THlE MICHIGAN DAItV i' Opens Season -Daily-Larry Vanice )SES' STRUGGLE-The inner struggle of Moses after his re- n from exile will be portrayed in a concert reading of Chris- pher Fry's "The Firstborn," at 8:00 p.m. today in Lydia Men- 'ssohn Theatre. "The Firstborn" opens the University Players: ison and will run through Saturday, RSONAL APPROACH: Eowles Seeks Changes En Foreign Policies Sororities To Revive Newssheet Panhellenic Association will pub- lish the first edition of a bi-weekly newspaper for affiliated women next Monday, public relations dir- ector Susan Stillerman, '61, an- nounced. The newspaper, as yet unnamed, is a revival of a Panhel newspaper called "The Affiliate", which dis- appeared from campus two years ago, gradually diminishing in size from a glossy tabloid to a one- page mimeographed sheet. "We h9pe the newspaper will strengthen communications be- tween houses, as well as between Panhel and the houses," Miss Stillerman commented. The paper will be mmeogrphed at first, but Miss Stillerman hopes the response will be great enough to warrant expansion in the future. The staff will be comprised of reporters' from each house, who will contribute news of. activities in their houses and items of general interest to affiliated wo- men. Editorials and columns by ad- ministration and faculty personnel, Panhel officers and others will be encouraged. Miss Stillerman will also write a column of short featurized and editorialized com- ments, which will be called "Trlyla." ' "We plan to have the paper delivered to all sorority houses by breakfast time on Mondays, since there is no Michigan Daily to read that morning," she explained. Honors Group o Exarmine College Years An opportunity to summarize their college education and discuss their intellectual development has been offered with a random sample of seniors in the Honors Program of the literary college. The 6 seniors selected for these written autobiographies will meet with Prof. Robert C. Angell, direc- tor of the Honors Council, at 4:15 p.m. today in Rm. 429, Mason Hall. Each student who completes the essay with "conscientiousness" will receive $20 renumeration, Prof. Angell explained. "Those of you who fall in the sample are urgently requested to accept the assignment; those of You who don't, can't get in no matter how much you need the money! We must be scientific at all costs," he said. Ideally, Prof. Angell said, the themes would deal with the senior's growth from before he cntred the University to the pre- sent, charting the events and pecple that have influenced him. "We want to discover how the University, and in particular, the Horors Program have affected the student. We also hope to find out how the individual was motivated to the choice of his vocation and how he plans to spend the rest of his life." Prof. Angell added that he would go over each essay person- lly and discuss them with the student involved. TRADITIONAL ISSUES IMPORTANT: Philosophy Student Outlines Views By ANDREW HAWLEY s f Philo Wasburnk Grad., a stu- / dent in the philosophy department, J'>A < J .'., came to the University as a sopho- ... more in February, 1958, after a *.. year and a half at Ohio Univer- sity, in Athens, Ohio. For a long time Wasburn plan- Y:. u. ned to become a rabbi, and It was . r...'.-{ only recently that he "drifted out" of this ambition. However, he still. believes that traditional philoso- phical issues, such as the nature . of God, continue to be worthy of discussion, because "they are still significant to people." + Classical Sense Rejected "The broad, classical sense of "philosophy" seems to be rejected today," Wasburn says. He explains what he considers to be the popu- lar contemporary view of philoso- phy: "Investigation of the world, originally part of the realm of GRADUATE STUDENT SPEAKS -- Philo Wasburn, University graduate student in special scien'ces. Philosophy con- believes philosophy should continue to consider the issues that are still important to cerns itself with the logic of the seems to me that there are equally important things for contemporary philosophers to sciences and with analysis, of analyze language," he says. language." Wasburn believes that 'philo- in the Democratic Party: "Steven- Faith" and Kierkegaard's "Either/ logy does not make sophy' should not exclude the is- son, Bowles, and Galbraith - all Or" as two philosophical works tions in most of Iti sues that are still important to have experience and have express- which he most greatly enjoyed. explicit, and much c people - that personal opinions, ed definite progressive programs. while they may not represent The Democratic party is making Wasburn has taken several cog- logists assume knowledge, are still worthy of steps in the right direction, such nate courses in sociology, both as Science or not, soci discussion. as calling for medical aid under undergraduate and graduate, potential of disc "It seems to me that there are the Social Security