CONSERVATIVE STUDENTS BISE Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom See Page 4 ,l VJEU LXMA., No. 26t ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1960 ,T -Daily-David Giltrow BACKS MULTILATERAL AID-Rep. Chester Bowles, (D-Conn.) proposed solutions to world trouble spots and supported increased United Nations aid at the Michigan Union yesterday. Bowle AsVks Change SAmeranPoy Wants Revamped Foreign Program,l More U.. Aid Given Through UN By MICHAEL BURNS Rep. Chester Bowles (D-Conn.) called upon the United States yesterday to revamp its foreign policy and give more aid through the United Nations. Bowles, speaking before a crowded group of faculty and students in the Michigan Union ballroom, urged Americans to interweave their foreign policies and economic policies, "as they have never been interwoven before. "We define power in a military and industrial sense. We have to broaden and widen our view of power," he said. "The power of ideas - and of people must also be recog- nized to improve our foreign rela- St A ions." TO MEET: SGC Plans Discussion Of Motion By PHILIP SHERMAN Student Government Council will continue consideration of the motion on fraternity and sorority constitutions at its meeting to- night. It will also appoint the Com- mittee on Membership Selection in Student Organizations. The motion on constitution, if passed, would require all fraterni- ties and sororities to file a copy of their constitution, or a con- stitutional form, with the Vice- Presidnt for Student Affairs. A representative of the Office of Student Affairs and the SGC president, acting for the Council, would have access to this file; the membership selection committee, could, as a committee, examine portions of the constitutions deal- ing with membership practices. Fraternities a n d sororities would not have to submit their entire constitutions to the Vice- President's office, if the motion is passed, but only those parts deal- ing with such areas as member- ship, officers and committees, meetings and procedures for con- stitutional amendment and ratifi- cation. In today's discussion, a request may be made that the motion be deferred until the Council can consult with national fraternities, which have regulations concerning distribution of their constitution. The motions on constitutions, offered last week by SGC Presi- dent John Keldkamp, '61, is an attempt to expedite SGC's func- tion of recognizing and withdraw- ing recognition from student or- ganizations. The SGC president would have access to the file of constitutions to get Information the Council. would need in carrying out its recognition function. The membership selection com- mittee was set up by the Council last spring, when it passed the University regulation that "all recognized student organizations shall select membership and af- ford opportunities to members of the basis of personal merit and not race, color, religion, creed, na- tional origin or ancestry." To Arbitrate Rail Dispute WASHINGTON (P) - The na- tion's railroads and the men who operate the trains agreed yester- day to submit their hot dispute over work rules and practices to a presidential commission. Secretary of Labor James P. Mitchell, who negotiated the agreement, wrung concessions from both sides. The agreement ended, at least through next year, any threat of a strike over what railroad man- agers call featherbedding - de- fined as work rules and practices which they contend require the+ carriers to employ unneeded men.+ Therailroads have been urg- ing a presidential commission to1 look into the matter, and insisting1 its recommendations be binding on both sides.1 Question Use Of Anti-Bias Acts at Store A4DAC To Consider Cousins Shop Picket By PETER STUART The Ann Arbor Direction Ac- tion Committee is considering whether or not to resume their anti - discrimination demonstra- tions against the Cousins Shop after the city Human Relations Commission concluded last night that perhaps its own actions against the shop's alleged Negro discrimination have been "fu- tile." The commission's work has en- forced the conviction of Mrs. Jen- nie Cousins, shop proprietor, that she not change her allegedly dis- criminatory practices, H. Vaughn Whited, commission chairman, said of a recent talk with Mrs. Cousins. Thesweekly picketing demon- strations, conducted since last March by the group now known as AADAC, do notdisturb her eith- er, Whited said she told him. "Maybe the publicity has done her more goo, than harm," he commented. "I believe perhaps this is a futile thing." Asks Commissions The picketing organization ask- ed the commission to serve as mediator between it and. the Cou- sins Shop when it suspended Sat- urday demonstrations against the shop last May. The commission had taken no action against the shop since summarizing its position last spring when it judged the Cousins Shop "guilty of discriminatory treatment" of a Negro customer Jan. 26. The commission voted to send AADAC a letter containing the results of Whited's talk with Mrs. Cousins and reporting the situa- tion basically unchanged. AADAC will use the letter to decide wheth- er or not to resume picketing the shop, Jack Ladinsky, Grad., steer- ing committee coordinator, said last night. Protests Series Acting in the area of housing discrimination, the commission protested a series of full-page ad- vertisements by the Ann Arbor Board of Realtors in "The Ann Arbor News," which oppose Rule Nine, a Michigan corporation and securities commission ruling for- bidding discrimination in real es- tate rentals or sales because of race, creed, color or national ori- gin. "The commission should standa up and speak on this issue," commission member Herman Ja- cobs said, The commission accepted his proposal that a letter explaining the objections to the advertise-1 ments be sent to the realtors' board and to news media., Assembly Political Comt HELD IN RUSSIA: Kaminsky Tells of Conviction By PATRICIA GOLDEN Former Ann Arbor High School teacher Mark .I. Kaminsky said yesterday that he was convicted of espionage in the Soviet Union after he admitted travelling r !