THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4; bian Explains Labor Neutrality Complex) By JOHN ROBERTS It is a "gross oversimplifica- tion" to attribute the new neu- tralist stance of the British Labor Party to Communist'influence, R. L. Leonard of the Fabian Society, sid last night. Leonard, speaking informally to students at the home of Prof. Marston Bates, of the zoology de- partment, referred to a story in the current issue of U.S. News and World Report. This article stated that the recently-adopted Labor program, calling for nu- clear disarmament, which might result in. withdrawal from NATO,' was the result of Communist agi- tation. "This movement left was the result of several factors, the most important being the defeat of the Labor Party in last year's elec- tion. Party leadership at that time followed a more conservative line, so this reaction by the radical wing of the party is only natural," Leonard said. - While there is some Communist influence in the English trade un- ions, Leonard termed this "only marginal." "Actually," he pointed out, "the Communists despise- the Labor Party because -of its democratic philosophy. Being interested only in power themselves, they hold in contempt any group which gains control and then later relinquishes it. Less Concerned "The Labor Party in England is probably less concerned with pure power than any other political group in the world. It would rath- er remain out of'office than dilute its ideological purity." Nevertheless, Leonard believes that the neutralist posture will hurt the Labor Party because, be- izig unpopular, it must eventually be softened. "This switching back and forth of position will cause people to question the reliability of the party," he said, adding that such inconsistency could do "im- mense damage." Secretary-General Leonard is the deputy general secretary of the Fabian Society in England. The society, members of which are intellectual heirs to such British notables as G. B. Shaw and R. H. Tawney, is a "re- search and study" group affiliated with the Labor Party. Leonard is in this country covering the pres- idential election and UN General Assembly meeting as special cor- respondent to a London weekly.. In response to a question, Leon-, ar4 said that he believes Ameri- can prestige has slipped in Eng- land relative to Russia, primarily because of the Sputnik. "These spectacular achievements in space cause people to equate Russian power with American power," he stated, But Leonard added that this was not necessarily a bad thing, as it forded people to take the Russian threat seriously. U.S. Policy Mistaken He also termed the American policy toward Communist China a "tremendous mistake." A dis- armament agreement, even if one could be concluded with Russia, would be meaningless unless China also subscribed to it. America would then be forced to grant concessions as a matter of bitter necessity, whereas now such a concession would appear like a "'gracious gesture," Leonard said. Leonard explained his reasons for believing that the steel and road transport industries should join the list of nationalized in- dustries in England. DAI-LY ,OFF C.IAL .BULLETIN . i}". - }YAm m ri.h.. ....... ....: .' . . . :. . - .... -.+vt"........,.......... _ F m ..... .. .. 'mo... ... . ... . .... ..--- - - -- vnc. J .. {. : i .n.-.. - --4 "o. . t.r....- . .-""":' ""Yr '"Y For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-47 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:34 PERSONAL ROOM AND BOARD BUSINESS SERVICES CAR. SERVICE WHICH WAY to Green House? I amSINGLE, DOUBLE-Two large robs losthere hbgsgquiet, clean. Linens furnished. Get- the knew. F158 ting married, have to move. Double FOREIGN C ENTERTAINMENT at Cafe Promethean only $15. Single takes best offer. Only When it, oes every Friday and Saturday evening. 