FOREIGN STUDY OFTEN SHALLOW Y1 e Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom 4 Alb tt FAIR, COOLER Hlgh-58 Low--=38 Clear skies with northwesterly winds of 10-20 m.p.h. See Page 4 , qo. 25 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1960 FIVE CENTS OTEST SEGREGATION: Students PledgeAction By THOMAS HAYDEN Southern Negro students havel formally pledged themselves to in- tensify and broaden their mass- action protest against segregation. Meeting in Atlanta last week- end, several hundred students from 15 southern and border states re- vealed plans to resume their wide- spread non-violent crusade with immediate emphasis on a nation- wide election day demonstration. The so-called Election Day Project, meant to dramatize the disenfranchisement of several ,1million southern Negroes, will be --AP Wirephoto EXPLAINS REGISTRATION TROUBLES-John L Reddix, Negro dentist from Monroe, La., here describes for the United States Civil Rights Commisslon how he and thousands of other voters in his area were eliminated from the rolls in 1956. In response to such stories, a number of Southern students are planning intense voter registration campaigns through the South next year. Listening to Reddix's story from his Commission seat is Michigan State University President John Hannah (second from left). CITES PROBLEMS: Prof. Angell Considers Admissions to Honors By RICHARD OSTLING Chances are that one out of every fe fr-ehmen in the literary colege honors program will not be in it a year from now. Students must maintain a 3.0 average to remain in honors. Twenty-three, 18, and 21 per cent of the freshmen have been dropped during the first three years of the program. In addition, there are one or two honors students each year who must leave the University altogether due to academic reasons. The %su &au f hnwilriILtL1is 3 e marked by banners declaring "In the name of America's future, give us the right to our future . , . give us the ballot." According to a resolution ap- proved at the Atlanta conference, three political requests are at the center of the project: 1) Immediate action on civil rights from the victorious presi- dential candidate, 2) Defeat of the Congress coali- tion of "Dixiecrat and reactionary Republicans," 3) Acknowledgement that the right to vote is a "basic and cru- cial right in a democracy; one which is exercised." After the call from the South, northern students will presum- ably respond with sympathy dcm- onstrations. Sizable Number In addition to the election day protest, a sizable number of stu- dents at Atlanta planned an all- out drive to increase Negro voter registration in some "hard-core" segregationist areas of the Deep South. Students will set up civil rights schools next summer to pre- pare the Negroes in certain con- gressional districts to exercise their franchise by the 1962 election campaign. The discussion of voter regis- tration was set in a context of c h a n g i n g political affiliation among the traditionally-Demq- cratic Negro communities. In Atlanta, many Negro establish- ments display huge posters favor- ing the candidacy of Vice-Presi- dent Richard Nixon. Advocate GOP And even in some areas where Sen. John Kennedy is the favorite, many Negroes are advocating the election of local GOP tickets. Other results of the weekend conference: , 1) Adult participation: Leaders of the Southern Christian Leader- ship Conference, including the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., are arranging for the entrance of adult Negroes into the mass action drive, particularly in the larger southern cities, by Jan. 1. 2) Variety stores: Students in- formally agreed to continue sit-ins at lunch counters in the Southern outlets of Northern chain stores. As a measure of their success so far they pointed to the integra- tion of hundreds of lunch counters in 112 cities and a statement from F. W. Woolworth, Kress, Grant, and McCrory - McLellan stores seeking a cessation of the national picket protest and economic boy- cot. Other Areas 3) Other areas for direct action: Recognizing the direct action movement has since February moved beyond the lunch counters, students indicated they will apply the same tactics against any dis- criminatory institutions they find. The first large eruptions are ex- pected next week in Nashville and Atlanta. In addition, students will soon attempt a peaceful protest throughout "hard core" areas in Mississippi and Alabama, intend- ing to be arrested and "fill the jails" in both states. 