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October 19, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-19

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ouma Rejects.




Wants Neutrality


Cuban Minister Charges U.S. Aggression

filed a complaint with the Unit-
ed Nations last night hurling
charges of United States aerial
aggression against Cuban soil.
The complaint filed by Cuban
Foreign Minister Raul Roa with
Assembly President Frederick H.
Boland asked that the General
Assembly give the charges the
"fastest possible consideration."
In an explanatory memorandum

Roa charged that a four-engined
plane with North American mark-
ings flew over from United States
territory Sept. 29 and dropped
large quantities of machineguns,
rifles, hand grenades and maps
near the town of Escambre in
Las Villas Province.
"The purpose of this clandestine
drop," Roa charges, "was to re-
inforce the counter-revolutionary
elements which,,., had intended

to create a spearhead of an in-
Roa declared this and other al-
leged acts were aimed at stamp-
ing out Cuba's liberty and "con-
verting it again into a satellite of
the North American monopolies."
Roa's move came on the heels
of a blistering United States re-
ply to the charges put forth by
Cuban Fidel Castro in his four
and a half hour tirade before the
General Assembly Sept. 26.
It also followed the defection of
a woman member of Cuba's UN
delegation, Teresa. Casuso, who ac-
cused Castro of making Cuba a
terror-ridden police state.
The 9,000-word United States
reply put out Oct. 14, denounced
Castro as a liar and a tyrant

who openly welcomed Communist
intervention in Cuba's affairs.
Informed sources said Roa would
probably attempt to get his com-
plaint debated directly in the 99-
nation General Assembly. Failing
that, he will press to get it before
the Assembly's top political com-
mittee, they said.
Candidate s
Assess Cuba,

Lodge Predicts Negro Post,
Attacks Kennedy's Dodge



ALBANYd ( - Henry Cabot'
Lodge predicted flatly yesterday
that a Negro would be appointed
to the cabinet if Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon were elected
Lodge, Republican candidate for
Vice-President, accused Sen. John
F. Kennedy, the Democratic pres-
idential candidate, of "pussyfoot-
ing and dodging" the controver-
sial issue, in which Lodge has
been embroiled for a week.
"Let him declare where he
stands. If he's against it, let him
say so," Lodge asserted to news-
In Ohio Monday, Kennedy said
he was not going to promise a'
cabinet or any other post td any
race or ethnic group. He said
that was "racism in reverse and
it's worse."
When Lodge arrived here for a
two-hour swing through the dis-
trict, he was asked to comment
on charges that he was "reneging"
on reported pledges that a Negro
would be appointed to the cab-
inet should the GOP ticket ,win
the November election.
He said there ought to be aI
Negro in the cabinet because it
would do "enormous good" for
United States foreign relations and
also fulfill the national purpose.

"I will make this prediction,"
he said, "if Richard Nixon is
elected, there will be a qualified
Negro in the cabinet."
Nixon has said he would appoint
the best men he could find, with-
out regard to race or creed. He
said again today in Florida:
"I have made no commitments,
and I don't think any should be
made. But I will say . . . that, if
elected, I will appoint the best
Leaders Call
End to Strike
NEW YORK O'--Leaders of the
17-day strike against the General
Electric Co. yesterday called for
an end of the walkout this week.
They told their negotiators to
accept whatever terms they see
The top echelon of the TUE
added in its directive to the ne-
"If the negotiating committee
is unable to conclude a settlement
by Oct. 23, another conference
board meeting will be held Oct.

Orto Denies
Tr on Life
HAVANA (4P-A spokesman at
Prime Minister Fidel Castro's
office said yesterday there - was
no assassination attempt against
Castro last Sunday.
Dr. Jaun Orta termed pure fab-
rication reports that an attempt
had been made to kill Castro.
Amadeo Bartetta Jr., ousted
Cuban newspaper editor, said in
Bogota, Colombia, he had received
a report that a machine gun at-
tack was made on Castro early
Sunday but that the prime minis-
ter escaped unhurt. He said his
information was that Castro was
in a house next door to the Italian
Embassy in Havana at the time
of the shooting,
Building Drop
Could Signal
New Downturn
'ment economists today began re-
assessing the economic future in
the light of a new report showing
a sharp September slump in home
The Census Bureau issued a
preliminary estimate that private
housing starts dropped nearly 17
per cent last month to a seasonal-
l y adjusted annnal rate of 1,077,-
000 homes.
This was the lowest level since
the 1958 recession year and com-
pared with an August rate of 1,-
295,000 homes,
A Commerce Department offi-
cial said the dismal September
record will prompt his staff to
take a new look at 1961 home1
building prospects.
This will be an important ele-
ment in a much broader review of
the entire business outlook. Ad-
ministration optimism about the '
future has been dampened some-I
what in recent weeks by declines
in industrial production, retail;
sales, wage and salary payments
and an indicated third quarter1
dip in the gross national product.