2;z blocks to campus. 307 N. State,g eserice all 106 or call NO 2-4250. E34 to of Foreign an FOR THE FINEST in music and enter- WANTED:. Male roommate to share nice IIIA1 tainment contact the Bud-Mor Agen- apartment. NO 5-8'205. E33 RQ rphrS Market Lubrics cy, featuring the BollWeevils, Johnny NO 5-7131 Harvard, Dick Tilkin, the Kingsmen, LOST AND FOUND 709 Packard Ray Lewis, Al Young, Al Blaser, Men I__ _ _ _ _Nye__M___ _ _ of Note plus many others. 1103 South LOST? To find yourself try the Miehi- Nye M o University. NO2-6362. F57 gan Daily. Just find a telephone and RITZ BEAUTY SALPN 51 . WILL THE PERSON who "borrowed" dial NO 2-32413 Complete line of Beauty Work my bike from teront oe Redw0 FOUND: 30 weeks a full school year) and Ross yesterday please return the ofitrsngneyradg.TsFO notes. NO 5-9175. P183 f t e readng T 605 E. WILLIAM was found on the Dlag June 6, 1960,TH RA PLAVIUS' uncle will be here in person and the owner is wanted desperately. Phone NO 8-7066 Please call NO 2-3241 for information, Detroit for Homecoming I He'll roar for all the 4 Romans on their Rampage on Friday, and nd a year's DAILY bscription n viaton h Oct 21. Don't miss the skit on the as a reward. (ly $7.00 too) 2DOES THE GARBAGE COLLECTOR consignment. W diag this Friday at 12:45. 1184 FOUN: Pair of men glasses. Libert lok at your clothes with a possible for y a.l I CA14, tlk, istn, ad larn.BigDadd Muic Sop.£33 gleam; in his eye? Buy deodorant at h~ousehold items, CALL, talk, listen, and learn. igDaddy Music'Lumbards." 1225 S. University. J53 pliances, baby at 347305. F185 LOST: I olive trench coat with Terpin skates, and bicy TICKETS for Woody Herman are going Hydrate in pocket. Finder may keep -Comein fast. Don't you be the one left out of the cough medicine, but please re- Weekdays the fun of the Homecoming Dance. turn the trench coat to Danny. NO CAM PVS ' S Mon, andFri Buy your ticket today on the diag 5-9171. A34 ethe Home LOST: Class ring betweenPPalmerTField, N IC ANS zC fromngofe o theUorn from two, and Vaughn. Call 2-5553, Rm. 136. A35 ewCA. B ,estmran to five. P186 ______________/eWBlteao IT'S A KNOWN FACT THAT . . "The USED CARS Most frcrmes replaced 1 Ig fools are what make the rest of us Whilie you wait All sizes. Nearly NE succeeds" --Twain P181 55 MERC Hard-top. Low mil. No rust. Pl., Ypsilanti, H }EAR JACK: Radio and Heater. $598. NO 5-5803 Broken lenses duplicated Wat J evenings. N53 FOR SALE: Mat What the H- -- - - is the BAR? 5 Howie, 2-1321. -Dick F188 1950 BUICK SEDAN dynaflow. Good FAST service on all repairs rtVIUS got so excited during the condition. Best offer over $90. Call WANTED slave sale that he jumped off is, NO 2-3888. N51 240 NICKELS ARCADE perch and bought a female slave for SAVE MONEY: '58 Renault Dauphine, NO 2J9116 NO 8-6019 WANTED: Pregnan himself. F189 radio, exc. heater, white walls, 38 J21 be used for exp EXPERIENCE existence as an individ- mpg. Best offer. NO 3-0147 evenings EEBap er. ual in the distinct: division of an and week-ends. N49 DAN~CE &o LISTENING MUSIC BatMyr.NO; animated assemblagecommunicatingSo you can't afford a live band. Let with adisn Oct. 28-30. Purpose: to MG-T. 1951 mpdel. Rebuilt engine and us bring you all the well known BARGAIN withMiohilerat.28 among efficient transnission. Good top and body. NO dance bands in Stereophonic Tape harmonious athletic representatives 2-4981. N40 Recorders, amplifiers and speakers. ARMY-NAVYtype as they participate in a recreational TRIUMPH TR3, Late '56, Exc. cond. R Donation; only. 39c; shorts 690; exercise against hostile opposition, and H, Michelin-X tires, low mileage. G. A. Goresbeck & Son SAM'S STORE, For monetary investment of $25 you Never raced. NO 5-5143. N41 Stereophonic Dance Music can procure the advantages of an ex-- 660 G1l St., Ypsilanti $U 3-1977 tremely gratifying curvilinear pro- ENGLAND'S FINEST SPORTS CAR, 1959 J49 .