4A&43a" ~Iaitr ACTIVITIES SECTION ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1960 TWELVE PAGES W To Renovate Girls' Dorms CENTER OF ACTIVITY-The League Building houses facilities for recreation, study and meetings, It also houses the Women's League, the coordinating body for clearing policies and sponsoring ac- tivities aimed strictly at the female contingent on campus. League Coordinates Programs j rtB LIwnA BRODEY I The Women's League was founded in 1890 and has served as the clearing house for women's activities and self - government ever since. The League is divided into three branches which include Women's League Council, Women's Senate and Women's Judiciary. The Board of Governors of the League is composed of four alumnae, two faculty women, two women ad- ministrators and five students. This body determines policy con- cerning the Michigan League Building. The Council of the Women's League has three branches of gov- ernment: the League officers, the Administrative chairmen, the first vice-presidents of Assembly Asso- ciation and Panhellenic Associa- tion, and the president of the Women's Athletic Association. Acts As Guide The League President presides over League Council meetings and acts as guide and advisor to the various women's activities con- ducted through the Women's League, The internal vice-president of the League coordinates all activi- ties sponsored by the administra- tive committees of the League and prepares the calendar of events for the entire year. The external vice-president coordinates League Policies Seet By Judiciary By JUDITH BLEIER The Women's Judiciary Council is the judiciary branch of the Women's League. "Although it serves as a penal- izing b o d y at times, Women's Judic is primarily an educating r body and a counseling group," Judy Gardhouse, '61 Ed, chairman of the organization, said. Wo- men's Judic feels that through education, infractions which may occur through ignorance can be prevented, she said. Women's Judiciary Council is endowed with responsibility and authority in four major areas. Sets Women's Rules As a policy making body the group meets once a week to dis- cuss problems at the University concerning women's rules. In co- operation with the Dean of Wo- See WOMEN'S, page 7 activities with other campus or- ganizations and presides over Wo- men's Senate. The Vice-President in charge of Class Projects is the guide, advisor and coordinator of the central committees of Soph Show, Junior Girls' Play and Senior Night. Other officers include the Vice- President in Charge of Finance and the Chairman of the Inter- viewing and Nominating Com- mittee. Chooses Committees The Interviewing and Nominat- ing Committee has the responsi- bility of choosing, through the petitioning and interviewing pro- cesses, all women students serving as chairmen or committee mem- bers for League projects through- out the year. Each of the chairmen of the seven administrative committees also has a seat on League Council in addition to her duties in seeing that League projects run smoothly. The Community Service Com- mittee volunteer their services to the community each year, acting as hostesses at the University Hos- pital, the Speech Clinic and the Veteran's Readjustment Center. Room has to be allotted for the functioning of each committee and League project and the girls who take care of this belong to the House Committee. Coordinat- ing League activities with building calendars, they see the meetings are set for the right time in the right place. Maintenance of the Library and Listening Rooms also comes under their jurisdiction. Work With Union The International Committee works with the Union each year in planning the annual Interna- tional Week and supervises the American Sisters Program, pairing international women students with Americans. Every organization needs a group of people to let the campus know what it's doing--the Public- ity Committee. Members publicize, events and plans by keeping the permanent "Diag Billboard" up- to-date, writing, editing and pub- lishing the "League Lowdown" pamphlet telling students how the League is run and utilizing letters, displays, posters and stunts to draw attention to the League's efforts. The League acts as spearhead for all-campus activities under the sponsorship of the women stu- dents. Spearheading the spear- head is- the Social Committee which organizes the social activi- ties presented by the League as a whole. Assisting Mrs. Hatcher in pre- senting the monthly student open houses held at the President's House is a major project for the Social Committee. Among its other responsibilities are the planning of bridge lessons and Duplicate Bridge Tournaments. The academic side of campus torial Committee extends a help- ing hand to women students in need of it. With a permanent file of tutors on hand, the members can direct the student whose studies are life is not neglected, as the Tu- See LEAGUE, page 7 All-Campus Sing Planned One of the nost spirited events during Registration week is the traditional Michigan all-campus sing. The event is sponsored by the Wolverine Club. e The sing is held immediately after the President's Welcome. In this address, President Hatcher welcomes the new freshmen to the University of Michigan. The MC for this combination pep rally and campus get-together, will be Newt Loken. Newt has been active in campus affairs and is presently serving as Manager of the cheerleaders. Among the entertainers at the s i n g are the Michigan cheer- leaders, a traditionallyuall-male group. They lead the students in Michigan cheers and demonstrate their excellence in gymnastics. A special attraction will be pre- sentations by the entire Michigan Marching Band. Under the direc- tion of William D. Revelli, the Band has