Obstructionists Attack USNSA Seventy-First Year _ EDITED AND MANAGED PY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrTY OF MICHIGAN en Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Iuth W1 Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241 ditoriars printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, OCTOBER 18, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SHERMAN Euro peanH Study ram Merits CrflPlann REPORT urging the establishment of a: University foreign study program, recently roved by the literary college, sits on the desk Vice-President Marvin Niehuss, awaiting versity-level action. i its tentative stage, the program would up a University program working in con- tion with a French provincial 'University, bably Strasbourg. Students are to be billeted i families, classes are to be held in French, ,the student is to become as much as ible, a part of the European community. is imperative that these latter provisions he plan materialize or the University will e imitated the mistakes of already existing rican foreign study plans. EN superlative Stanford University has failed in this respect. Students studying er the Stanford program in Stuttgart rted that they were enjoying a tourist's ition in Europe. Stanfordites agreed with ents studying in Oslo, in Vienna under the rlin College program, and in the Munich ich of the University of Maryland, that course level was something similar to high ol and certainly far below the standards , good American university. prime example of failure is the Institute European Studies which brings American lents who possess $1400 to Vienna for a ester of beer drinking, opera going, and a e studying. Like those under the Stanford gram, students "learn" together, eat to- ter, and in general, form a "little America" in what is called "the most European city he world." NTRARY to European custom, class at- tendance is compulsory at the Institute. s is explained by the authorities as necessary Dmpete with the marvelous sights of Vienna. ually, the policy is necessary due to un- selective admission methods and the fact that students receive very little intellectual stimula- tion from a faculty hired primarily on the basis of English speaking ability. Such circumstances are disastrous. Minds which are almost encouraged to become lazy in the classrooms remain innactive when placed in the European environment. The worthwhile cultural interchange between American and European comes to a standstill or plunges to the common superficial level at which Euro- peans laugh. A minority of American colleges have set up worthwhile programs in Europe. James A. Robertson, Associate Dean of the Literary College, has mentioned Sweetbriar and Hamil- ton as two institutions that have achieved success. But at the present time, University students wishing to study under these programs abroad must formally transfer to the corres- ponding American institution, be readmitted to the University at year's end, and run the risk of not receiving full credit for the year spent abroad. tHUS, there is a clear r-t need for a quality University foreign study program. Prof. James Gindin, Chairman of freshman-sopho- more counseling, reports that last year he interviewed 250 students who were interested in studying abroad. As the University expands and selection policies tighten this number will tend to grow.% At its very inception, the University's pro- gram must be superlative, at least equal to any existing study plan. Finances will not be a major problem, the program is to be self- supporting. The University's size, mammoth re- sources, and record of academic leaderstip should give it no alternative but to establish the world's most rewarding program in this vital area of education too long overlooked. --HARVEY MOLOTCH By KENNETH McELDOWNEY Associate City Editor AN ARTICLE in the Oct. 11 Daily Northwestern seemed to spell the eventual doom of the United States National Student Association. In a long front page story, Hank Brown, the president of the student body at the Univer- sity of Colorado, claimed he had received cards indicating disap- proval of USNSA from 14 colleges. USNSA is a national student organization representing almost 400 colleges. On the basis of words and ac- tions of students from different sections of the United States at the NSA Congress this summer, it was thought that there would, be some discontent from member schools over the type of legislation passed. At the Congress most of the unfavorable comments came from student leaders from some southern schools, Utah colleges and other colleges across the na- tion who seemed disturbed at the areas into which NSA was moving and at the so-called liberal stands being taken. * * S THE STORY IN THE Daily Northwestern indicated