4) Organization: Perpetuation of the Student Non-Violent Co ordinating Committee, official ad- ministrator of the southern move- ment, was unanimously approved. Kennedy' S ets Code, Of Ethics By The Associated Press Sen. John F. Kennedy turned to new political ground yesterday as he called for, an eight-point ethi- cal code intended to keep govern- ment free of "crooks and weak- lings." Vice-President Richard M. Nix- on kept swinging at the Massa- chusetts senator on the Quemoy- Matsu issue. Nixon hopped around Connecti- cut, speaking at New Haven, Hartford and Bridgeport. He drew sizable and enthusiastic crowds in all three cities before being on to Buffalo. Hits Quemoy Issue Nixon .zeroed in on Kennedy's Quemoy-Matsu position bfore an overflow crowd last night at Buf- falo's War Memorial Auditorium. Nixon accused Kennedy of mak- ing a grave mistake in calling for steps that might get the West out of the little islands off the shore of Red China. He said the Demo- cratic presidential nominee show- ed "dangerous immaturity in world affairs," and if he had been President and had made such a blunder "the free world simply couldn't have afforded it." Stiffest Since Debate The Republican presidential candidate's attack on the foreign stand of his opponent was his stif- fest since the issue was raised in their second television debate, He proposed a "moratorium on any more rash, immature state- ments" and said Kennedy should "start thinking before he talks." Campaigning in Ohio, the Dem- ocratic presidential candidate said at Wittenberg University in Springfield, that in offering his code of ethics in government "I am making no charges and men- tioning no names for history See Related Story, Page 3 teaches us that no party has a monopoly on honesty. Both par- ties attract their share of crooks and weaklings. "But that does not mean that these problems are incapable of solution. That does not mean that a campaign promise is enough. A new administration must screen out those who regard government service as the door to power or wealth-those who cannot dis- tinguish between private gain and public trust-and those who be- lieve that old-fashioned honesty with the public's money is both old and out of fashion. Congo Capital Tries Curfew To Gain Order . LEOPOLDVILLE (M)-A curfew was imposed on populous Leopold- ville province last night in an effort to curb an outbreak of ter- rorist attacks and robberies. The curfew runs from 8 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. Provincial authorities issued the order, which affects the Congo's capital and such other cities as the ports of Boma and Matadi. Back Neutralist U.S. To Resume .. <' IM ovEnds Interventio By Riissian assistance Include Direct Pay Checks To Royal Soldier WASHINGTON (P)-The U States has ordered resumptic its big military assistance gram to Laos, including direci ary payments to the 25,000- royal army, State Departmen ficials said last night. The action ended a suspei of 10 days or more during a the Soviet Union sought to : into the vacuum with an off aid to neutralist Premier Sot na Phouma. The decision to resume Ar can aid which amounts to a $46 million a year stemmed talks with Phouma in the capital of Vientiane by tro shooter J. Graham Parsons sistant secretary of state fo: Far East. The United States had disa with Phouma in the timing o peace talks with the Commu directed Pathet-Lao guer which are now Under way. Lao Ai( --AP Wirephoto E.ISENHOWER GRIN--Tn Detroit yesterday for a major speech and a visit to the National Auto- mobile Show, President Dwight D. Eisenhower got a replica of the "Spirit of Detroit" from Mayor Louis C. Miriani. U.S. Ike Asks Added Efforts 4 'Voice';Sets Interviews "Voice -- the new campus political party - will interview prospective members of its ticet in the upcoming Student Govern- ment Council election. The interviews are set for 7:30 p.m, today in Rm. N of the Union, Candidates will be asked four pre-announced questions and four extemporaneous questions designed "to show their knowledge of the University's problems, their im- agination and creativity, and to determine their positions in re- lation to the basic philosophy of the platform," Sharon Jeffry, '63, "Voice" elections committee chair- man, said. They will be asked to comment on the campus judicial system and what they feel would be the ideal residence hall living unit. Other questions concern: what the university should do in on and off-campus housing; whether there is a difference between civil liberties and academic free- dom; what kind of leadership the SGC can and should provide. Students interested in running on the "Voice" tickets have been asked to submit preliminary drafts of their platforms to the committee for consideration prior to the interview. Local Council Endorses Plan. For Conclave 'The City Council spoke out last night in favor of the state consti- tltional convention proposal on the Nov. 8 ballot. The council unanimously ap- proved a communication from Mayor Cecil O. Creal endorsing a resolution by the Michigan Muni- cipal League which