become a well-known entertainment group. The band plays music from Bach to Basic, and has shown such variety and profiency in drill routines and dance numbers that it p 1 a c es among the finest organizations of its kind. Also featured at the sing will be "Bump" Elliot, coach of the Michigan football team. Coach Elliot, a former Wolverine All- American, starred on Michigan's g r e a t, 1946-47 teams. Another attraction will be the appearance of Gerry Smith, this year's foot- ball captain. Week Set To Orient Students The Union and League, in co- operation with the administration, will sponsor the social orientation program to parallel the Univer- sity's academic orientation. Orientation week for freshmen and transfer students who have not had summer academic orien- tation will begin Monday, Sept. 12, with a mass meeting in Hill Audi- torium where they will meet their orientation leaders and join their respective groups. The rest of that day and Tues- day will be devoted to academic testing with the language place- ment tests being given on Monday evening. Registration Scheduled On Wednesday there will be registration with individual groups meeting before. In these meetings, the orientation leaders will ex- plain the procedure and answer any questions the new students may have about registration. The rest of the week will be de- voted to social activities so that incoming students can get to feela at home at the University and be- come familiarized with the social and extra-curricular activities which are available to them. One of the campus traditions will be President Harlan Hatcher's welcome to incoming students. At the same time, the deans of men and women and various student leaders will address the new stu- dent body. Sing Planned1 Following the "President's Wel- come," there will be an all-campus sing on the Diagonal. The band and cheerleaders will be there to lead the group in their first intro- duction to school spirit. There will also be College Night" where students will become fa- miliar with the schools they are enrolled in. Besides this, the League and Union are planning1 coke dates and the dorms will ar- range mixers. Iindividual orientation groups will be able to attend League- Union Forums where the students+ will be given the opportunity to0 ask upper classmen questions about the University and campus life, too. It MOVING IN-Residents of Mary Markley Hall, woth the aid of family and friends, undertake the chore of transferring most of their possessions from home to their new campus home-the dormi- tory, for fteshmen, at least. Markley is the newest of the residence halls, but the job is the same, regardless of surroundings. LARGEST IN COUNTRY: Union's Activities Diverse * I By RICHARD CONDON The Michigan Union, the largest men's union in the country, is the only totally student run organiza- tion on campus, and offers stu- dents, faculty members, and alumni recreational, social, com- munity and cultural advantages. The facilities within the Union itself include a grill and dining room, hotel accommodations, li- brary, billiard room, swimming pool, barber shop, dark rooms, a hobby room, music listening rooms, and public meeting rooms. The Union activities, however, by no means end here. Counseling Service The Student counseling offers to literary college students the unique opportunity of receiving peer coun- seling on an informal basis. It is the only such service at the University, though it is not offi- cially entitled to authorize elec- Advice from Dear On Sunday, September 11, Ann Arbor will thoroughly un- derstand the phrase "the wave of the future." Of the 3,000 drops forming Michigan's wave of '64, 1,500 will splash down on us that day. The excitement, optimism, energy and genuine capacity for learning pouring out are as conspicuously real as the weather of a sunny, cloudless July day on a Cape Cod beach with a salty wind sweeping in from the Atlantic. It is well to remember that this atmosphere of heady energy, this sense of effective well-being it not, itself, The Deed Accom- plished. It can be the ideal climate, the carefully provided opti- mal environment within which, and somewhat because of which an individual may accomplish The Deed-and the key word is 'may'; not must, nor will. I am sure you are aware, in the 1960s, of The Deed to be Accomplished by every droplet in each wave hurrying towards America's colleges and universities this fall. Your responsibility is to use to your maximum these four years, this environment, this faculty, these libraries, laboratories, friends and 'activities' --this "way of life"-so you may best grow in learning, in char- acter and in effective living. (Miss) Deborah Bacon Dean of Women tion cards. It again is operated throug hthe Union student offices. A Student-Faculty-Administra- tion Conference is held each year, in which an opportunity is given these important segments of the1 University community a chance to sit and discuss common problems on an informal basis. The purpose of this conference is to help iron, out any difficulties among them. Tutors Available A complete, up-to-date file of available student tutors who have' excelled in one or more fields of learnin gis kept in the Union stu- dent offices. This is an important, though little known service ren- dered by the Union. At various dates during the course of each academic year out- standing professors and visiting authorities in a specialized field are invited to speak by the Union. They either give talks or partici- pate in panel debates and discus- sions at the end of which are question and answer periods for the audiences. The Union plays a large role in campus social activities. Each Sat- urday night following football games a campus dance is offered in the Union ballroom. Dances are also held every Friday night in the Union Grill. This popular tradi- tion is commonly known as Little Club. The Union also sponsors jazz concerts in the Hill Auditorium. During the Fall and Spring orien- tation periods Union Madness is offered. This includes band in both the ballroom and grill in the eve- ning and a casino party for the new students.