Act." "Sociology has the potential of applying and sort' equally important things for con- Wants Legislation becoming science-like, but should which can shape i temporVy philosophers to do be- He would like to see more civil not really be termed a 'science' in and work toward soc temprayyany real sense," he says. "Soco- in general." sides analyze language," he says. rights legislation -- "reform of an__re____ene,"_he_____._"_____-__ngener __." Attempted Reform the inequalities within the present At one time Wasburn went to system, rather than some sort Hebrew Union College, where he of an attempt to establish a sort NOW ! "tried to reform Reformed Juda- of socialist system -- which many lsm,'" which, he says, "has become of the campus 'liberals' propose.". much like conservative Judaism. In addition to his interest In Religion, to be a real factor in classical music and science fiction, one's life, must be stated in terms Wasburn reads widely in philo- R of the culture in which one lives sophy and literature. He calls John NEW rl UU or for which one has empathy." Dewey and Albert Camus impor- EXC EEN Wasburn is currently working tant examples of the philosopher. toward a Master's degree, He hopes who is concerned .with the prob- eventually to earn a doctorate and lems of real life. He also expresses teach philosophy on the college his admiration for Bertrand Rus- level. "An M.A. In philosophy is sell. - WITH ANTHONY PERKINS - VERA MILES - JOHN ( only useful as a stepping-stone "In addition to Russell's con- toward the PhD.," he points out. tribution to the development of He remarks that his under- mathematics, and logic, he states graduate work at the University his opinions on the world. He has SGC prepared him very well for grad- things to say that make a differ- uate study. He finds the philo- ence to life. Camus, too, can con- sophy department "very cohesive," tribute as much to the world as the with considerable interplay be-. logician and semanticist." 'Was- tween teachers and graduate stu- burn would like to see the philo- dents. Graduates tend to orient sophy department offer courses in Sponso themselves to departments, and to existentialism and comparative lose sight of the total University, religion. he thinks. ie lists Deweys "A CommonW Little Originality "There is often little originality In the PhD. thesis today," he says. T i The procedure is to take a well- Ticket and Round Trip T worn contemporary problem, pit- two views against each other, and For Inform ation ar attempt to seek some sort of syn- NO thesis of the two. ' Call 54215 betwe Wasburn is "a Stevenson Demo- GOLF COURSE crat" with considerable admiration 0US.23-Soh Of Pukd Rd or col 5-8367 ..,..Irwin for "that rare intelligent voice in RESERVATIONS MUST $E MA politics. I would like to see him as the power behind the throne in the Kennedy administration." He points out the "brain trust" (Continued from Page 1) stance, instead of military aid 1 3) a UN civil service, which ald send doctors, agricultural erts and teachers to needy ntries throughout the world. ountries seeking aid must be .ing to cooperate and help mselves before this country uld give them aid, the con- ssman explained. This aidI uld be more than material aid; ;hould serve to institute wanted' arms. he residents of aided countries bhodes M;Ir Iue Friday richard Pfaff, recent Rhodes, Lolar (1957-59) and assistant in American Office of the Rhodes iolarship Trust, will be at the iversity on Friday to speak to students applying for Rhodes olarships next year or the year er. 'aff will speak at 4:10 p.m. Rm. 2012 Angell. Prof. Clark Akins, of the department of ssical arts and archaeology, in- utional representative for the :des scholarships, urges all in- ested students who cannot at- d the meeting to see Pfaff' ween 10:00 a.n. and noon on :ay in Rm. 2564 Administra- i Bldg. should feel the progress individu- ally and the United States should promote "an increasing measure of justice" in land distribution, so that assistance funds would not be absorbed by the small number of land owners. Three failures in the Adminis-' tration's Cuban program contrib- uted to the ascension of Castro and his 'anti - United States outlook.l First, there was no attempt to shorten the wide gap between the rich and the poor in Cuba. Next; there was a great lack of foreign service experts sent to Cuba who understood the masses and their frustrations. Third, a Point Four program for South America was not initiated. "We ignored the fundamektal forces at work" in the country, and thus, with Castro's ascension to power, our nation is associated with the status quo and the dic- tator Batista, the former ambassa- dor to India pointed out. actress Chase .Reviews Lo ve Comedy actress, Miss Ilka Chase, will present humorous se- lections, both prose and poetry, dealing with the subject of love, at 8:30 p.m. tonight in Hill Aud.j Miss Chase, whose performance is the first of the University's