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October 15, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-15

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Bet page, f

Seventy Yearsof Editorial Freedom


Scattered showers all day.
Cooler in evening.

OL. LXXI, No. 23




Favored Michigan Meets
Northwestern Wildcats
Coach Elliott Wary of Opponent's Strength;
Fitzgerald Sidelined as Glinka Leads Attack
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan's healthy and improving football team will seek its
first conference victory this afternoon when it meets an underdog
Northwestern squad before an estimated crowd fo 63,000 in the
The Wolverines, who have won two of their first three games,
are six-point favorites. Kickoff time is 1:30.
Although they have won only one of their first three contests,
Wolverine Coach Bump Elliott rates the Wildcats as, "a good and
vastly underrated ball club. Northwestern is a lot better than its 1-2
'record indicates," Elliott said,

Seek First
* * * *













i Nine M





.. picks up yardage
Seek Help
On Campus
"'T~he survival of America de-
pends on YOU," Miss Ann Byer-
lein, leader of a movement to re-
instate the ban against Commu-
nist speakers at Wayne State Uni-
versity, wrote to a University un-
dergraduate yesterday.
Urging the students to circulate
a petition protesting the move by
WSU's Board of Governors who
lifted the ban three weeks ago,
Miss Byerlein claimed, "Patriotic
Americans can stop this brazen
attempt by Communists and pro-
Communists to pervert the minds
of our youth by obtaining signa-
tures on the . . . petitions."
Miss Byerlein and Donald Lob-
singer, two Detroit residents not
connected with WSU, are heading
this movement which has already
gained over 25,000 signatures in
three weeks.
Denied Place
The group was denied a place
on the Board of Governor's agen-
da Wednesday afternoon because
they had not filed for permission
at "the proper time." They expect
to come before the Board at the
next regular meeting on Nov. 8.
Miss Byerlein's letter asks, "Are
we electing men to sabotage Amer-
"The Board of Governors
have revoked a ten-year ban
which prevented Communists from
speaking at the university. Un-
less you stop them, the perpetra-
tors of the most heinous conspira-
cy in the history of the world will
verbally promote America's de-
struction among our nation's stu-
Discuss Quest
"Freedom under our Constitu-
tion doesn't mean the freedom to
destroy. Nor does the quest for
truth begin by listening to Com-
munist masters of deceit."
Asked why she and her group
had not demonstrated at WSU
when Soviet chemist Oleg A. Reu-
toy spoke there last week, Miss
Byerlein declined to make a direct
answer. "There are reasons for our
Ike To Serve
If Nixon Wins
LOS ANGELES (M -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower has agreed
to serve as a roving anbassador
of peace I4tbePresident iIchard
W Nixon suceeds him. EL Nixn

"and I hope that our ball club
realizes it." The Michigan coach
noted that both of Northwestern's
defeats have come at the hands
of teams who are rated among the
top ten teams in the nation.
Lowa, who whipped Northwest-
ern 42-0, is ranked second by
the Associated Press weekly poll,
while Minnesota, who edged the
Wildcats 7-0. last Saturday, is
rated tenth. Northwestern's lone
victory was a 19-3 win over Okla-
Top Shape
The Wolverines with the excep-
tion of halfback Denny XFitz-
gerald are in top physical shape
for the contest. Returning to ac-
tion will be first stringers Bennie
McRae and Ken Tureaud, both of
whom sat out last Saturday's 31-6
pounding of Duke.
The Wolverine starting oackfield
will be composed of sophomore
Dave Glinka at quarterback, Mc-
Rae at left half, Tureaud at full-
back and sophomore flash Dave
Raimey at right halfback.
Higth Speed
This is the first time that Mc-
Rae and Raimey, both of whomi
possess tremendous speed, will be
in the starting lineup together pnd
Michigan fans can anticipate an
afternoon of explosive running if
the Wolverine blockers are able to
move the bigger Wildcat forward
From tackle to tackle the North-1
western line averages 214 pounds1
see WOLVERINES, Page 6 1
Four fire engines screamed
through campus to the archi-
tecture and design building just
before noon yesterday, but all
they found was a somewhat
chagrined professor and a little
"Something shorted out" in 6
a wooden cabinet in the fourth
floor print room, was all the
apologetic Prof. Frank Cassaraz
of the architecture school could
tell the brigade of firemen. He
had quickly put an end to the
conflagration with a carbon di-r
oxide fire extinguisher by thec
time they arrived.

