Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom 4latt FAI, MILD LOW-55 HIGH--80 Partly cloudy, continued warm. scattered thundershwers w~v V W~W ~Y i~dh ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1968 FIVE CmETS SIX PA( IIR VT r " i' es f a 1alA1 0 a Sit-In Cessation Firms Tell NSA Representatives Movement Should Shift Emphasis By PHILIP SHERMAN Four variety store chains have, in effect, told United States students in the sit-in movement that they have made their point and should shift their activities to other areas. In a statement issued yesterday in New York, F. W. Wool- worth Co., W. T. Grant Co., S. H. Kress and Co. and McCrory- McLellan Stores pointed to progress they have made in inte- grating their branches and argued that continued variety store sit-ins will be unprofitable because of this progress. The statement was issued against a background of wan- ing interest in the variety store sit-in movement. The four FRANCE: Introduces weapons Proposal -0 ARTHUR GOLDBERG ... labor and liberties Says Unions Must Iinsure Civil Rfights By RUTH EVENHUIS "Trade unions can exist only in a society of civil liberties, and can only be healthy when guaranteeing these same liberties to their mem- bers," Arthur Goldberg told a Challenge audience yesterday. He discussed the relationship of labor to civil liberties in the coun- try as a whole, in labor-manage- ment relations, and within the labor union itself. The life and vitality of the trade union movement are based! on constitutional guarantees, he said, since liberty may take eco- nomic as well as political forms. Liberating Force Goldberg doesn't consider gov- ernment control in the form of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act as a denial of civil liberties but a liberating force. Definig civil liberties as the in- dividual's relative freedom to as- sert his rights as an individual on the job, he stressed the neces- sity of collective action to insure these rights. Must Have Rights Within the union, individuals must have "full rights of citizen-E ship" including the right to criti- cize, the right to vote for officers, and subjection to "due process of law". "The right of a member to civil liberties doesn't extend to undermining the union institu- tion," he explained, defending the union's right to expel members seeking secession from the union. "Civil liberties within the unions must be won by active non- acquiescence to the abnegation of: these rights. The unions and the I public must be increasingly aware that the protection of the rights of labor unions will result in the union's protection of the rights of the individual," he said. Plan Forum O new Tests For* SE3nimnr companies suggest that other food and merchandise stores, including department and drug stores are not integrated. "And many churches and civic organizations are not fully integrated, not to mention schools and public institutions." Issued at Meeting The statement was issued at a meeting between officials of the four companies and five represen- tatives of the United States Na- tional Students Association, in- cluding S t u d e n t Government Council President John Feldkamp, '61, who is chairman of NSA'st National Executive Committee. Two of the NSA representatives, will convey the companies' state- ment to the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) which is nieeting today in Atlanta,. NSA has not endorsed the com- panies' position, Feldkamp said. It is only going to explain the companies' stand on the situation and the reasons why they feel continued picketing and boycot- ting of their stores are not justi- fied. No Advice Given NSA, Feldkamp said, is also looking for a time when they too might end sit-in and picket move- ments as applied to variety stores," but it is not giving advice to SNCC which is free to act as it chooses. However, the SNCC conference was called because the sit-in movement is bogging down, Feld- kamp said. The reason may be "that the situation they are pro- testing is pretty much remedied." "Students are going to have to be aware that they could go be- yond the point of no return-ifl they continue to work on varietyj stores, it is questionable that they1 will receive continued support. "And without widespread sup-] port the sit-ins lack effectiveness." "It now looks as if support isx falling,' Feldkamp continued. "Iff they persist in wanting to work in an area in which they cannotl get support, they are unwise. "NSA supports the principle ofl See CHAIN, Page 5c PARIS W -Premier Michel Debre yesterday introduced in a lukewarm Parliament a $1.2 bil- lion plan to arm France with its own nuclear striking force. The proposal has already drawn hot criticism from all sides. Debre argued that the plan for a national atomic striking force did not mean France was throw tho-ing over its alliances to go it alone-as some critics charge- and withdrawing into neutralism. "The first point of French for- eign policy is the maintenance and development of the Western alliance, whose instrument is the Atlantic Pact," Debre declared. "It will have solidity and durabil- ity only if it is the expression of solidarity of the free world in every place." That was a reference to Algeria, where he said there was no West- ern solidarity. But he insisted that in fighting the Algerian National- ists, France was defending the West. In defending the costly atomic force proposal, Debre sai' the present distribution of strategic responsibilities among the Allies was unequal with the United States "in fact keeping the mon- opoly of using atomic weapons," As for French reluctance to integrate its forces in the Western alliance, Debre said that in fact the government was ready to ac- cept integration