Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
Sunny and clear today,
fair and cool tonight.
V ~-- ~ * j~
youJI.*.xm, No1. L1
-Daily-Larry Vanice
POLITICALLY NEUTRAL -- Author Paul Blanshard, in a
Challange address last night, analysed both Roman Catholic
and Protestant positions on the separation of church and state.
Blanshard Criticiz12es
Analyses Demoninations' Positions
On Relationship of Church, State
"The term 'bigot' is hurled about in this era as was the term
'pink' in the McCarthy era," Paul Blanshard said in a Challenge
address last night.
He termed himself "neutral as to the total merits of competing
candidates" in the national election, but objected to "Clerical Mc-
(arthyism" impeding discussion of the principle of separation of
church and state.
Blanshard also summed up Protestant and Roman Catholic
positions on separation of church and state and leveled a criticism
at the Catholic hierarchy.
Aid Unconstitutional
He commended Sen. John F. Kennedy's statement that federal
aid to parochial education is unconstitutional, but indicated that
To Speak
At Union
Democratic presidential candi
date Sen. John Kennedy will visi
the University late Thursda
night, as the first stop in his sec-
ond tour of Michigan this year.
The Massachusetts senator wil
arrive at Willow Run Airport a
11 p.m. Thursday and will b
hurried to the Michigan Unior
where he will address students or
the front steps for an uncertair
period of time, Ronald Pivwick
Michigan national committeemar
for the Young Democrats, said.
Kennedy will stay at the Unior
for the night and is scheduled
to leave at approximately 8:3
a.m. Friday in a car cavalcade tc
the train station. He will speak
briefly there before departing on
a day-long whistle stop campaign
through the state.
Kennedy's "advance man," Mar-
tin Underwood, is presently in Ann
Arbor completing plans for the
senator's arrival.
Pivnick said this is the first
time a presidential candidate has
visited the University and stayed
overnight here. The Young Dem -
ocrats and University Students for
Kennedy are aiding the county
and city party officials in making
arrangements for the visit.
Speaks in Pittsburgh
The Democratic candidate will
appear at a dance in his honor
in Detroit Saturday night, when he
will fly back into the state.
Kennedy said last night in Pitts-
burgh he cannot believe the Amer-
ican people will put their confi-
dence in a party and a leader
who, he said, commits this coun-
try to defending "two rocks off the
coast of China."
The Democratic presidential
candidate revived his clash with
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon
pver the Chinese Nationalist is-
lands of Quemoy and Matsu at a
wildly cheering party rally, the
Associated Press reported.
Bedlam broke loose in the Syria
Mosque when Kennedy entered the
hall after a strenuous day of
campaigning that took him into
the deep south for the first time.
Jabs at Nixon
Kennedy opened up by jabbing
at Nixon, his Republican rival for
the Presidency, as a man who has
called himself "a conservative at
home and a risk-taker abroad."
"I don't think the American
people want either in 1960," he
said to a burst of applause. "I
think they want someone who is a
liberal at home and careful
Kennedy seemed to be trying
to snatch the peace issue away
from Nixon in their dispute over
defending Quemoy and Matsu,
which lie close to the Chinese
Communist mainland.
Touch Off War
In their face-to-face television
debate last night, Kennedy said
that military leaders have called
the islands strategically indefen-
sible and that trying to hold them
against a Communist attack could
touch-off another world war.
"I cannot believe," Kennedy
said here last night, "that they
(the people) will put their confi-
dence in a political party and a
leader who commits us to the de-
fense of Quemoy and Matsu even
though he says in the same state-
ment that the people don't count,
even though it is admitted that it
is indefensible..."
For Capital
For Nixon
Vice-President Talks
In Western States
By The Associated Press
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
plugged vigorously last night for
Richard M. Nixon and Henry Ca-
bot Lodge, saying "I think we
could have found no two better,
men" to carry on Republican
policies which he finds highly,
The chief executive made his
first national campaign appear-
ance of 1960 on television in a
question-and-answer session with
ten women from as many states.
The only time Eisenhower show-
ed any signs of irritation with
Democratic critics of his adminis-
tration was on the first question,
asked by Mrs. Laddie Hutar of
Chicago, having to do with United
States prestige.
