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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
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SGC Sets Group,
On Membership
Council Hears President's Report
On Motion To View Constitutions
Student Government Council early this morning appointed the
Committee on Membership Selection in Student Organizations.
The members are James Seder, '61; Wallace Sagendorph, '61;
Jesse McCorry, '62; Robert Rose, '62; Assistant Dean of Women
Elizabeth Davenport; Assistant Dean of Men John Bingley, and
Prof. Samuel Eldersveld of the political science department.
The membership selection committee was set up by the Council
last spring to administer the University regulation, passed at the
same time, which says "All recognized student organizations shall
select membership and afford opportunities to members on the basis
On Debate
Soviet Union threatened yesterday
to walk out on United Nations dis-
armament debate.
The United States replied that
it refused to be intimidated by
such threats, and challenged the
Soviets to join in a workable dis-
armament program.
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Valerian A. Zorin told the UN's
main political committee that if
the United States and its allies
insist upon pressing their disarm-
ament proposals, the committee's
work will become impossible.
Say s
WSU Bars
By Ex-Reds
In an apparent reversal of it
month-old policy, Wayne Stat
University yesterday forbades
meeting on campus that woul
have featured Communist speak
Mrs. Helen Winter, once liste
as one of the top Communists i
Michigan, was notified by WSI
that she would not be permitted t
hold a meeting of the "Globa
Book Forum" at WSU's McGrego
Memorial Center. Author Harve.
O'Connor ("Mellon's Millions",
was scheduled to speak at th
Frday evening event.
WSU President Clarence B. Hil
berry said the meeting would no
have "conformed" to the educa
tional purposes of the Center. H
said the meeting would have vio
lated a rule against use of campu
facilities for "propaganda or self
No Mention
Hilberry did not mention Mrs
Winter's past Communist connec-
tions. She was convicted three
ears ago under the Smith Act o:
conspiracy to overthrow this gov-
ernment by violence. The Supreme
Court reversed the convictions.
Her husband Carl, chairman o:
the Michigan Communist Party
scerved part of a five-year prisor
term on his 1949 conviction foi
similar alleged conspiracy. He
turned down an invitation this
week from WSU's Independeni
Socialist Club to speak on cam-
He claimed the group was not
large enough to gather a large
audience, but claimed he would
speak before the students if "suit-
able" arrangements could be made
Past Meetings
Associate Director of McGregor
Center John Fraser said that the
"Global Book Forum" had meet-
ings at Wayne last April and in
November 1959. He added that the
group had already paid the $25
fee for use of the building.
Mrs. Winter operates the "Glo-
bal Book" store near the WSU
"The atmosphere is so strong in
the shop that when I go in I feel
I am crossing the Iron Curtain,"
Dan Berkowitz, a sophomore at
WSU's Monteith College said, ex-
plaining that most of the books in
the store were from Red China or
from and about the Soviet Union.
Similar View
Another Wayne sophomore,
Lawrence; Green, had a similar
view of the store. "It has a lot of
highly controversial material on
the shelves. I saw several pamph-
lets on 'How to Organize Labor
Strikes' that pictured dissatisfied
proletarians marching against the
Both said that they had never
discussed political ideologies with
the owner or anyone else who
worked there, "Although I bought
some books on the 1917 Revolu-
tioin by Soviet authors, the only
conversations I had with the sales-
gI were about exchange of
money," Berkowitz said.
Yet each one said that the place
"had an air of intrigue about it,"
since one has to climb a "dark,
narrow and long stairway" to get
to the store.
Bagwell Urges
(Enh 1 in';- 7
of personal merit and not race,
color, religion, creed, national
origin or ancestry."
The Council also heard a prog-
ressreport by SGC President John
Feldkamp, '61, on the motion
which would require fraternities
and sororities to file their consti-
tutions or constitutional forms
with the Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs.
To Offer Motion
At the same time, Interfrater-
nity Council President Jon Trost,
'61, indicated he will move next
week to postpone consideration of
the constitutions motion for sev-
eral weeks. Trost asked time to do
"considerable research."
Council meeting last night, by
Feldkamp said he spent a great
deal of time clearing up mis-
apprenhensions about the motion,
which if passed, would allow access
to the constitutions only to a
representative of the Office of
Student Affairs, the SGC Presi-
dent acting for the Council and
the membership selection commit-
tee, which could, as a committee
s c r u t i n i z e any constitutional
clauses relavant to its work.
