules were set up by the Women's Judiciary Council, Assembly As- sociation, and a committee of women who would live in the apartments. Two meetings took place at which the regulations were explained to all women plan- ning to live in Cambridge Hall. Contains Copy In addition, every apartment contains a copy of Judiciary rules booklet published especially for the honor residence hall. Cambridge Hall has an honor system for hours, wherein women do not sign out, and must fill out a slip for the housemother if they come in late. Women are on their honor to report apartment mates who do not come in on time, for their own protection. They are also on their honor to observe the drinking and male guest regulations, as no one is supposed to be regularly check- Ing on them. Directly to Office Breaches in the honor system concerning hours are handled just as in sorority houses, with cases going to the house Judiciary and Women's Judic, depending upon their seriousness. However, cases concerning male guests after calling hours and the consumption of alcoholic bever- ages go directly to the Dean's Of- fice. "Women's Judic has agreed that In the first year or so of this highly experimental method these will be left in the Dean of Wom- en's hand," Miss Bacon explained She stressed that Cambridge Hall is a "pilot plant," and added that if the honor system works there, "Women's Judic is hoping we can spread this across the board. Our great hope is that ju- niors and seniors could all oper- ate on this basis, in residence halls and sorority houses alike." 'U'Graduate Council Holds initial Meting The Graduate Student Coun- cil held its first meeting of the school year last night in the Rackham Bldg. to. organize and plan activities. Council President Edgar Man- Papers Lack Aims, Lindstrom Charges New Book Blames Newspaper Ills On Failure to Lead Community By JUDITH OPPENHEIM "Most of the ills and failures of modern journalism can be at- tributed to the fading consciousness of the newspaper's function to supply news," a former University journalism professor says. "The concern of the newspaper should be more than Just to report the styles, manners, tastes, deportment and caprices of man- kind. Its function is to help establish real criteria of taste and style, to establish manners, to encourage and keep alive the civic conscience, to create a climate favorable to cultural life," Carl E. Lindstrom adds in "The Fading American Newspaper," published to- day. In the publisher's concern for cultivation of the common man and total circulation, he has forgotten the "uncommon man." "I ad- . mire the newspaper publishers in this country who have the cour- age to refuse to conform to me- diocrity-the courage to open their mouths, which is a good deal these days when journalism's high priests of the First Amend- ment do not know that it also sanctifies free speech," Lindstrom says. Another problem of today's press is that it is violently op- posed to internal change. "By comparison with other in- dustries, the amount of research done by the newspaper industry is negligible. For an industry that grosses more than four billion dol- lars a year such neglect of the principles of self-preservation is to court disaster." Lindstrom says the newspaper press is too costly and too big for what it does. It is ineffectual, working at top speed and produc- ing news hours behind electronic journalism. Commenting on the editorial pages-of today's newspapers, Lind- strom objects to the fact that people no longer become angry over anything that appears in edi- torial pages. "Editorial writers are serious, competent people, but in its pres- ent character of being all things to all men, the editorial page strives for neutral ground, even if there isn't any. See LINSTROM, Page 5 WSU Faces Court Case By Merchant Book Store Owner Asks Injunction By MICHAEL OLINICK The owner of a small Detroit book store will bring Wayne State University to court at 11 a.m. this morning because it would not allow the ".Global Book Forum" to hold a meeting tonight on its campus. Mrs. Helen Winter, owner of the Global Book Store and secre- tary of the forum, will ask Cir- cult Court Judge George E. Bowles for an injunction preventing WSU's Board of Governors from cancelling the meeting. Mrs. Winter was convicted of advocating violent overthrow of the government in 1954, but the decision was reversed-by the Unit- ed States Supreme Court. WSU forbade the meeting in spite of its month-old policy which lifted a ban against Communist speak- ers on campus. WSU President Clarence Hil- berry forbade the meeting yester- day, saying it would not "con- form" to the educational purposes of McGregor Center, the site of the proposed event. The organiza- tion had a signed contract with the University for the use of the center and had already paid the $25 rental fee when the cancella- tion statement was issued. "The Forum met twice before at McGregor with no problems," Ernest Goodman, Mrs. Winter's lawyer, said last night. "The reasons the university gave Mrs. Winter for forbidding the meeting are only vague references to their policies. My guess as to the real reason is pressure put on the school in the wake of recent publicity about the relaxation of rules against Communist speakers on campus." Goodman's law partner, George W. Crockett. is scheduled to speak before the forum later this year. Harvey O'Connor, author of "Em- pire of Oil" was to speak tonight on "Upheaval in Latin America." ..__ i SAMUEL SHAPIRO . unintelligent actions Shapiro Raps1 Cuba Policy By MICHAEL HARRAH "Both the United States and Cuba are acting unintelligently in the current crisis," Prof. Samuela Shapiro of the history depart-J ment at Michigan State University said yesterday. In speaking to the Political Is- sues Club and the International Student Association, Prof. Shapiro pointed out the fault of the United States in the present crisis. "We cannot ignore Ca~stro and hope he'll go away," he said. "We tried this with Communist China and it didn't work. "We have to try some way to keep our diplomatic lines open," he said. "Telling Americans to get out of a country means that we expect some armed conflict. We must stay in Cuba and come to terms with them." Prof. Shapiro indicated that Cu- ban Premier Fidel Castro had tried to come to terms with the United States after his victory, "but he felt the United States didn't like him." He said that Castro, after b e i n g rebuffed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, turned to the Communists for support. . He said that our embargoes and severance of diplomatic ties only "hands over Cuba to the Russians. When we took away our sugar allowance, we took away $92 mil- lion a year from them. Touristsfe Dn Spy Charges UNDER HILL AUD.: Maze Tests Human Learnng Abilties i,., F