He cited the often-stressed fact
that the United States has yet
to lose a vote in the United Na-
tions. He said 120 heads of states
would hardly have come to Wash-
ington in his administration if
"they thought the United States
was a second-rate country."
Then the President reported
that in the past few days the head
of a neutralist state with which
United States relations are "cor-
rect but cool" had told him1
privately "when we really get in
BUC HURLERS--Reliefer Elroy Face (left) and Starter Harvey Haddix (right) celebrateI
triumph, in which Bill Mazeroski (center) drove in the two winning runs.
vs. ~ Nj5L
new "Service
Free Notes
The new student note - taking
service was launched yesterday
with the distribution of free intro-
ductory notes in nine courses.
Melvin Skolnik, '62, one of four
honor students directing the oper-
ation, said that the notes covered
last week's lectures in Anthropol-
ogy 31, Zoology 1 and 82, Geology
22, History 195, Astronomy 11 and
12, Psychology 31 and Social Psy-
chology 62.
Chemistry 3 will also be cov-
ered by the group, but approval
did not come through until last
night, precluding the distribution
of free notes.
'Considerable Response
The organization, which calls
itself the University Study Service,
is headed by Harvey Lichterman,
'62, Loren Fishman, '62, Michael
Heymann, '62, and Skolnik.
The latter reported that the
"response has been considerable.
Two phones have been kept busy,
and some 200 subscriptions have
already been ordered."
The service, as finally struc-
tured, involves two note-takers per1
lecture section. These students,
who are honor students enrolled
in the course, consolidate their1
notes and pass them on for edit-
Preliminary Editing
Preliminary editing is done by
a staff of three, with the final
approval of the four leaders re-
Lichterman said that the charge
for the service, if ordered for the
entire semester, will be ten dollars.
An alternate plan involves the
payment of five dollars for a four-
week trial subscription, with the
option of renewing it for the
seven remaining weeks at an addi-
tional cost of seven dollars.
Persons desiring the service in
three or more courses will be en-
titled to a reduction in the fiat
fee to eight dolars per subject, he
Lodge Rapped
For Position
-he had been severely chastised by
forces within the church for his
This conflict involves the
Spanish and United States con-
epts of separation of church and
state, with the Vatican reluctant
to accept the Catholic American's
preference for separation. Blan-
shard leveled his criticism at the
heirarchy, saying that if people
(including Kennedy) were the
determiners of Catholic policy,
there would be no problem.
He charged the Protestant
churches with more quantitative,;
although less serious, violations
of separation of church and state
where religion enters the class-
room in the form of exercises or
A predominant Catholic inter-
pretation of the "no establish-
ment" clause of the First Amend-
ment as barring only monopolistic
license and not unequal favors is
the rationale to which Blanshard
attributes the Catholic pressure
for federal aid to religion.
Neither the Protestant nor
Roman Catholic Church posits a
satisfactory solution to the prob-
lem of separation Blanshard ar-
gued. The Protestant Biblical
solution, "Render unto Caesar that
which is Caesar's and unto God
that which is God's," was not
intended to serve as a definitive
statement of political policy but
an answer to a "loaded" query.
The Catholic position that the
ecclesiastical and civil spheres are
limited according to their natures
but with the church in the de-
cisive position by reason of its
"moral mission" is an adequate
but not justifiable answer.
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's
tongue slipped last night in his
political television show with
women questioners.
He referred to the House of
Representatives as "The House
of Democrats."
Eisenhower quickly recovered,
And at the end of the half-
hour program he was going
strong. The announcer apolo-
getically cut off the sound por-
tion while Eisenhower still ap-
peared on the screen, talking
and gesturing.
a jam, we look to the United
States" to preserve peace and up-
hold the United Nations.
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon
hedge-hopped down the nation's
continental backbone today and
charged his Democratic opponent
with "glaring misrepresentation"
of Nixon's position on reclamation
water projects.
The Republican presidential
candidate visited Denver and
swung into an attack on a state-
ment by Sen. John F. Kennedy
that Russia would be outproducing
the United States in electric pow-
er by 1975.
To Debate
Red Acts
UN General Assembly voted over
Soviet protest last night to take
up the Hungarian question again
this year.
The Assembly put the question
on the agenda of its fifteenth
session by a vote of 54-12 with 13
The action had been proposed
by the United States and then
recommended by the 21-nation
steering committee.