that Brown had conducted a post card survey of student body presidents across the country in order to learn the feelings of their schools toward USNSA. He said that the poll indicated that Cornell, Dart- mouth, Vanderbilt, Duke, Uni- versity of Alabama, University of North Carolina and the Jniversity of California had dropped out of USNSA. He also said that the five schools of the Utah region had indicated they wouldrwith withdraw soon. In addition the University of Wyom'ing and the University of Arizona said they would not join, "any communist-front organiza- tion."' This charge is ridiculous. Instead of going in the USNSA's constitution, membership and stands on issues to disprove the accusation, it might be better to merely list the people who sent USNSA their greetings at the Con- gress. It's doubtful that Vice- President Nixon, Sen. Kennedy or Adlai Stevenson, all of whom sent their congratulations, could be duped. * * * INFORMATION obtained from the USNSA national office con- tradicts Brown's data. According to USNSA, only three small schools have indicated that they have' dropped. None of the seven that Brown claimed had quit USNSA are included on the list. Even these three were offset by three schools that have joined USNSA since the Congress. Of the seven that Brown said had dropped, two, the University of Alabama and the University of Southern California, had not been members for at least three years. The inclusion of their names was misleading. BUT EVEN more interesting than the total given by Brown is the manner in which the poll was taken. On Oct. 5, the Univer- sity of Colorado voted to stay in NSA by a 7 to 5 vote. As Brown's letter was not re- ceived here until Oct. 10, it seems reasonable' to assume that the letter was written after the meet- ing. Brown wrote Colorado was considering dropping out. Although Brown signed his name as president of the student government, the letter was not written on student government stationery, nor was Brown given authorization to carry out such a survey, inany of the' Colorado Daily stories that USNSA has re- ceived. The wording of the post card reply is definitely slanted. The choices were, "We have disaffiliat- ed with USNSA" " We are con- sidering disaffiliation with US- NSA" "We are not presently members of USNSA" and "We are members of USNSA, and plan to remain members, presently." There is no chance to show your support of USNSA. You can choose be- tWeen, merely saying you are a member at the present time or expressing at least implied dis- approval. THE POLL and its subsequent usage is one example of efforts to negate the hard work and accomp- lishments of sincere students. This example is not isolated. The quote accusing NSA of being a Com- munist front is as unfounded and derogatory as one in the Colorado Daily that quoted Trigg Carey, a member of the Colorado student government, as calling USNSA "a breeding ground for pimps trying to sell a harlotry of socialistic ideas," And at the NSA Congress this summer many students tried to prevent passage of legislation not by debate, but by stalling and walkouts. "Anything to stop a quorum" seemed'the rule of'many stu'dents. " Come late and leave early, and those who want to work won't be able to." Unfortunately such actions do not reflect solely on the individual students, but on the institutions they are associated with andstu- dents in general. If disgracing their colleges and /fellow students is their aim, many are succeeding. Jerome Hines EXTRA CONCERT SERIES: Operatic Fl'air Marks Jerome Hines Recital THERE is little that need be said about Jerome Hines' voice. It is a capable instrument, of wide range and expyession, not at its finest last night, but still highly impressive. Some other aspects of last night's concert unfortunately fared less well. A recital singer, I think, should sing in concert. By that I mean that the gesture 'of the opera stage, or-any exaggerated gesture for that matter, hat no place on the concert stage. Such gestures were particularly noticeable in the arias from "Don Giovanni" and "Le Nozze di Figaro." The catalogue aria suffered most' from a whole repertoire of rolling eyes, confidential gestures, and gutteral laughs. This is charming at the Metropolitan Opera, but rather distracting LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: CHALLENGE Cites Risks, Goals AX LERNEV= Two Series OBODY planned it that way, but the seventh game almost crowded out the third debate :m the public mind and from history. My Ac conscience tells me this is shocking. But atever sense of perspective and humor I ssess corrects me and tells me the two en- unters were one and the same, both of them ing part of the American World Series men- lity. Americans like a champion and they int him to emerge from a