Committee Endorses
The faculty student relations
committee has endorsed the mo-
tion, Feldkamp said. He added
that a possible improvement of'
the motion might be a clear state-
ment of the circumstances under
which the SGC president and the{
membership selection committee'
could examine the constitutions.
The duties of the membership
selection committee include inves-
tigation of charges of violations of
the regulation and initiation of its
own inquiries. In case of violations
the committee will make recom-
mendations on corrective and/or
disciplinary action to the Council,,
which has final authority.
By the end of this semester, the
committee must report its pro-j
cedures to the Council for ap-
proval and make them public.
'Time Waste'
"The Soviet Union will not par-
ticipate in such a waste of time,"
he added. "Let no one have any
doubt on this account, let all il-
lusions be dispelled if somebody
still holds them."
Chief United States Delegate
James J. Wadsworth gave this
"We will not walk out of this
committee in any circumstances,
and we will not be intimidated by
a Soviet threat to do so."
He expressed hope that tactics
of the Russians in the committee
Tuesday in opposing lump dis-
cussion of all disarmament items
"was not a preliminary step to-
ward walking out of this commit-
tee, as Chairman Khrushchev
said they might do."
Voices Threat
Soviet premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev voiced such' a threat in his
presentation of the Soviet disarm-
ament program in the General
Zorin demanded that the com-
mittee plunge immediately into
the task of working out an inter-
national disarmament treaty along
the lines proposed by Khrushchev.
This would include reorganiza-
tion of the UN secretariat to do
away with the single post held by
Secretary - General Dag Ham-
marskjold in favor of a three-man
executive representing Communist,
neutral and Western blocs. A:
similar shakeup of the Security
Council was demanded.
Wadsworth countered with a
challenge that the Soviet Union
principles of any workable dis-
armament program:
accept what he called three basic
1) A fair balance between East,
and West giving neither a signifi-
cant military advantage.
2) Adequate inspection and:
verification, assuring that each
side keeps its promises.
3) Step-by-step progress, build-
ing confidence so that more and I
more far-reaching proposals may
be effective,
King Jailed
For Sit-In,
Declines Bail
ATLANTA (A) -- Declining to,
make ball, integration leader Mar-
tin Luther King, Jr., and 35 of
his followers went to jail yester-
day after being arrested for lunch-
room sit-in demonstrations at af
department store.
Police made 52 arrests, includ-
ing one white person, but charges
against 16 of the defendants were '
dismissed by Municipal Judge
James E. Webb.
The arrests grew out of a well-
planned mass invasion of down-
town Atlanta by at least 75 Ne-
groes who picketed several varie-
ty and department stores and
staged the lunchroom sit-ins.
Violation Charged
vv ... ~didat
All those arrested were charg-
ed with violating the state anti-
trespass law which makes it a
misdemeanor to refuse to leave
private premises when requested
to do so.
All pleaded innocent. King and
the 35 others were bound over
to Fulton Criminal Court under
bonds of $500 each.
Charges agains the 16 others
were dismissed when an officer
testified they had been asked to!
leave the dining room but not the
The 36 bound over refused to
make bond and went to jail to
await trial.
King, asked whether he wished
to make a statement, told the
judge he would go to jail "one,
five or ten years," if necessary
to uphold his principles.
Led Boycott
The Baptist minister, who led
the successful boycott against bus
segregation in Montgomery, Ala.,
was arrested when he and three
others refused to leave Rich's
Dept. Store.
They said they were trying to
get service at the Magnolia Tea
Room, but state law passed this
year makes it a crime to refuse
to leave an establishment when'
asked to do so by the owner or his
"I do not feel we did anything
wrong in going to Rich's today
and in seeking service at the Tea
Room," King said. "We went there
peacefully and non-violently and
in the spirit of love."
King said he considers racial
segregation to be the most press-
ing issue facing America today.
Rich's serves Japanese or Chinese
end any other race but Negro he
Following the demonstration the
Negro minister had been escorted
to a police car with a student in-+
t'egration leader with the same last
name but no relation, Lonnie C.+
--Daily-Michael Rontal
EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE-Lev Kostikov and Petr Arkhipov, two of the 17 Soviet students in the
United States, discussed the Russian educational system. Children attend primary and secondary
schools from the ages of seven to 17, and then must take competitive examinations to ,enter the 'in-
stitutes' or 'universities.' Those who immediately go to work in industry after secondary school
often attend night classes, they said.