explained and appy o nonors students is re- plenished with students who achieve a 3.5 average during their first semester, if other indications of their ability are favorable. Basic Problem But the basic problem of initial selection of honors students re- mains - there are students who have the ability on paper but do not perform, and there are stu- dents who do better at the Uni- versity than their high school rec- ords and test scores would indi- cate, Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology department, director of the Honors Council, attributes most of the blame to the failure of students to simple lack of effort. To lessen the dropout rate, either the standard set for elimi- nation must be lowered, or the selection of students for the pro- gram must be refined. The first is not likely to happen, since the 3.0 standard is viewed as being the best possible criteria by the hon- ors policy-makers. Enlists Help And while a 20 per cent rate of failure is to be expected in such a selection process, the honors program is enlisting the help of University social scientists to see what can be done. At present a combination of College Board scores and reports from individual high schools is used in selection; standards are a little higher for the University honors program than for the freshman class at Harvard. Prof. Angell says "supplemen- tary criteria" must be established for improvement, and he thinks that creativity may be one which has not been given enough weight. Associates Test Prof. Sarnoff A. Mednick of th psychology department is working on a Remote Associates test, while Prof. Benno G. Fricke of the Uni- versity's evaluation and examina- tions division has enlisted ratings of students by the faculty in an attempt to identify creativity. Professors were asked to submit lists of students they felt were unusually creative, and students DETROIT {-)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned last night that the Pied Piper's tune of Com- munist propagandists is everlast- ingly trying to lure more nationst out of the free world camp. He called for redoubled efforts around the globe to prevent this, "The stop watch of history is" running," the President said in1 an address prepared for the 43rd! National Automobile Show din- ner. "The race is on to see wheth-¢ er the material and spiritual needsl of the world will be better met through dictatorial control, com- munized enterprise, immorality, and inhumanity, or through free- dom, private enterprise, and co- operative action, inspired by the] concepts of religious morality and respect for human dignity.", President Eisenhower, set forth4 these views after flying in from1 Washington to start a nine-day cross country tour which the White House is calling nonpoliti- cal. Banish Poverty The President declared, "We can, we must banish poverty in America," and then added, "but we cannot, if labor and manage- nment behave as adolescents in- stead of adults, not if they ignore the national welfare by deadlock- ing for protracted periods with painful effects upon the economy before composing their differ- ences." "No longer can this nation per-] mit either group to draft its feet in adopting preventive measures for the prompt settlement of in- dustrial disputes." . In dealing with the internation- al situation the President said the Communist propagandists tempt the disadvantaged (free nations) to believe that communism is the only way. Thus, they boast, that the Soviet Union will soon out- strip even the United States in production. To Look Behind "We must continue to try to get the under-privileged to look behind this claim," he said. - Touching indirectly then on Sen. John F. Kennedy's conten- tion that the Soviet Union's pro- duction is increasing at a swifter pace than America's, President Eisenhower said: "It is not surprising that pro- ductivity is increasing at a fast- er rate in Russia than it is in the United States. Indeed, it would be surprising if this were not so, for, -the Bolsheviks started, some 40 years ago, at a very low level, and channel all production according to political need. "Yet even if we accepted the claim that a communiz_ a system will eventually equal ouk pro- ductivity-which, of course, vedo! not-we would reject it (the Lys- tem) for a complete communiza tion of the means of production will succeed only under a dicta- torship. We would prefer poverty in freedom to riches In slavery." "This means," he said, "that there must be a new, true spirit of common dedication to freedom pervading the relationships of all free nations." The President said that if the free world community is to per- severe and prosper every one of its >member nations must contri- bute to the "total cooperative enterprise to the utmost of its ability.",He added: "No nation is so rich or strong that it dares to stand aloof. No nation is so poor that it cannot make a vital contribution." Nixon Rejects Kennedy Bid For Extra Televised Debate WASHINGTON (P)-Vice-President Richard M. Nixon yesterday turned down the idea of a fifth television date with Sen. John F. Kennedy. Kennedy urged that he reconsider. - The two presidential candidates took stands which indicated small chance of agreement on anything beyond the fourth date, next Friday night. Republican Nixon said he couldn't change his schedule Shows Backbone. But the neutralist Lao Prem has shown backbone in the f conditions he has laid down negotiating with the Pathet-I leaders, the State Departm( feels. These conditions are first t the Pathet-Lao must get out the northern garrison town ba.mneua. In announeing on Oct. " 0 had been suspend State Departnbent press off Francis W Tully, Jr., said t "fractionalization of the royal army lies at the heart of the pr lem ." Army Splits This referred to the split the Army between followers paratroop Captain Kong Le R led an Aug. 9 coup which ouw the pro-Western government Laos and troops loyal to righi Gen. Phoumi Nosavan. Word of the reversal of the Ur ed States position came a hours after reports from Vienti that Souvanna had turned do two offers by Parsons for resun tion of aid because of conditi attached by the United States The Premier was repor weighing the Russian aid of which was made Saturday wl Soviet Ambassador Nikitich Ara ov presented his credentials. In Vientiane, Souvanna c firmed published reports that c ditions attached to renewal of were suspension of peace to with Pathet Lao and removal the administrative capital fr Vientiane to the royal seat Lu ang Prabang, where King 0 vang Vathana could exercise closer watch on the neutra government. B oard Meets To Administe New College LANSING (R) - Plans got the ground yesterday for Mic ga4's tenth and newest instituw of higher learning - the so-ca Grand Valley College -in southwestern part of the state Seven of the nine board of c trol members met for the first t in Lansing yesterday after be sworn in by Gov. G. Mennen M liams, and being handed the I of picking a site, planning c riculum and raising $1 million Board members agreed to I a professional education admi trator to work full-time, to appo a citizens advisory committee a board finance committee. The new college will serve area covering Kent, Newaygo, tawa, Muskegon, Barry, Io 1 JEROME HINES: iner Attempts o Compose Opera , I°By JUDITH SATTLER to permit another debate with Kennedy later than Friday night; he did offer to extend their debate that evening to include questions from the public as well as news- men. Although Jerome Hines, bass with the Metropolitan Opera Com- pany, is well-known, Jerome Hines, operatic composer, is an unfamiliar' figure to many people. As a serious part of his musical work, Hines has undertaken to write a three-part opera on the life of Christ. Begun in 1950, the three-part work is about half finished; it is Hines's first attempt. The initial part, which has been performed 33 times, is entitled, "I Am the Way"; the other two sections are called, "I Am the Truth," and "I Am the Life." Baptism of Christ The period from the baptism of Christ to the Sermon on the Mount is covered in the first opera. The next work is planned to deal with the time following the Sermon on the Mount until the resurrection of Lazarus; the last work will deal with the last week. Hines said that he first undertook writing the opera as a hobby, when he realized that there was no operatic passion play being performed. While he was working on it, he underwent a religious conversion, and the writing became "serious business." After his conversion experience, he did extensive work with the Salvation Army, and so, when his opera was first performed, the cast was made up of "converts from Brooklyn's Skid Row." The production was "packed full of memorable experiences." Kennedy Frowns Democrat Kennedy had already frowned on a Nixon suggestion to run Friday's show for two hours, instead of one, saying he doubted they could hold public interest that long. He said in a statement in Ohio today that Nixon has re- fused to move back their fourth debate to a time nearer the Nov. 8 election, in addition to turning down the idea of a fifth debate. "It is difficult to understand," Kennedy said, "why Nixon has persisted in trying to cut off de- bate 18 days before the election and will not permit the American people to hear a discussion of the issues as they develop in one of the most important elections in our history. Aide Comments Fred C. Scribner, a Nixon aide, explained in Washington, "The original agreement was for four debates and their dates and forms were arrived at by negotiation by -~ -