contest in which e pitching is crafty and the slugging hefty. It would be a beautiful dream, of course, if e could have about the winner on November the same lovely clarity one has about Bill azeroski's homer in the bottom of the ninth. it the nation cannot solve its global or domes- problems by cheering the electoral winner, r can it even keep a tally of runs, hits and rors for the two candidates as they sweat eir way through the debates. There is an en bigger difference: in the baseball series e teams decide their own destiny; in the litical debate series it is the audience which the end decides. As for me the moral I found in the Pirate vic- ry and the national rejoicing over it is that e mood of the nation is to depose the in- mbent and crown the underdog. If I am ht this bodes well for Kennedy. [AYBE IT IS only a carryover of the cliff- , hanger world series, but the third Presiden- I debate makes me feel more strongly than er that there should be a fifth after the irth, Ihave made it plain enough that I prefer bn Kennedy to Richard Nixon-in intellec- al stance, in bluntness, in boldness, in grace A tautness of character, wholeness as a per- n. The third debate, by revealing a wider p that ever between the personalities of the 'o men and between their mental worlds, engthened this conviction of mine. [ thought Kennedy was at his best in his sidling of the labor issue, with his emphasis giving the President a variety of weapons dealing with paralyzing strikes, and also in s grasp of fiscal problems when he compared e Eisenhower program with his own. He owed courage in his stand on the oil deple- n allowances, at a time when the Texas to is trembling on the razor's edge. [ spoke in an earlier column about Nixon's concentration on cleverness. But his oil deple- tion argument is an instance of when the clever man overreaches himself and becomes over- clever. Similarly his attack on Truman as cor- rupting the morals of little children through his invocation of hell, and the unction with which Nixon spoke of Eisenhower as a moral model for the young, revealed a curious under- estimation of the audience and its sense of humor. I hope we shall be spared a Pecksniffian campaign. 0NE THING the American people have not been spared, and that is the inevitable charge of appeasement of the Communist world. Why Kennedy ever brought up the marginal subject of Quemoy and Matsu only he and his campaign advisers can know. It strikes me as a thrashing of old straw, compared with the living problems of Cuba and the Congo, of disarmament, of a world police force. But once it was broached Nixon saw his chance of finally seizing upon an issue and he is beating it to death. His efforts during the debate to bring almost every question back to Quemoy and Matsu had at times the overtones of high comedy, reminding me of the old single-taxers who could smell the single tax issue even in a recipe for old-fashioned corn cakes. The fact is that policy on Quemoy and Matsu should be a matter of military expediency, not of high moral principle. The destiny of the free world does'-not depend on them. My criti- cism of Kennedy would be that he wants to establish in advance what ought to be part of a larger bargaining package with the Chinese Communists when the time for bargaining comes. My criticism of Nixon would be that he out-Dulleses Dulles both in rigidity and moral- ism, and I fear both these qualities in American foreign policy. I suppose Nixon believes that he may ride to victory on this issue. I strongly doubt it. He has hold of the wrong end of the stick. Aside from personalities the two themes that decide any American election are prosperity and peace. The current patches of joblessness and the looming shadow of a recession have cast doubt on the prosperity issue. But if Nixon decides to play the hundred-fifty percent American nationalist on the outshore islands he is in danger of throwing away the peace issue as well, and being left shorn of everything except Eisen- hower's very popular coat-tails. ONE OTHER campaign development deserves comment-the apparent death of the issue of Kennedy's Catholicism. I have all along thought that the anti-Catholic sentiment around the nation might prove the one incal- cuable element in the election. But it may have boomeranged, and the action of both Nixon and Lodge in coming out for public aid to parochial schools is evidence that they are To the Editor: IN response to Patrick White's letter of the 13th on Paul Blan- shard's talk, CHALLENGE wishes to quote from its brochure: "CHALLENGE will bring to the campus to present their views, prominent men who are actively involved in the major issues. These men do not consider the problems as academic questions, but as is- sues demanding personal