__USNES gression; conveyance and certificate Aston-Martin. DB3 Coupe. The ulti- of specified privileges inclusive. Call mate in performance, refinement, and BEFORE you buy 5-8215 bet. 3 and 5 P.M., or call 5- prestige. Only 8500 miles by one cau- FALL.BARGAIN CARNIVAL SALE the official Mich 8367 . . . Erwin or 2-3153 . . . Judy. tious owner. Standard equipment in- 30-qt. Plastic Waste Basket 1.99 t&r02n and Auld Responses obliged by this Thurs. F190 eludes dual overhead cam engine, plastic Pail 77c versify. NO 8-88 aluminum body, leather upholstery, Plastic Laundry Basket 99cSITUATI JOIN the big parade Oct. 27 from the etc. Will accept trade. HU 3-1279. N52 0-Cedar Sponge Mop 2.44 diag to the train station. F191 Laundry Cart 299 FOR RENT EXPERIENCED DR GIRLS--do you need a date? Cal Ar- MUEHLIG& LANPHEAR HARDWARE steady job with thur at NO 5-9178. F192 WASHrTENAW at 8. UNIVERSITY. Fur- 3 1 a. Main St. 4401, 209 Michigi WHO WILL BE the winner of the fro- nihed, 2 bedrooms, $110 a month. phy TKE is giving to the best particl- NO 34268 after 5. C64 MUSICAL MDSE., pants in the "Yell Liks Hell" con- FOR RENT to bride and groom: clean RADIOS, REPAIRS test? Hear the housing units roar apt. on Huron River. Available to for Flavius at the pep rally Friday rprn urone Available to nhto te igP13 refined couple. Phone NO 3-5128. C65 night on the diag. F193; LORISTS - see and hear PerryProtected PARKING SPACE, 1% blocks GR I NNE LL'S PIANO FOLKORITS - se an her Prry froujn campus. 1338 Geddes. Call NO Lederman pick for Josh White on the f-4a2s.3GedHARVEST OF VALUES diag 3-5 today. F194 3-4923. C63 T.TVIV__________________________, a~tfl _,..- Sla_ h. (Continued from Page 4) medically excused from a physical edu- cation class this fall but expects to take a class starting in November should report to Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium, immediately to fill in a schedule card. Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The freshman five-week progress reports will be due Fri., Oct. 21, in the Faculty Counselors Office for Freshmen and Sophomores. 1213 An- gell Hall. 5-Week Grades for Freshmen in the College of Architecture and Design are due by Fri., Oct., 21. Send cards to 207 Arch. Bldg. International Student and Family Ex- change; Open Wednesday night, 7:30-9 p.m. and Thursday morning, 9:30-11 a.m. Every week at the Madelon Pound House. 1024 Hill St. (Basement). Topcoats and sweaters for men and women. Infants equipment and cloth- ing and children's clothing. These are available for all Foreign Students and Families needing the above items. Ilka Chase at Hill Tonight. Ilka Chase, noted actress and author, will open the University's 1960-61 Platform attrac- tions tonight at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud, Miss Chase will present a program of readings of humorous literature on the subject of love entitled "The Dear Emo- tion." Tickets for the performance are available at the Aud. box office which is open today from 10 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. Tonight: 8:00 p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. University Players present Christopher Fry's freedom award drama, 'The Firstborn," in concert reading. Tickets available at box office 10-8 daily. Season tickets for the Playbill also available, $6.00 or 4.00 for S produc- tlon6, Office Space for Student Recognized Organizations: The Student Activities Building Administrative Board an- nounces the opening of petitioning for office space on the second floor of SAB. Petitions should include the purpose, officers, number of members, and the need of the office space of the organi- zation. The petitions must be placed in the SAB box in front of the SGC secre- tariat or in 1510 SAB before 5:00 p.m., Sat., Oct. 