Seventy-First Year . EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OP THE UNIYERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Wll PrevUsl STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ' ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. EDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL BURNS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Campus Takes Notes on Note Takers The Note-Taking Service:' Burden or Benefit? ro* 0... N ANY traditional institution, aspects of, change are viewed with a certain horror. Such seems to be the case with the University and the new note taking service. Students and professors alike seem to view it blindly as a detriment to the educational process, a lazy way to learn and so forth. ONE OF' THE issues raised to condemn the note taking service is, strangely enough, one of morals. It is believed that in obtaining a complete set of lecture notes, you have corrupted both yourself and the educational institution. The aspect of the note taking service corrupting those who subscribe is a a strange one. It assumes several things. One is that the student will not attend class if able to obtain complete notes. This is a low opinion of the student. It is similar to the professor who believes that he has to take attendance in order to assure his students' presence in class. Both are insulting. For some students, of course, having lecture notes will serve as a substitute for attendance. But in the same way, borrowing someone else's notes at the end of the year is possible and done. But, as these notes are possibly inaccurate and there is no aspect of profit involved, it is morally just. IN BOTH situations - mandatory attendance and note taking service - responsibility must be taken by the student. If the student. is mature and willing to learn he both will subscribe to the note taking service and attend lectures, whether mandatory or not. If a student cannot be trusted to acquire an education without restrictions and require- ments, he should not be in college. A college or university is not a place where the student should be coddled and forced to learn in the way the university feels is best, but rather an institution in which he is allowed to seek his own course, as long as he satisfies the requirements for graduation. / Nothing is sacred or holy about education. Changes can and should be made when it is demonstrated that a better method exists. THE NOTE taking service will allow the student to concentrate on the lecture that is being given rather than being little more than a personal secretary. Any person who is preoccupied with the transcription of facts and figures will not be able to properly analyze and absorb the totality of the information. Many professors literally beg their students not to take notes during the lecture, but to listen and take down the summary at the end. In effect, this is what the note taking service will do. A student can listen to the lecture attentively with the knowledge that he will receive a full set of notes afterwards. The superiority of having accurate drawings, charts and so forth cannot be disputed. ASSUMING the responsibility of the in- dividual student in an institution of higher' learning, it is hard to see what valid objections can be raised. A combination of going to lectures and buying lecture notes seems to be vastly superior to going solely to the lecture. Another argument raised is that use of the lecture notes is a lazy way to obtain an education. If two students obtain the same degree of knowledge, is the amount of work done by each a valid reason to condemn one? Even if you feel it is, how can this be measured? If one student goes to lecture an takes notes while a second goes to lecture and buys his notes, which one is more lazy? It is a mean- inzless concept to use. PERHAPS the only valid argument that can be advanced is the one of profit being connected with the present venture. If the note taking service is overpriced, a second group undoubtedly will appear to sell a semester of notes for eight dollars rather than ten. How, once the cost has leveled off to a reasonable level, considering the costs and the time spent, can you complain about the cost? If notes are going to be given to students to aid them in their studying, should not, the time spent in preparing them be rewarded? If the service is of value to some students in furthering their education, it should be accepted for that reason. It should not be rejected, though aiding some students, because of the personal negative reactions of others. --KENNETH McELDOWNEY Associate City Editor .t. Con .. ONE OF THE primary functions of University study is the development of an individual's facilities to assort, draw inferences from, and comprehend the myriad of information about him. The major part of a student's undergarduate education is derfved from the readings he is assigned. Hours of study over a text book or source materials develop a fine sense of critical interpretation of the written word. The printed thought, however, is motionless; it remains on the page for as long as we care to look at it, The undergraduate may learn to analyze each sentence before he moves on to the next. This is fine because in reading it is the student who approaches the thought. IN A LECTURE or discussion situation, how- ever, it