involve- ment." CHALLENGE has never promised to bring only impartial or objective speakers to Michigan. Partisan speakers who are deeply committed to social issues can convey a sense of immediacy to a student audience; certainly Mr. Blanshard has stirred m o r e thought and argument than a less controversial speaker could have. If, despite the efforts of CHAL- LENGE, a speaker turns out to be an irrational crackpot or rabble- rouser (which Mr. Blanshard def- initely was not), students will rec- ognize the fact and not be de- ceived. Besides, the determination of who is an objective speaker seems to be a very subjective mat- ter. WHAT CHALLENGE has prom- ised is an attempt to present dif- ferent viewpoints on controversial issues. An attempt was made dur- ing the summer to bring a Cath- olic clergyman to answer Mr. Blanshard, but none could be ob- tained. We aretnow attempting, in response to student demand, to obtain a prominent faculty mem- ber to present another look at the separation of church and state within the next three weeks. If any group on campus wishes to sponsor a speaker on any CHAL- LENGE issue, we will cooperate with them to the fullest extent. As to the selling of Mr. Blan- shard's books, it was admittedly a mistake and will not happen again. Although no books were sold and two were stolen, it did violate the principles of CHALLENGE. We hope our word will be taken that this did not constitute our endorsement of Mr. Blanshard's views. -Hugh Wtemeyer, Spokesman for CHALLENGE More Aggravation . . To the Editor: FOR A WEEK now I have been considering a few comments concerning the report in the "Daily" of October 6, of the deci- sion by the SGC to support the "liquor by the glass" proposal on the November 8 Ann Arbor ballot. Not being fully informed as to just what the alleged "student drinking problem" is, I will avoid any reference to that aspect of the SGC action. In any case whatever the problem may be, find it difficult to see how the words "intelligent decision" can be used to characterize the possible acceptance of the /above ballot proposal. Since when has it been gonsidered wise to aggravate al- ready existing problems and cre- ate new ones in attempting to al- leviate another problem situation? THE CONCERN of the bulk of us who are actively opposing this proposal does not involve merely the morals of the student popula- tion, but rather involved recogni- city; arrests- for drinking driving increased that year in Flint by 40%; arrests for drunkenness in- creased 45%. Generally 'the same results were suffered by Lansing 'the first year following its accept- ance of such a proposal. I think the record speaks for itself. I for one hope the people of Ann Arbor maintain the present control on liquor now in existence. --Robert R. Winkler, Grad... Why Lectures? . To the Editor: NONE OF THE participants in the note-taking controversy seem to have realized where the heart of the problem lies: in the lecture system itself. The University lays down rigidly that classes should meet to hear regular lectures. Now, the nature of the lectures varies greatly; in some cases the instructor demon- strates things to the class, answers their questions, and tries to draw them into active participation in the unfolding of the subject-mat- ter; if successful, this method ac- complished something which pas- sive reading of books or notes can- not accomplish. At the other ex- treme, lecturers often just recite information to an entirely passive audience.' , I know nothing about the par- ticular courses in which note-tak- ing services are operating this se- mester, but I do remember taking courses from which I just got a, set of notes copied off the black- board; there was no pretense that the course gave any other benefit. WHY, THEN, were the instruc- tors not allowed to just hand out sheets of notes, and cancel the bulk of the classes? Why this rigid rule that everything must be taught by lecture? This apparent belief that the same method works best for all subjects? The reason is that in medieval universities, before the spread of printing, books were so rare that students had to go to hear the professor read (lecture) f r o m his own oopy. This situation has changed since about 1480, how- ever, many of the world's univer- sity administrations haven't no- ticed the change yet. --C. ,Waslutynski, Grad. Same Old.Reviews* . . To The Editor: THINGS haven't changed much in your review columns. Returning to this campus after an absence of eight years, I find a critique on the play, "Darkness at Noon," which reminds me of the young lady who went to the concert of the Boston Symphony with the score in her hand and caught many errors, so she said. At the play this second young lady didn't have the book in her hand, but certainly much in