Russian Students Discuss U.S.
"I was watching a dramatic
film on television here," the stu-
dent from Moscow said, "when
it was suddenly interrupted by a
commercial chanting 'never before,
never again, DDD."
To Lev Kostikov, such publicity
as Downtown Detroit Days is not
common. In his native Moscow,
the small shops have only their
names over the doors, and not the
gaudy lights and hopeful promises
found in American stores.
Kostikov and Petr Arkhipov are
two of the 17 Soviet students now
studying in American universities.
Arkhipov, a graduate of Leningrad
'U' To Publih
Exam Times-
With Schedule
The spring final examination
schedule will be publishedwith
next semester's time shedule.
A Student Government Council
motion of Spring, 1959 recom-
mended the action to the Dean's
Conference which agreed to it
last year.
Vice-President of Student Af-
fairs James Lewis directed a com-
mlittee headed by Edward G.
Groesbeck, director of the Office
of Registration and records to
arrange for the inclusion of the
exam schedule.
Class and election cards will be
changed to include a column for
the examination time.
University, is a secondary school
English teacher in Vilnius, Lith-
uania. He is visiting classes here
on the applications of English
Teaches In Moscow
Kostikov, a professor of en-
gineering at the Baumann Higher
Technical School in Moscow, is
first stduying at the English Lan-
guage Institute, and then hopes
to visit lectures and do scientific
In the week they have been
here, they noticed several dif-
ferences in the university systems.
"In Russia we must go to lectures,"
Kostikov said. "And we have
classes six days a week, six to
ten hours a day."
Higher education in the Soviet
Union is divided into two types
of schools, Arkhipov continued.
There are the "institutes" for
engineering and other practical
technical fields. The "universities"
however, concentrate on the
teaching fields and on scientific
Receive Stipends
All university and institute stu-
dents receive government stipends,
they added. They must take exams
at the end of each semester, and
if they fail them they must leave
the school. It is possible to return
in about a year, if they bring
recommendations from their place
of work.
About 20 or 30 per cent of the
secondary school students go on
to higher education, they said. If
they do not, they can take the
polytechnical courses that are
offered in the high schools. Boys
can get training in agriculture and
other technical work. Even girls
take advantage of the practical
courses offer9d.
As there is no private industry,
apprenticeship as practiced in the
United States does not exist. How-
ever, skilled workers in the fac-
tories are often put in charge of
teaching their trade to the young
laborers. Industry will also send
good workers to institutes for pro-
fessional training, granting them
greater scholarships than the,
regular students.
'Too Many'
Asked if there were rany wo-
men at Russian Universities, Ark-
hipov replied, "Too many. About
40% of the students in the medi-
cine, languages, and education are
women. In fact most of the doctors
are women."
Women also continue to work
after they are married. "After all,
why not?" said Arkhipov. "When
they have children they are given
three or four months off. Then
the children start to grow up and
the women return to work."
Kostikov's wife, for example, is
a judge, an elective office, for
which law education is required.
Like 'U'
Links Quo]
Toi Inereas
Bagwell Gives R(
Says Michigan Ai
Now Rising Rapi
The raising of tuition an
at state colleges and unive
amounts to establishing a
system that prevents stt
wih insufficient funds fron
ting a college'education, Lt
John B. Swainson, Demc
gubernatorial candidate, sail
Speaking at a meeting with
ton H ar b o r school tea
Swainson also blamed the R
lican-controlled legislature f
failure to appropriate fund
new classrooms and labora
;n the past three years.
'High Appropriation'
Republican gubernatorial 4
date Paul D. Bagwell said
Michigan's per capita apprc
tion for college students at
lic institutions is higher thai
of any neighboring state an
he has the "general impre
that state aid to education
creasing faster in Michigan
in "almost any other state i
Bagwell said Swainson
."following Gov. G. Mennen
liams' technique of not givin
legislature any credit for
He pointed out that, if el
Swainson will have to work
this same legislature.
"I don't know of any qu
student who was turned doN
Michigan State University be
he lacked funds," Bagwell, a
director of scholarships at
Discusses Fund
Commenting on the same
Vice-President and Dean of
ulties Marvin L. Niehauss
that when University fees
raised last spring, a schola
fund was set up for the "ex
purpose" of providing fund
students who needed help iiz
ing the higher fees.