is the thought that comes to the student. One cannot ponder too long over the meaning of an oral declaration, for the ensuing thought follows immediately. This forces the listener to evaluate and understand spoken words much faster than written ones. The student must develop the capability to judge the importance or relevance of each statement as it comes, or in the context of a whole spoken paragraph, a much more difficult chore. Since most of the contacts a person has with people during his lifetime are verbal ones, this is an essential skill to have. We may grapple with the philosophies of the "Great Thinkers" in written form and take years to reach our conclusions. The immediate world, however, demands direct action based on logic and intelligence which manifest themselves within moments. Because of this need, and for other budget and space reasons, the University has establish- ed large lecture sections, particularly in the freshman and sophomore years of the literary college.. For the most part, these lectures are a series of carefully planned and integrated talks by outstanding members of the faculty. In many instances, the lectures supplement the text materials, explain them, or draw them together to present a unified picture of the course to the beginning student. D URING THE lectures, the student attempts to discover the important things the speaker is saying and transform- them to notes that are pertinent to himself. No two people will consider the same thoughts as the impor- tant ones for it is apparent that an individual's interests are peculiar to his own personality. This does not mean that one should write down and remember only those things which particularly attract his attention. He is respon- sible for a certain understanding of the course materials and what they mean. Some students will argue that many lectures are merely reiterations of the text book or a simple-minded list of facts or formulas. Com- plaints like these are noted especially in the introductory courses in the natural sciences. IN SOME CASES these gripes are legitimate. The solution here, however, is not to skip the lectures and pay an exorbitant fee for some- one else's notes. One ought to work, however, to impress upon the department or the lecturer the need for a better series of talks, one that requires more than plain stenographic skill on the part of the student. If a lecturer honestly felt that the material he is presenting to his large size audiences is only a reading of simple ideas and easily- mastered concepts, he ought to duplicate his own notes (which are far superior to any single student's since they contain everything he says) and distribute them to his students. If he doesn't do this, and refuses to modify his lectures, he is wasting the time of everyone concerned. IN DISCUSSING the nlote taking service, one should also note what its implications are. The students who head this service claim that a subscriber can now attend the lectures, sit back, relax, and really enjoy the lecture. They imply that, since one's arms are free, popcorn and knitting might be brought along to enliven the atmosphere even further. The next day, when the notes are delivered, he can proceed to duplicate his efforts. It will take him twice as long to learn the same material. Realizing ,this, the wise student will not waste his time, but use it to the best advantage and skip his lectures to do other work. THIS WILL have two effects, First, it will cause half-empty lecture halls which may provoke embarrassed professors to require at- tendance of their students in order to avoid the humiliating remarks of colleagues. This will force the student to attend the lecture for which he is paying a rather high monetary ad- Crutch or Tool? To the Editor: IT SEEMS that a morality of edu- cation is at issue in the question of professional note-taking. Is a note-taking service an intellectual crutch or a valuable tool of edu- cation? If we choose the former, it is not the note-taker that we are condemning, but the student. It is his option to do as he wishes with notes, his own or others. Certainly one does not damn General Mo- tors for a drunken driver's negli- gence. However, if a note-taking serv- ice does not fall into the range of genus "crutch," must it necessarily be a boon? What needs are filled with a service of this nature? In a lecture there are more than merely central points. There is that which we must for lack of better termi- nology call peripheral information, the anecdotes or illustrations which aren't on exams or question sheets but make the differences be- tween complete understanding and partial understanding of the ma- terial; these data must receive only partial attention (if any) from the average student taking notes. SECOND, there is actual enjoy- ment to be derived from listening to an intelligent, knowledgeable man speaking on a subject which is interesting both to himself and to you, unencumbered by the busy job of taking notes. Third, a pro- fessor, aware that he doesn't have to slow down the rate of informa- tion for the sake of his students taking it down, will be able to put more into a lecture. Last, we come to what I would consider the most important function of a standard- ized, complete set of notes; a stu- dent actually has more material at his learning disposal and more