22. Events Thursday American Chemical Society Lecture - Thurs.. Oct. 20, 8:00 p.m. Room 1300, Chemistry Bldg. Prof. James H. Brewster of Purdue University will speak on "Conforma- tional Dissymmetry." Thurs., Oct. 20 at 4:10 p.m. the De- partment of Speech will present a dou- ble bill of one-acts in the Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg. "The Wandering Scholar from Paradise" by Hans Sachs will be paired with "The Informer," an episode from Bertold Brecht's "The Private Life of the Master Race." Ad- mission will be free. Placement Notices The following schools have listed teaching vacancies open now. Greenville, Mich.-Jr. H.S. Social Sci- ence. Economics. For additional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- min. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. Mon., Oct. 24 is last day to file appli- cations for examinations for State Dept. & U.S.I.A. This means the applications must be in Washington at that date. Applications are available in Bureau of Appointments Office, Rm. 4021, Admin. Bldg. Please call the Bureau of Appoint- ments, Rm. 4021, Admin. Bldg., Ext. 3371 for appointments for the follow- ing interviews: TUES., OCT. 25- Dow-Corning, Midland, Mich. - Will interview women Chemists & Physicists in Chemistry. Engineers in Engineering Placement Oct. 24th. U.S. Civil Service, 7th District, Chi- cago, III.-The following agencies will be represented on a coordinated re- cruiting visit: 1) Internal Revenue Service. Gradu- atea: Any major. Openings: Revenue Officers (any major) and Revenue Agents (Accounting). 2) Railroad Retirement Board. Grad- uates: Mathematics. Openings: Statisti- clans (men & women), Actuary, men. 3) Social Security Administration. Representative: Robert Kehoe. Gradu- ates: All majors. Openings: Claims Rep- resentative Trainees (men & women). Student Assistants, junior (men & women). SUMMER EMPLOYMENT -- Upper 3 in class 4) U.S. Civil Service Commission. Graduates: All majors. Mr. Butterbach will represent the entire Civil Service Commission and will provide informa- tion about the various departments'and positions for placement anywhere In the U.S. Graduates who pass the gen- eral test under the FSEE may be qualified for the new salaries effective+ this date. (G55 $4,345/year, GS-7, $5,- 355/year.) Procter & Gamble (Sales Division) Detroit, Mich.-Graduates: Feb., Jun., Aug. General Liberal Arts. Location: Anywhere in U.S. The Sales Division offers opportunities to men who have a basic interest in selling and who have the capacity and the right pat- tern of interests and abilities to en- able them with hard work to progress to positions of management responsibil- ity. On-the-job training is stressed. WED., OCT. 26, A.M.- Ohio Oil Company (a.m.) Lansing Sales Division-Location of work: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Kentucky, and Wisconsin. Graduates' February. MEN General Liberal Arts. Three hours of Accounting required. 44 week sales training program before a territory is assigned where they will have an op- portunity to benefit from training in personnel, public relations, business management, advertising, credit, ac- counting, and other related fields. THURS., OCT. 27- Texaco, Incorporated, New York, New York-Graduates: Feb., Jun., Aug. Gen- eral Liberal Arts for Sales. Sign for interview only if interested in Sales. Employs MEN with degree in Liberal Arts or Business Administration for Marketing Training Program. A large portion of the salesmen devote full time to counseling and assisting deal- e arni all phases of retail merchandis- ing. Others are responsible for sales of automotive, aviation, marine and railroad fuel and lubricants and indus- trial products. Connecticut Mutual Insurance Co., Detroit, Mich.