Platform Attractions series, ap- peared in the original Broadway production of Claire Booth Luce's' play, "The Women." She has alsoj written seven novels, the latest of which is "Three Men on the Left Hand." Students can buy tickets for her performance at a reduced price at the box office, New Schedule A tWABPoo The Women's Athletic Building will be open from 1:30 to 5 p.m. every Sunday for the remainder of the first semester. Golf clubs and tennis racquets will be issued to women students showing University identification. In addition, the Ann Arbor Hock- ey Club meets and practices from 2 to 4 p.m. every afternoon, and students are welcome to join the group, Starting Nov. 13, indoor activi- ties will be available for Sunday recreation to women students.' Bowling, indoor golf and table tennis will be offered. The women's pool, as in the past, will be open weekends for recreational swimming. The sched- ule is as follows: 6:30-9:30 p.m. Friday, family night; 7:30-9 p.m. Saturday, coed swim; 3-5 Sunday, coed swim. The pool is open 7:15- 9:15 p.m. Sunday to employees (of the University), alumni. and students with families. LA Forms NY U Professor To Talk o Movies Prof. Robert Gessner, of the New York University motion pic- ture department, will open the speech department assemblies with a discussion of "How Not to Look at Movies and TV" at 4 p.m. to- day in Rackham Lecture Hall. teerm Body A procedures committee to de- rmine which organizations or' annels are responsible for in- pendent women's regulations .d problems was organized at onday's Assembly Dormitory )uncil meetings. The committee will be chaired ADC secretary, Marilyn John- ri, 61, and membership will be ade up of representatives from 3C. ' After the committee obtains the formation it will relay it to use councils. A second committee was or- nized to determine a philosophy residence hall living for wom- Topics which this committee 11 handle include dress regula-I chers to Hold Hou~s esident and her will hold open house for at their home e, Tea Mrs. Harlan the first tea students this from 4 to 6 SaturdayNite--Oct. 29 Ann Arbor High Auditorium ALL SEATS RESERVED 1.75-2.25-2.75-3.75 On Sale at ULRICH'S and FOLLETT'S TONIGHT at 8:30 i Popular Actress and Author ILKA CHASE in a delightfully witty eveningy of romantic lore "The Dear Emotion" Tickets: $2.50, 2.00, 1.50X (30% Reduction on 4g7 vJ 1098 *,19 8 5 443 Dear Dr. Frood: Here is a controversial bridge hand played at a recent college tournament. The contract was six no-trump. Some say declarer should have played the Fiskill Convention, squeezing West while end-playing East. Others, however, say a straight dummy reversal and a trump coup would bring home the contract. What would you do with a hand like this? No Trump DEAR NO TRUMP: In our club, successful play would require slapping the Jack, whistling at the Queen and quickly saying "Sir Hinkum Dinkum Fuzzy Duster" when the one-eyed King is played. r-NORTH-1 4 A86 4 fV63 0102 a..SUTH.j J J10 9 72 *J52 VQ542 O~AQ7 AKQ 4 k +. + ,+ "lr rn. 7 1 { ... , Sim rr "rr, .""..,i. ,rr..: «,«'.. .^ «*iii: r. w U.. ri w i r ".+t r {{ t«.v "sr: ".y..} '-, ", r { s {« ^t y' , ".,, y;{tiy {. .. .,? , ,... '.rX. '{ {. ...'. { {" v" .s.,+.{" "," s{.,wYt.;. rt 'Y* «7S 4titi'. .-i+,'«" ; 5i.' . .,.... r" r it . 1:. :' '7+'.a A, ' r . s"";.y^ .. -0"ix.s X{+' i 'rnrv'*.4'"' iY'.+{i s{+..}r??+^ .".sr "ax3$.r$r.4. .«.wR.+'v, . . ri}.,j 'S".vxi. C ; { a,:v. yv{,'}%;.4 "' .v."..rr. v: ,v ". i?: +, ... " -5N+.h .. vrow. .tnX3'.w :'; :!x4rvr "" today. special welcome has been ex- ed to freshmen and transfer ents. efreshments will be served and e will be entertainment. r r" A .,r ~ .+. Y H W , Yt Dear Dr. Frood: How can a nice girl tell whether a boy is sincere-or just a wolf--when he asks for a kiss? Nice Girl DEAR NICE: Ask to see his teeth. ,.. Dear Dr. Frood: Everybody laughed when I brought my mother to the Homecoming Dane. What's so funny about that? Freshman DEAR FRESHMAN: She's probably a very funny woman. AnEvellniiw~ P S 0 VI MO Rt Dear Dr. Frood: Like every normal college man, I smoke Luckies. The other day I met this character who smoked something else. I want to know how a guy can be stupid as that and still get into college. l Dear Dr. Frood: I am 20 years old and I am about to marry a very nice, well-to-do man. He is 92 years old. Do you think the gap in our, ages will affect our happiness? rte, .ti 5t9.1r,1 i. C G a1[lk ,. 1 iLuckyr an DEAR LUCKY: Obviously your college is very easy to get into. i SNt DEAR FIANCEE: Not for lang. Fiancee .tif:yr;:;:?;: nCj r:.t ':S;h; h. "~,: ": :v ;;?y 'y}"7:',. ,, ,'"? .,4 'M'j: :{ 1q""+, ., "C:;',, yr(+{ . t v, 'rwt++.1titit",w tC,"yY,' +4,;.'" " ,?r: ..+.". r}J"'' a}.};."..{."ror" , ". ,i, .. .^: * y v+: ;".::«r, r},w;. 4w"{-h r: ko hr+ ,.r.,.,r,..:%.a".".?,t:}r;v tir.,'i+.vtiwx:.«:..".+..".^C ,.. a.. .v .'i1.". r: 4'^,.^.'^....xvfi }...'tii{'....:..:... A.,fi vwJ:{w!' : . «rk .+. . Ji+'m:T'Gi. R .. _.........