time with which to learn. In this way more knowledge is imparted. If this is immorality, I am in favor of it. --Name withheld by request Arch Shock . . To the Editor: rfDAY I saw a shocking sight. In front of the Engineering Arch was a table set up for the business of selling lecture notes. "Twenty four hour free home de- livery" the sign said. I think that this is degrading both to the University administra- tion and to each and every student who is here for an education. PRESUMABLY, the person who would subscribe to such a service would not attend lectures. Why else would he buy someone else's notes? Certainly everybody in the lecture hall hears the same words from the lecturer. If, during the course of the lecture, something is said which needs clarification, the student can ask the lecturer for further explanation. Notes are someone's mental shorthand which stands for everything that person has heard. How is the person us- ing someone else's notes going to benefit from a personal experience and interchange with the lecturer? And how is this same person going to be able to know things said but not put down by the "professional" note taker? Aside from the above faults of this pre-packaged and pre-digest- ed method goes, the whole idea and principle of selling it is rot- ten. It implies a lazy, uninterested, and unethical student body. . I would like to see the "Univer- sity Study Service" put out of business. -Irene Tractenberg '62 Moral Subscriber .,. To the Editor: IT SEEMS that we have found a difference between learning and knowledge, and after that it seems that )people are duty bound to make a value judgement between them. For myself, when I regis- tered for Zoology I, I did so to learn material, not the art of dif- ferentiating importance. I am, and shall remain a moral subscriber to University Study Service, -Shelley Klapman, '63 Time To Think . . To the Editor: MONDAY marked the beginning of an innovation in our edu- cational system. Complete mimeo- graphed notes from the previous weeks' lectures were distributed in about fifteen subjects. Some students have indicated surprise that the University would permit such a system that will hinder its educational process. They felt that the notes would substitute for lecture, thus cur- tailing. a student's "stimulation that a good lecturer ought to pro- vide." But it seems to me that when a student must listen to a lecture, understand and coordinate the various thoughts, and copy these accurately and legibly, there is little time left for "stimulation." Moreover, when a student at- tends a lecture he doesn't under- stand, he leaves with nothing more than a set of meaningless notes Studying these is not going to be an asset to his education. A STUDENT USING the Uni- versity Study Service can do one of two basic things. He can attend a lecture without frantically copy- ing down all the lecturer says, but rather sit back, listen intently, take a few notes on major topics and pertinent ideas, and think. The next day he will receive a legible, complete text of the lec- ture supplying him with the facts. Or, a student can use these notes as a substitute for lectures. In this case he will gain the knowledge but lack the vitality and learning associations that are derived from hearing a lecture. But in all probability these would be' the same students who fre- quently cut lectures anyway and receive notes from a friend - at least now they have accurate, complete notes to copy! IN OTHER WORDS, this ser- vice, as well as any other aspect of education, is only as beneficial as the use each student makes of it. It seems illogical to forfeit some- thing that will aid a great many students because it will be mis- used by a few. He who uses these notes wisely will gain a deeper understanding of his subject; he who misuses them will be hinder- ing his eduation but have only himself to blame. --Sandy Gelden, '63 Willing Transgressor To the Editor: IN ANTICIPATION of the super- cilious "holier than thou" let- ters you are bound to get concern- ing the new note service, there are a couple of things which I would like at least the proofreaders of the Letters to the Editor to know, (they just might be the only ones who ever do . Now I'm not a particularly bright person, I've got to study for a while to learn something. And con- sequently, I've got to work hard if I want an A or B in a course. In zoology, I made a large drawing of a frog's skeleton, and put it over my bed. When the exam came I knew the frog. There aren't too many people that would call that immoral. Yet someone giving me a really fine set of notes, (I wonder how many of these con letter writers read the notes, and didn't stop at the blurb sheet), and allow me to listen to a lecture, and maybe comprehend it instead of playing scribe, is just a despicable ethical transgressor. Well I just can't see the difference. -Loren Fishman Clarification To The Editor: N answer to Harry Perlstadt's editorial of yesterday, we would like to again explain the policies for judging the Home- coming Display petitions. Petitions were numbered as they were submitted to the Home- coming office on October 3 and 4. In addition to this, each repre- sentative placed his signature next to the number his petition was given to insure their place of pri- ority. To guarantee impartiality the first page of