mind. It's too bad that she couldn't have evaluated the play on its own merits. And, by the way, after allr these years of trying, though your reviews are just as deprecating a~s TIME Magazine, they're STILL not as funny. --Kingsbury Marzolf, Grad. without the accoutrements of full- scale production, and the music per se is bound to suffer. IT CAN BE ARGUED that these are roles that are second nature to him, and this is probably true. Still, other singers of note per- form familiar operatic roles in re- cital without such agony of ges- ture, and are more fully satisfying for it. I do not claim to be fully conscious of the theatrical intri- cacies of "Le Tambour-major," and found myself less interested in the music, minor as it may be, than in the military tutti frutti that accompanied it. When he moved from opera to" song, there was an improvement, but the approach, if not the ges- ture, kept its theater orientation, often distorting the contour of the music. THE HANDEL I liked better. Except for a tendency to roll the r's in the "Largo" from "Xerxes,". it was sensitively done. "What. Land Is This" was warm and flexible, and was beautifully ac- companied, as was the entire eve- ning, by Emil Danenberg. The Monteverdi "Lasciatemi morire" was probably the most legitimate success of the evening, with a beautiful sense both of structure and drama achieved with purely artistic means. The Boito and the Dupare were likewise more successful, with the latter's "L'Invitation Au Voyage" given a superb mezza voce cadence. The American wing, including "Brother Will, Brother John" by' Sacco and two Negro spirituals,, "He Never Said a Mumblin' Word" and "Go Down, Moses," I liked less. As to the encores, especially the Hugo Wolf mouse trap, the less said the better. -Michael Wentworth U OF DETROIT: ONeill rHE UNIVERSITY of Detroit opened its winter season of Repertory theater last weekend with more than just a touch of poetry in presenting Eugene O'Neill's "A Touch of the Poet." The poetry lay both in the script itself and in its artful translation into 'a living picture of old-wrld pomposity dashing against 'the rocks of a rough young Americ -. With only momentary lapses the University Players maintain the depth required to encompass these gigantic emotions, sorrething that perhaps cannot be said of a major- ity of non-professional groups. And the director's sense of balance has avoided exaggeration that would distort the proportions of the per- formance., "MAJOR" CORNELIUS Melody is .a strutting, superciois, self- styled hero and country gentleman who has transplanted himself from Ireland .to the nited States of* 1828. His roots having failed to take hold in the soil of a scorning ,American society, he seals himself off in his own world of pretension seemingly blind to his mundane surroundings, He poses before mirrors quoting self-glorifying verse from Byron and indulges in ostentations be'- yond his -means while attempting to hide from himself and others the appearance of the drunkard he frequently becomes. It is only a profound humiliation, occasion- ed by his own determination to avenge his wounded pride, that finally pierces the veil around him. . . . THE PLOT IS NOT complex, but the challenge that the pro- duction of O'Neill's play presents is not in the story telling itself, but in the need to portray the many ingredients of human exper- ience that emboss it. There is love, ambition, pride, and despair; seductiop, revelry and rage. The challenge is well met by a per-' formance that succeeds in taking Its audience along with it through these and more. The scene which depicts the transformation of (orneius Ml- ody Is the most dynamic 'of the play. It is successively forceful and t e n d e r, and absorbing throughout. Here Melody sym" bolically kills the swaggering major that was himself and reverts to the Irish peasant that he basicain is. He expresses genuine affection toward his wife, slaps his daug, ter, and pledges his vote for An- ' drew Jackson, condescensions to which he would not previously have stooped. The genius of the playwright successfully obscures the implaus- ibility of the rather sudden change of an inveterate braggart and hypocrite into a man of humbler, sympathetic proportions. rTIOMAS ST. ('HARLES,.In the leading role has his finest moments as the new man 'when he breaks into a charming ease that delights the audience. The most sharply-defined char- acterization is rendered by Alice .Broder as the wife Sara, the deWevoted, hard-working and un- assuming antithes of her hus- "Which Face and What Opinions Will Dick Put On Next? Tune in Again..." ' ,' il1 df I viii w. r. c Editorial Staff THOMAS HAYDEN, Editor NfAN MARKEL JEAN SPENCER City Editor Editorial Director TH DONER .... Personnel Director ft e^ Ko- jov )a,