(The University is now con
ing a study to see if any stu
did drop out because of th
increase. But when fees
raised last year, University
cials pointed out that fee incr
in the past had very little,
on enrollment.)
The 14-point program for
cation which Swainson pres
yesterday also included rec
for the defense of academic
dom whenever it is attacked
the elimination of discrimin
in any area of educational a
Benson Calls Democrat's
Farm Program 'Fa'ntastic'
EAST LANSING (P)--Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson
last night called the farm program of Sen. John F. Kennedy a fan-
tastic nightmare.
"It is a nightmare-the worst farm program, bar none, that I
have ever seen advocated by any responsible figure in this country,"
he said.
"It is a one-way ticket to disaster for United States agriculture.
It is shrinkmanship not growthmanship." Benson made this attack
on the Kennedy program-which
envisions tighter, farm controls E D R O IT
than at present-in a speech pre- HENDERSON DIS
pared for a meeting of the Michi-
gan State Grange.
Theatalk was billed as nonpoli- Educatio
tical and was prepared after the
secretary had said he would not
make any political speeches during
the campaign.
Kennedy's Republican opponent
for the Presidency, Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon, has sought to
divorce himself from Benson and
some of the latter's farm policies.
The text of Benson's talk, which
did not mention Kennedy by name.
was given out by his department,:
n Proposed as Federal Branch
Both Kostikov and Arkhipov
thought the University was "a'
good place for study, with labora-
tory facilities, and a sports place."
Evidently athletics plays a great
part in their academic life. They
have not yet seen an American
football game, but have heard
that it is not "real football" be-
cause the players are able to use
their hands.
Russian football, as all European
football, is equivalent to American
soccer. They were also Impressed
by the number of bicycles on
campus. "It is good exercise for the,
morning, yes?" asked Kostikov.
The American students they
have met have beef very friendly,
they said. "All people speak to us
as good friends and ask many
questions, and I have a great desire
to answer their questions," Kosti
kov said. "But I can't speak well
enough to answer them."
The great difference they found
in the everyday living was the
food. When they arrived in New
York two weeks ago, their group
was invited to dine aboard the
Baltika, the ship that brought Rus-
It said the people are being
asked to consider a "fantastic
program which would put the
farmer under the tightest controls
ever seen in the country," and
then went on to give the other
An assistant said the Secretary
had the Kennedy program in
mind, but had not identified it
by name in the prepared text be-
cause the talk was "nonpolitical
and the Secretary couldn't be too
specific in it." Benson, he added, .
One of the University's foremost experts on higher education
discussed the unique theory that state colleges and universities should
be a fourth branch of the government.
"The theory that higher education should be the fourth arm
of the state would raise universities and colleges to the same level
as the executive, legislative, and judicial branches," Prof. Algo
Henderson of the education school said.
Advocates of this theory often point to the University as a
near example of this, the director of the Center for the Study of
Higher Education claimed. "The Regents have a tremendous scope
of power in forming programs and distributing funds.
'U' Not Hindered
"If the University is not satisfied with the appropriation from
the state, it is not completely hindered. It can raise money on
its own by raising tuition or solicting more outside grants and
Speaking before a meeting of the American Society of Public
Administrators, Prof. Henderson, discussed "University administration
as Public Administration-With a Difference."
He listed four major differences between a university and other
vz,,l, . a
sian Premier Nikita Khrushchev
on his visit to the UN. It was their
last Russian meal. Since then they
have missed their native dishes,
which are more spicy than ours,
especially our dorm food, and also
the Russian coffee.
"We alsq eat more often than
you do," Kostikov said. Of course,
there is breakfast. About noon
there is a one or two hour break,
during which all the offices and
schools close. A
Letter Clam
Coeds Force
To Leave H
A letter to Student Gove
Council President John Fel
'61, alleged that the Deans
men's Office has remove
women from the Cambridge
ment system for serving v
their rooms.
The case was not given ;
ciary hearing. The letter, i
Council meeting last nigh
written by Jeffrey Jenks,
It said that the wome
served wine to their gust fc
ner, inviting the house i
in when she stopped by.
hours after her visit, she
and warned them that
"shouldn't serve wine".
The next day, the wome;
dismissed from the apart
ostensibly for violation c
section in the University B1
tions booklet on "Conduc
toxicating Beverages", the