the petition con- taining the name of the housing unit was removed in the presence of the submitter. * * * ' ON OCTOBER 4 WE judged the petitions in numerical order for appropriateness of theme and good taste. Those petitions meet- ing the first criteria were then judged for similarity in theme and approach. Similarities or duplica- tions in title were accepted if the approach to the theme was differ- ent, because in the final judging, the integration of title and physi- cal display, not just the title, will be considered. If the central ob- ject or focus of attention of the physical display was similar to one or more other displays, then the petition submitted first was the petition accepted. We sincerely feel that this is the inost equitable method of judging. -Barbara Greenberg, President Panhellenic Association -Myra Golnes, President Assembly Association -Dan Rosemergy, President Inter-Quadrangle Council -Jon Trost, President Inter-Fraternity Council -Jan Eberly, Homecoming Dis- plays Chairman -Ken Weaver, Homecoming Displays Chairman Foreign Matter . To The Editor: DURING the past several years I h a v e become increasingly aware of a very disturbing aspect of the University. I refer to the foreign student problem. Serious reflection reveals that their educational experience here is a waste of their time and money, as well as the University's. I think it is obvious that in the vast ma- jority of cases the foreign student is passing, but not learning. This "odd phenomenon" was amply demonstrated last year in the engineering college. I refer to the receipt, by the Dean's Office, of a letter from a firm in India, which stated in no uncertain terms that the quality of Indian students graduated from here was very low. -.* * PERHAPS THE FACULTY is trying to foster foreign relations rather than produce good engi- neers. In any event, I think this says very little for both parties concerned. If the foreign students are not benefiting from the scholastic op- portunities, are they from the oth- er sides-specifically the cultural exchange aspect of their stay here? I think not. I ask you, how can they ever really familiarize themselves with our ways if they can't understand our language? You've seen them in the segregated Residence Hall dining rooms being forced to speak ELI English. You've also seen them sitting clannishly in the Union, but are they speaking their ELI "dialect" then? Of course not. Nor do they speak English in their refuge from American society, the International Center. What kind of cultural exchange is this? several 'dramatic' techniques in order to describe the history and nature of the military stalemate, and to illustrate the pacifist ap- proach. *.* * THE PRODUCTION is pattern- ed after the realistic plays and fiction of the twenties and thirties, featuring a strict, ambiguous min- imum of props and furnishings. The dialogue consists of quota- tions from newspapers, scientists, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12 General Notices University Directory. Any additional information or corrections for listings already sent in, must be received in the University Directory office, 517 Adm. Bldg. by Fri., Oct. 16. For further in- formation, call Florence Boyd, ext. 2152. International Student and Family Ex- change. Open Wednesday-7 :30-9 P.M. change. Open Wednesday 7:30-9 P.M. and Thursday 9:30-11 A.M. Every week at the Madelon Pound House, 1024 Hi1 St. (Basement). Topcoats and sweaters for men and women. Infants' equip- went and clothing and children's clothing. These are available for all Foreign Students and"Families needing the above items Events Wednesday Sociology Colloquium presents Dr. Adam Saraapata, University of Warsaw, Poland, who will speak on "Evaluation of Occupations by Warsaw Inhabitants" on Wed., Oct. 12, 1960, 4:15 P.M., East Conference Room, Rackham Building. Events Thursday A Carillon recital will be played by Sidney Giles on Thurs., Oct. 13 at 7:15 p.m. in Burton Memorial Tower. The Walden Quartet of the University of Illinois--Homer Schmitt, violin, Ber- nard Goodman. violin, John Garvey, viola, and Robert Swenson, cello, will present a concert on Thurs., Oct. 13, 8:30 P.M. in Rackham Lecture Hall. In- cluded on the program will be composi- tions of Joseph Haydn, Elliot Carter, and Claude Debussy. This concert Is made possible through the courtesy of the Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foun- dation of the Library of Congress and the School of Music of the University of Illinois. Open to the general public. University Lecture: "Investigation of Organoaluminum Compounds by Mod- ern Physical Methods." Dr. Ernst G. Hoffman. Max-Planck-Institut fur Kohl- enforschung Mulheim (Ruhr), Ger- many. Thurs., Oct. 13, 8:00 P.M. Room 1300, Chemistry Building. University Lecture, Forestry in Great Britain, Prof. E. C. Mobbs, Dean, Dept. of Forestry, University College of North Wales. 