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October 15, 1960 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-15

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sef-hin e ildcats
Star Quarterback Dick Thornton Hopes
To Duplicate Great 1958 Performance

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BACK IN ACTION--Bennie McRae, Michigan's fleet halfback, will be back in the lineup today after
missing the Duke game with an injury. He is shown here sprinting for yardage in last year's
game with Missouri.
Iowa Meets Badgers in Big T en
Crucial; Buckeyes Test Purdue

The Badgers will try to upend
the Hawkeye championship ex-
press in a game which will pro-
bably match Wisconsin airpower
against Iowa's speed merchants.
The surprising Badgers, who last
week upset Purdue, 24-13, pos-
sess the Big Ten's top passer in
sophomore Ron Miller, who last
week completed 12 out of 23 for
203 yards and one TD. He also
leads the Conference in total of-
fense with 242 yards.
Iowa, number two ranked team
in the nation, is considered to
have the fastest backfield in Big
Ten history by many observers,
and each man is capable of break-
ing up a game with a long gallop.
In quarterback Wilburn Hollis
they have the leading rusher with!
150 yards gained. He is also quite
proficient in the passing depart-
Third-ranked Ohio State, who
appears to be Iowa's major rival
for the Big Ten title, will pit its
murderous offense and a defense
which is one of the nation's best
against Purdue. In three games
only seven points have been scored
on the Buckeyes.
The Buckeye's offense is built
around quarterback Tom Matte,
who has the Conference's best
rushing average with 9.9 yards per
carry, but who is unproven as a
passer, and bruising fullback Bob
Illinois, who was a pre-season
favorite for the Big Ten title but
was soundly whipped last week
by OSU, 34-7, faces the farmit-
able task of downing a tough
Minnesota team if they're to keep
their title hopes alive.
The Illini chances of upsetting
the Gophers are hindered by the

fact that Captain Bill Brown, first
string fullback and the team's
leading punter, is a doubtful
starter because of a torn ligament
in his right knee.
At South Bend, Michigan State
will be gunning for its fifth
straight victory over Notre Dame.
The Spartans, whose overall re-
cord is 2-1, and who had victory
snached out of their hands last
week by Iowa in the closing min-
utes, are considered heavy favor-
ites to down the Fighting Irish.
Indiana, who last week became
the only Conference team to lose
a game to an outsider this year,
will attempt to make amends in
their game against Marquette.
.trust Suit
Against NFL
BALTIMORE P) -- The young
American Football League filed a
$10 million anti-turst suit in U.S.
District Court today against the
established National Football
League and its 13 professional
The AFL and its eight teams,
organized last year, contended the
30-year-old NFL engaged in an
Illegal conspiracy to exclude them
from a share in the professional
football business.
Treble damages were asked as
permitted under federal anti-trust
The $10,080,000 suit also asked
the court that NFL franchises
granted be withdrawn, or fran-
chises which might be issued not
be granted, in the cases of Dallas
and Houston.

"Northwestern Swamps Favored
Michigan, 55-24."
This is the headline which ap-
peared in The Daily of Sunday
morning, Oct. 19, 1958. Spearhead-
ing the Wildcat runaway was a
sophomore sensation, quarterback.
Dick, Thornton, who passed; ran
and punted his team to a 43-0
halftime lead, which caused many
observers to question the validity
of early+ Western Union reports.
Thornton led the Big Ten In
total offense that year and was
mentioned on several All-America
selections. He passed for 751,
yards, second in the conference,
and was fifth in conference scor-
ing with 36 points.
Before the start of the 1959 sea-
son, the sophomore flash with a
year of experience under his belt
was expected to lead the Wildcats
to their best season in years,
perhaps to the Big Ten chamn-
Broken Leg
But in the second game of the
season,'against Iowa,'he broke his
ankle on the opening kickoff and
was lost to Northwestern for the
remainder of the year. Because he
played in only one game, the Big
Ten granted Thornton an extra
year of eligibility.
Now Just two years after the
Wolverines' historic defeat at the
hands of Thornton and company,
the question is, "Will Thornton
repeat his amazing performance?"
Unfortunately, there is little
Soccer Club
Meets OSU
The Wolverine Soccer Club will
be shooting for itssecond straight
victory this morning when they
meet Ohio State at Wines Field
at 10:30.
Last Saturday the squad got off
on the right foot when they de-
feated Denison, 4-3.
Bernard Levrat, from Switzer-
land, was the Wolverines' high
scorer as he tallied two goals.
Captain Mircea Oprea and Suha
Alpayli each tallied one.
The win was costly as Ben
Bevis and Alpayli were lost for
the rest of the season because of

basis for answering this question.
Although Thornton sparked he
Wildcats to an opening-day 19-3
victory over Oklahoma by throw-
ing two touchdown passes, he sus-
tained a thigh injury that pre-j
Freshman basketball coach
Tom Jorgensen announces that.
tryouts for the frosh squad will
start at 3:30 p.m. Monday In
the I-M Building.
vented him from playing against
Iowa. In that game the Wildcats
were whipped, 42-0.
Last Saturday against 10th-
rated Minnesota, Thornton-turned
In an' impressive performance,'
completing 10 passes' for 171

yards, but could not avert a 7-0
defeat for his team.
Triple Threat
What worries Michigan, how-
ever, is not what Thornton has
done so far this season, but what
he did two years ago, and what
he is capable of doing this Satur-
Should he get good support from
his teammates, and should he re-
gain the form that makes him a
potential All-America, then the
Wolverines will have their hands
Though it is extremely doubtful
that Northwestern will manhandle
the Wolverines this week as they
did two years ago, it is conceivable
that an inspired performance by
Thornton could 'turn the balance
of the game in favor of the under-
,dog Wildcats.

WlVDCAT STAR-Northwestern's triple threat quarterback Dick
Thorton will be the man the Wolverines will have to stop today
if they hope to stay in the Big Ten title race. Michigan is favored.

renn Mate upset army last
week and could provide a stern
test for the receding Orangemen JOSH
Should they succeed it would beP$
the biggest upset since NotreWH ITE
Dme halted Oklahoma's long STERNIHT
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