% Football tickets are sold the morning of the home games in the Union lobby. An information booth is also set up in the lobby for the convenience of alumni and guests. During Homecoming Weekend cof- fee hour get-togethers are spon- sored by and held in the Union. In conjunction with the Wom- en's League, the Union plans and executes both annual orientation programs. Some idea of the Uni- versity community is given to high" school juniors and seniors during the annual "U" Day. Tours and lectures are provided, The Campus United Nations is an important function of the Uni- versity in introducing the Uni- versity to foreign students. It also plans to acquaint American stu- dents with international culures. It is set up on a similar scale to the United Nations and is repre- sented by foreign and American students. Helps Foreign Students The International Week and. World's Fair is another important part of the attempt on the part of the University and the Union to make foreign students feel at home in Ann Arbor. The World's Fair is the highlight of the week. Students from various countries portray various aspects of the native cultures. Each na- tionality club on campus builds an exhibit of its choice which is displayed in a specified part of the Union. These usually include art, games and food. Trip to Europe The Union sponsors each year anairflight to Europe and back. This amounts to a considerable saving over the conventional air- lines and steamship transporta- tion costs. It makes available to the student, who might not other- wise be able to afford it, a chance to see the Continent. Weekend Activities Many of the all campus social weekends are coordinated by ,the Union. These include; "Michi- gras," a biannual campus weekend featuring a carnival, parade and displays; "Homecoming," the spe- cial weekend for alumni in which affiliate and nonaffiliate groups erect displays, "Musket," offcially the "Michigan Union Show, Ko- Eds Too"; and "Spring Weekend." 'U' To Equip Hill Halls With Phones Old Couzens Closed, Totally Overhauled By JEAN SPENCER - A renovation program spread over this school year will enhance living conditions in the group of women's residence halls on The Hill. Telephones installed in individ- ual dormitory rooms, operating from a central switchboard, will be enjoyed by girls in Alice Lloyd, Couzens and Stockwell halls by the end of this school year, with fur. ther extension planned. This cone venlence was formerly available to girls living only in Mary Mark. ley Hall, built in 1958. Most freshman women will be introduced to University housing through one of the five dormitories in the Hill area. Markley, tailored to fit student wishes according to University-conducted polls, is a massive H-shaped structure where modern facilities and decor alleg. d edly soften the "institutional at.. mosphere." It's location is actually a half-block over the Hill, on Washington Hts. Gothic Hall Stockwell, the Gothic building on the corner of Observatory and N. University, boasts medieval tapesired lounges. Mosher-Jordan halls modernized during the past two years, is in keeping with the same architectural tradition and has a quasi-drawbridge. During 1959-60 school year, girls from Mosher moved into one of Mark- ley's eight divisions while repairs were made. Alice loyd Hall, second newest and largest, sits next to the as- tronomy observatory on the cor- ner of Ann and Observatory. ru sent, on Ann facing the hospital, will undergo extensive remodeling In the coming year. Its old section will be completely overhauled- new furniture, plumbing, wiring, plastering, floor and ceiling, tele phones-Because of its location, Couzens is the home of junior and senior nurses; because of its sched- uled repairs, it will house few freshmen this year. Few Freshmen A few freshmen will be placed in Helen Newberry and Betsy Bar- bour houses, relatively tiny dorms (about 200 girls each) just across State Street from Angell Hall. Re- decorated last year, Barbour and Newberry pride themselves on the gracious atmosphere their size renders possible. Victor Vaughan a small dormitory on Catherine be- hind the Hill, is the eighth wom- en's dorm. Other forms of housing for Uni- versity women include coopera- tives, where the girls share in housework and cooking to reduce expenses, and League hous, where no meals are served. The University's 22 sorority chapter houses accommodate between 20 and 50 girls each in privately- owned housing. Sororities Expand . Sororities are expanding rapidly, and building of additions and new houses grows accordingly. Alpha Gamma Delta and Alpha Xi Delta sororities will be in new houses, built last year. The Martha Cook building across from the Law Quadrangle on South 'Jniversity, is reserved for upperclass women who interview for residency in the spring and late fall. Its Venus de Milo greets the eye of the guests from her vista at the far end of Martha Cook's long central corridor. Women's housing is scattered at all points of the compass on the University campus-two dorms on State Street, six in the roughly defined Hill area, sororities in the Washtenaw-Hill St. neighborhood (a brisk walk, as rushees so'r. dis- cover) and small independEnt houses scattered randomly. Like Poverty Only senior and graduate women may have apartments, and then under special circumstances only. Architecture in dormitories ranges from the classic and his- I \ ,. m