Demnocrat's Travels
Begin in Ann Arbor
Nominee Asks Economic Growth
'Recovery of American Prestige'
Special to The Daily
ging his program of "New Frontiers" and stressing econo
growth and recovery of American prestige abroad, Sen. J
F. Kennedy whistle-stopped through nine central .Mich:
cities yesterday.
The senlator began his one-day tour of the state Jn
Arbor yesterday morning, where he was greeted by 5
cheering supporters. He called upon citizens to continue
tributing "a strong and vigor-
ous effort to utilize the re-
sources in this country" as an
example to the newly inde-
pendent states who want to
try a free society.
Kennedy told the cheering en-
thusiastic audiences throughout'
the state that his program was
a progressive one, designed "to
move this country ahead."

--Daily-David Giltrow
CAMPAIGNING KENNEDY-Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John F. Kennedy campaigned Michigan yesterday, after start-
ing the day at Ann Arbor, where he was greeted by some 3,000 sup porters. Kennedy made nine stops at various central Michigan.
Italy,U.S.,eewArmk s

Italy and the United States
handed in a resolution last night
that would have the United Na-
tions General Assembly urge that
disarmament negotiations be re-
sumed as soon as possible.
They proposed that the negoti-
ators start by agreeing on partial
measures leading toward the goal
of general and complete disarma-
ment under effective international
Their resolution, in preparation
for days, competed with the one
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev
gave the Assembly Wednesday,
calling for conclusion of a treaty
for general and complete disarma-
ment as soon as possible. The two
proposals also differed on details
of control.
Meanwhile, Britain submitted a
separate resolution by which the
99-nation assembly would recom-
mend that technical experts be
appoihted right away to work out


ways of checking on various steps
in disarmament and report the
results to the UN disarmament
commission within six months.
The three - nation resolution
omitted a key part of Khrush-
chev's resolution-the idea that
disarmament could not take place
unless the UN Secretariat and Se-
curity Council were reorganized
so as to give Communist, Western-
allied and neutral countries an
equal voice in running any post-
disarmament UN peace forces.
All this set the stage for the
disarmament debate expected to
start next week in the Assembly's
political committee. The object
was to get the East-West negoti-
ations going again that broke
down with a Communist walkout
in Geneva last June 27.
The United Nations meanwhile
relaxed after Khrushchev's stormy
25-day visit. But the General As-
sembly, at a morning meeting,

heard a warning that his cold-war
tactics had increased the danger
of a shooting war.
Eric H. Louw, South African
Foreign Minister, told the 99-
nation Assembly this danger would
continue unless Britain, France,
the Soviet Union and the United
States settled things at a new
Summit conference.

Louw also said Khrushchev's
attacks on Secretary General Dag
Hammarskjold and his threat to
lead the Communist countries out
of the United Nations were not
necessarily idle threats but might
really be "an indication of what
is going on in the minds of the
Communist leaders."

Pittsfield Gives City Land
For New Research Park
Pittsfield Township last night gave Ann Arbor land for a city
research park,.
The Pittsfield Township Board ended a three-week dispute be-
tween township and city by voting 5-1 to release 386 acres a mile
south of the city, of which 210 acres are for the research park for
annexation to the city. The City Council has already approved the
annexation, subject to approval by
the township board.
"All we wanted was commitment
on two points, and when these
two were settled, we were ready
r " M u sic to vote approval," Township Clerk
T. Bruce Rider said in explaining
the decision of the seven-member
board (Trustee Jack D. Hogan
"I'd like to make a distinction was absent, on a vacation in the
riat nrov pnfnlrEast).
.LI~ ht~, b~,iL t 'JA bOIf Vk '