---Graduates: Feb., Jun., Aug. Location of work: Detroit, Mich. Insurance and Sales work. Employs MEN with a degree in Liberal Arts, Bus. Administration, Mathematics, Law or Education for Field Representative. The program consists of introduction} to the nature of the job, its require- meats, and opportunities; thorough{ grounding in the fundamentals of Life Insurance; Introduction to sales and service work, sales promotion, coaching in both the office and the field by the General Agent or Supervisor. Upon meeting certain qualifications attend the Career School at the Home office: attendance at Company conferences4 and conventions, upon proper qualifi- cation for general purposes of educa- tion and stimulation. FRI., OCT. 2- Kroger, Incorporated, Livonia, Mich.- Location of work: General Midwest area. Graduates: Feb. MEN with Gen- eral Liberal Arts for Management Training, Merchandising, Retailing and Transportation Programs. The train- ing program offers a thorough instruc- tion in the fundamentals of the food industry and a flexible program that broadens the horizons of the develop- ing executive. Engineering Placement Interviews- 128 H West Engineering Bldg., Ext. 2182. Attn.: 1961 graduates (M.S. or Ph.D. candidates for 1961). OCT. 20 & 21- General Electric Company, Nationwide -Various openings for Feb. & June grads. Both men and women. Manufacturing-B.S.-M.S.; A.E., E.E., M.E., Met., Ch.E., E.M., IE., Phys., Science & Instr. Engrg. for Mfg. Engrg., Mat'ls. Mgmt.. Quality Control Engrg., Plant Engrg. & Mfg. Supply. Technical Marketing-B.S.-M.S.: E.E., E.M., I.E., M.E., Phys. & Science for Application, Sales & Service Engrg. Hdgts. Mktg. Engn. & Science-B.S.-M.S.: Ch.E., Met, E., Mat'ls & Chem. for Design, R. & D. & Production. Also B.S.-M.S.: A.E., E.E., E.M., M.E., Math, Phys. & Science, Instru. Engrg., & Nuclear En- grg Monsanto Chem. Co., St. Louis, Mo. -All degrees: Ch.E., E. & M.E. for De- sign, R & D, Sales, Prod.. Pilot PlantI Tech. Services, Systems Engrg. Bothl men and women. Also SUMMER EM- PLOYMENT. Great Lakes Steel Corp., Detroit, Mich.-B.S.-M.S.: EE., I.E., M.E. & Met. B.S-Ch.E., C.E. Feb. grads, for De- sign, R. & D., Prod., Ind, and Plant Engrg., Quality Control. Union Carbide Corp., Linde Co., East-' ern & Midwestern Area-B.S.-M.S.: A.,. Ch.E., C.E., E.E., E.M., ME. & Met.' Chem. & Phys., B.S.: E. Phys, for De-, sign, R. & D., Sales & Production. Both. men & women. Feb. & June grads. OCT. 21- Beloit Iron Works, Belolt, Wisc.-B.S..- M.S.: E.E. & M.E. for Design, R. & D., Sales & Staff. Also SUMMER EMPLOY- MENT. Commonwealth Edison Co., various locations in Illinois-B.S.: E.E. & M.E.. Feb. & June Grads, for 1 yr. Trng. & Orientation Prgm. Honeywell, various locations-All De- grees: A.E., E.E., E.M., I.E., & M.E. & Instru.; B.S.: E. Phys. for Design, Res. & Dev., Sales & Prod. Feb. grads. R. .LeBlond Mach. Tool Co., Fosdick, Mach. Tool, .. H. Day Co., Cleveland Automatic Mach Co., Cincinnati, Ohio -B.S.-M.S.: I.E. & M.E.; B.S.: E.E. for Design, R. & D., Sales & Trng. McDonnell Aircraft Corp., St. Louis, Mo.-B.S.-M.S.: Ch.E., I.E. & Met. Feb. grads only; All Degrees: A.E., E.E., B.S.- M.S.-Prof.: M.E.; B.S.: E. Phys.; Prof.: Applied Mech. B.S.-M.E.: E.M. June & Aug grads for R. & D., Mfg. The Mitre Corp., Boston, Mass.-All degrees: E.E., Feb. grads, for Design, R. & D. Also SUMMER EMJLOYMENTj in E.E., Phys. & Math. Check Place- ment Office Oct. 20 morning. Both men & women. Newport Industries Co., Pensacola, Fla.-B.S.-MS.: Ch.E. for Design. Feb. & June grads. Pittsburgh Che. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. --B.S.: Ch.E. & M.E. for R. & D., Prod,, to coordinate engr. in construction & modification of plants. Most opportunities are for U.S. citi- zens--men only-unless otherwise stat- ed. Student Part-itme Employmrent The following part-time jobs are available to students. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Non- Academic Personnel Office, Room 1020 Administration Building, during the following hours: Monday through Fri- day, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring students for part-time work should contact Bill Wenrich, Student Interviewer at NOr- mandy 3-1511. extension 2939. Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 1020, daily. MALE 4--Salesmen - graduate students pre- ferred, commission basis. 14-Psychological subjects, hours to be arranged, 2-Meal jobs. 3-Waiters (mean and evening hours). 3-Busboys (11 a.m.-3 p.m.). 3-Busboys (evenings). 1--Bellboy-busboy (hours to be ar- ranged). 2-Experienced clothing salesmen (1-5 p.m. Monday-Friday). I-Apartment in exchange for jani- torial work (married couple). 2-Rooms in exchange for light work, and part payment. FEMALE 3-Room jobs. 1-Girl to do houseworand ironing (hours flexible). 1--Girl to live in 2-1 light housework and care for children. 1-Experienced bookkeeper (after- noons). 2-Waitresses (5-8 p.m., and week- ends). I-Apartment in exchange for jani- torial work (married couple), e OrganizationI Notices Chess Club, Meeting, Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m., Union. Bring a set & play. Watch U.S. experts and masters in action. Play for the U. of M. team. * * * German Club, Coffee Hour, Oct. 19, 3:30-5 p.m., 4072 PB. * * * Newman Club, Oct. 19, 8 p.m., 331 Thompson. Speaker: Prof. Grace "Nat- ural Law," grad. meeting following. * * * Rifle Club, Meeting, Instruction for new shooters, Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m., ROTC Rifle Range. * * * Sailing Club, Reqular Meeting & Shore School, Oct. 20, 7:45 p.m., 311 W. Engineering. * . Riding Club, Joint Meeting with Drill Team, Oct. 20, 6:50 p.m., WAB. 4 * * 6La Sociedad Hispanica, Reunion, Oct. 20. 8 p.m., 3050 FB. Movies of Peru, dancing & refreshruepts. PLANNING TO 04 HOME Thanksgiv- ing and Christmas? Make your flight reservations at Alva's Travel Agency, 300 S. Thayer. The due date for pay- ment is Nov. 1 so you'd better HUR- RY! For information call NOrmandy 2-1006 between 8 A.M. and 6 P.M. F195 IT'S QUITE THE GOI Trip to Wiscon- sin $25, Round trip transportation and ticket included. Reservations must be made by Thursday at 5. Call 5-8215 bet. 3 and 5,, or 5-8367 . . . Erwin or 23153 , .. Judy. F196 YOU WON'T want to miss the most spirited pep rally ever to be held at the U. of M. Friday at eight on the diag. The Wolverine Club and Home- coming are sponsoring a rally with fabulous entertainment. See the Michigan Marching Band Cheerleaders Trampoline Clowns Psurfs Team Wanderers Al Young Acacia Dixieland Band Dean Rhea Theta Delts-IFC Champion singers. F197 HELP WANTED PART-TIME PIANIST for local church. Phone 3-9369 or 2-3737. H25 MARRIED COUPLE for children's cot- tage. Parent's position, preferably without children, over 24 years of age, live in but duty evenings and weekends only, two miles from cam- pus compensation is apt., food, and salary. Must be available for two years. Mr. Rome, Washtenaw County Juvenile Court, NO 3-7511, ext. 277. H26 I 1 STUDENTS AND YOUNG WOMEN, 18 years and over to work part time: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. or 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Mon- Fri. Telephone inquiries from our of- fice Salary. Located at E. Liberty and Division. For ipterview call NO 2-5697. 17 i i I TYPEWRITERS RENTED I ,... SOLD BOUGHT REPAIRED Student Supplies 314 S. State St. Ph. 3-2481 fountain pens repaired I V~SOURISELF Wflb r { ) L uGhTeR s1 LF)Aw AO.TR Tonight thru Saturday 8:00 P.M. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre UNIVERSITY PLAYERS Z:!h present Christopher Fry's freedom award drama in Concert Reading RTRflDN. ENGINEERS, PHYSICISTS, MATHEMATICIANS Ph.D., M.S., Candidates Watch for announcement to appear in this paper I I