{ through Russia to gather material for a book on Soviet war prepara- tions. "They told me it would be fool- ish not to plead guilty," Kamin- sky told the Associated Press yes- terday in Vienna. "They gave me a lawyer. He was not of much as- sistance, but he cheered me up. He advised me to confess to the charge wholeheartedly and tell the court I felt very remorseful, He stressed the part about 'remorse- ful' time and again." Philip Power, Grad., who talked at length with Kaminsky in Kiev last August, said that Kaminsky and his companion were under heavy surveillance at that time, and apparently did not know why.-r No Idea of Book He said that someone in the party told him, "We're hot, but that he had no idea that Kamin- sky had been gathering Material for a book. Power spent an evening with Kaminsky and his traveling com- panion, Harvey C. Bennett, of Tracy, Calif., during which the group was followed. "After I left u awai Kaminsky I was followed. To my -AP Wirephoto knowledge I had not been under TOURISTS EXPELLED - Mark I. Kaminsky, of Niles and direct surveillance before that Harvey C. Bennett, of Tracey, Calif., are shown yesterday at a time," he said. news conference in Vienna after being expelled from the Soviet Denies Spying Union. Kaminsky received a suspended seven-year sentence for "I did not carry out espionage., espionage. nor did I confess to espionage," Kaminsky said in Vienna. "I did RED SPEAKER BAN: confess though that I was getting R material for a book." He explained to the Associated - Press later that under Soviet o ga er Sprnsdeeadpoag o ah the material he collected -- Actvites to Univers "such facts as that there areVyI' soldiers everywhere in Russia." He said the subject of the survey was: "The Soviet Union talks peace By MICHAEL OLINICK while preparing for war." Petitioners who are urging the reinstitution of ban against He added that he took pictures Communist speakers at Wayne State University may extend their of soldiers, radio antennae and efforts by seeking similar restrictions at the University and Michigan trains but not for espionage pur- State University. poses. The Russians confiscated "The probability exists that we will shift our movement to the photographs. Ann Arbor after we are successful at Wayne, but it is not in the immediately forseeable future," Ann Byerlein, one of the directors A ml s of the protest campaign, said last night, AP"I maintain hope, however, that Ce Ato ni Pla t the people in Ann Arbor will get the courage to step in the right In Greenland direction and fight for a ban atIssueS Report their school," she added. Asked repeatedly by many people flNe spaper WASHINGTON (IP)-The Army why they had restricted their I announced yesterday that opera- efforts to WSU, Miss Byerlein The president of the City College tional testing of its 2,000 kilowatt explained that "WSU is in our of New York issued areport yes- atomic energy plant built under own backyard. They had a ban terday that he said "'documented" the snow of the Greenland ice against Communist speakers and his recent charges that Marxist- cap has begun. lifted it. This concerned us more oriented students controlled one The nuclear-heated steam power than the other colleges which have of the six campus newspapers plant will provide electricity and no specific limitations on Co- e all e aper a water supply for the base at munist speakers." Buell G. Gallagher callediPeter Camp Century. (The University's nresent rulin ei1- -LASJ W Z.d. jwk- LeIs By PETER STEJNBERGER 'Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich.). a member of the Senate subcom- mittee on antitrust and monopoly legislaiton, yesterday called for legislation, yesterday called for; ity of the Food and Drug Admin- istration to deal with unethical drug manufacturers, Speaking before an audience of 75 pharmacists in Rackham Am- phitheatre, Hart discussed the subcommittee's findings on ethi- cal drug manufacture, "First, there is an almost com- plete lack of consumer sovereign- ty; that is, the physician, and not the patient, decides when to buy drugs. He is literally the purchas- ing agent of the patient." "Unlike the situation in many industries, it is foolish to think of consumer education as a cure to any wrongs in the drug industry. Argument Unlikely "While most purchases are made in an atmosphere of leisure, drugs are purchased during times of fear and pain, when people are least likely to argue over prices of things they buy." Hart said that while the sub- committee realized that drug com- pany officials have a responsibility to their stockholders to obtain as large a return on their invest- ment as possible, it tried to em- phasize that the drug company officials also have a responsibility for the public health. Pointing out that in rendering their services to the nation, the leading drug manufacturers achieve two times the average rate of profit, he said that while the government can purchase cer- tain drugs at 51 cents for a cer- tain quantity, the same quantity of the same drugs costs the con- sumer nearly 100 times that amount, and many companies put identical prices on comparable products. Cites Inadequacies Hart cited inadequacies in the present ability of the FDA to in- spect drugs for their safety, and predicted that "A very large effort will be made at the next session of Congress to give FDA authority to stamp out unethical manufac- turers and dangerous drugs." He said that he did not favor anfv legisla ~tion? eoncernfl'in thi p Peace Hard Peace "is going to come hard," the representative warned. The military power the United States is amassing is only a means toward an end, and should not dominate our lives. "The end is a peaceful world in which we can live together better." "This is the big issue" of the campaign, he explained. The Democrats have "a better understanding of people," he said, and therefore could best solve the domestic and foreign problems of today. Red China will probably never be recognized by the United States because Mao Tse Tung will insist upon including Taiwan as a part of the Communist mainland. "You can't abandon Formosa," he said, because it is a pro-Western nation which has the free outlook despite the dictatorial type of government which exists. Similar Philosophies Both the newly - independent countries and the United States have common goals and philos- ophies, which gives this country an advantage over the Soviet Union. To integrate our foreign assist- ance program successfully, Bowles suggested: 1) more working through the UN and asking Pre- mier Nikita S. Khrushchev to do the same; 2) increased technical See BOWLES, Page 2 I I Homecoming Holds Slave Sale ....... .. --... s:, .: ::$; {f: -ii:;}}:Xii.;" 4 . W. "' : . ..t.