Earlier, the Assembly voted 49-13
with 35 abstentions to put the
question of Tibet on the agenda,
as proposed by Malaya and Thai-
Both questions involve charges
of Communist aggression, in the
one case against Hungarian and
Soviet authorities and in the other
against Chinese authorities.
In the vote on Hungary, Indo-
nesia, Yugoslavia and Mali, a new
UN member in Africa, joined the
nine-nation Soviet bloc in oppo-
sition. In the one on Tibet, Guinea'
added her name to the list.
On both votes, only one of the
16 new delegations lately seated
in the Assembly---Cyprus-voted
in favor of debate.
Thirteen others-all in Africa-
were among those abstaining. So
was Cuba.
The affirmative votes in 'each
case included North America,
nearly all Latin America, Western
Europe and some of Asia.
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore.), a
member of the United States dele-
gation, pressed the American re-1
quest for a debate on Hungary.
Face, Haddix of Pir
Throttle Yankee Att
NEW YORK (M)--Elroy Face, the scrawny guitar-pl
the Pittsburgh bullpen, saved Harvey Haddix yesterday as
Pirates went one-up on the.New York Yankees with a 5-
the fifth World Series game.
Haddix, a 35-year-old left-hander who specializes
pitches, struggled in the early innings but allowed only thr
to the seventh,
When Tony Kubek and pinch hitter Hector Lopeze
with one out in the seventh, Man-
ager Danny Murtaugh came tor ds
with Haddix, Danny made a knee OVV.
high sign with his right hand, in-
dicating to the bullpen that Face, 41T
the man with the low fork ball, wat mCame
was the man he wanted. I
Near Double Play By MICHAEL L
Little Elroy made Gil McDougald B
force Lopez at second. He almost The second Soviet
was out of the inning with a four days visited the
double play but Bill Mazeroski's yesterday, toured its
throw to first pulled Dick Stuart and spoke to students
off the bag. It didn't matter for on his latest research
Face then struck out Roger Maris. Prof. Vladimir I.f
Face, who retired eight in a lowed the Friday vis
row after relieving Vern Law Sun- Oleg Alexandrovitchl
day, got Bob Cerv leading off the part of a scientific ei
eighth. But he walked Mickey tween the United Sta
Mantle on four straight pitches. Soviet Union.
He was the only Yankee to reach Prof. Spitsyn, who
base in Face's 2% inning workout. alone with state depa
Bill Skowron popped out and Yogi proval, was allowed t
Berra, pinch hitting for Elston part of the Universit
Howard, grounded out. "That is," Prof. Leigh
In the ninth, the Yanks went son, chairman of th(
down quietly, one-two-three. department explained
Pittsburgh greeted Art Ditmar cluding those projects
like a long lost cousin with three been deemed classified
runs in the second inning. The fense department. I ca
Bucs had knocked out the Yanks',inseepsomeno. Ihe
top winner in the first inning in in see some of the
Wednesday's opener. Especially Inter
Stuart Singles Prof. Anderson adde
Dick Stuart's single and Smoky Spitsyn had spent t
Burgess' double to the right field visiting the Phoenix
corner put men on second and Project, where work is
third with one out. Gino Cimoli, ried out in the field o
who had forced Stuart, scored eas- a topic in which he i
ily on Don Hoak's slow bouncer interested.
See PIRATES, Page 6 "This is the first ti
P s Stress
F installations
Request Sent to State
Lays Out Five-Year
'U' Building Scheme
A capital outlay budget of $120.8
million for the fiscal years 1961-65
inclusive has been approved by the
Regents and sent to the budget
division of the state Department
Primary emphasis of the budget .:
is on expansion of laboratory and
instrumentation facilities needed
in upper class and graduate pro-
P Wirephoto grams. Improvement of faculty of-
the Pirate fice accommodations is also give
h Phigh priority.