Seeger Stresses Athenti

Designs Proposals
He said his proposals are de-
signed to coordinate both domest-
ic and foreign policies, as the
New Freedom of Wilson, the New
Deal of Franklin Roosevelt and
the Fair Deal of Truman had done
successfully in the past.
In Jackson, the Massachusetts
senator told the audience that he
was running against "a man who
runs on the slogan 'You never
had it so good."'
With seven per cent unemploy-
ment in Michigan, with steel in-
dustries operating at 50 per cent
of capacity and 35 per cent of the
nation's brightest youth not go-
ing to college, "who can believe
this"?" he asked.
Discusses Lapse
Kennedy urged a "full economy"
to meet this economic lapse, and
cited the need for 25,000 new
jobs a week each year to solve un-
InMarshall, the Democratic
candidate said he was running for
the presidency because it." is the
center of action."
"And I think the job of the next
president of the United States is
to tell the, American people the
sober facts of life, .to ask "of them
a greater effort, to suggest that
it is incumbent upon us to build
our strength here inthis country,
If we are going to maintain our-
selves,", Kennedy explained.
Brought Up Events
He brought up the events in the
world which are turning African
nations against the United States
position and warned of the con-
sequences of Red China's exam-
ple of growth when viewed by
wavering countries.
"In the next 10 years, the bal-
ance of power in the world may
begin to move either inevitably in
the direction of the Communists
or in the direction of freedom.
That is why I think the times in.
which we live are so important,"
the senator emphasized.
At East Lansing, where approxi-
mately 6,000 Michigan State Uni-
versity students floeked to hear
the presidential hopeful, Kenne-
dy said the Administration has
failed in disarmament proceedings
because less than 100 persons are
working on this "maost complicat
ed, perhaps important and per-
haps fruitful responsibility which
the government now faces."

. .,ours Michigan


rign away Reween iu songs anda
folk music," Mike Seeger an-
nounced to his large and enthusi-
astic audience last night.
"Folk music is played as much
like the original as possible. The
rough effect is planned. He took
a long swig of the soft drink he
had brought with him on the stage
and grinned, "but maybe it won't
be quite so rough after this has
loosened up my throat."
Seeger had just arrived from
the West Caost for a Folklore So-
ciety-sponsored concert at the
Union. Both he and the Society
were amazed at the size of the
audience, part of which was sitting
on the floor.
He commented on the folk
music revival in the cities, hinting
that folk songs which are dressed
up to appeal to a city audience are
less significant than authentic
renditions of traditional mountain
"Folk music is a form of recrea-
tion," he observed. "People play

Denies Approval
The township board refused to
approve annexation for the Cham-
ber of Commerce-sponsored re-
search park Sept. 23 by a vote of
4-3, and later specified two re-
quests it asked the city to meet.
The City Council complied with
both requests Oct. 3. ,
In a resolution issued at that
time, the Council agreed to pay
21 per cent (estimated at $2,500-
$2,700) of the cost of improving
South State Street in the annexa-
tion area and fix zoning for the
area "consistent with light indus-
trial and research usage."
With only formalities remain-
Vig for the annexation to take
effect, City Attorney Jacob F.
Fahrner, Jr., predicted, "By the
middle of next week at the latest,
the land should be city property."
Act to Annex
The annexation actions of the
township board and city council
must be certified by the appropri-
ate clerks and sent to the Michi-

Crowd Greets
Kennedy's enthusiastic rec
tions in traditionally Republi
areas came as a surprise to m
Most surprising was his I
and lound welcome from Gr
Rapids, a city which has not v
ed. for a Democratic presiden
candidate since 1936. Crowds
the rally and along the stri
were estimated at 35,000, howe
a large percentage of the ac
vocal supporters were high sci
Religion entered the camps
again when, a Jackson girl as
Kennedy what to tell her pare
who "won't vote for you beca
of your religion."
The senator, a Roman Ca
olic, replied he would ask th
to study what he has said ab
separation of church and st
to examine his voting record
Congress and then to read
United States Constitution wl
says there shall be no religi
test for office."

'No Broadcasts'
He said there have been no
Spanish radio broadcasts to Latin
America, except during the Hun-
-revi- ~- ic rn +'a se -,Aiah

-: 4


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