4:15 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 13, 2082 Nat. Science Bldg. Lecture: Miss Margaret Webster will soldiers, politicians, and authors; and finally a debate between the narrator and one of the char- acters. The intention is to offer a variety of facts and arguments having to do with war in general and the indefensibility of modern warfare, and to then summarize the predicament and defend the pacifist argument. GIVEN THE NECESSARY limi- tations of a work whose sole pur- pose is to effective propaganda for a politically oriented position, rather than a less immediate ar* tistic attitude, the production was very well done, with a few excep- tions. The four characters moved through their several roles smooth- ly and dealt with adeptness with each. The skill with which they and the production crew handled their tasks made the work move swiftly and steadily, in spite of its natural patchwork quality. However, the appalling number of references cited was unneces- sary; repetition of arguments, many of them cited apparently only to contribute the weight of numbers and the force of the, n a m e s (Einstein, Schweitzer, Steven Crane, Kant, etc.) behind them, only served to prolong the already didactic multi-document. THIS REPETITION also em- phasized one of the obvious ques- tions that was carefully worked around each time it arose. Again and again a skeptic would ask: "How do we know the Russians will not attack us if we lay down our arms?" The usual answer was: If we don't disarm we will perish in a nuclear inferno, so we had better. The only suggestions that dis- armament might not mean defeat and slavery were a misleading reference to William Penn, who made a successful deal with the Indians in Pennsylvania, and one to Mahatma Ghandi, whose civil disobedience to the English in India has been repeatedly cited as successful pacifism. NEITHER OF THESE CASES seems to apply to the case at hand. The Communist world is hardly in the position of either the naked savages or the British Commonwealth; this is obvious. The point, ignored by the play, is that we do not have any way of knowing what Russia or China would do in the event that a Western country decides to stop this nonsense and end the arms race by disqualifying itself from competition. * * * PHILIP LEWIS WOULD pro- bably answer that this is irrele- vant, although unfortunate. The point his play has to make, and it makes it well, is that war is no longer tenable in view of the nwr a t h 411 ideto SO WHAT DO we have? If a poor education for these people contributes to national prestige, then, ineed, -this is a worthwhile project and should be continued. If a foreign garrison in Ann Arbor contributes to the exchange of cul- ture, then it too is a fine thing. But these benefits are obviously illusions. The fact is, the cultural exchange program, ELI, and the idea of the Superior American Education are each and every one a gross fallacy. --Name Withheld by Request To the Victors . . To The Editor: TH IS is Saturday Rfternoon. Earlier today, *wo strong teams faced one another before 77,183 people; the U of M team played as if, once again, they remember- ed they were Michigan men, and, as such, invincible. Duke ducked as the Maize moved. The cheerleaders, too, held the throng in awe with the amazing feats they performed for Maize and blue. The visiting bands, infected with Michigan Spirit, cheered with might and main. BUT WHERE was our band? The pre-game hors d'oeuvres were good, but there was no victory celebration. We lost the battle of the bands by forfeit. And to a high school! Twice, now, the sta- dium has failed to echo a well- deserved victory Victors. Even the cheers of the fifty or sixty thousand, who remained pa- tiently after the demise of Duke, were unable to persuade the band to play an encore. It is debatable why the good Doctor hesitates to commit his men, but unquestionably, by not playing, he disappoints many of his loyalest rooters. '!here is no music as beautiful as the Victors played in the Stadium by the Marching Band with its hats on backwards. -Simon L. Klein, '62E Berkeley's Stimulation To The Editor: ALTHOUGH it is admittedly dif- ficult to keep one's mind on studies in the attractive outdoor climate at the University of Cali- fornia in Berkeley, there is no such problem indoors. It is truly a shame that Daily Editor Hayden did not personally attend the summer session at Berkeley or he would have been intellectually stimulated by the teachers, be they professors or graduate assistants. Since these men devote a considerable portion of their time to research, they can and do offer new and chal- lenging ideas in the lecture halls, ideas which offer something sub- stantial enough to arouse the in- tellect, And they are interested in the passing on of this knowledge to their students who then have the opportunity to continue the search for themselves. This is education in the truest sense. -Andrea Patterson, '62 Berkeley Summer Session-1960 AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: Non-Violent Position Effectively .presented PHILIP Lewis' 'DocuDrama,' "Which Way the Wind," received an enthusiastic ovation from a large audience in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre last night. The purpose of the play is singular and explicit - to promulgate the Quaker idea of non-violence as the only solution to the dilemma which characterizes the present world situation. It is not, save perhaps in the broadest possible sense, theatre; however, it makes use of "Aren't You Fellows A Little Early For 'Trick Or Treat'?" k . Editorial Staff THOMAS HAYDEN, Editor NAN NIARKEL. JEAN SPENCER City Editor Editorial Director JDITH DONER ...........Personnel Director HOMAS KABAKER ,........ . Magazine Editor fill ! I I