The request for 1961-62 totals
$16.2 million for new construction.
teS It includes a new music school
11 building, a fluids engineering
building planned for North Cam-
pus, the second unit of the medi-
a cal science building and additional
funds for the Physics-Astronomy-
Institute of Science andTechnol-
aying ace of ogy building. None of these were
the scrappy included in the appropriation ap-
2 victory in proved by the Legislature last
in breaking Include Buildings
ee hits going Requests for the year 1981-62
also include buildings for the den-
each singled tistry and education schools and
the architecture and design col-
lege, a mathematics building and
JS tS computing center, a laboratory
isits and office building for the engi-
neering college, expansion of the
heating plant and extension of
)US streets and utilities on North
"All these are urgent necessi-
INICK ties," Vice-President for Business
scientist in and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont
e University said yesterday.
laboratories, The capital outlay budget, al-
and faculty ways drawn up for a five-year
findings. period, is reviewed and renewed
Spitsyn fo- every year, Pierpont explained It
sit of Prof. is submitted to the state budget
it ovas as office, which in turn discusses it
xRhange be- with University officials and makes
tes and the recommendations to the legisla-
Is traveling A Separate Budget
aein g p A separate capital outlay budget
irtment ap- of $22.8 million for the Medical
o visit any Center has also been approved by
y he chose. the Regents.
Sc.hemistry The request includes a children's
" chmit hospital and a cancer, geriatrics
1 "not in- and chronic illness building to
which have serve the younger and older age'
i by thede- groups.
nt even get The University's capital outlay
request is formulated, on the first
ested level, by the schools' and col-
d that Prof. leges' individual analysis of their
he morning building requirements.
Memorial Their proposals are reviewed by
being car- University committees, measured
If radiation, against state and national stand-
is especially ards for higher education and sub-
mitted to the Regents for approval
ime since I before being sent to the state
a Russian budget office.
ed on cam-
rs ago, the Council W oos
ared all of
toR2ssians Pittsfield; Cuts
i' work done
for which ewer Costs
Shelley Berman Finds Self Very Dull' Comic
"I don't know what they're
laughing at," the tired man in the
tweed sport coat said.
"When I watch myself I find
it very dull."
But the American public evi-
dently does not agree with baggy-
eyed monologuist Shelley Berman,
as they buy his three albums in
record numbers, and pack in his
nightclub and tour performances.
"Nightclubs w e r e training
grounds for me," Berman contin-
ued. "People come to nightclubs
to chat and smoke and drink, and
if they're with women, perhaps
to hold hands and nuzzle a little
as they occur to him. "When I be-
gin a performance I have a men-
tal plan upon which I can deviate
and build," he said. "Never just
plain deviate."
Berman has no preference in
the type of audience he draws.
(Even if it's a vulgar, flatly eco-
nomic desire," he said, "I prefer
them all. And seriously, I hope I
really appeal to all.") However,
he added that he did hate to try
to entertain the "jaded."
"And students often think they
are the most jaded and sophisti-
cated of all," he continued. "Ac-
tually, they are the most naive
of people until they _realize that
contribution to society is more
important than beer parties and
O'Neill's- plays and 'Oedipus Rex'
and many modern playwrights can
say things better than I can?"
he asked.
"Brilliant lines are being said
and written every day. And I don't
want to deny myself this self-ex-
pression, this chance to appear on
stage with a great and imagina-
tive director, surrounded by fine
'Secret Mechanism'
Though acting can be develop-
ed through training, it is still an
art, Berman continued. And' the
facility for artisticudevice is a
"secret mechanism" over which
no one has control.
Unfortunately, there are people
can remember that
speaker has been allow
pus for any reason," P
son said. "Several yea
state department decl
this area off-bounds t
because of the classifies
in some of the laborat
The exchange plan,
traveling and visiting
were lifted, will brin
bers of the Russian p
Sciences to different
in the country. An eq.
of American researche
cuss their work in
'To Break Ice
"We hope that these
break the ice," Anderso
want to know what the
doing in the field of
we can exchange ideas
ings with them. These
here to discuss scienc(
nothing to fear from t
"The visits of both
within a week is purely
g 10 mem-
Academy of
ual number
rs will dis-
the Soviet
e visits will
n said. "We
ese men are
science so
s and find-
men came
e. There is
these men
The City bridged another rift
between Ann Arbor and Pittsfield
Township over city annexation of
township land for a proposed re-
search park last night, by reduc-
ing by 60 per cent a township bill
for city-installed sewer services
which had been disputed for two
and a half years.
The council approved the re-
commendation of City Adminis-
trator Guy C. Larcom, Jr., that
the township's bill for use of the
Swift Run sewer in December,
1957, first month the sewer opened,
be reduced from $3,762.99 to $1,-
The earlier charge had ap-
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