MIAMI BEACH (4P)-Sen. John
F. Kennedy told the American Le-
gion yesterday that "Cuba has
been lost to the Communists"
under the administration of which
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon
is a part.
Nixon followed through with a
proposal to "quarantine the Castro
regime, as "an intolerable can-



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The Democratic and Republican
candidates for president spoke in
tandem at the annual convention
of the Legion. Each wore his blue
and gold Legion cap.
They appeared a half hour apart
in an auditorium with 9,568 seats
--all but a handful occupied.
Vitally Concerned
And before an organization vi-
tally concerned with American
power and military strength the
two took the same stances they
have taken all along.
Kennedy said that no amount
of oratory, no amount of claims,'
no unjustified charges can hide
the first fact that behind the
rhetoric - behind the soothing
words that our prestige has never
been higher and communist pres-
tige lower, American strength rel-
ative to that of the Sino-Soviet
bloc has been slipping and that,
Communism has been advancing
steadily in every area of the world
until the Iron Curtairl4. 41w rests
on the island of Cube ,only 90
miles from this city of Miami."
Nixon--"Whatever we may think
of American strength today, and
I happen to know and Mr. (Nikita)
Khrushchev knows, we are the
strongest nation in the world and
we're going to stay that way;
whatever we think of American
strength today, we can never stand
pat because we are faced with a
rushless enemy. It is essential that
America increase its strength."
Quemoy, Matsu
Each touched on Quemoy and
Matsu, Latin America, Cuba and
America's military strength.
Nixon added some topics that
Kennedy didn't mention. He struck
at Kennedy's views on admitting
Red China to the United Nations
under certain conditions. He said
if he were President he would
consider ordering America's first
veto in the UN Security Council
of any efforts to admit the Chinese
Communists until they purge
themselves by actions of offenses
against world law.

PutsKong Le
In- Detention;
U.S. Pleased
Pathet Lao Threaten
Resumption"of War
VIENTIANE (A)- Premier Sou-
vanna Phouma yesterday put
paratrooper Capt. Kong Le under
house arrest and denounced Com-
munist ambitions in Laos.
The Premier's actions obviously
were aimed at showing the United
States and the rest of the Western
world that he is taking orders
from no one.
Kong Le was the leader of the
Aug. 9 military coup that toppled
Laos' pro - Western government
and made the Prince premier. The
captain was put under technical
house arrest for 15 days. Souvanna
said the arrest order would not
necessarily be enforced, but it
would go into Kong Le's record
as a black mark.
To Punish Kong
The Premier told newsmen he
took the action to punish Kong
Le for the all-out unauthorized
welcome the captain staged last
week on the arrival of A. N. Abra-
mov, first Soviet ambassador to
The arrest order came amid
mounting fears that Kong Le
might have been planning another
coup. He frequently has threat-
ened to take action on his own
against the right-wing rebel re-
gime of Gen. Phoumi Nosavan in
southern Laos.
The United States was expected
to welcome the action against
Kong Le.
Strong Declaration
In his denunciation of com-
munist ambitions in Laos, the
Premier pushed through the Na-
tional Assembly a strong declara-
tion of his govrenment's policy of
There were three chief points of
the nine - point declaration
One said Laos rejects and com-
bats Communism as incompatitle
with "the religion, traditions and
basic feelings of the Laotian
people, who are attached to lib-
The second stressed the im-
portance of "keeping Communism
and subversion" out of Laos.
The third warned that those
wishfng to take part in a future
Laotian Government of national
unity would have to "declare
themselves independent of Com-
munism and other foreign influ-



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