but ."no one is ready to integrate his deterrent (nuclear) forces." Critics also have charged that the deterrent force is beyond France's financial means and' would cause reduction in commit- ments to the Western alliance. But Debre insisted the plans was "studied with prudence." The bill provides for studies and experimental work. GOP Nominee Favors Negro For Cabinet WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. ( P) -- Republican vice-presidential nomi- nee Henry Cabot Lodge said here yesterday Cabinet posts should rgo to capable people regardless of race or creed, Lodge told newsmen on his ar- rival here for a GOP rally spe -ch that while Cabinet appointments are matters for the President to handle, he would favor a Negro, in the Cabinet of Vice-President Richard M. Nixon, should Nixo'i win the November election. Sen. John F, Kennedy and Vice- President R .chard Nixon spurned the re;:giou Issue but clashed on the suddenly-mushroomed issue of defending Quemoy and Matsu and on what it would cost to do things for America Nixon, for example, said Ken- nedy's farm program would raise good rornts 25 per cent. "Not true," Kenn ,dy fired back. Thy did agree that the United States is bound to stand by com- mitments to defend Berlin, Discuss Quemoy, Matsu There was no difference from the last debate on the point of yielding Quemoy and Matsu Is- lands, But Kennedy again insisted that it is Formosa and the Pescadores Islands, farther out, that must be defended under any circumstances --according to United States trea- t y obligations. He said Nixon was going further than the Eisenhow- er administration in urging de- fense of Quemoy and Matsu. The Vice-President said Kenne- dy's position only encourages the Chinese Communists to press America to the point "where war is inevitable." Nothing, he said, could be a greater blow to the free nations of Asia than for the country to go along with Kenne-; dy. Fact Distorteda For his part, Kennedy fired back that he didn't "think it pos- sible for Nixon to state the rec- ord with more distortion of fact."I Furthermore, Kennedy said,I Nixon never has protested whatI the senator termed Communistt seizure of Cuba, Just 90 miles from Florida. For the first time in one of these appearances with a nation looking and listening in, the is- sue of Kennedy's Roman Catholic religion came up. Roscoe Drummond, columnist for the New York Herald Tribune, said Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (D-N.Y.), a Negro, and Gov. Mi- chael V. DiSalle of Ohio, a Cath- olic, have been saying bigots and members of the Ku Klux Klan are going to vote for Nixon. In Columbus, DiSalle said he had been misquoted. Drummond asked Kennedy the purpose of this sort of thing and how he feels about it. Kennedy Disapproves The senator said he disapproves. He said he had heard that the head of the Klan in Florida had come out for Nixon but that "I IQC Backs .*.*.0 PartieipaiNion 11 The Inter-Quadrangle Council moved last night to establish an associate membership program for interested freshmen who live in Ann Arbor and are not residents; in the quadrangle system. It will allow non-resident fresh-l men to participate in social, ath- letic and political affairs ofa houses which volunteer to acceptI them. IQC would serve as coor- dinating authority. do not suggest in any way" thai Nixon is involved with the Klar or its support.- Nixon said he welcomed the op- portunity before what he called the largest audience in history "to join Kennedy completely in re- jecting the religious issue." Plenty of other topics got a going over-the nation's gold sup- ply, economic growth, oil depletion allowances, United States military strength, the budget, disarma- ment, labor legislation. On that latter item, Nixon con- tended Kennedy indicated last Oc- tober he favored compulsory ar- bitration of major strikes. Ken- nedy said he never did any such thing. Nixon was asked if he believes new laws are needed to protect the public against labor union ex- cesses. In this area, he said, the laws that should be passed are ones that will givethe president more weapons to deal with big strikes affecting the national interest. opposes Compulsion Nixon said he was opposed to compulsory arbitration or to gov- ernment seizure. That, he said, would lead to wage and price con- trols "and all the things we do not want." The president, Kennedy said, should be given more tools to cope with major strikes. An additional power, he said, would be seizure, but there should be authority to protect both sides so neither la- bor nor management "would know which powers" were going to be used. 1 1 --Dally-James Warneka DEMOCRATIC NOMrNEE - Sen. John F.. Kennedy was greeted by approximately 10,000 cheering students as he arrived in front of the Union early this morning. He will begin his second trip through Michigan today. On Kennedy's immediate right at the microphone is Gov. G. Mennen Wil- liams and to Williams' right is Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Lt. Gov. John B. Swainson. At Kennedy's left i Thomas Payne, candidate for the United States House of Representatives from the Ann Arbor area, CONSIDER ISSUES: Kennedy, Nixon Hold Third Debate By The Associated Press I Crowd elcomles Senator at Union Tells Crowd U.S. Can Avoid War; Stresses JProgress at Willow Run By MICHAEL BURNS Sen. John F. Kennedy, fresh from his nationally televised debate with Vice-President Richard M. Nixon, called upon the American people "to recognize the responsibilities and oppor- tunities ... for this country to move ahead," on his arrival at Willow Run Airport early this morning. After his 10-minute talk at the airport, Kennedy was rushed to the Michigan Union. He arrived at 1:40 a.m. and spoke briefly to -the 10,000 students assembled in front of the Union. The Massachusetts senator, speaking before cheering masses of students, said the problem facing the American peo- ple was to prove that "it ism possible for us in the next dec- ade, by good judgment, re- sponsibility and great fore- sight, to avoid military ac- tion." Calls on Students He called upon the students\ to comprehend the nature of the sit- uation facing America today and - to offer themselves 'to the cause of the United States. Kennedy emphasized that he did not ask the student group for its political support "but your support for this country over the next decade." The future of this country and "all those who look to the United States with any degree of hope" depends not only upon the presi- dent but also "depends heavily on the people" The Union crowd yelled and asked for more from the Demo- crattic presidential hopeful, but the senator asked to be excused from speaking any longer. "I came here to sleep," he ad- mitted. BUC HOMERS CLINCH SERIES: Pirates Out-Blast, Outlast Yankees | Speaks at Airport At Willow Run, Kennedy said "The same opportunities, problems and responsibilities which Michi gan faces, the United States faces." The goal of every American should' be to make the United States a "stronger and bette country.' He also got in a slam at th Republican Party. "I cannot believe the American people will support a party which has stood still for the past 50 years," he remarked. The Democratic presidential hopeful was 45 minutes late in arriving at Willow Run- and three impromptu stops in the motor- cade's Journey to Ann Arbor made him even later. Two demonstrations by East- ern Michigan University students in Ypsilanti forced him to talk briefly to these crowds. Kennedy faces a strenuous nine-city, whistle-stop train tour of the state beginning at 8:45 a.m. today when he is scheduled to speak at the Ann Arbor train de- pot. University President -H a rl a n Hatcher is scheduled to meet briefly with the Democratic can- didate today before the trip to the train station. The senator was accompanied by Gov. G. Mennen Williams and Lt. Gov. John B. Swainson from the airport to the Union where they stayed overnight. Sen. Pat- rick McNamara (D-Mich.) is ex- pected to join Kennedy on the platform at the station this morn- ing. This is the first time many can recall that a presidential candidate has stayed overnight in Ann Arbor during the campaign. Kennedy's first Michigan visit was in Detroit where he spoke to the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention. Republicans will have a chance to see their standard bearer on Oct. 27, when Vice-President Richard M. Nixon makes a whistle- stop talk here. GOP vice-presiden- tial candidate Henry Cabot Lodge has cancelled a tentative speaking engagement in the city previously set for late October. He dropped the visit when it was certain Nixon woul dappear in Ann Arbor on about the same day. KENNEDY, WILLIAMS S... meet at airport - SGroup Plans To Present a Case atWU l By MICHAEL OLINICK After a fruitless attempt to bring the question of re-imposing the ban against Communist speak- ers at Wayne State University before the schools Board of Gov- ernors on Wednesday, petition leaders promised yesterday that they would present their case at the next board meeting, Nov. 16. "They'll have to fill this place with chairs when we come again because we are going to stack the y'place," Ann Byerle'n, one of the protest movement leaders, said yesterday. Her group had been un- able to gain a place on the Board's Wednesday agenda. ""This meeting does not consid- er statements from anyone who chooses to drop in," Leonard Woodcock, a member of the board, told the group. "If you wartt to be considered at our meetings, you must have a request in 10 days before the meeting so the board will have time to study the issue. Miss Byerlein said that in a little more than two weeks the number of signatures obtained on the petitions is "well over 25,000," the- original goal. "We have seen students made pawns of the Communists since-. this country recognized the Soviet Union," Miss Byerlein said. "This question at Wayne has to be brought out into the open now because the danger is now." EMU Requests Record Budget Eastern Michigan University has requested a record operating bud- get of nearly $5 million for 1961- 62, President Eugene B. Elliott PITTSBURGH -P)-Bill Mazeroski's leadoff home run in the ninth inning yesterday brought the fighting Pittsburgh Pirates a 10-9 vic- tory over the New York Yankees and their first World Series cham- pionship in 35 years. The stalwart second baseman's blast over the left field wall came on the second pitch thrown by Ralph Terry, the Yankees' fifth pitch- er, and touched off a mad, Joyous celebration in Forbes Field. Use Yankees Weapon Thus the Pirates beat the Yankees with the American League champions own prized weapon-the home run. The Pirates, who had hit only one four-bagger in the previous six games, smashed three yestreday. The Yanks clubbed two homers, by Moose Skowron and Yogi Berra, for a total of ten. But the huge hitting advantage of the Yankees went for nothing in the end against the scrapping Pirates. The Pirates assumed a quick 4-0 advantage in two innings on Rocky Nelson's two-run homer in the first and Bill Virdon's two-run single in the second. Skowron's Homer First Skowron's homer in the fifth gave the Yankees their first run off starter Vernon Law, the two-game winner with the help of Elroy Face. The Yanks then clubbed Law and Face for four runs, climaxed by Yogi Berra's three-run homer, in the sixth and a 5-4 New York lead. The Yanks added two more runs off Face in the eighth on three